March 31st, 2025
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March Into Romance: New Releases to Fall in Love With!

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As Lady Phoebe and her betrothed say their vows of holy matrimony, a killer has vowed unholy vengeance on the town�s chief inspector . . .

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A soldier-turned-duke and a widow: a forbidden love story awaits!

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Pregnant sheriff. Abducted baby. Can they solve this deadly mystery in time?

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A cowgirl with grit. A cowboy with control. Will they tame each other�s hearts?

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A sculptress. A war. Will ambition or love define her future?

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Coffee & crime were never so much fun!

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Can a painful past and a deadly secret heal a fractured relationship?

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Saving the ranch and his heart�one business plan at a time.

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A twist on Shakespeare�s classic�romance, comedy, and a little meddling!

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Disappearing girls, a blood moon, and a thriller that will keep you guessing.

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

Kathleen Conner

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79 comments posted.

Re: Mystery Spring Fling (10:36pm March 23, 2014):

What a fun contest, thanks!!

Re: Kissing My Old Life Au Revoir (11:52pm July 23, 2013):

I think this is incredibly brave, giving up all our safety nets like that.

Re: When The Morning Glory Blooms (5:54pm May 21, 2013):

I've moved so much, that I've learned to allow things to change--people move into your life, and people move out. Most people stay in one place and don't experience that, I guess, but I'm comfortable with the process at this point.

Re: Identity Crisis (3:43pm March 28, 2013):

I remember reading about how there are just as many authentic pieces that were mistakenly declared forgeries! And that it takes someone extremely high in the field to "overturn" the original pronouncement.

Re: The Forsaken (3:41pm March 24, 2013):

I've had some dreams at difficult times, and I believe that they were angels. So I also know that they are real. =)

Re: Buried In A Bog (2:00pm March 17, 2013):

I've been to Ireland, once, several years ago. Unfortunately, we didn't have time to see much of the famous countryside, and nothing at all on the Western half. Mostly, I want to go back and drive around and absorb the scenery!

Re: A Risk Worth Taking (1:40pm March 10, 2013):

I like escapism, where nothing really bad happens to anyone!

Re: Protector (2:49pm March 2, 2013):

I always have a book, and never mind waiting in line! =)

Re: Into the Spotlight (2:49pm March 2, 2013):

I love the new series Vegas, with Quaid and Carrie Moss! It's so well done.

Re: Greta and the Goblin King (2:35pm February 24, 2013):

I love Fall, because of all the colors!

Re: Murder Hooks a Mermaid (12:28pm February 18, 2013):

Fellow travelholic here! The very top of my list (and it's a long one) are the Galapagos Islands

Re: The Eldritch Conspiracy (1:03pm February 12, 2013):

About 50/50. For me it's about the special effects. Take The Lord of the Rings trilogy--the books were great, the movie was great, but the special effects put it way over the top for me. I think that seeing things in movies often increases your own imagination.

Re: Cupid?s Shaft (12:35pm January 25, 2013):

It's interesting to me that men tend to look at pictures, and women read. I think that means women use their brains more! =)
Once Upon a Wedding.

Re: Finding Home (2:15pm January 13, 2013):

My mom used to take me on these really long bike rides whenever the weather was fantastically beautiful. We'd choose a new route every time. Those are some great memories!

Re: South Of Surrender (1:58pm January 9, 2013):

I like the excerpt: "I'm sorry," he said, rubbing his lips, regret a rock in his stomach.

Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (2:30pm December 26, 2012):

My husband and I move around a lot, so every year we tend to happily think of some of the wonderful places that we've lived and celebrated Christmas.

We also talk about how each year seems to keep getting better and better, and it makes us wonder where we will be and what we will be doing in a few years! =)

Re: Betrayed by Shadows (1:02pm December 17, 2012):

I don't care if she's "prickly", but I don't like reading about people who aren't "nice" (and I don't consider them to necessarily be the same thing).

Re: Jane's Gift (5:19pm December 8, 2012):

I'm looking forward to reading Fourth grave Beneath
by Jones, Darynda.

Re: Wolfishly Yours (12:56pm November 23, 2012):

I haven't heard of wolfs in historical England--great idea!

Re: Ashes Of Twilight (10:03am November 17, 2012):

How funny--I remember that episode! I was crazy about that show, which was the first to trigger my imagination.

Your book sounds interesting, thanks.

Re: The Twelve Clues Of Christmas (3:05pm November 11, 2012):

A few years ago, my husband and I spent Christmas in London! It was amazing--we did all the traditional things, especially eating plum pudding, etc., and drinking hot toddy's, things like that. And we watched the Queen's Address, which was a blast!

Re: What The Cat Saw (4:06pm November 10, 2012):

What a unique idea, I'm looking forward to reading it! =)

Re: Christmas On Mimosa Lane (8:30pm November 8, 2012):

Tinker bell (& other fairies) =)
I liked what I read, thanks.

Re: Iced Chiffon (2:01pm October 28, 2012):

If you like BBC's Sherlock, have you tried BBC's "Zen" miniseries with Rufus Sewell? It's based in Italy, and they are great!!!!

Re: Death, Taxes, and a Sequined Clutch (12:31pm October 16, 2012):

No, I think it's best to get poisonous people out of your life. Revenge may feel good, but that just keeps them in your life longer.

Re: A Home For Nobody's Princess (10:48am September 25, 2012):

I've moved a ridiculous amount throughout my life, so to me, Home is never a place, it's about enjoying the people you're with.

Re: Boyfriend From Hell (10:45am September 24, 2012):

I really love the supernatural books out there,and am always excited to try a new series! Thank you

Re: Deadly Little Lies (11:44am September 18, 2012):

I grew up in a very religious household, where I was only allowed to read fiction. Fortunately for me, C.S.Lewis was considered "religious", so I was allowed to read the Narnia tales. Those books opened my world, and I went on to read his very adult sci-fi books, such as the Space Trilogy. Now, I love anything that inspires creativity and imagination.

When I was just out of grade-school, we were told to read Mockingbird, which was horrifying to me. I'm actually grateful that my mom went in and complained, so they reassigned me another book to read. =)

Re: The Curse (11:39am September 16, 2012):

I do only print. Part of it is that I enjoy having a book in my hands, but the other part is that I already spends many hours a day looking at a computer screen, and I'm not sure that it's wise to add my reading time to that scenario! And I don't have a Keeper-Shelf, I have a Keeper-Bookcase! =)

Re: A Lady And Her Magic (2:24pm September 14, 2012):

I can't think of anything like that.I was always moving on to the next thing that interested me.

Re: Kiss Of Steel (2:22pm September 14, 2012):

I guess I go for the tortured hero. I love the TrueBlood series (both book and HBO), but I like Bill much more than Eric!

Re: One Wrong Move (1:33pm September 12, 2012):

What a unique idea--it sounds great!

Re: Chasing a Dream (11:48am September 11, 2012):

Ten years ago, everyone told me that we couldn't put all our stuff in storage and backpack the world for at least a year. We came back from our travels 1 yr 11 months later, and then did it again about 5 years ago! =) Hopefully, we'll do it again, too!

Re: In Rides Trouble (12:12pm September 7, 2012):

I like romance books with strong women, because I identify more with that type of character.

Re: A Cup Full Of Midnight (12:11pm September 7, 2012):

It adds an extra dimension when there are books that have authentic local flavor. I love to travel, so I often put places on "my list" because the book makes them sound interesting!

Re: Every Breath She Takes (12:52pm September 3, 2012):

That's an interesting story. I'm always inspired by authors who successfully have books republished, (often with incredible success) 10, or even 20+ years after it was written. It always reminds me to do what feels right and not be attached to the outcome, because you never know what the future will end up bringing!

Re: Magic Gone Wild (5:41pm August 31, 2012):

This sounds good! I love magic/supernatural, and especially love books that make me laugh. =)

Re: Immortally Yours (9:54am August 27, 2012):

Funny idea--It reminds me of the TrueBlood news clips.
I like the "Sit, Sit, SIT! Tips for Training Your HellHound"

Re: Blame It On Texas (11:57am August 26, 2012):

My very favorite books always have humor in them. I think it must be hard to write, because I'm always surprised how tricky it can be to find. I'm glad to have found you!

Re: Florentine's Hero (12:46pm August 25, 2012):

I love a story with a manly man =)

Re: Desire The Night (10:56am August 20, 2012):

I agree with you. The only thing that I've never understood is how people can happily read (or watch on TV) the most horrific crimes with pain and suffering, but get upset over (swear) words. My mother-in-law was like that, and I never got it. But everyone has different buttons, I guess.

Re: Allergic To Death (11:57am August 19, 2012):

I like light-hearted mysteries, no gore for me, please! So this looks right up my alley! =)

Re: Deep Blue (1:52pm August 14, 2012):

I've been on a cruise once, but it's a cool story. My husband and I were going to England, and were complaining about airfare. We decided to "think outside the box", and ended up booking a one-way cruise on the QM2/Cunard! When you count the room nights, it cost about as much as flying and paying for hotels in England. It was very luxurious, and there was tons of stuff to do. Chance of a lifetime, but I may be spoiled now! =)

Re: A Brew To A Kill (10:56am August 7, 2012):

I love your trailer-that's great idea. Sounds interesting.

Re: The Last Victim (2:09pm August 5, 2012):

I think that one of the hardest things in life is to follow your inner voice, but still be open to the ideas of others. It's a very tricky balance; it appears that you have figured out how to do this!

Re: Wicked At Heart (4:13pm July 28, 2012):

Thanks for the great excerpt! Who doesn't love the tortured hero? =)

Re: It Begins with a Kiss (11:36am July 3, 2012):

The quality of everything has increased so much in the last 15 years, because it's so much easier to research anything, and research it well. I love that books (and movies) have, for the most part, become so historically accurate. Just like your book!

Re: The Princess and the Outlaw (1:55pm July 1, 2012):

I do a lot of computer work, and it can be monotonous. I enjoy getting TV series and having it on in the background--I'm watching all sorts of series I've never seen before!

Re: Sins Of The Angels (11:34am June 24, 2012):

I'm not surprised--how great to be fully in charge of an entire world! =)

Re: Diamonds Are Truly Forever (10:45am June 4, 2012):

I don't lie about myself or anything I've done. If I'm too embarrassed to admit it, then I shouldn't have done it. Sometimes people ask a question and obviously want to hear a certain answer, (and I think it's a judgement call every time), but if it's not important in the grand scheme of things, then I don't mind telling them want they want. If I think they can handle my honest opinion, I give it, but people can be really stressed right now, and I think it's really important to help people de-stress. Quite frankly, if you listen carefully, a lot of people ACTUALLY tell you what they hope you will say.

Re: Seeker Of Shadows (10:33am May 30, 2012):

The Hunger Games. I just can't get past the pervasive violence and cruelty. It didn't make up for excellent writing.

Re: The Reason Is You (12:51pm May 21, 2012):

I hope I'm understanding your question right, but I think the tease is that men are so action-oriented, which is part of the "get to it". I think this is a gift that women bring to men--to live and relax in the present, and to enjoy the process of love and lovemaking.

Re: Royal Street (12:46pm May 6, 2012):

I'm always on the lookout for new supernatural series to go in my library. Sounds great!

Re: The Vampire Shrink (2:37pm April 27, 2012):

My husband and I were up at the Tetons, and we each saw a different ghost in the middle of the night. Mine was a malevolent male, who wished me harm. It seriously freaked me out. We left as soon as it got light out.

Re: Enraptured (11:39am April 26, 2012):

I would say Sauron from the Lord of the Rings. Great books, and great movies.

Re: A Plain Death (2:06pm April 14, 2012):

That's a great story. Whenever something bad happens to me, I have learned to be patient, that's there's usually something else going on. Something I can either learn from, or there's an opportunity opening up that I wouldn't have considered otherwise.

Re: The Wolf Who Loved Me (3:33pm April 12, 2012):

No, I've never done anything like that.

Re: One Hot Cowboy Wedding (11:54am April 8, 2012):

All of the above! The Cowboy is the American "knight of the Middle Ages"!

Re: A Seal In Wolf's Clothing (9:58am March 16, 2012):

Love the imagination used for werewolfery. =) Your book sounds great! (Sorry, hit the wrong button, in case this double-posts).
I definitely think hot and sexy.

Re: A Seal In Wolf's Clothing (9:56am March 16, 2012):

Love the imagination used for werewolfery. =) Your book sounds great!

Re: Hellsbane (3:10pm March 15, 2012):

I'm such a light sleeper, I have both white noise, and a CD by Steven Halpern that I listen to. It's all the little noises that jolt me, at night or during the day.

Re: Sketch a Falling Star (11:06am March 12, 2012):

Wow, that's pretty focused. It actually sounds like a type of meditation-effect.

Re: Dire Needs (10:42am March 5, 2012):

When a story is very good, then I love a series. But I HATE cliffhanger endings, and rarely read any series that do that. I mean, you have no idea when the next book will come out, it may be over a year. Occasionally, I've read such a series, but only when it's been out for years and years, and I have all the books lined up and so don't have to wonder what happens. That's my 2 cents... I'm glad to see that werewolf-books are "coming into their own"; yours sounds interesting.

Re: A Sliver Of Shadow (11:53am February 29, 2012):

I think that instant love can happen, but it's unusual. But I do believe that it happens with some people, and when they recognize it, it's their intuition talking to them.

Re: Clobbered By Camembert (12:09pm February 25, 2012):

Oh, this looks good.I feel like I'm in France or Italy. Definitely going to pick up your books!

Re: Chosen By Sin (6:23pm February 1, 2012):

Sounds like you have a little "Sanctuary" going on--I like it! =)

Re: Chosen By Sin (12:57pm January 31, 2012):

I started reading paranormal less than a year ago, and have been amazed at how clever and imaginative they can be. I'm always on the lookout for new authors, and appreciate the samples we get on Fresh Fiction. Look forward to trying it!

Re: Dreamers (5:09pm January 21, 2012):

This looks like a great book. Personally, I find that as soon as I figure out who I am, God laughs, and I change (a.k.a."Grow"). =)
Thanks for the contest, also.

Re: Lure of Song and Magic (7:15pm January 18, 2012):

I think that what we call Magic is different dimensional laws that we just don't understand yet.

Re: Lover's Leap (12:16pm December 29, 2011):

These look like great books, and I love your embedded video-promo. One question, though--where is the location of the town by the lake in the very beginning? It's beautiful, and I don't recognize it...

Re: Sleight Of Paw (11:22am December 18, 2011):

My husband and I were on a trip-of-a-lifetime in Australia, and went to one of their people-friendly zoos. They had an exhibit where you got to feed the birds; you held out dishes of food and the colorful little birds landed all over you to eat! Being an animal lover, this was a truly wonderful experience. We asked a nice young man to take some pictures of us, and he took many, with us beaming at the camera. (This was before digital.) When we got home to the States and developed the pictures, we saw that, for reasons completely unknown, he cut my husband out of every single picture! In every picture, I'm off to the side, and you can see my husband's hand around my shoulders, or a bit of the side of his body... We were a little upset, and definitely disappointed, but the whole situation was so bizarre that now it makes us laugh, and we wonder what was going through this man's head that day. =)

Re: Dreaming Of The Wolf (12:09pm December 8, 2011):

I think the werewolves-theme is a great one, there are so many different interpretations. (I love your covers, by the way)

Re: Miss Darcy Falls in Love (2:04pm November 28, 2011):

What an interesting idea for a book--I'll look forward to reading it!

Re: The Spy Who Left Me (12:57pm November 25, 2011):

That's easy--I love getting books as Christmas presents! =)

Re: The Highlander's Heart (4:36pm November 16, 2011):

Looks like a great book. I never seem to get tired of Highlanders. =)

Re: A Maverick For Christmas (6:15pm October 30, 2011):

I feel very fortunate. My mother and sisters were not supportive of me, because I am different from them in many ways. I met my husband over 20 years ago, and he has always been supportive, giving me unselfish advice, and wanting me to grow and be happy. One loving person really can make up for several less-than-loving people.

Re: Chaos Tryst (7:13am October 2, 2011):

This looks good! I like humorous books, and am going to check this out.

Re: The Norse King's Daughter (7:08am October 2, 2011):

I never get tired of your books. I especially like the humor, which is always clever and helps keep me in a good mood. Looking forward to reading your new one!

Re: Jennifer's Garden (9:27pm September 25, 2011):

I'm looking forward to reading this!

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