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Veronica Forand | Scout The Dog’s Christmas Miracle


Just before Christmas, my partner in crime, Scout, was diagnosed with a large tumor on his leg. Scout is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, a rare dog breed that looks a bit like a Golden and a bit like a collie with his pointy snout and white paws. He’s my writing companion and the guy I go to for a snuggle on the floor. We’d already taken him to the vet a year ago for a large fatty mass which luckily was nothing more than a nuisance.

This time, the growth was cancerous and the tumor was taken out. I prayed I’d get my old dog back in decent health so he could hang with me for years to come. After the operation, my normally fluffy dog had one shaved leg. His entire leg. He appeared like a part poodle, a part retriever. Very strange, but who cares when he’s back in one piece.

Scout and his new haircutFor Christmas, and his ninth birthday which happens to fall on Christmas day, we had him shaved completely. We started with a fluffy furball who preferred sleeping to playing, and we ended up with an energetic bundle of energy who seemed more lab puppy than older Toller.

I honestly feel like the operation and then the haircut gave Scout a new lease on life. He has many miles to hike and many snacks to steal from the countertops (okay, that’s an annoying trait of his). So I’m saying Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you get a new lease on life like Scout did.

Do you have a pet who like an extension of you? I’d love to hear about them! Comment below for a signed copy of SNOWED.

About Veronica Forand

Veronica Forand

A Bostonian by birth, Veronica Forand regrettably lost her Boston accent while moving from state to state and country to country. Cleveland probably had the most profound effect on her ability to pronounce the "r" in the word "park."

She does try to return now and then to visit family and eat long neck clams and lobster. Summers on Cape Cod are also high on the priority list.

Her experience in crime involves time as a court appointed attorney. Eventually, she switched fields to where bigger crimes take place, corporate tax. The allure of spending mornings in her pajamas homeschooling her children and writing fascinating fiction caused her to change careers again. Now that the kids are out of the house (in school), she writes romantic thrillers by day and is the perfect wife and mother at night.

Her experience in romance is limited to one man. Luckily, he's still finding ways to charm her by taking her on vacations to the south of France, Fiji, and the Green Mountains when time is short. Avid travelers, they love to roam with their kids across continents in pursuit of skiing, scuba diving, and the perfect piece of chocolate.

She's lived in London, Paris, Geneva, Washington D.C., and the accent destroying city of Cleveland. She currently resides near Philadelphia.

Atlantic City Hustlers




Don't fall in love with the man sent to kill you...

Lorena Rubio lived a safe, simple life until she's kidnapped by Andres "Con" Conesa, right hand man for the drug lord who murdered her sister. Con must keep her at a cabin in the snowy Sierra Nevada Mountains until his boss can confirm or deny the rumor that she'd provided specifics about his drug cartel to the police. Their attraction ignites in the middle of this winter wonderland, but he's in deep cover for the FBI and has to remain there, and she refuses to attach herself to someone in the criminal world. When the boss arrives a few days and wants Lorena put on ice, Con's willing to blow his cover to save the woman he craves beyond reason, but he may be too late.

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36 comments posted.

Re: Veronica Forand | Scout The Dog’s Christmas Miracle

Unfortunately, I do not have any pets!
(Lily Shah 10:38am January 13, 2016)

I have 2 cats they so different from each other and me.
(Emily Stemp 10:52am January 13, 2016)

All of my pets have a place in my heart... I love seeing each one's personality shine!
(Colleen Conklin 12:09pm January 13, 2016)

I currently don't have any pets, but when I was with my ex-
who was visually impaired-she had 4 different Seeing Eye
dogs (all female, German Shepherds Renee, Robin, Gina, and
Jet). We also had two pet German Shepherds, a male, Jasper,
and a female, Winter, as well as a pet female Golden
Retriever, Sadie, and a male Domestic Shorthair cat, Mango.
All of whom were extensions of me in ways too numerous to
mention. Jasper, in particular, was like me; guarded to
aloof with strangers, but extremely loyal to his people.
(Edward Washington 12:40pm January 13, 2016)

I find the need to have a dog with me most days even when they steal food and shoes and remote controls and like to interrupt when I'm thinking.

But they are warm and usually very soothing.

Hope your Scout does well and frisky for many more walks.
(Sara Reyes 2:22pm January 13, 2016)

yep. my dog Jack. snores and farts and gets blamed for everything that goes wrong around the house
(Angela Parrish 3:11pm January 13, 2016)

i dont have a pet.
(Marissa Yip-Young 3:38pm January 13, 2016)

I don't have any pets! I LOVE this cover and have added this book to my TBR list!!!
(Bonnie Capuano 5:05pm January 13, 2016)

I stayed at my daughter's home last night. We had to go
somewhere and when we came home, Taz ran to me for petting and
not her. She said "Look who counts". They have two dogs and
Taz is their rescue dog and really fits into the new home. I
do hope Scott recovers nicely.
(Leona Olson 6:34pm January 13, 2016)

i used to have spaniel named thumper
(Ann Unger 9:31pm January 13, 2016)

I don't have a pet. I and my family are so rarely home
that we believe that a pet would likely feel lonely.
(G. Bisbjerg 11:05pm January 13, 2016)

I had a pet unfortunately he died 4 years ago it was so
painful I felt like i lost an arm and a leg both I was even
hospitalised with depression and I swore then that I'm never
ever getting another one.
(Natasha Persaud 11:59pm January 13, 2016)

I lost my Dalmatian-mix dog Bandit about 4 years ago. You
could say that she was my girl, because she had a couple of
minor health issues, and when I took her to the vet, they
told me that she was mimicking the health issues I had.
Since my Husband worked long hours, she spent a lot of time
with me, and I basically trained her, so she pretty much was
my dog. She loved him too, but because I have some major
health issues, she seemed to side with me more, and became my
protector as well. She wasn't vicious in any way, but looked
out for me. She was a very happy dog with a great
personality, and everyone loved her who ever met her. When
we had to move, and moved 200 miles away, our Landlords fell
in love with her. When she passed away suddenly, they drove
up to the property, to give her a proper burial. He got out
his big tractor, and dug a deep hole, about 10 feet from our
deck, and we wrapped her in her favorite blanket, and she was
buried right by our deck. There is a headstone of sorts
there, where we put a photo of her on it, and have flowers
that come up every year in her honor. Now I have 2 cats
that we've raised since their mother gave birth at my feet.
They're a couple of goof balls right now, since they're still
coming into their own, and they make my Husband and me laugh
on a daily basis, which was lacking after Bandit's death. A
third cat has joined the fray, out of nowhere, by screaming
outside our apartment for 3 days, wanting in from the cold.
She's the quiet one. Life goes on, but we never forget
Bandit. I could tell you stories about her. She even made a
catalog cover and was famous. She'll always be my girl, and
live on in our hearts. I apologize for the long answer, but
she's worth so much more than I'm giving her now, and I can
relate to your dog as well. Thank goodness your dog is fine.
(Peggy Roberson 5:19am January 14, 2016)

I have no pets. I do LOVE this cover!!!! Thanks for the chance to win this book!!!!
(Bonnie Capuano 8:44am January 14, 2016)

My sons are housing the dogs for the family due to allergies & age. Their
mood is determined by the fur-babies' health. When the basset has tummy
troubles, my boy is depressed; pit has cancer & older boy is inconsolable.
We hope the radiation treatments shrunk tumor to operable size! We're
dog-crazed, for sure!
(K'tee Bee 11:12am January 14, 2016)

I have 2 cats anywhere I go they are with me. Can't make a
move its like they are attached to me. Can't wait to read.
(Mary Pitre 11:13am January 14, 2016)

My over the late spaniel mix: H.J. She was a beautiful dog who knew instinctively what I needed and provided it time and again....I've been blessed over the years with many fine dogs and presently have a 16+ old rescued Parson Russell...poor little critter can't hear and has cataracts but it has not stopped his "smeller" from working nor his enjoyment of his walkies! Just yesterday, he made sure the neighbor's plywood angel didn't attack me while we were walking!
(Kathleen Bylsma 3:02pm January 14, 2016)

my cat is my best friend.
(Emily Stemp 4:41pm January 14, 2016)

Bogie my love is my companion and the most sweet dog on earth.
he craves company, is sensitive, smart, energetic and a sage.
We adopted this little 16 lb. short mix from Lap Dog Rescue
and he is a treasure.
(Sharon Berger 5:18pm January 14, 2016)

I don't have any pets now . My daughter has 3 dogs that visit me nearly every day . She is my next door neighbor so I love her dogs and treat them about as good as I do my grandchildren .LOL .So glad Scout is doing good .Thanks for this chance to win this book .
(Joan Thrasher 9:39pm January 14, 2016)

I had two black labs who were my inseparable companions for 13 years. They were sisters, and they both passed away within a month of each other. I still miss them sitting underneath my desk and hopping onto the bed with us. A picture of them, both smiling and happy, is placed where I can see it from my desk. I miss them, but I sense that they are still with me in spirit. Someday soon, I hope to rescue another dog and make a new friend. The house seems empty without the energy a loyal canine companion. Enjoy Scout and his company. He sounds like a wonderful companion.
(Amy Kincade 2:15am January 15, 2016)

I have two rescue kitties. We lost the third last year. We
have had these guys for 11 years and they are family.
Sometimes sweet and sometimes a pain but we couldn't do
without them.
(Donna Antonio 9:28am January 15, 2016)

I have a cat who was feral at one time. She follows me
(Debra Guyette 10:42am January 15, 2016)

The only pet I have had was fish and they died...Oops! Never tried again!!! They committed suicide!
(Bonnie Capuano 11:22am January 15, 2016)

I love your stories. There are many times in my life when I didn't have a pet,
and I love people who don't have pets because they know they don't have
the time for them. I'll keep you all updated on Scout's recovery. I'm hoping
he lives to ripe old age.
(Veronica Forand 1:39pm January 15, 2016)

Yes his name was Willey he would follow me everywhere and when
he/we got older he took to laying across my shoulders like a
scarf because walking a lot was hard on him.
(Lake Bottorff 1:49am January 16, 2016)

my cat Barney is my bff
(Emily Stemp 1:12pm January 16, 2016)

Thanks goodness Scout is well again and ready for many more cuddles! I
have a little girl named Molly. Her mother was a reeder and they could not
determine who the father was so they took the whole litter to the shelter. I
was allowed to cuddle with her once and her wide-eyed wonder at
everything convinced me she was my girl. She never did get the memo
that she's a dog, and no one feels it necessary to inform her. Whatever I
want to do is fine with her until bedtime. She brings her favorite "baby" and
drops it in my lap, climbing up to get rocked. Since she weighs 94 pounds
her back legs stay on the floor but her head goes right on my shoulder for a
cuddle before bedtime.
(Susan War 10:25am January 17, 2016)

My dog died almost 13 years ago and he was so special. He was 100lbs and would still crawl in your lap and snuggle. I can not have any pets now because one of my children is allergic.
(Heather Hardy 12:21pm January 17, 2016)

We have a 4 year old yellow lab mix who is a big
snuggler...not only is he big at 77 lb but he sits next
to you and places his head under your chin! He has to be
touching you when he sleeps in our bed. He loves everyone
but is "my" dog as he follows me everywhere which is fine
with me as he'll help when my one and only child leaves
for college this fall!
(Barrie MacLauchlin 8:00pm January 17, 2016)

I don't have any pets at the moment, but Scout sounds like a great dog!
(Kelly Powell 8:07pm January 17, 2016)

my kitty is my best friend
(Emily Stemp 9:51pm January 17, 2016)

I love the idea of pets being a person's best friend, but unfortunately I have a phobia of animals and can't keep any pets (or go near any) but seeing them from afar is still a nice heart-warming feeling.
(Lisa L. 2:37pm January 18, 2016)

My cat thinks that he is a dog. He follows us around. Smells
everything. He cracks me up daily.
(Julie Wingate 2:56pm January 18, 2016)

my cat is my bff
(Emily Stemp 7:45pm January 18, 2016)

We had a black lab that my mother use to describe as "like Clifford the Big Red Dog, but stupid." He listened to me best and would jump on everybody else when I had a bad day.
(Laura Gullickson 11:32pm January 18, 2016)

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