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Diane Whiteside | Dancers Make Magic

Hi, everyone! Big hugs to everyone here at Fresh Fiction for asking me to blog today. CAPTIVE DESIRES, my new paranormal romance and the sequel to CAPTIVE DREAMS, is published today!

CAPTIVE DESIRES is about Alekhsiy, the younger brother of Mykhayl, CAPTIVE DREAMS’hero. Thanks to dragon magic, he boldly crosses the void between worlds in order to stop the ultimate threat to his people. Unfortunately, this dumps him in the middle of a science fiction convention on Earth. His sole ally is Danae Livingston, the fan fiction writer he’s always adored from afar - and who just may be enough of a sorceress to wreck havoc upon his home...

Somebody whose creativity becomes reality.

DreamsWhen I wrote CAPTIVE DREAMS, it was so easy to make the heroine a writer and a magic worker at the same time. Talk about wish fulfillment! Of course, there are good sides and bad sides to that, which Corinne certainly got to experience. (Oh my gosh, the payback for making an ice serpent bite Mykhayl!)

But I believe everyone has a creative bone in their body; it’s only a question of how you express it. My mother can make wonderful shapes out of pastry dough, something I totally fail at, while my father was a fabulous woodworker.

When it came time to write Danae and Alekhsiy’s book, I needed to figure out Danae’s day job. But I wanted her to be different from Corinne in CAPTIVE DREAMS. Did she do something noble, like work long hours in a hospital, and escape for short periods into creating stories about Alekhsiy? (Never realizing, of course, that those tales actually happened to him.) Or did she work at something so boring that even naming it would turn off my readers? No, she refused to go down any of those paths.

Danae insisted on being just as creative at her day job as Corinne had been. I growled and settled back to watch one of my favorite TV shows, SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE, while I figured out what to do.

Is anyone else hooked on that show? Hundreds of young dancers compete for a chance to risk their bodies and their futures on twenty slots, which all boil down to only one guaranteed contract. I find it mesmerizing. I can’t watch even five minutes if I’m on deadline because I’ll have to watch the whole two episodes, drat it, just to see the competition and the results!

I’m not quite sure where this comes from. I sobbed so hard during my one ballet class that I was quickly removed. When I saw THE NUTCRACKER in middle school, I peered at what was going on backstage rather than onstage. (Yes, our seats were well off to one side, which provided a unique angle.) But one of my friends received her masters in dance at the same time I got my masters in computer science and we held each other’s hand. She played research subject for my artificial intelligence classes and I trekked across town late at night via subway to attend a wide variety of dance performances. Perhaps that opened my eyes and enriched my soul; I’m not sure.

I only know that dancers create magic. They can take me to a place where there is neither space nor time, only emotion. Hope and hunger, the lust for ever more dancing. The simple joy of living in the moment, especially because the body will surely give out long before the mind grows tired. The fire of feeding on the audience’s passion - and returning that back to them, multiplied a hundredfold.

That’s why Danae is a dancer and a sorceress, because they’re they’re really the same thing. She can make her magic come to life because everyone who sees her dance believes in what she does. Just the way I hope all of the young dancers on SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE will have long, glorious careers, simply because they were discovered on TV.

What’s your favorite creative escape? What would you want to come to life in the "real world?" A character from a book or a movie? Live out a song?


Two readers who comment below will win a SET of the Dreams: her new book CAPTIVE DESIRES and CAPTIVE DREAMS.




46 comments posted.

Re: Diane Whiteside | Dancers Make Magic

I'm not very creative but I do enjoy baking and decorating cakes. It takes a lot of time and work but the results aren't too bad and people enjoy them.

What would Ilike to come to life in the "real world?" Well, I just finished The Briar King by Greg Keyes and I want Asper White to walk into my life!!! What a great character. He's tough on the outside but a big marshmallow on the inside; I just loved him.

Tracey D
(Tracey Dent 3:49am November 2, 2009)

I want Vampires to be real and the good guys.there so sexy.Have you red Christine Feehan there is some sexy Vampires in those books.
[email protected]
(Stacey Smith 3:55am November 2, 2009)

I enjoy you blog as well as your books. You create such great individuals.
(Marjorie Carmony 6:34am November 2, 2009)

Thanks for the opportunity to read these books! I would love to come to life as a butterfly and just fly away! My best creative escape is talking about books that I have read and how they affected me.
(Joanne Reynolds 6:59am November 2, 2009)

Hi Diane,
First, I just want to say how much I love your Devil series w/ Brava!

My favorite creative escape...is painting. Although I never seem to make the time for it like I should. Either that or going to an art museum. I always come away feeling renewed and just plain happy after being surrounded by all of that beauty and inspiration.
(Carrie Divine 8:29am November 2, 2009)

Oh, Tracey, I love to watch people decorate cakes on the Food Network! How marvelous that you can pull it off. And a guy who's tough on the outside but a big marshmallow on the inside sounds absolutely perfect. Can I join your fantasy, too?

Stacy - I too love Christine Feehan's vampires. Some of her vamps could visit me any day.

Thank you, Marjorie! I do try to make my characters come alive on the page.

Joanne - Wouldn't it be wonderful to spread your wings and float through the air? But visiting bookstores is probably better done on two legs.

Hey, Carrie! Thanks for the good words about my Devil series! I too adore writing the historicals - and I'm in total awe of anybody who can paint. But I too love to visit museums and just visit the great art. I even love sculpture gardens.
(Diane Whiteside 9:30am November 2, 2009)

My favorite show is SYTYCD and I really enjoy the routines by Travis Wall, I was hoping he would have won when he was on! I also enjoy Dancing with the Stars and my pick is Mya to win, but I love Donny!
(Teresa Warner 9:42am November 2, 2009)

I'm looking forward to reading both Captive books (adding to my list now!). Thanks and congrats on the new release!
(Angela Hoagland 10:03am November 2, 2009)

I am a HUGE fan of paranormal romance! My favorite creative escape is kind of boring LOL! It is crocheting! I would love to be a character from a book in the "real world"! But moreso a character from a paranormal, time-travel romance book!
(Stefanie Finn 10:39am November 2, 2009)

I love your books too! I am not really very creative. I like to try alot of things, but am master of none. Reading is my favorite past time. Immersing myself in a book and letting the story take me away. I see the book unfold in my mind and it becomes a movie..days later I may mistake a book that I have read as a movie that I have watched...So I guess that is my creative venue. Taking the hard work of an author and seeing it as a movie.
(Kimberley Coover 11:03am November 2, 2009)

P.S. I want Donny to win DWTS! What can I say - crush still strong after all these years LOL
(Kimberley Coover 11:05am November 2, 2009)

My great escape is either doing graphic design or dancing. When I was younger I used to dream of being the next 'DEBBIE ALLEN' =[from the original "Fame' movie. I was self taught and even told by my college dance professor that I had a 'good chance'. I don't know what happened, LIFE I guess, not knowing the right path to take but eventually I settled into banking/ finance for 10 years before jumping back out into my creative world [professionally]. As a writer I get to relive those 'dreams' through my characters and sometimes when I'm nostalgic enough, I get up and dance my cares away.
(Kandie d 11:18am November 2, 2009)

Favorite creative escape? Reading--I guess I enjoy other people's creativity! Next up would be gardening and baking.
(G S Moch 11:46am November 2, 2009)

My favorite escape? reading, I can sit in front of the tv and read a book, not even paying attention to what's on, reading is certainly better than what is shown on tv.
I would love to see a "real" vampire from any of my favorite authors come to life and tell his story.
(Diane Sadler 12:06pm November 2, 2009)

Oh, Teresa, are you asking me to pick a favorite choreographer on SYTYCD??? Hah! Three cheers for Donny, though. Isn't he just showing those young pups a few new tricks? LOL

Thanks, Angela! I hope you like both Captive books.

Hey, Stefanie, I love crocheting. Not much good at knitting but a friend taught me how to fake it in crocheting.

Yo, Kimberley - watching a book in your head is brilliant! Do hear the characters' voices, too? Bravo!

Graphic design and dancing sounds awesome, Kandie d! Especially since you can work your cares away through them. Yay!

Wow, GS, you're a gardener? Isn't it miraculous to see things grow and become beautiful! I think that's just as creative as writing.

Diane - a reader adds a lot of herself, every time she reads the book. Discover something different, find a new character, add a new emotion in your life. I'm always amazed by what readers teach me about my own books.
(Diane Whiteside 12:42pm November 2, 2009)

I am not a very creative, but I like to get this just so when I am decorating, especially for Christmas or setting the table when I have guests for dinner..
I enjoy your "Devil" series and cannot wait until the next one is out. I have not had a chance to read your paranormals, but I have them on my tbr list..
(Kathleen O'Donnell 12:48pm November 2, 2009)

I love watching dancing, but my favorite passtime is/was/and will always be reading!
(Kelli Jo Calvert 1:18pm November 2, 2009)

Favorite escape is reading followed closely by Sudoku. Shapeshifters are already real, aren't they? When I see a member of the cat family move I think of shape shifters.
(Karin Tillotson 1:19pm November 2, 2009)

I love watching people dance or create something beautiful. I, however, have no such talent. My favorite escape is reading. I can be whoever I want in a book. Congratulations on your new release, 'Captive Desires'
(Rosemary Krejsa 1:40pm November 2, 2009)

My escape is reading. I carry a book everwhere I go, just in case I have to wait. I'm retired so I read & enjoy my 3 year old Yorkies, Spencer & Kirby.
(Pat Wilson 1:41pm November 2, 2009)

I love getting into a story it helps me unwind from my very hectic reality. Your books are lovely and I am so happy you share your vision with the readers!
(Darci Paice 1:42pm November 2, 2009)

My creative escape is writing and I took a Modern Dance course in college a while ago. More dancing on TV with Dancing With the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance and the yearly ballroom dance contests on PBS help give me the thrill of dance and none of the bruises and injuries. I don't know how they can get up to speed in such a short period of time.
(Alyson Widen 1:48pm November 2, 2009)

I'm a fan of cooking exotic recipes and just experimenting with old recipes to make them new. It would be fun to have my own cooking show or be a chef to celebrities.
(Jody Faltys 1:52pm November 2, 2009)

My creative escape would be making costumes or crafts, Looking at old houses and imagining lives long ago. We have a lot of History in my area, I would love to travel back in time and see what lives were like then.
(Theresa Buckholtz 2:10pm November 2, 2009)

I may be an exception, I am not sure I have any creative talents. I have always thought the world would be a better place if everyone would bust it in a song and dance periodically, like the musicals - Singing in the Rain would be a good one.
(Vikki Parman 2:58pm November 2, 2009)

Hello, and congrat on your new release! Love the cover of this book! I think the only creative talents I have is making quilts, and I do pretty well with that.
(Gail Hurt 3:52pm November 2, 2009)

Kathleen - A beautifully decorated table is so pretty! Just looking at the glasses sparkle in the light, the silver gleam, and the tablecloths glow makes me feel good. It takes a lot of creativity to pull all those elements together! Glad you enjoy my Devil series and I hope you find your way to my paranormals one day.

Hey, Kelli, isn't it awesome they're putting so much dancing on TV now? Yes!

Oh, wow, Karin, cats make me think of shapeshifters, too! Very elegant and yet dangerous at the same time.

Ah, Rosemary, isn't wonderful how many places have come alive in books for us?

Pat - Bet your Yorkies like to help you read, just so they can curl up against you!

Darci - Books are a wonderful comfort, aren't they? Thanks for welcoming me into your world!

Wow, Alyson, you actually got through a Modern Dance class? I am in awe! I too can't imagine how those dancers on TV can get so good so fast.

Hey, Jody, can I come over to your house some time and learn some of your recipes? They sound awesome!

Theresa - Old houses and costumes are a fabulous escape! I get a lot of my ideas from visiting old estates.

You're a girl after my own heart, Vikki. I too would like to folks singing and stomping through the puddles whenever it rains, especially on a day like yesterday. LOL

It would be wonderful if mythological creatures came alive, Josephine Marie. I'd love to talk to a unicorn.
(Diane Whiteside 4:02pm November 2, 2009)

Gail - quilting is a fabulous talent! Quilts can be so beautiful.
(Diane Whiteside 4:03pm November 2, 2009)

My creative outlets are writing stories,photography and crocheting. I like to take my camera out to the zoo or somewhere remote and capture nature at its' best!I love to hide out with a good book. They are my ways to escape when my mind is in overload. I would love to have fairies and unicorns be real or a cute little leperchaun! A nice one not an evil one!
(Lisa Glidewell 4:17pm November 2, 2009)

My creative escape is craft. I couldn't possibly sleep on a pillow case without the embroidery. Fairies dancing around my back garden would be delightful.
(Mary Preston 6:22pm November 2, 2009)

My passion is reading and gardening. But I would love to write and be published. I have several things I started but had to stop to take care of something else and never finished any. Retired Dec 08 but Alot of downs at this time are hindering my returning to finish a manuscript. A great looking guy (older) that does not have a large belly would be an added bonus..LOL
(Brenda Hill 6:48pm November 2, 2009)

My passion is dancing. I have had back and neck surgery's so can't always take part and have to be pretty careful, but when I can't dance (ballroom, swing, latin, etc.) I read, my other passion.

dancealert at aol dot com
(Brenda Rupp 7:09pm November 2, 2009)

Diane, congrats on your new release! This series looks awesome!

I'm not terribly creative myself, but I am a great appreciater of others' efforts, and dance is one of the things I most admire! I am fortunate to live where there are so many places to see dance of all kinds -- from traditional ballet to wacky or modern. And I always find it uplifting (no pun intended). I can't wait to read about your dancer heroine!
(Deborah Elman 7:29pm November 2, 2009)

I'm still trying to find my "outlet." I've tried painting, sculpture, etc. and, well, it's not been pretty. But I tried! I discovered tai chi two years ago and I think that might finally be my "art", my creative outlet. Only time will tell but I'm still doing it, just now starting my third year!
(Joyce Bair 7:45pm November 2, 2009)

My creative outlet comes from cooking and baking. Funnily enough when I was younger it was dance and I still love it.
(G. Bisbjerg 8:45pm November 2, 2009)

I like to let my creative spirit free in the
(Sue Ahn 9:14pm November 2, 2009)

Cooking and Baking are my creative escapes....however, the older I get the more I cleaning up the mess so I don't cook/bake like I used to.

If I could make a wish into my mirror and wish for a character to come to life and carry me away....hmmmm, I think I would take Jamie from Outlander Series...or at least the older Jamie because he's closer to my age.

I haven't read your PR books yet.....but I love your historicals. I'd take the Irish Devil anyday!!!
(Mitzi Hinkey 9:50pm November 2, 2009)

I read and cook to escape. I love to sit down and get lost in a good book or pick out a recipe and improve on it. I would love to read this series it sounds fabulous.
(Sara Hurt 10:13pm November 2, 2009)

I like to think I am creative in dancing. I would love that to be a reality and not something I dream about or read about in a book. My dream would be to dance the waltz with an amazing creative dance partner. If I would take lessons and practive my dream might come to life
(Barbara Ryan 10:56pm November 2, 2009)

Lisa - You actually manage to take good photos at a zoo? Wow! The animals always strike wacko poses behind bars for me. Congrats!

Faeries and embroidery sound awesome, Mary! You must have a gorgeous house and garden. :-)

Brenda, honey, you and I think far too much alike about having lots of irons in the fire!

You can do ballroom and Latin and swing, Brenda R? How fabulous! I hope your body gives you lots of time and grace to enjoy those fabulous dances. (Although books are a great escape, too.)

Isn't watching different kinds of dance fun, Deborah? One week I got to see traditional Spanish dance then the wildest form of modern dance. It was great and absolutely mind boggling. Glad you get to enjoy yourself around dancers, too!
(Diane Whiteside 11:06pm November 2, 2009)

Joyce - A very dear friend has taught tai chi for years. He's a true artist with it and I can see how much he's grown. You must have discovered something really special in yourself to have come this far. So keep on; it'll only get better!

G and Sue Ann - May I please visit your kitchens? LOL

Mitzi - I'm always looking for somebody else to clean up my kitchen, especially after a particularly spectacular creation. (Like my 4 layer orange cheesecake, for example.) The Irish Devil could definitely distract me too any day though!

Sara - Another fabulous cook! I'm getting hungry all over again.

Barbara - Isn't it amazing how the right partner makes a dance come alive? I hope you meet your dream one day!
(Diane Whiteside 11:12pm November 2, 2009)

I can't dance at all....I do love your Texas vamp series though.
(Ivy Truitt 11:13pm November 2, 2009)

So true. Anyone who participates in
the arts and "performs" is a magician.
Dancers, singers, potters, writers,
painters, sculptors, to mention a few
all change our lives and transport us
with their work. Just think how dull
our lives would be without them.
(Patricia Barraclough 11:54pm November 2, 2009)

First, congratulations on your new release-much success! I, myself, possess only a love and appreciation for 'artistic' people, they dazzle me with their skill,creativity, energy and the ability to have gravity-defying clothing remain in tact...and still I envy them!
(Dawn Raymer 10:46am November 3, 2009)

I always wanted to dance. As kid I watched the June Taylor Dancers on tv and dreamed of dancing, but dancers had to be taller than 5 ft back in the old days. I am not more than 5 ft...LOL I have not read any of your books let but do have them on my list to read. They sound great.
(Brenda Hill 9:31pm November 8, 2009)

I so want to win! I'm a dancer, but a swing dancer!
(Brenda Rupp 8:58pm November 9, 2009)

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