February 13th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Pamela Stewart

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Recipe for Passion
June 14, 2010

57 comments posted.

Re: How I Came To Sparkle Again (2:14pm November 29, 2012):

I live in a small town. Love giving directions just to see the confusion on people's faces.

Re: Mind Games (8:00pm May 25, 2011):

Great list1 Mind games sounds like another can't wait to read book!

Re: SEALed Forever (4:58pm May 20, 2011):

I've got SEAled with A Kiss on my kindle...it's on my todo list this weekend.

Re: It Happened On Maple Street (6:39pm May 19, 2011):

I'm glad to see this topic addressed. It takes guts and sensitivity to write about it. Good for you.

Re: Grimoire (10:01am May 15, 2011):

I love reading series romances. The secondary characters seem to take a life of their own and just have to have their own story. I'm glad you listened to yours.

Re: Bastian (1:09pm May 1, 2011):

Unfortunately, I don't think women and men can remain just friends, not close friends anyway. Every male friend I ever had a close relationship eventually hit on me and ruined a great friendship. It's great when it works out but not if you don't feel the same way.

Re: Total Abandon (5:46pm April 30, 2011):

Ebooks are great except that I find myself in a bookstore 24/7. Once I broke down and started reading digital books, I found that I loved the convenience. I still have a ongoing relationship with my local library. Probably always will.

Re: Never A Gentleman (8:20pm April 26, 2011):

I haven't read "Never a Gentleman" but I do love emotional roller coasters. It does make for a dramatic ending!

Re: The Devil in Disguise (8:54am April 23, 2011):

Of course I love the contests. I also like links to an author's favorite sites on the web. Specials and discounts on books are an added bonus.

Re: Cowboy Fever (9:44pm April 13, 2011):

I'm in love with cowboys...must move to Montana! It's funny though, if I had to pick a couple from a book it would be Penelope and Colin from Julia Quinn's Bridgerton series. However my favorite hero is Sebastian from the same series. I guess I'm on a cowboy kick with a stop in England every now and then!

Re: A Song For My Mother (11:24am April 9, 2011):

My mom and I had very different tastes, mine more to romance novels while she loved cookbooks and history. Still, she managed to pass a few of her recipes to me that I will treasure always.

Re: A Lot Like Love (7:49pm March 24, 2011):

I like them both. It all depends on the story. Sometimes it has to be instant attraction...it just fits their personality. And then, there's those I've always loved you romances that become so special because they've waited for so long. A good story is still a good story either way!

Re: An Unlikely Countess (1:42pm March 19, 2011):

It depends on the story, but I don't think my hero would be satisfied staying in a bad situation. He is smart, driven, handsome, and able to better himself. Ah, if only the perfect mad existed!

Re: Tyler (2:13pm March 17, 2011):

I forgot to check the contest box! LOL!

Re: Tyler (2:12pm March 17, 2011):

I love trilogies! I love westerns! And I'm already in love with Tyler!

Re: So Close The Hand Of Death (5:47am March 15, 2011):

This sounds very suspenseful. Taylor must be one tough lady.

Re: Angel's Rest (10:18am March 12, 2011):

Congrats on a new start! Good luck!

Re: What I Did For A Duke (12:35pm March 10, 2011):

I love series books. I do hope to catch up on all of them.

Re: Staying At Daisy's (8:32pm March 7, 2011):

So much can happen in a hotel... a chance meeting, a handsome stranger, a mysterious woman. I'm sure you won't disappoint us.

Re: Animal Magnetism (1:58pm March 5, 2011):

Inspiration can take all forms! I'm really looking forward to your new hero! He sounds irresistible!

Re: Scandal of the Year (1:32pm March 4, 2011):

I like your car idea... and the freedom it gives women. No companions necessary!

Re: Wicked Seduction (5:59am March 2, 2011):

No, but it sure makes for great reading!

Re: Against the Law (11:09pm March 1, 2011):

I love all your books. I can't wait to catch up on this new series!

Re: His, Unexpectedly (1:51pm February 25, 2011):

I love road trips, but I'm getting ready to take on with a two year old and a six year old. I may not love them for long!

Re: Beneath The Night Tree (12:01pm February 18, 2011):

First love as true love. That's such a sweet idea and perfect for a romance novel, but only for the lucky in real life. I still like reading about it though!

Re: RiverTime (5:43am February 16, 2011):

Who wouldn't like to be marooned on an uninhabited beach with a handsome man? Sounds like a fun book!

Re: Love Me If You Dare (5:45am February 14, 2011):

Happy Valentine's Day to all! My favorite part is reading all the cards in the stores. Love all the smush!

Re: Breaking the Rules (10:54pm February 12, 2011):

I've ordered Sex On The Beach cause I really like Sex On The Beach! LOL, just the drink...never tried the other!

Re: The Mistress' House (8:20pm February 10, 2011):

Oh my! 3 in 1 sounds like a winner to me! I love your books and this one sounds delightful!

Re: Society's Most Disreputable Gentleman (9:08pm February 9, 2011):

I adore bad boys! When the rake falls, he falls hard and lucky is the lady that snares him. He will be hers forever, at least I like to think so!

Re: These Things Hidden (10:45am February 6, 2011):

A good mother means having days when you feel you are the worst mother ever. And then smiling when you get a hug and a word whispered in your ear, "You're the best mother ever."

Re: Everyone Loves A Hero (5:42am February 2, 2011):

I'd like to think that everyone has many moments when they make a difference. I think that the moments we think matter the most pale beside the ones that actually rocked someone's world...in an encouraging word or a small action that seemed quite unimportant at the time.

Re: The Irish Princess (8:11pm February 1, 2011):

I'm sure it's going to be a great read. I am impressed by the amount of work you put into it!

Re: Real Vampires Have More To Love (8:38pm January 4, 2011):

Only if he was my true soul mate...but I might want to look a bit first!

Re: Against The Wind (5:47am January 3, 2011):

I love trilogies, but only if they are an actual continuation of the previous books. Some just throw in a name from the others and start anew. I enjoying revisiting the characters.

Re: Red Ink (8:03pm December 28, 2010):

I'm glad your imagination is not limited to just what you know.

Re: Pay Up (3:24pm December 23, 2010):

I like my heroines innocent but feisty. Sometimes not knowing what you don't know is all the fun. Of course, when you have a handsome hero to teach you, even more fun!

Re: The Irish Warrior (2:30pm December 21, 2010):

I haven't read The Irish Warrior but I loved the excerpt. One of my favorite lines that brought quite a chuckle was:

Holding her stiff smile, Senna said through unmoving lips, "You may attack them now."

Re: The Winter Sea (1:09pm December 20, 2010):

The Winter Sea sounds awesome!

Re: The Heir (1:27pm December 16, 2010):

Historical romances are my absolute favorites! Give me an Earl, a Duke, and especially a RAKE any day! I would love to be a winner!

Re: Wolf Fever (12:47pm December 15, 2010):

I am thrilled with the premise of your books. As for the flu, when I am sick I live on orange juice, rest, and reading. The reading part almost makes it worthwhile to get sick!!

Re: Jane Slayre (4:00pm December 5, 2010):

My favorite thing was always decorating the tree, and saving the star on top for last.

Re: Outrageously Yours (8:58pm November 30, 2010):

I'm thinking I really want to read this book!

Re: Second Chances (8:26pm November 30, 2010):

If it's in a book, I don't like them being separated for years...too bittersweet for me. In real life, I know a couple that met 20 years later. she had never married and they fell back in love and married. Very romantic in real life because I could only see the happiness not the lonely years.

Re: Holiday Grind (12:43pm November 5, 2010):

I just love cuddling up with a good book and a nice hot drink. It sounds like the book and the recipe are both winners.

Re: The Snow Globe (8:33pm November 3, 2010):

The first time I held my first grandchild. I had been given the most precious gift ever.

Re: An Accidental Seduction (12:09pm October 28, 2010):

I love your cover. It makes me want to read your book, of course. As for my hero, there have been so many in my life that I couldn't single out just one. I think everyone has the power to be a hero at one time or another.

Re: My Dearest Mr. Darcy (1:45pm October 22, 2010):

My favorite birth scene wasn't from a movie or book. It was from watching my two grandchildren being born. Now that's a classic that will never go out of style.

Re: Seducing The Duchess (8:45pm October 6, 2010):

I am not ashamed to read romances because I love the escape they give me. I can't even imagine why anyone would even think that. And I can't get enough of them. Yours sounds divine.

Re: Sinful in Satin (1:03pm October 2, 2010):

I dream from my point of view as unimaginative as that may be. My worst dream that I seem to keep having is that I go on a beach vacation and the beach is closed or horrible. I think I read somewhere that going uphill or up a ladder was a sign that you were going to have a struggle. Although if you made it to the top you would come out triumphant!

Re: The Spurned Viscountess (1:52pm September 30, 2010):

It sounds wonderful!

Re: The Bride's Necklace (8:36pm September 28, 2010):

I do admit I read the back cover before I make a decision about whether to buy a book. A good front cover will grab my attention and cause me to pick it up.

Re: Love Me (4:16pm September 24, 2010):

I am seriously drooling!

Re: For the King's Favor (8:11pm September 22, 2010):

I consider reading historical romances my favorite hobby. Your book sounds wonderful!

Re: Warrior (1:19pm September 11, 2010):

My best fan moment is when I found Julia Quinn's books. Now I'm spending my weekend reading about all the handsome rakes and enjoying her humor!

Re: Revenge for Old Times' Sake (1:15pm July 17, 2010):

"Now I ask you, is that something a mother should say to her impressionable thirty-four-year-old child? I told her as much.

I might have been less flippant had I known the man was dead."

That was just the funniest thing I've read in quite awhile. I love murder with a sense of humor.

Re: Desire Me (10:17am June 8, 2010):

I used to have scavenger hunts for birthdays. They were lots of fun

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