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Farrah Taylor | Love in the Age of Internet Privacy

Love Songs for the Road
Farrah Taylor



Barnes & Noble

January 2014
On Sale: January 13, 2014
ISBN: 1622661648
EAN: 9781622661640
Kindle: B00HFUAOWW
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Also by Farrah Taylor:
Dances with Wolf, March 2015
Love Songs for the Road, January 2014

My very first novel, LOVE SONGS FOR THE ROAD, came out eight days ago, and I couldn't be more thrilled! Boy, was it a wild ride. My wonderful editor Stacy Abrams, adroit copy editor Nancy Cantor, a proofreader, and I were making changes up to the eleventh hour. Unlike the print world, digital publishing allowed us to push right up against the publication date, which was a blessing and a curse, believe me. But it was quite a rush, one that brought back memories of frantic high school newspaper deadlines.

While my novel, about a rock star who defies hard-partying stereotypes and a nanny who knows what she wants out of life, is about two full-blown adults, I did have high school on my mind while writing it. Why? Because a big theme in LOVE SONGS is privacy in the age of Facebook and Twitter, and as a high school student, I experienced an invasion of privacy so painful I can still taste its sting.

During my sophomore year, when the Internet was still in its Wild West phase, a boy I had considered a friend mass-emailed pictures of me at a party the previous weekend. I wasn't doing anything bad or wrong. I wasn't drunk. I wasn't kissing anybody, and I certainly wasn't more-than-kissing anybody. This was no Steubenville, but it sure was disturbing that a boy had somehow thought it was funny to take an "upskirt" picture of me, addend some rude comments, and pass it around to all our friends.

Did he think it wouldn't come back to me? Did he think it wouldn't degrade and humiliate me (and make him look like the biggest jerk of all-time)? Well, it did all of those things. It ruined my year, tainted my high school experience, and changed me forever. Years later, I wouldn't jump on the Facebook bandwagon and post photos from my life, and Twitter would never seem like an appropriate venue for sharing my private feelings.

In LOVE SONGS, Marcus Troy is a gorgeous, dreamy, and brainy (with a naughty streak, of course) rock star who has spent over a decade in the spotlight. So he's used to having his life picked apart by strangers. He doesn't appreciate it when his privacy is invaded, but he's learned to live with it. I've always been intrigued by this kind of celebrity, who does his or her best to stay out of the spotlight, and somehow channels the media's attention toward his art rather than his personal foibles. Chris Martin from Coldplay seems like a regular guy who just happens to be a rock star married to a beautiful, style-icon actress. How does he do it? As I created Marcus, I thought a lot about him, and about other celebrities - from Hugh Jackman to Jon Bon Jovi to Tina Fey to J.K. Rowling - who maintain their privacy and dignity even under the 1,000-watt glare.

But I also wanted to make the point that, to varying degrees, every one of us knows what it's like to be unfairly scrutinized, analyzed, and judged. Our lives are dominated by social media, so while few of us are chased down the street by paparazzi, we've all wanted to duck for cover from time to time. That's why I gave Ryan Evans, my 24-year-old, girl-next-door heroine, an Internet past that reflected my own high school difficulties. No one passed around upskirt photos of Ryan, but she discovered her boyfriend's infidelity with her closest friend by reading a text message. And while she was trying to heal herself, she watched in horror as her friends picked sides and debated details of her private life on Facebook and Twitter. As she begins to fall for Marcus, whose fame will bring her a lot of unwanted attention, these past experiences are a huge hurdle she must overcome in order to reach her HEA.

LOVE SONGS FOR THE ROAD is a light, breezy read, one I hope people will finish in a day or two. It doesn't have a message with a capital M. But I hope readers will relate to the way each character responds to the challenges posed by social media, and see something of Marcus's and Ryan's struggles in their own lives.

For my part, as a debut author, I am trying my best to embrace Facebook and Twitter. But it's a little scary. Don't expect to see a photo of me, not yet anyway. I'm taking baby steps, here, people!

One commenter will win a copy of LOVE SONGS FOR THE ROAD




42 comments posted.

Re: Farrah Taylor | Love in the Age of Internet Privacy

Congrats on your first novel. I wish you well.
(Sue Galuska 8:40am January 21, 2014)

How exciting...your first novel...Congratulations!!!
(Bonnie Capuano 8:43am January 21, 2014)

congrats on your 1st novel.
(Amy Watson 9:08am January 21, 2014)

Congrats on the novel. I also am very careful on Facebook. Mostly I just keep up with other people.
(Pam Howell 10:02am January 21, 2014)

Congratulations and best wishes. Celebrate and much
(Sharon Berger 10:26am January 21, 2014)

Congratulations on your first novel. May there be many more.
(Darlene Fox 10:29am January 21, 2014)

I, too, was the victim of an internet breach. Someone opened a Facebook account in my name, and started to post things that apparantly were not allowed by there rules. The next thing I knew, not only did I get an e-mail by the perpetrator, but I got an e-mail from Facebook, telling me they were freezing my account until I played by their rules. I had to fight with Facebook to get the account shut down completely, and refuse to open another one. I don't trust them for some reason, and have enough trouble keeping up with the e-mails I currently have. If I told you how many I have in my inbox, you wouldn't believe me, so I'll keep it to myself, but it's hard to keep up with my outside activities, which generate half of my e-mails. Anyway, I hope that in time you will heal enough to come to terms with what happened to you. I can put myself in your shoes, and feel for you, but remember that it happened in High School. At some point you need to let it go, and get on with your life. I've done that with so many things. Good luck with your book, and I'm looking forward to reading it.
(Peggy Roberson 10:35am January 21, 2014)

I am thinking this had to be a cathartic experience for you in writing this book. Life is a series of lessons and ups and downs, but it does make us stronger and hopefully in time we can at least smile and be happy where we are in the moment. Good luck with your first book!!!
(Esther Vandergrift 11:59am January 21, 2014)

Congratulations on your first book! Many successes to you.
(Linda Harrison 12:31pm January 21, 2014)

Congratulations! Here's to many more!
(Denise Austin 2:04pm January 21, 2014)

When we were in gym class, sometimes we had to dance with the boys. I was tall and often taller than the boys, so this could be really not fun for me! One time one of the boys I kind of liked ended up being told to dance with me by the teacher. He said, "I can't dance with her! She's tall, fat and ugly!" I have carried that comment with me forever. Once we were grown up, the same boy asked me out. I told him I couldn't go out with him, because of the trauma he caused me as a child! He said, "I don't remember saying that! And, I always had a HUGE crush on you!" Well, didn't he have a lovely way of showing it?!
(Sandy Fielder 2:15pm January 21, 2014)

Here's another congratulations on your first book and hope you have many more.
(Carol Woodruff 3:53pm January 21, 2014)

I love reading new Authors . The first is always so spescial.Congratulation
and wishing you all the best on the new ones to come!
(Arlena Carter 4:10pm January 21, 2014)

This sounds really good congratulations on your first book, I can't wait to read this/
(Penney Wilfort 4:32pm January 21, 2014)

This sounds like my kind of book, I'd love to read it.
(Wilma Frana 4:41pm January 21, 2014)

Congrats on your first book! I used to work on a locked Psych unit and we never used our last names for safety. I'm careful what/where I post things because of that experience.
(Marcy Shuler 5:16pm January 21, 2014)

The book sounds really good can't wait to read it
(Jeri Dickinson 5:21pm January 21, 2014)

Congratulations on your first book....I look forward to the next!
As a mother of 4 girls (all grown and on their own), I had to deal with myspace with my youngest(now 24)...It was and still is scary. It is amazing what people(adults and kids) will say and share pics with the world and not realize that once whatever they post is out there it is forever, and out of thier control once they send it out to the WWW. end of my rant LOL Thanks for the giveaway!
(Kimberley Coover 5:23pm January 21, 2014)

My daughter is a middle school computer teacher and spends a good bit of time talking with her students about appropriate use, the dangers of technology and just how quickly things can get out of hand. Her students have unfortunately found out just how speedily the local police can unravel the chain of messages and meet with the perpetrators and their parents in the principal's office by the end of a school day, when a message is intercepted at school...Farrah, your high school experience would be treated very differently today.
(Beth Fuller 6:28pm January 21, 2014)

Congrats on your first book. Sounds like a good read.
(Rita Wray 6:39pm January 21, 2014)

Wow, Congrats on your very first novel: LOVE SONGS FOR THE
ROAD. I love the book title and book cover too! Your book
sounds so fascinating and I would love to win it and read it
in the New Year 2014. May God Bless You with many more
successful books too. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE
(Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 7:17pm January 21, 2014)

congrats on your first!!! sounds like a good read!
(Barbara Studer 7:57pm January 21, 2014)

I'm still not comfortable about posting certain personal information on social media. It is so difficult to figure what to post without reading too much into it. Thanks for the book description.
(Kai Wong 9:15pm January 21, 2014)

congrats on your first novel i am very careful on facebook i
dont really talk to anyone except people i know
(Denise Smith 7:59am January 22, 2014)

Congrats on the release of your first book! I've read it and
really enjoyed it (and left reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and
B&N)! KUDOS! WooHoo!
(Linda Townsend 8:53am January 22, 2014)

Congrats on your book!
(Richard Proctor 10:24am January 22, 2014)

I only got on Facebook at first to enter contests, but
there's still alot I can't figure out on it, so I hear you!
I haven't read your book yet, but I'm looking forward to it,
it sounds like a wonderful story!
(Maria Proctor 10:48am January 22, 2014)

I love to read and your book sounds like it would be a great book to read! I always carry a book with me every-where I go and read when I have the chance to. Thank you for this chance to possibly read your book!!
(Carol Oddy 1:29pm January 22, 2014)

Congratulations on publishing your first book. I'll add it
to my to-read list.
(Amy Kincade 2:10pm January 22, 2014)

Congrats! I don't need a picture to enjoy a good book and this one does sound good. :) I too do not put a picture on the web and understand totally. Thanks for the giveaway.
(Vennie Martinisi 2:16pm January 22, 2014)

Congrats on your first book. It sounds like a great story.
(Jean Patton 3:14pm January 22, 2014)

Your book sounds like a book I would enjoy reading. Congratulations on publishing your first book.
(Jane Komppa 3:27pm January 22, 2014)

How cool - thank you SO much for sharing this with us! Congratulations on your first book - that is great!
(Felicia Ciaudelli 3:36pm January 22, 2014)

Congratulations on your novel. I write reviews on several sites if you need someone. Then I share the books with someone else.
(Jane Squires 4:20pm January 22, 2014)

I enjoy getting new authors from this site. Congratulations ! The cover is heart warming, very nice .
(Barbara Wells 5:06pm January 22, 2014)

This book sounds like the kind I like to read
(Jeri Dickinson 6:13pm January 22, 2014)

sounds like a great read! congrats
(Debbi Shaw 6:39pm January 22, 2014)

Your first novel looks amazing! I can't wait to read it. Thank you for the contest.
(Val Pearson 8:56pm January 22, 2014)

Congratulations!! You must be thrilled.
(Mary Preston 9:55pm January 22, 2014)

Your first of many. It sounds like the kind of book I enjoy.
(MaryEllen Hanneman 10:30pm January 22, 2014)

congrats, and more to come
(Aaron Polish 2:47pm January 24, 2014)

Congratulations on your first novel! Love Songs for the Road sounds like a very interesting book. Thanks for sharing.
(Bonnie H 10:14pm January 25, 2014)

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