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Laura Kaye | Bromance in Romance


I'm thrilled to be back at Fresh Fiction to celebrate my birthday! Woohoo! I've got a fun post and a great giveaway just for you! Read on...

In any romance, the hero and heroine are the main event, of course. And I love a good romance where I can route for them to get together and find their happily ever after. But I also really love those stories where the romance also has an awesome bromance - a long-standing, tight friendship between two or more of the male characters.

There are a lot of reasons I enjoy these male friendships. First, the men in these relationships usually don't pull punches—they tell it like it is, don't let each other get away with anything, and give each other the swift kick in the butt that's sometimes needed to make them man up. Second, bromantic relationships often offer great moments of comedic relief. The banter and good-natured ribbing between these characters is sometimes biting, sometimes witty, but always worth a good laugh. Third, bromances often further endear us to the hero—you get to see what a good friend he is, what he's willing to sacrifice for a friend, and how much his friends value him. And that all makes me fall for the hero even harder.

There are a lot of famous fictional bromances. Thinks of Dr. House and Dr. Wilson on the TV show House. Or of Chandler, Ross, and Joey on the show Friends. You see a lot of these relationships in romance books. Consider Dmitri and Raphael from Nalini Singh's ARCHANGEL'S BLADE, or Chase and Dante from Lara Adrian's DEEPER THAN MIDNIGHT. My all-time favorite bromance in romance is Vishous and Butch from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Seriously, from the moment the cop shows up in Wrath's [Darius's] mansion and starts talking smack at the much bigger, much badder brothers, I was in love. And so was Vishous. And their friendship only got better from there.

I enjoy bromances so much, I include them in almost all of my books. In IN THE SERVICE OF THE KING (Vampire Warrior Kings #1), the vampire Liam is Kael's right-hand warrior and always only too happy to give him a hard time. Here's a look:

"My lord?"

Tension drained from Kael's shoulders. Liam's voice told him the news was good. He breathed in the cleansing sea air and turned to his brother. "Thank you, old friend. She is well?"

Liam grinned. "She's great."

Kael's gaze cut to Liam's. "You spoke with her?" Liam nodded. "And what did you speak of?"

"Just introductions, really. Oh, and she wants to be able to ask you some questions."

Kael hitched an eyebrow. "Does she now? About what, exactly?"

The warrior scratched his chin. "Didn't say."

"And you didn't think to ask?" Kael's layered robes caught the wind and danced around his legs.

He shook his head and shrugged. "Figured it didn't really matter."

Kael nodded and ran a hand through the unbraided side of his hair. "Fair point." He stepped toward the entryway and Liam moved to the side, allowing the king first passage. Liam secured the stone-faced door, constructed in such a way it was indistinguishable from the rest of the rock wall on the outside. "So, did she, uh, say anything about me, or, uh..." Kael pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Did she say anything about you?" He chuckled. "No, but I could pass her a note in study hall if you like."

Kael's fist connected with Liam's bicep before he'd really thought to do it. Damn, that little release of tension felt good.

Liam grabbed his arm and spit out an old Gaelic curse. His glare was indulgent, bordering on a smug smile. "Feel better, my lord?"

My newest novel, WEST OF WANT (Hearts of the Anemoi #2) also features a great bromance between brothers Zephyros and Chrysander. Here's Chrysander smacking a little metaphorical sense into his big brother:

A jag of warm energy shot through the room. "Comfy, Z? Can I get you anything? Another pillow? An eye mask? An Ambien? A fucking clue?"

Zeph groaned. No way he could handle his little brother right now. "Leave, Chrys. I'm serious. I don't want to hurt you, but I have only the slightest hold on myself right now. So I can't make any promises."

"Try me. I'd love the chance to beat some sense into your thick skull, even if it meant I got my ass kicked in the process."

Zephyros cut his gaze to the younger god, the picture of rest and repose reclining alongside him on the bed. Bracing back on long arms, ankles crossed, golden waves tousled carelessly around his face, currently wearing an uncharacteristic expression of anger. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, maybe because B was worried enough about your ass to summon me from halfway ‘round the world. He seems convinced some shit went down tonight, and you got hurt. But as you seem to have all your parts, I'd like to know what was worth interrupting my holiday."

"Yeah, because it's all about you."

"Don't give me that bullshit attitude—"

"If Boreas is so damned worried about me, why'd he send you?" Usually Mr. Fucking Sunshine, deep power and aggression resided under the surface of the Supreme God of the South Wind and Summer. Zeph had changed the topic so he didn't have to deal with his brother's temper.

"Because B's a little busy hanging with Owen's family while Owen takes care of your woman. Which makes me wonder why you're not doing that your damn self." Golden light burst out of Chrys's eyes and cut a trail of heat over Zeph's face.

Zephyros narrowed his gaze, the words a jumbled mess in his brain. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Chrys switched into the ancient language. "What part didn't you understanding, brother, because I thought I was rocking the English pretty damn clearly."

So, what do you think? Do you enjoy bromance in romance? And do you have a favorite fictional bromance? If not, did you have a favorite line from the excerpts? And what can you win for commenting? THREE paperback copies of NORTH OF NEED (Hearts of the Anemoi #1) are up for grabs in celebration of Laura's birthday! Open to international. Good luck!

Thanks for reading!

Laura Kaye

North of Need
Hearts of the Anemoi
November 2011

West of Want
Hearts of the Anemoi
August 2012

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About Laura Kaye:

Voted Breakout Author of the Year in the 2011 GraveTells Readers' Choice Awards, Laura is the bestselling and award-winning author of over a half-dozen books in paranormal, contemporary and erotic romance. Growing up, Laura's large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with all things paranormal. A published non-fiction author, Laura's work as an historian and training as an archaeologist help her create vivid and accurate portrayals of other times and places. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.




88 comments posted.

Re: Laura Kaye | Bromance in Romance

I love bromance although I had not even thought about it until your article - but you are right it does enhance a story and quite often make me laugh!
(Barbara Hanson 5:39am August 27, 2012)

Bromance, that is a great word, and friendships are what make life worthwhile.
(Marjorie Carmony 5:50am August 27, 2012)

The bromance is a great plot device. It provides for comic
relief and or jealousy or any number of other wonderful
chances to add to the story. Besides 2 hot guys have got to
be better than one right?
(Donna Antonio 6:23am August 27, 2012)

I love this kind of book!
(Debby Creager 8:10am August 27, 2012)

Kael! Oh My, Bromance, Oh Boy!
(Sandra Kingsbury 8:28am August 27, 2012)

Your book sounds wonderful. I would love to win a copy - but plan to get it even if I don't win. Thanks - and best of luck with your books.
(Nancy Reynolds 9:26am August 27, 2012)


@Barbara - it's so true! Thanks for kicking off the
comments, Barbara!

@Marjorie - LOL It *is* a great word! Thanks Marjorie!

@Donna - Yes! I'd say that's a universal truth! ;)

@Debby - awesome! :D

@Sandra - LOL Love it!

@Nancy - Thank you so much!!!

Enjoying all your comments, guys! Good luck!
(Laura Kaye 9:45am August 27, 2012)

Oh I love them! Butch and V are my favorite of the bromances.
They're just so good together :)
(Anna Cade 9:46am August 27, 2012)

LOL I love the line:
""Did she say anything about you?" He chuckled. "No, but I could pass her a note in study hall if you like.""
Snark is always fun!
(Angie Lilly 9:48am August 27, 2012)

OMG, Love the bromances that abound in the Black Dagger
Brotherhood. Looking forward to exploring your series, Laura!
Congratulations on book two!
(Sherri Lee 10:03am August 27, 2012)

This book sounds exciting.My favorite line is "I don't want to hurt you, but I have only the slightest hold on myself right now. So I can't make any promises."
I understand having only a slight hold on yourself! I can"t wait to read your book.
Thanks so the chance to win it!
(Teresa Sullivan 10:09am August 27, 2012)

I do like bromances. They are a lot of fun. One of my
favorites is Marc and Julian from Pamela Clare's I-Team
(Tonya Gentry 10:14am August 27, 2012)

I love bromances, they are so much fun to read/watch.

I can't wait to read North of Need.
(Lindsay Wolford 10:16am August 27, 2012)

I didn't realize I enjoy bromance until I started reading your books, Laura. I
like how it keeps the hero grounded, kind of like a "back to reality" check.
To think of it, I really enjoy the bromance between Owen and Jace from the
Shifters series by Rachel Vincent; Bones and Ian from the Night Huntress
series by Jeaniene Frost; and of course characters from some of your
books such as Lucien and his brothers in Forever Freed, or Marco and
Brady in Her Forbidden Hero. Happy Birthday, Laura and thank you for
celebrating with us!
(Hai-Yen Huynh 10:22am August 27, 2012)

I do love a bromance :) Some of my favourite books have one or two bromances in them, some of the best and funniest are in J.R. Wards Black Dagger Brotherhood and in Jeaniene Frosts Night Huntress series between Bones ,Ian and Spade :D And in West of Want between Zeph and Chrys! I love this part from the excerpt above
(A jag of warm energy shot through the room. "Comfy, Z? Can I get you anything? Another pillow? An eye mask? An Ambien? A fucking clue?"

Zeph groaned. No way he could handle his little brother right now. "Leave, Chrys. I'm serious. I don't want to hurt you, but I have only the slightest hold on myself right now. So I can't make any promises.")

That is the perfect bromance even if the brother is in the worst mood annoy him some more! lol

Happy Birthday Laura hope you have a great day :)
And thanks for the giveaway

(Amiee Ryan 10:40am August 27, 2012)

I love when there is bromance in a book, especially a series as it helps
build up each characters story before reading their actual story, or it
helps continue each characters story build after their book so you feel
you get to know them all on a truly deep level.
(Holly Collins 10:59am August 27, 2012)

I've heard wonderful things about this book on Twitter so I can't wait to
read it! Thanks for doing this giveaway!:)
(Heather King 11:17am August 27, 2012)

I love bromances in the story. It gives you another side to the hero and
his friends are always honest with him no matter what. My favorite line
is when Chrys told Zeph "Comy, Z? Can I get you anything? Another
pillow? An Ambien? A fucking clue?" I really like Chrysander.

[email protected]
(Vanessa N. 11:29am August 27, 2012)

I enjoy the bromance. Butch and Vishous are my favorite because Butch is SO accepting of Vischous' little "quirks", plus the humor.
(Anne Muller 11:31am August 27, 2012)

First can I just say Happy Birthday Laura! I hope you're
having a fab & relaxing day and that your family are
spoiling you rotten :o)

Now to answer your question I'd say you can't beat a good
bromance. I have to agree that one of my favourites is also
V & Butch - I love every scene between those two! I'm also
very excited about meeting Zeph and Chrys though :o)
(Sarah Gibson 11:35am August 27, 2012)

My favorite bromance of all time is in a mystery series. It's Spenser and Hawk, from Robert B. Parker's wonderful books. I loved them.

Happy Birthday to you, Laura. Cake and champagne all around!
(G S Moch 11:38am August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day.
(Rita Wray 11:47am August 27, 2012)

My favorite TV bromance has to be Jerry and George from Seinfeld. Talk about biting honesty and comedic relief!

p.s. Happy Birthday, Laura!
(Michelle Donaldson 11:50am August 27, 2012)

(Candice Duffey 11:51am August 27, 2012)

Happy birthday!!! I've got to say a bromance does add a lot to a romantic
story. It gives a glimpse into the soft side of the tough guys who are
trying to hide what they really feel. I think all of Ward's Brothers have
great bromances with V and Butch ranking number one.
(Sylvia Bull 11:59am August 27, 2012)

I love a good bromance. My all-time fav is Vishous and Butch
from the WARDen.
(Tanja Haack 12:05pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday! I enjoy Nalini Singh's bromances. They are great in any story because you get a little inside feel of the guys and since I read about mainly Alpha type guys, them having a bromance helps to reveal their feelings better.
(Susan Platt 12:17pm August 27, 2012)

I do love bromance books. Let me win please.
(Amy Milne 12:21pm August 27, 2012)

I like books that show men having good, healthy relationships
rather than trying to kill each other all the time.
(Margay Roberge 12:29pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday!!! I enjoy Nalini Singh bromances but the psi/changlings. Lucas the panther amd the werewolf. I can't think of his name. For shame on me.
(Jo Anne Benware 12:35pm August 27, 2012)

Great looking contest
(Kent Cook 12:38pm August 27, 2012)

Happy birthday Laura!!! What's not to love with a bromance!! Have to say,
Butch and V are fabulous together!!!
(Jill Oswalt 12:38pm August 27, 2012)

I didn't know it was the word for it but yes i really enjoy those friendship the characters got a deeper personnality thanks to them

thank you so much for opening your giveaway to international, i really hope to win you book this time^^

Happy birthday once again

all the best
(Isabelle Frisch 12:40pm August 27, 2012)

Bromance is a lot of fun - often it's the Bro that gives the
guy the confidence to share his feelings with the girl.
(Diane Sallans 12:49pm August 27, 2012)

Sometimes having a bromance in a romance can be a lot of fun depending on the personalities of the characters. I am sure I have come across a few great fictional bromances in all the reading that I do but I cannot recall a favorite at the moment. My favorite line from the excerpts was "Comfy, Z? Can I get you anything? Another pillow? An eye mask? An Ambien? A fucking clue?" Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day and thank you for the giveaway.
(Chelsea Knestrick 1:26pm August 27, 2012)


@Anna - aren't they? Total love! :)

@Angie - thanks for picking out that line! One of my faves,
too! And guys are so good at the snark in these situations!

@Sherri - they're the best! And thanks!

@Teresa - woot! Glad it has you interested!

@Tonya - I haven't started that series yet but want to!
Can't wait to check out another great bromance!

@Lindsay - yay! Your comment made me smile! :)

@Hai-Yen - thanks for the birthday wishes! And so glad my
books helped you enjoy a good bromance! LOL

@Amiee - aw, yay, thanks for that! Glad you enjoyed that
exchange! It was fun to write!

@Holly - that's a really good point. Bromances do help you
get interested in the series' next hero...

@Heather - yay! Thanks for sharing that!

@Vanessa - I really like Chrys, too! :D

@Anne - yes, another true believer on the Butch/V issue! LOL

@Sarah - aw, thanks so much! And I hope you enjoy Zeph and

@G.S. - oh, I'll have to check that out! Thanks so much!

@Rita - thanks so much!

@Michelle - LOL that's a good one! And thanks for the
birthday wishes!

@Candice - xoxo!

@Sylvia - thanks! And I definitely agree!

@Tanja - another woman who knows her bromances! ;) LOL

@Susan - yes, that's true!

@Amy - :) Good luck!

@Margay - that's a good point too!

@Jo Anne - LOL! Another vote for Nalini's bromances!

@Kent - thanks so much!

@Jill - thanks for the birthday wishes! Aren't they, though?

@Isabelle - you're so welcome! Bromance is a great word,
isn't it??? :)

@Diane - Yes, love when that happens!

@Chelsea - LOL Thanks for noting that line!

Good luck everyone! Really enjoying all your comments!
(Laura Kaye 1:54pm August 27, 2012)

Bromance adds so much to a story and you can expand so much
on the lead character with the interactions. They add
richness and a lot of fun. I'm reading Jill Shalvis' Luck
Harbor and the bromance of Jax, Ford and Sawyer is just
plain fun :-)

Have a Happy Birthday!
(Lenna Hendershott 1:57pm August 27, 2012)

Love a good bromance...love seeing brotherly love. JR Ward's boys, Larissa Ione's Demonica series, Jennifer Ashely's Shifter Unbound series...all are good examples of bromances!

Love your books, Laura...keep writing so we can keep reading!!

books4me67 at ymail dot com
(Barrie MacLauchlin 2:04pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday Laura!! I do love bromances in
romance books! My all time favorite bromance is
Butch and Vishous from J.R. Ward's Black Dagger
Brotherhood! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
(Elizabeth Haney 2:13pm August 27, 2012)

I enjoy the camaraderie and humor in bromance relationships I read. My favorite line from the excerpts is:

"Did she say anything about you?" He chuckled. "No, but I could pass her a note in study hall if you like."
(G. Bisbjerg 2:15pm August 27, 2012)

I think this sounds like a good book, I'd love to win it.
(Wilma Frana 2:34pm August 27, 2012)

They were all good.
Favorite line:
"Chrys switched into the ancient language. "What part didn't you understanding, brother, because I thought I was rocking the English pretty damn clearly"
(Cassandra G 2:51pm August 27, 2012)

Oh it sounds wonderful... enjoyed the excerpt... love bromances... they add another level to the characters.
(Colleen Conklin 3:01pm August 27, 2012)

(Susan S 3:15pm August 27, 2012)

Happy B-day Laura! You know what I really love about male characters?
Sarcasm. Love it. And I thought it funny when Chrysander tells his
brother if he wants an eye mask.
(Susan S 3:24pm August 27, 2012)

(Shelly Caggiano 3:34pm August 27, 2012)


@Lenna - that's on my to-read list! Thanks for the rec!

@Barrie - all good examples for sure! And thanks so much!

@Elizabeth - yup, me too! You obviously have great taste! :P

@G. - LOL! Thanks for noting that exchange! :)

@Wilma - awesome! Thank you!

@Cassandra - Yay! I love that line! So glad you liked it!

@Colleen - awesome! Thanks Colleen!

@Susan - Thanks for the birthday wishes. Oooh, yes, sarcasm
is the best! :)

@Shelly - Aw, thank you SO much, Shelly! xoxo

Good luck everyone! Keep those comments coming! :)
(Laura Kaye 3:53pm August 27, 2012)

Happy birthday! I do enjoy strong friendships between characters in books. The kind of friend who has your back, can say anything (even if it's something you don't want to hear) and give a swift kick-in-the-pants to keep you on track. I think that kind of friendship keeps a person grounded in reality, totally in touch with their world!
(Marguerite Guinn 4:03pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday!
Bromances are great...I love to read about them.
(Mary Hay 4:03pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday! Love a good bromance-the hero often needs a bro to lean on if the heroine is giving him trouble. I think my favorite bromance may be Vlad and Bones.
(Ml Foland 4:09pm August 27, 2012)

I love a good romance book, It always leves you with a great feeling!
(Jean Benedict 4:30pm August 27, 2012)

pick me! Pick me! I want to win!
(Pamela Faye Howell 4:40pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday!!

I do enjoy bromances in fiction; they add another layer to the hero's character.
(S Tieh 4:48pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday!
(Darlene Slocum 5:10pm August 27, 2012)

(Holly Vanderhule 5:29pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday!! I have to be honest with you, and say that this is the first time I've ever been acquainted with bromances in reading a romance before. I can't say one way or another if I care for it or not, after reading your excerpts, but I do find the concept interesting. Of all of the books I've read, the story line has always centered around the two main characters. I suppose that's "old school?" This is an interesting concept, and I would have to read a couple of books before rendering an opinion. I would love to read your book, though, since it does sound like you put an amusing spin to the story, and I do like that very much!! I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!
(Peggy Roberson 5:44pm August 27, 2012)

I loved the excerpt that you added about their bromance & felt it had a lot of great lines in it. I love the sarcasm & attitude being displayed towards each other. Thanks for the giveaway & I hope you have a great Birthday.
(Tina Knestrick 5:57pm August 27, 2012)

My favorite bromance is Dean and Castiel from
Supernatural. I don't specifically look for bromance in a
romance but it's a nice addition.
(Jan D 6:05pm August 27, 2012)

I do like bromances in romance. Thanks for the chance to win! Happy Birthday!!!
(Natasha Donohoo 6:06pm August 27, 2012)


@Marguerite - yes, I so agree!

@Mary - thank you so much!

@ml - yes, I've heard a lot about that bromance, too!

@Jean - I agree! :)

@Pamela - good luck!

@S. - I agree!

@Darlene - Thank you!

@Holly - Thank you!

@Peggy - Thanks for your thoughtful comment!

@Tina - Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed them!

@Jan - that's a good one!

@Natasha - You're welcome! And thanks!

Enjoying all your thoughts, guys! Thanks!
(Laura Kaye 6:12pm August 27, 2012)

Enjoyed the excerpt. I do love bromances in romance. Would love a copy of North of Need...sounds like an exceptionally
interesting well-written book; I've got to read. Thanks!
(Linda Luinstra 6:29pm August 27, 2012)

A jag of warm energy shot through the room. "Comfy, Z? Can I get you anything? Another pillow? An eye mask? An Ambien? A fucking clue?" Now is that sarcasm or what? from brother to brother of course!!!
(Diane Sadler 6:56pm August 27, 2012)

My favorite bromance is Larissa Ione's Wraith and Kynan.
(Victoria Sloboda 7:01pm August 27, 2012)

This series sounds really good. Gotta have the bromance in the story. Have a GREAT BIRTHDAY!
(Rich Cook 7:17pm August 27, 2012)

happy birthday!!! and sounds like a great book!!!
(Jennifer Beck 7:31pm August 27, 2012)

Love the "Bromance" between Kael and Liam. It makes for some
great laughs.
(Joanne Balinski 8:10pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Bday! :)

I like the bromance of J.R. Ward's brothers. :) It's always fun to see good relationships with the guys...
(May Pau 8:11pm August 27, 2012)

I just finished Lori Foster's Men Who Walk the Edge of Honor Series and there was an orgy of bromance! A lot of testosterone, makes a woman want a herd of men around.
Happy Birthday, good luck and happy writing!
(Tracie Travis 8:13pm August 27, 2012)

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson -- favorite male friends. I don't like the word bromance, it's just another one of those newfangled slang words.
(Michelle Fidler 8:18pm August 27, 2012)

My is the bromance in the Doomsday Brethen series by Shayla Black. When a story has a group of men, it needs bromance for the male compadres/brotherhood bonding.
(Kai Wong 8:30pm August 27, 2012)

happy birtyhday loved the excerpt and would love to reag more
(Patricia Kasner 8:54pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday and my favorite line is:
"Did she say anything about you?" He chuckled. "No, but I could pass her a note in study hall if you like."
(Maureen Emmons 9:14pm August 27, 2012)

I love a good bromance in the novels I read. Many of the historical and paranormal romance authors really hit that relationship just right! I think my favorite of all time is Acheron and Nick from Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series. At the beginning they were not in a balanced relationship but as the series grows and changes their situations change drastically. I am praying that they find their way back to their friendship (only with more depth because of how much they have changed).
(Jennifer Beyer 9:14pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday to us, as mine was the 16th. August is the best month. I have
your book West of Want but i didn't realize that it was the second book so i
havent read it yet. I love reading books that have bromance in them. i think it
makes a better connection and you get more attached to the characters when
you read about them and you want to know about their stories.
(Leanne Jacobson 9:34pm August 27, 2012)

I have yet to read any of your books, but I liked the post
about the bromance! You are right - there is nothing like a
good friendship among men. Sometimes you see that in
brothers, too. Recently I have read a lot of Jill Shalvis
Lucky Harbor books and you see great friendships for both
women and men in those. I like that. I will have to check
out your books! Thanks for the post.
(Amy Remus 9:41pm August 27, 2012)

I always enjoy a good bromance. These sound really fun!
(Janie McGaugh 10:53pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday Laura!!! I hope you get everything you wish
for. Keeping my fingers crossed!
(Julianne Keller 11:08pm August 27, 2012)


@Linda - aw, thanks for all the nice comments!

@Diane - yes, exactly! :)

@Victoria - thank you!

@Rich - awesome! Thanks so much!

@Jennifer - thanks!

@Joanne - aw, glad you enjoy them! :)

@May - oh, me too!

@Tracie - "an orgy of bromance"??? I'll definitely have to
read that! :)

@Michelle - that's a good male friendship! :)

@Kai - I agree with that!

@Patricia - thank you!

@Maureen - thanks for picking that one out! :)

@Jennifer - Acheron and Nick! That's a *great* one!

@Leanne - Yay! Happy birthday to you, too! And thanks for
picking up West of Want!

@Amy - glad you enjoyed!

@Janie - glad you think so!

Thanks for all the fun comments everyone! Good luck!
(Laura Kaye 11:12pm August 27, 2012)

Happy Birthday!!

My favorite line is

"Yeah, because it's all about you."
(Donna Simmonds 12:18pm August 28, 2012)

I think a bromance can be very sweet & funny.
(Mary Preston 5:08am August 28, 2012)

I love to read these kinds of books
(Debbie Lord 3:02pm August 28, 2012)

@Donna - Yay! Thanks for noting that one!

@Mary - yes, it sure can! Thank you!

@Debbie - yay! I love to hear that! :D

***You guys truly helped make my birthday more special with
all your fun comments! Thank you!
(Laura Kaye 6:58pm August 28, 2012)

I do like bromance! One of my favorite is V. and Butch from the BDBD series. They are hilarious together.
(Na S 2:50am August 29, 2012)

Fafherd and the Grey Mouser.
That's for fantasy fans.
Two males who stick together through thick and thin and whose skills, or talents, are complementary make for a great story.
(Clare O'Beara 6:13am August 29, 2012)

Sure, I like bromance!
(Roxana Perez 11:21am August 29, 2012)

I do enjoy great friendships between men (or women) as well as the romance
aspect of a story. I think it's nice for a character to have a deep relationship in
their life besides the romantic one.
(Barbara Elness 5:48pm September 1, 2012)

A different take on fantasy that shows how relationships are everything.
(Alyson Widen 2:40pm September 8, 2012)

I'm really impressed by this post. I think that is the key to success. Hold on, because you certainly will bring a new voice to this issue house improvement
(Tayab Amjad 1:18am December 1, 2012)

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