Robin Kaye | Dreaming of a Perfect Day, What's Yours?
January 19, 2011
I thought I’d share a bit today on my ideal writing day, and if it has ever
happened… I’m sure every author has their own idea of the perfect writing day! My ideal writing day would be waking up on a beautiful 80-foot sailboat floating
just off the coast of Rarotonga—the smallest of the Cook Islands in the South
Pacific. I’d work and drink coffee on the deck for between for six and eight
hours, taking breaks to cool off in the water and maybe do some snorkeling. Of
course, I’d have a great looking chef to cook my meals and refill my coffee. (I
wonder if there’s a Starbucks on Rarotonga?) In the evening, we’d sail to one of
the islands while the sun sets, dock, and go to dinner and then repeat the process. I have a friend who flew to Rarotonga just the other day so I’m just a little
green with envy. I guess it’s easier for him since he lives in Auckland, but
still, it seems so wonderful, I’d like to trade places. My actual writing days are not nearly as romantic. I wake up praying my husband
made coffee. If my coffee is not on my bedside table waiting for me, I admit, I
get a little grumpy. There’s nothing better than sitting up in bed and reaching
over to find a warm venti Starbucks travel cup filled with my favorite coffee,
but then even if it’s the homemade variety, it still beats trudging to the
kitchen half asleep and fixing it myself. After my first sip, I slide out of bed. My dear son is usually already off to
school, so I go to the stairs and yell to make sure my daughter is awake. Then
after brushing my teeth and changing into workout clothes, I’m off to my office
to check my email while I listen to the morning news and walk on my treadmill
desk—the greatest invention know to writers right after the Mac. By the time my
email is taken care of, I give my daughter a hug and a kiss goodbye since she
refuses to allow me to wait at the bus stop with her any more. I miss it—not so
much the freezing every morning, but the time we used to spend singing silly
songs and generally goofing around. Instead, I turn on iTunes and start writing.
I have a soundtrack for each book. The book I’m currently doing revisions on
now, On the Wild Side, is heavy on The Sick Puppies, Sharon Little, and
Seether since my heroine is a little Goth. The music makes it easy to get my
head right back into the writing. I try to get four miles in on the treadmill
while I write (I write at 1.4 mph). That’s when I tune out the rest of the world
and tune into my book. The next time I look at the clock it’s because my stomach is growling and I’m
reminded that I’d forgotten to eat breakfast. I make brunch, take my dog out,
and then get back to work. I periodically have to move my coffee cup or iced tea
glass when my three-legged cat decides to invade my workspace. Sometimes I think
I’m lucky he only has three legs because he really enjoys typing. I do try to grab a shower in the afternoon. I find it’s good to step away from
the work and let my imagination go. I always come up with great ideas in the
shower which I’m sure is a cosmic joke since it’s nearly impossible to write
those ideas down. A friend of mine keeps a dry erase board close by just for
that purpose and I’ve considered trying it, believe me. By the time when my kids come home at 3:15 I’m dressed in street clothes and
hard at work. When I’m not walking, I sit on an exercise ball instead of a desk
chair. I hear all about their day and then allow myself to check my email again.
By the time I’ve dealt with that, it’s time for me to fix dinner. I told you my actual writing day isn’t nearly as romantic as my ideal writing
day. Maybe some day I’ll be able to merge the two! So tell me, what’s your dream workday? YOURS FOR THE TAKING
STORES JANUARY 2011 He might be too good to be true… Ben Walsh shouldn’t be single. Handsome and wealthy, Ben is equally at home in
Idaho where he grew up and in Manhattan where he’s now an art dealer. Suave and
successful with impeccable taste, he normally has women beating down his door.
But the one woman he wants can’t be convinced that he’s for real… She isn’t sure if she has time for fairy tales… Gina Reyez has fought for every bit of her success, and it’s about time for
things to start going her way. So when Ben makes a proposal that will allow her
to take care of her family the way she wants to, she agrees. Besides, a guy this
perfect would never be interested in her...right? By the time Gina figures out
that she’s read Ben all wrong, the arrangements are made, the papers are
signed…but what exactly are they getting themselves into? ABOUT THE AUTHOR Robin Kaye is a
professional writer and winner of the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart
award for her first novel, Romeo, Romeo. Her romantic comedies feature sexy,
nurturing heroes and feisty, independent heroines. She lives with her husband
and three children in Mt. Airy, Maryland, where she is working on a brand new
series for release 2011 and 2012. For more information, please visit
44 comments posted.
Re: Robin Kaye | Dreaming of a Perfect Day, What's Yours?
My perfect day is a romantic breakfast on an over-the-water balcony in our favorite hideaway at The Landing at seven Coves in Willis, TX. Then onto a fun day on the lake to end with a great game of bowling on the Xbox Kenict. (Angela Bartlett 12:24pm January 19, 2011)
I work as an RN on 3rd shift, but I think that my dream workday would include no one having any pain or complications from procedures, all the patients would have wonderful news from the doctors that there is and was nothing critically wrong with them and the patient's family would be there to support the patient- go home when the visiting hours are over to let the patient sleep along with not stress them out with other family BS! That would be my dream shift since I know that's the only place there is a chance of it happening at is only in my dreams!!! LOL Maybe someday it will get close to my dream though and I'll have happier patients and their family's! Robyn- I do like the sounds of this book since it does remind me of how my husband and I can be at times- thinking the same things, finishing the other one's sentance, being willing to be happier while the other person is having an off day. But I also know that without conflict/ aurguments, life would be missing any spice and there would be no "make-up" martial activities to finialize the fight! But no matter what- a relationship is what a person puts into it along with having faith that everything will work out for the better in the end. Have a Nice Day- Laura P. [email protected] or is my book review webpage. (Laura Parmentier 12:31pm January 19, 2011)
@ Angela - Sounds like a great day but I'm guessing that's not a work day. Still, it works for me!
@ Laura - Wow, I have such respect for nurses. My daughter had several surgeries at Shriner's Childrens Hospital in Chicago. After going there for the last 13 years, I still see the nurses who cared for her as an infant. One time they stopped and said they recognized me but not her. I reminded them they used to call her Mowhawk baby (she had a natural mowhawk until she was about three!) They screamed with excitement, pulled her out of her seat and hugged her. Nurses make miracles happen every day. I hope you enjoy the book! (Robin Kaye 1:07pm January 19, 2011)
Recently read "Romeo, Romeo" and was thoroughly entertained. I love your characters, especially Rosalie's over-the-top mother. that woman was a menace (albeit, a lovable one). I'm sure this new release will be just as good a read as "Romeo, Romeo". (Brandi Evans 1:09pm January 19, 2011)
Hi Brandi~ I'm so glad you liked Romeo, Romeo. This is Gina's story and man was she fun to write. I've been biding my time waiting for the perfect guy for her. I had to write Too Hot to Handle and Breakfast in Bed before I could put Ben and Gina together. I hope you have as good a time reading it as I had writing it! (Robin Kaye 1:13pm January 19, 2011)
Well, coffee is the first thing on my mind when I get up. No matter what is happening...I gotta have my coffee.
Well, my ideal working day would be that all my English students would come to me for their lessons....then in the late afternoon, I would be finished and could go for a long walk with my hubby, have a nice meal out, then come home to relax with a book.
Valerie in Germany (Valerie Bongards 1:31pm January 19, 2011)
My dream work day would be to sleep in and be woken by my hubby who would have a cup of coffee in his hand for me and breakfast already madeand ready to eat. He would do dishes while I get ready for work.
It would be a beautiful spring day with birds chirping. I would walk to work where I have an office facing a river. I would work and enjoy the scenery. After that, I would walk home again. My dear hubby would have dinner ready, burning candles on the table with a red rose by my plate. After dinner, he would kiss me, do the dishes, then take me by the hand and lead me to our bedroom...
Well, if I have to dream, it has to be big... LOL! (Cathy Phillips 1:32pm January 19, 2011)
My dream workday... a day where everything went smoothly... time to relax and enjoy... a day that ends with a great big smile. (Colleen Conklin 1:41pm January 19, 2011)
I would love to have a day in Key West (my girlfriend just came back from there)without the neck collar I'm wearing due to a neck fusion surgery one week ago. I would love to be lying in a deck chair with my honey Tom next to me, sipping a margarita and feeling the ocean breeze on my body! (Brenda Rupp 1:58pm January 19, 2011)
My perfect work day would be seeing the green grass and sunshine out an open window as I work (right now it's all snow and cold here)---then having everything go so well that I would be all caught up up early afternoon and could sneak out for a quick round of golf before dinner. (Sue Farrell 2:03pm January 19, 2011)
My perfect dream workday is the one when I don't have to work :) (Leni Kaye 2:24pm January 19, 2011)
My dream work day would be shorter hours & no problems. (Mary Preston 2:30pm January 19, 2011)
I enjoy beautiful spring weather with flowers in bloom and birds singing, but it becomes a perfect day when my children and grandchildren come to visit. (Anna Speed 2:41pm January 19, 2011)
@ Valerie - Sounds perfect, especially the coffee. I'm completely addicted.
@Cathy - Another Coffee Addict. I love being by a river. I can definitely see why you want to work with a river view.
@Colleen - Simple and perfect!
@Brenda - Sounds perfect. I hope you heal quickly and are as good as new to hit the beaches on Key West. I spent a lovely week there years ago, I was on a boat though. Not an 80 footer, it was a 47 foot Benateau. Just gorgeous!
@Sue - It's ice and snow and cold here. Yuck, hence the dream of Rarotonga. Golf sounds great. I'll wait for you at the 19th hole!
@ Leni - If I had a normal job, I'd be right there with you. But as a writer, I can't stop writing, the stories just keep coming.
@ Mary - Works for me. More time to swim and snorkel. (Robin Kaye 2:45pm January 19, 2011)
@ Anna - I love spring too. As for kids, I love having all three of mine together. My 15 year old ballerina moved an hour and a half away a little over a year ago so she could go to high school and dance at the best ballet school in the country (40 hours a week). We pick her up Saturday night and have to bring her back Sunday night. It's just not long enough. Still she's living the dream and loving life. (Robin Kaye 2:49pm January 19, 2011)
Congrats on the new release, Robin. My perfect work day would start without me having to run to catch the bus/subway. The train is empty and I'll actually get a seat and enjoy the ride to work. No phone calls or urgent emails for me to answer would make the work day a breeze. (Jane Cheung 3:05pm January 19, 2011)
@ Jane - A seat on the subway is always a good thing. Same with a lack of urgent phone calls and emails. Here's to an easy work day! (Robin Kaye 3:17pm January 19, 2011)
Hello Robin, Please enter me in your fantastic contest from I love to enter to win contests especially the ones from Fresh Fiction. Happy New Year 2011 to YOU and others on Fresh Fiction and may GOD Bless You and everyone with loads of Success this year and in the years to come too. Thanks again, Cecilia (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 5:00pm January 19, 2011)
@ Cecilia - Thanks for all the good wishes and blessings! Happy New Year to you too! (Robin Kaye 5:35pm January 19, 2011)
Robin, this is so easy. Since I'm retired my work is now my husband and home. I would lounge in the sun room with my current read, fresh coffee and danish, while my husband lay napping close by. Just to top it all off, could I have a cleaning service doing my inside work? Oh yeah !!! (Rosemary Simm 6:52pm January 19, 2011)
@ Rosemary - Sounds wonderful, especially the cleaning service part! I'll take one of those. (Robin Kaye 7:03pm January 19, 2011)
Right now it's raining and so my perfect day would be... A nice sunny day warm but not hot, a gentle breeze and a great book as I sit in the sun.:0) (Vickie Hightower 7:08pm January 19, 2011)
My perfect day would to wake up on a beautiful island in the Carabian. Coffee brought ot me by my husband and watching th sun rise with him. Well back to earth. We all have a dreams. Well maybe just sitting on the porch reading a good book watching the sunrise with a cup of coffee will do. (Diane Castiglione 7:19pm January 19, 2011)
My perfect day would be having my office miraclously double in size. Since I know that is not going to happen, I would settle for no nose bleeds, bumped heads, fever (I am a secretary at a pre school)and a clean desk. Oh well, dreams are cheap! (Linda Pillow 7:30pm January 19, 2011)
great books (Jo Smith 7:56pm January 19, 2011)
My perfect day would be getting up whenever I felt like getting up; have a nice breakfast; watch a bit of local news. Then put in a 30 minute walk. Come home, do some chores until lunchtime. After that, it's me time where I can do whatever I want... Just a dream! (Diane Sadler 7:57pm January 19, 2011)
Dream work day? coming to the office.. No one calls, no one askes any questions and I can just work, get everything done and clean off my desk... :) (Kelly Mueller 8:09pm January 19, 2011)
Love your books, Robin. Looking forward to this one. (Karen Triolo 8:19pm January 19, 2011)
Dream work day? First I have to find a job - mine went offshore. But when I've had a job, having a good team meeting, solving the problems that come up, going home on time & not getting any overnight calls about problems. My next dream work day will ahve to include to being on 24x7 call. (Diane Sallans 8:22pm January 19, 2011)
Thank you for your write-up, Robin.
Since I'm unemployed, my ideal work day would be doing just about anything that pays me enough to live on, and isn't illegal, immoral, or fattening. And by now I'm pretty flexible about the third condition.
But while I'm looking for work, I'm also studying computers and writing. And as far as those endeavors go, any day when I get a lot done and I'm pleased with the results is a good day.
I try not to pay attention to the actual conditions under which I study and write. Consider the fact that some famous works have been written under terrible conditions.
Cervantes wrote "Don Quixote" while he was in prison. The same goes for Malory and "Le Morte d'Arthur". Richard Tregaskis wrote "Guadalcanal Diary" on the front lines of the title locale, where he was often under fire.
Alexander Solzenitzen composed long works of poetry in his head while he was locked up in a hellhole in Siberia, with no access to paper or pens. After he was released, he wrote them down.
William Faulkner wrote his first major novel, "As I Lay Dying", while working the graveyard shift in a heating plant. He tended a boiler and used an upturned wheelbarrow as his desk. When it was time to refuel the boiler, he stopped writing, turned the wheelbarrow upright, and hauled coal with it.
With these examples in mind, I can't complain because my own writing conditions are far from perfect!
Keep up the good work. (Mary Anne Landers 8:27pm January 19, 2011)
Sounds like a fun read. Count me in. (Helen Livermore 8:31pm January 19, 2011)
My dream workday would be where everything falls into place, no problems occurring, people returning my phone calls and say that all of my 49 projects are completed and that my workday is only 4 hours with the full day pay. (Kai Wong 9:08pm January 19, 2011)
My perfect day is snuggling on the couch, under a blanket with a book - finishing that book and getting a good amount of that 2nd one read - being able to do this undisturbed of course. LOL. (Pat Lieberman 9:53pm January 19, 2011)
I LOVE your books!! And a perfect workday is to stay at hoe and rest!! (Clicia Tremblay 10:31pm January 19, 2011)
This sounds like a great book. I loved "Romeo, Romeo" and "Breakfast in Bed" (Maria Antunes 10:47pm January 19, 2011)
My dream workday is to wake up, have a cup of coffee waiting for me, the radio on with my favorite station, and a few hours of uninterrupted time for me to get caught up with what I need to do. An occasional cookie would be nice if it were snuck up to me, but all I need is a few hours of uninterrupted "blissful" time to get caught up with my computer work. I'm so terribly behind that it's almost embarassing. My Husband doesn't understand that if I were caught up, it would mean more quality time with him. Anyway, I need about a week like that, then I could get back to normal around here. lol Congratulations on your new book. I'll have to check it out. (Peggy Roberson 11:13pm January 19, 2011)
I work at an assisted living facility so my dream work day is just one where there are no medical emergencies, falls, or staff members calling in sick. (G. Bisbjerg 11:55pm January 19, 2011)
My dream workday involves windows open, 75 degree day with no problems to deal with and everyone I talk to happy and cheerful. Congratulations on the new book! (Maureen Emmons 7:24am January 20, 2011)
My perfect "work day" would be living near my grandchildren and being able to read to them, play with them, pick them up from school and bake cookies with them!
Unfortunately they live in South Carolina and we live in Rhode Island and I work full-time. I'd love for the national economy to get straightened out so we might beable to sell our house, retire, and move to sunny, warm South Carolina!
While I'm waiting I'll just sit here dreaming of soft kisses and warm hugs from those little ones and set the alarm clock again tomorrow morning at 6:00 am so I can get to work on time! (Jeanne Miro 9:24am January 20, 2011)
If I had a job it would be in an independent book store and all day long I would have the regular customers coming into talk with me and asking for help picking the next book to read. Failing that, I'm at home working on a new quilt, testing a new recipe and hugging my kids. (Heather Pearson 12:24pm January 20, 2011)
My dream day starts somewhere around noon, only getting up when I absolutely have to (usually right before I wet my pants. Taking a cup of my favorite coffee to the computer to check my email and the phone not ringing till after the first cup is gone. (Lisa Richards 2:34pm January 20, 2011)
I am not able to work due to back and neck surgery's. Any time of work day at home that didn't include my neck brace (I just had another fusion) would be a great day for me, and one without restrictions so I could clean this place up! My husband tries, but he just doesn't see what I do, or doesn't want to! ~ : ) (Brenda Rupp 12:17pm January 22, 2011)
I am not able to work due to back and neck surgery's. Any time of work day at home that didn't include my neck brace (I just had another fusion) would be a great day for me, and one without restrictions so I could clean this place up! My husband tries, but he just doesn't see what I do, or doesn't want to! ~ : ) (Brenda Rupp 12:17pm January 22, 2011)
My perfect day includes eating a filling breakfast, going on a walk preferably by water, reading a good book and writing more. A massage would be nice... (Alyson Widen 11:46pm January 25, 2011)
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