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Jaime Rush (aka Tina Wainscott) | Cheeky Reads


And then...and then...and then...

After writing 18 stand-alone books under my real name, Tina Wainscott, I embarked on a totally new adventure—a series under a pseudonym. Never in most of those many years did I even consider writing a series. I did read some series and enjoyed them, but I just didn't get hooked for the most part.

A couple of years ago I needed a change. A serious change. So I let loose my muse and told her to pick whatever she wanted, no limits. (Not that she listens to me anyway) It was a surprise when she came back (like a panting dog with a bone) with a series idea. The more I chewed that bone, the more I liked the idea. First, I know the appeal of seeing your favorite characters grow over a longer period of time, revisiting friends from past books, continuing a thread. I didn't want to focus on one character but instead, a group, and each book would feature a new romantic lead. The first lead, from A PERFECT DARKNESS (book 1 of the Offspring series) became my Luke and Laura from General Hospital fame (waaay back in the 80's). Torn apart, connected psychically, they get their happy ending, but their saga continues in the series as a subplot.

I also didn't want to have a series arc that spread over all the potential books in the series, thus leaving new readers coming in at book 3 or 6 stupefied with all the details of my world and history. I went with the KISS method, creating an arc that is wrapped up in four books, leaving the rest of the books as connected but more stand-alone (should I be so lucky to continue).

Once I'd come up with the arc and general plotlines, I thought, "Hey, this is going to be easy compared to stand-alone books. No new entire cast of characters to create, same setting, and for a while, same villain." In a way, yes. In a way, no. Of course, new characters come into every book, though not a whole cast. And there is one main villain, but other subvillains as well. The setting does change, though their hideout remains the same. But that cast of characters…they don't remain static. They grow and change through the story, even if it's not their story. Their relationships to each other change, too.

I love the dynamics of a group of people thrown together, but the tough part is keeping it straight as I go from book to book. The details…isn't that where the devil resides? Oh, my, yes. I have character charts, tattoo charts, hair color charts, people who've died charts, and extensive character studies. I'm always referring to the charts or searching in previous books for conversations about a subject to see what's come before. The tricky part is catching up new readers without an information overload for those who have read the previous books.

The fun part has been watching the series grow in my mind. I confess, I didn't fully map out the entire arc. I knew where the first three books were heading and I had a few mysterious characters who popped in from time to time, though I didn't know who they really were. You see, the crux of the series is that there is a group of twenty-somethings who all have extraordinary psychic abilities, like telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and seeing the future. Someone in the government is hunting them down because they are beginning to see the truth about who they are and why they have these abilities. Each one had a parent who was involved in a classified program twenty-five years ago, and that parent died soon after the program was terminated. Their parents were given something that enhanced their abilities but had a nasty side-effect: it also made them crazy. So if the offspring inherited the ability, did they also inherit the other side effect?

I only just now figured out what the substance was and what they really are, and even then, I gave myself a red herring in the process. For a writer who usually plans, it was great fun to figure it out, and the truth was even neater than I'd thought it would be.

OUT OF THE DARKNESS is book two of the series. In a flash, Zoe Stoker goes from tattoo artist to target of an assassin. All her life she's felt like a freak, and now the Offspring, people who also have remarkable psychic abilities, are her only hope. The enemy grows more dangerous…and so do her feelings for one sexy loner as she gains command of her powers and loses control of her heart.

I love writing a series, as it turns out. Who'd have thunk it? It's why shows like Lost and Friends gained such popularity. You get to hang out with your friends for as long as you like, and that's pretty cool.

And speaking of cool, I'm doing something special as a way of thanking you for being a friend, supporting my books, or just being you. BE IN A BOOK! YOUR NAME, NO CONTEST, NO KIDDING!  Yes, you can have your name in a nationally-published book! All you have to do is fill in your name and email address in the form at my website. Tell your friends, blog about it! All names entered will be included in my third book of my Offspring series, TOUCHING DARKNESS, scheduled for summer 2010. See www.jaimerush.com for details.

I've been running my Kick Butt First Line contest for every book I release:  Shocking, suspenseful…make us want more!  Cash prizes! Contest runs from September 15 through November 1, 2009. The entries are great fun to read, even if you don't enter.




43 comments posted.

Re: Jaime Rush (aka Tina Wainscott) | Cheeky Reads

I haven't read either of these yet but they sound really good. Gee's that to get list just keeps a growing. :)
The covers are very very nice!
Big Congrats on your new release!
(Chris Jones 1:59am October 8, 2009)

Hi, Chris! Thanks! Yeah, I know about the to-get list. LOL.
(Jaime Rush 8:46am October 8, 2009)

So just for fun, as I mentioned in my blog, the Offsprings' parents were given a mysterious substance to boost their psychic ability. If you were writing the series, what would you have that substance be?
(Jaime Rush 8:48am October 8, 2009)

Would love a copy!
(Debra Davis 11:48am October 8, 2009)

Maybe something mythical with herbs and bat wings:). Or a elixir with mysterious ancient ingredients that would bring, instead of immortality, an enhanced psychic ability.
(Theresa Buckholtz 12:15pm October 8, 2009)

A great blog!
(Marjorie Carmony 12:19pm October 8, 2009)

Looks like great books!!!! More to add to my 'to buy' list.
(Valerie Bongards 12:43pm October 8, 2009)

i just love this genre of read
(Sue Hieber 12:52pm October 8, 2009)

I love series books. You read one and are hooked and waiting for the release dates of the rest.
(Annetta Stolpmann 1:08pm October 8, 2009)

I found it interesting that your characters make you work so hard keeping track of them. Congratulations your new book sounds great. It is definitely on my must read list.
(Rosemary Krejsa 1:09pm October 8, 2009)

Your new book sounds like something that I would really enjoy reading. I'm going to have to add it to my TBR pile.
(Maude Allen 1:56pm October 8, 2009)

I loved reading about your books and now I can't wait to read them. Thanks for a wonderful teaser.
(Robin McKay 2:41pm October 8, 2009)

That's weird...I checked here at 1pm and didn't see any new comments! IE has been making me crazy lately. :?

Theresa, bat wings! Love it!

Thanks, Marjorie!

Thanks, Valerie!

Sue, cool! There's a great selection of paranormal out there now!

Annetta, that's what I'm hoping! LOL

Thanks, Rosemary! Well, the devil is in the details, and some readers are really up on that kind of thing.

Thanks, Maude!

Thanks, Robin!

And don't forget to sign up for both my Be in a Book promotion and the cauldron of goodies my publisher is giving. They're both on the Contest page!
(Jaime Rush 2:57pm October 8, 2009)

I agree with everyone. Definitely a wonderful teaser and definitely on the must read list! Also, as for the contents of the substance, I agree with Theresa's suggestion. I like the idea that the formula was intended for another purpose and the psychic abilities were as unexpected as the insanity. This also leaves it open to perhaps have another series where another attempt produces another side effect (perhaps shape shifting). I also like Theresa's idea of it being an ancient elixir. This makes me think of alchemy and opens up so many possibilities. For example, you could end up bringing back extinct species or dragons. Wow! Can you tell that your blog (and the replies) has made me think creatively as well as making me excited to read your books?!? Thanks for the books and thanks for the blog!
(Dawn Detkowski 3:09pm October 8, 2009)

This sounds really good. Please enter me.

[email protected]
(Lisa Garrett 3:24pm October 8, 2009)

Read book one. Loved it! Haven't got a copy of book 2 yet! Hint, hint, wink, wink.
As for the chemical used to enhance the offspring, I think it should be some sort of chemical mixture of everyday pharmaceuticals that only one chemist knows the exact formula that needs nuclear power to finish it's process. He also has the counteractive agent that if injected into an offspring takes their psychic ability away, but may have some very unpleasant side affect such as death.
(Sheila Corriveau 3:31pm October 8, 2009)

Oh yeah I forgot to say I love the covers! That is what drew me to the first one.
(Sheila Corriveau 3:32pm October 8, 2009)

sounds like an amazing story marking them both on my endless list of to buy.
its my only vise and I'm work it mind you I could open up my own library lol.
(Ann w 4:20pm October 8, 2009)

Another book to add to my wish list; I've seen your books and now after your blog I'll take a closer look.
(Diane Sadler 4:26pm October 8, 2009)

The cover has caught me hook, line, and sinker!

What is your opinion on book trailers? Do you think they help in book sales?

(Tracey Dent 4:46pm October 8, 2009)

All these charts on your characters that you keep, how do you organize them? On your computer, a three ring binder? Do you also keep a timeline to make sure things fall into place at the right time?
(Sheila Corriveau 4:57pm October 8, 2009)

Hi, Dawn! Cool, that's what's fun about throwing out a question like that. I love seeing creativity in action!

Thanks, Lisa! You're entered!

Sheila, glad you liked book one! Hm, I like your explanation of the substance, too. And you're very close with the antidote (comes into play in book 3). You must be psychic! Aren't those covers great?!

Ann, buying and reading books is a good vice. You support authors, the economy, and you get hours of entertainment. :)

Diane, Kewl!

Tracey, I think these days you have to have a really sharp video and the distribution to get it out there. Even then, how much they help sales...who knows?

Sheila, I have a big chart my husband printed out on blueprint paper that I can look at in a glance. I also have a 3-ring binder with pictures and each character's profile. I use a calendar for timelines, jotting down all significant events. It's a lot, but hopefully it keeps me straight!
(Jaime Rush 5:38pm October 8, 2009)

I LOVE series books! Love not losing friends and having to start all over!
(Kelli Jo Calvert 5:50pm October 8, 2009)

I am writing my first book and still feeling my way around how to organize and keep track of my characters. Hopefully I will have a system and my creative process down by the time I finish this book, making any future books easier. Thanks for sharing your process with us.
(Sheila Corriveau 5:51pm October 8, 2009)

I really enjoy reading series books. So fun to read when the characters are carried over from one book to the next
(Teresa Ward 7:01pm October 8, 2009)

It sounds like quite the exciting series. Am now curious what the mysterious substance given to the parents was....
(G. Bisbjerg 7:20pm October 8, 2009)

I loved, loved, loved the first book in this series! Ordered the second one as soon as I saw it was going to be released, and can't wait to get started on it. I love to read series and, as you mentioned, catch up with 'friends' from earlier books. BTW, have several friends reading this series now as well!
(Kara Conrad 7:48pm October 8, 2009)

I read the first book in the series and I thought it was very good. Like everyone else it's going on my wish list.
(Sherry Strode 9:40pm October 8, 2009)

I've been longing to lay my hands on these books! You have excellent covers Jamie, i Love them!
You are a new Author for me. Hope i can have my chance to read one of your great works :) I'm sure i'll more fall in love with your works ^_*
(Mariska Hadienns 10:06pm October 8, 2009)

I love creepy paranormal stories, this one sounds great!! I think the Offsprings parents were probably hooked on Red Bull :P
(Mary Lynn Hayes 11:30pm October 8, 2009)

A big change for you. Am sure you are enjoying it. I used to wonder why authors wrote under a variety of names, but now understand. It can be confusing to pick up a book by a favorite authors and end up in an entirely different genre.
Good luck.
(Patricia Barraclough 12:13pm October 9, 2009)

I have never read your books but I look forward to reading them after reading your blog today.
Hoping over to your site to find out more.
(Gigi Hicks 9:46am October 9, 2009)

Kelli and Teresa, I hear you! I feel that from the writer's point of view, that I get to keep hanging out with the characters I love. And they keep surprising me, too, as they grow and change. Lucas and Amy's relationship keeps coming in to the books as a background thread.

Sheila, one other tip I learned, and I do this with stand-alone books, too: keep track of a) what the reader knows and b) what the characters know. This has proven invaluable to me in not having a character discover something they already figured out in the first book. Yikes!

G. Bisjerb, I was curious about what the substance was, too, which was kind of funny because I'm a planner. But I liked not figuring out everything, and what it became really surprised me and opened up a whole new angle to the series! Pope was another enigma. He appeared in the first book, but I wasn't sure who he was or how he played in. Now he's¡Kwell, I can't say, but it ties into the substance and is really cool.

Kara, kewl, thanks! ::SMILE:: And thanks for getting your friends to read, too.

Sherry, thanks!

Mariska, kewl! Yes, I've been blessed by the cover gods ļ

Mary Lynn, LOL on Red Bull!

Patricia, very true. These books have a somewhat different feel, especially from my last Tina Wainscott books, which were psychological suspense.

Thanks, Gigi!

I'll pop back in again, but wanted to thank everyone for posting and giving me lots of interesting fodder. This has been fun!
(Jaime Rush 11:27am October 9, 2009)

These look so good! I will be watching for both of these.
(Sharla Long 2:13pm October 9, 2009)

Thanks, Sharla!
(Jaime Rush 2:34pm October 9, 2009)

Your books are new to me but I'm definitely hooked.
(Margie Whitten 3:07pm October 9, 2009)

(Tami Bates 4:10pm October 9, 2009)

ok tried to post couple of times, keeps .well anyways, love your books lookin forward to readin
(Tami Bates 4:14pm October 9, 2009)

Sounds great. Thanks for the interesting post.
(G S Moch 8:39pm October 9, 2009)

Checking in one last time!

Cool, Margie!
Tami, sorry you were having trouble, but I know how it goes. Thanks for the good word!
GS, thanks!

Have a great day/week/month and good luck in the contest!
(Jaime Rush 4:16pm October 10, 2009)

Checking in one last time!

Cool, Margie!

Tami, sorry you were having trouble, but I know how it goes. Thanks for the good word!
GS, thanks!

Have a great day/week/month and good luck in the contest!
(Jaime Rush 4:28pm October 10, 2009)

I certainly love series, because I usually want to know what happened to the characters after "their" book is finished. It's a good thing that you discovered your love of writing this one at least. lol
(Sigrun Schulz 5:49pm October 11, 2009)

I haven't read them but I would like to! They sound wonderful and interesting! My interest is peaked;-)
(Jeanette Huston 2:03pm October 14, 2009)

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