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Linda Conrad | What Do You Love to Hate?
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A witch appears in my newest trilogy, The Safekeepers, for Silhouette Romantic Suspense.  In fact, she’s a black witch who curses the Ryan family. Several white witches who do good deeds are in all three books too, but the witches don’t take up the entire plot.  I’ve also written about psychics, mediums, and Native American supernatural beliefs.  My editor and I call that light paranormal elements.

Not long ago I was wondering if light paranormal was as popular with readers as dark.  Oh, I already knew about the popularity of those sensual dark vampire and werewolf stories.  Or at least I thought I did.  I happened to ask a readers group and my own newsletter subscribers what they thought.  Boy, did I get an earful!

“…straight paranormal is currently being overdone.”  “Vamps are sooo over.”  “I don’t care for vampire and the like in books.” “I’m a big paranormal fan who is tired of the vampires.”  And these are the nice replies!

But at the same time as people complain about vampire books, one of the best-selling series currently is the Twilight series by Stephanie Myer.  And please don’t tell Sherilyn Kenyon that vampires are out.  She’ll laugh all the way to the bank.   So is this a case of people secretly loving what they claim to hate?

There are a couple of things that I love to hate.  Exercise comes to mind first.   I know I should do it.  My doctor says so, my muscles say so, and my scale says so.  And I love the way I feel when I’m done with exercise for the day.  But boy do I hate getting out there.  I’m thinking about how miserable I am all the way to the gym!

Another thing I love to hate is writing a first draft.  I would rather have root canal surgery than spit out pages of a brand new book.  I fight it and fight it—until I see my wonderful words spread out there on the page for everyone to read.  I love that part!   I also hate writing synopses, but there’s no love there at all—just plain misery.

Love/hate relationships are all around us.  I’ve known people who claim to hate certain family or friends, but deep down they really love them.  Then there are people who say they hate their jobs, but secretly they love the prestige or the relationships they have at work.

The second book in my Safekeepers series, SAFE BY HIS SIDE, is out now.  The heroine of that book thinks she hates all charming men—until she falls in love with one.  The last of the trilogy, IN SAFE HANDS, will be out in April.  And I’m sure hoping this light paranormal series turns out to be one you’ll love—not hate!

Linda Conrad

Get more information about the Safekeepers, my backlist of books and my current contests at: http://www.LindaConrad.com

contest prize
safekeepers plus godiva
So are there things you love to hate?

Types of books or TV shows?

Grocery shopping?

Do you have a secret addiction?

Let Linda know by commenting below and you'll be entered in the drawing for copies of SAFE BY HIS SIDE, IN SAFE HANDS and some Godvia to enjoy while reading them!




24 comments posted.

Re: Linda Conrad | What Do You Love to Hate?
Make your Blog reading Pay-off! Comment to win Today!

I totally agree with you about exercise being one thing that is perfect to love to hate.

I like both light and dark paranormal, depending on my mood at the time.
(Donna Simmonds 12:28pm March 5, 2009)

I hate exercise and housework! Too bad because if I would do some housework I would get a little exercise.

I tell my husband I hate having to volunteer for the kids functions, but I really love to be involved.

I don't hate dark or light paranormals but I do dislike when the same story seems to be done over and over.
(Lisa Freeman 10:23am March 5, 2009)

Hi Linda. Two things that I hate are exercising and cleaning. But, I have to do them. LOL. As you know, I am a fan of books with paranormal elements.
(Crystal Broyles 10:27am March 5, 2009)

I do not enjoy clearing out excess accumulation from my house or garage nor having to go on endless errands. Books with paranormal elements are always a favorite of mine.
(Sharon Berger 11:00am March 5, 2009)

I have the love hate relationship with exercise and I am really having problems getting into it this year. I like the light paranormals the best. Sometimes the dark ones are over done. A little touch of magic does a lot for a book.
(Gail Hurt 12:23pm March 5, 2009)

I can so relate to having a love/hate relationship with exercise. I know it is good for me, but it is so hard to make myself do it. The flip side of that is that I love fattening foods like chocolate, but I hate that I gain wait from eating them.

I love paranormal romance whether it is light or dark and I still love vampires. I do have a love/hate relationship with rakish heroes, though. In one way, I am tired of them, but then I read a book with one and I am sucked right into pulling for him.
(Lori Patterson 1:11pm March 5, 2009)

I always plan on doing exercise being gung-ho for a week, then it sinks in: this is a lifestyle change for the long haul. So, I try to carry on, but throw the towel in and gradually quit what plan I've mapped out and put other things "more important" in place. I can't find a bandaid big enough to cover my mistake in trying to change too many things at once. One step at a time, one week and then three is a more sensible speed. It takes at least 3 weeks to change a habit, good or bad. Having a buddy to walk with as you step off on a plan keeps you on track. The conversations of love/hate are the ways to weigh down with baggage in the consequences of action vs inaction. Build toward and on the positives and like magic, things become clearer. A whole lot of distractions move away while finding yourself back in the middle of a passionate path.
(Alyson Widen 1:28pm March 5, 2009)

:) I love that your talking about people complaining about vampires...and yet that's what is soo popular! I, myself, love vampire and paranormal books!!
(Rachael Grime 2:04pm March 5, 2009)


Here's my comment I left on the other
blog. I guess this is the one for the
contest, so here's my 2 cents:

Hi Linda,

Romantic suspense is my favorite
genre. Hence military and law
enforcement type heroes are my

Personally, I can't think of anything I
love to hate. If I like it, you know; if I
don't, you know. Pretty simple.

And I'll bet Sherilyn is laughing all the
way to the bank. I think that more
attention is paid to the naysayers, as is
in most things, and that the majority
of people who are spending money,
for instance to buy vampire books, are
part of a silent majority. But the
negative is what gets coverage
because it plays on people's fears---
i.e. the author's fear of people not
buying her book because of what it's

Now my favorite type of paranormal
deals with psychic phenomenon---
intuition, e.s.p., etc.
I also like stories with witches in them.
Vamps and Weres would be next on
the list. But, overall, no matter who or
what is in the story, it really depends
on the way the story is written.

(Julie Robinson 2:34pm March 5, 2009)

Hello Linda,

Love/Hate is a good way to describe the way I feel about exercise but another is housework. I hate trying to get started but once I'm really into, I love they way my house smells and looks.

I can honestly say I like a little of both light and dark paranormal.

Have a great day.
(Roberta Harwell 2:47pm March 5, 2009)

Hi Linda. I really can't think of anything I love to hate... My DH is with you on the exercise. I like to exercise or walk - I'm just not as disciplined as I should be about it!! I could say I hate my job 'cause it interferes with reading and blogging about reading. *G* But I really do love my job and since I’m the boss I don’t get in trouble if I take a blog break.
I have not read the Twilight series or any of Kenyon’s books yet. I don’t seem to have a lot of interest for dark vampire books but I love the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris! I also just started the Rachel Morgan series (Dead Witch Walking) by Kim Harrison and really enjoyed that too. I agree with a previous comment that I like psychic paranormal (Kay Hooper). Also I thought the Study series by Maria V. Snyder was great - more magic in that. I liked listening (CDs) to the Harry Potter series - too long to actually read! And I like the magic in Mary Jo Putney’s Guardian series. I am interested in reading a dragon shifter story - just haven’t gotten one yet! I do like good witches, weres and shifters. I guess I come down on the side of good magic and “good” guys in all their guises!
(Martha Eskuchen 3:48pm March 5, 2009)

I'm in the middle of moving, so I can easily say I hate dealing with picking out an electric company. Over 50 (mostly small) companies are available with varying prices, contract terms, cancellation fees, and lots of fine print to read. Argh! But if I don't make a good choice I'll be stuck for months, if not years with a bad company.

I like all types of books, both light and dark paranormal appeal to me.
(Denise Powers 5:40pm March 5, 2009)

The docters are allways tell me to Exercise and i never get around to it.and i hate thaking showers intill im in them then i love the hot water but getting myself to go take one is the hard part.I do not think vanpires are out but i love all paranomal books all kinds of paranormal stuuf out there to read.
(Stacey Smith 7:43pm March 5, 2009)

I love to hate my cell phone-I have used it in numerous perilous situations and emergencies but I just don't want to speak on the darn thing.
My secret literary addiction? Erotic literature kept in my underwer drawer
(Dawn Raymer 9:10pm March 5, 2009)

I like both light paranormal and dark.
It depends on my mood which I read
at any time. Like you the love/hate is
exercise. Dieting is a biggie too.
Housework isn't so bad, I just don't
get much time to do it. We've been
renovating the victorian we live in for
the last 16 years and there are boxes
all over. I need a week or so to just
lock myself in and dig into the mess.
(Patricia Barraclough 9:43pm March 5, 2009)

One of the things I really don't like is shopping. I like to get in and out, so if you see me standing in a long line, you can bet I'm seething inside. Now, on the other hand, I do enjoy perusing the shelves of bookstores. But is that really shopping? Or is it satisfying an addiction?
(LuAnn Morgan 10:50pm March 5, 2009)

Excercise, and work. Those two are things I know I love to hate. :)
(Virginia Hendricks 8:09am March 6, 2009)

when my teens begged me to see twilight, i thought i dont think so but after seeing it and sampling the books im hooked, its wickedly romantic. but deep down i love to hate things my teens like but once i look into them they arent so bad..lol
(Marcella Robinson 9:41pm March 6, 2009)

I LOVE to hate REALITY shows! UGH! Who cares who can get in a car and go so far in a certain length of time all while having issues with crazy stuff. Prefer a good ol' scripted show any day!
(Rachael Grime 2:24pm March 7, 2009)

I hate shopping, but once I am in a store then I want to see everything, look for bargains and spend time there. Love internet shopping.....find what I want, order and leave, all without leaving my home. Can spend hours on publishers websites *g*
(Ruby Davis 9:24pm March 8, 2009)

My love/hate relationship is with food. I love to eat but I hate to cook. I love looking at cookbooks and pouring over recipes on cooking/food websites but I hate the whole process of prepping and cooking the food. Sometimes by the time I'm finished cooking I have literally lost my appetite and I can't eat it. I know...I know...I got it bad but let someone else cook and I will inhale everything in sight. I'm not even picky about what I eat either. I'll try just about anything once. I just really hate cooking and anything that has to do with cooking.
(Sabrina Gibau 8:43pm March 17, 2009)

I have a serious love/hate thing right now for Christmas Shopping. Yes, I know it's December 21. I would absofreakingloutely love to finish my shopping but I haven't been able to. So I'm hating every time the phone rings and I'm called into work, when I should be off shopping....That's my current love/hate thing.
(Maude Allen 5:35pm December 21, 2009)

My current love/hate is christmas shopping. I would absofreakinglutely love to finish my shopping but every time the phone rings I hate to answer it b/c I know I'm being called into work and I then know that I won't get to finish my shopping today.
(Maude Allen 5:38pm December 21, 2009)

I agree with those who hate housework - if the darned house would just STAY clean, I would love it instead.
[email protected]
(Penny Tuttle 7:13pm January 4, 2010)

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