Lynne Marshall | What's New, Plus a Giveaway!
July 2, 2014
I have a friend who used to cut right to the chase whenever we saw each other
after a long absence. “New?” she’d say instead of “Hey, how are you, what’s
new?” Put on the spot, my mind always went blank. “Not much. You?” Things
constantly happen, there’s always something new to share, yet we often don’t
think our “stuff” is interesting enough—well, at least that’s how I feel—to tell
the other person about. My friend, Linda, must have thought I was the most
boring person on the planet, when I was actually being humble. And considerate. On the other extreme—raise a hand if this rings a bell—how many have friends who
think every little detail of their lives is worth sharing? Admit it, you’ve
made excuses to avoid them. Ever seen someone like that in a store and
pretended you didn’t notice them? Who’s willing to admit that? I’ll go first –
YES. Is it human nature, or am I just weird? (Fingers crossed I’m not the only
person in the world who does this.) When Fresh Fiction offered me the guest blog spot for today, I jumped at
the chance, because there does happen to be something “new” going on in my life
right now. So thanks for the opportunity to share a little something about my
KEEPS from Harlequin Special Edition. A DOCTOR FOR
KEEPS is the first book in a three-book series set in the fictional
small town of Heartlandia, Oregon – a Scandinavian enclave along the gorgeous
Columbia River. Now, if this sounds suspiciously similar to Astoria, it is.
The beauty of creating fictional towns is you can pick and choose what you want
to use from real places and those tucked away places in the head–I like to call
that my creativity spot—to make the setting exactly the way it was envisioned in
the mind. Some details stay and others get tossed, making the spot seem similar
but not exactly like the real place. Here’s a story board I made to keep the three books straight. Book one is the
upper left hand corner. 
Desi is the long lost granddaughter of Heartlandia’s
Mayor pro tem, and she
makes her way home at a crucial time in the city’s history. There’s a town
secret that just might blow the lid off “the way things have always been” and
only a handful of people know about it. No this book isn’t a mystery, the
secret is only a subplot, but I had a ball making it up and threading it
throughout the three books. 
Of course Desdemona’s story is a romance, one that involves the tall “Viking”
type next door to her grandmother…and his son. Sound interesting? I hope so! I also hope you’ll read the blurb on my book page here at Fresh
Fiction and maybe give A DOCTOR FOR KEEPS a
try. If you do, fingers crossed you’ll want to read the next two books due out
in 2015. Isn’t the book cover beautiful? 
So – if you’re willing to admit you’ve avoided people in markets and stores
(pretended you didn’t see them) by leaving a comment, I’d like to give either a
print copy or an e-book copy of A DOCTOR FOR KEEPS
to one lucky commenter. Who’s game? Or, for the sake of conversation, have you ever suspected a friend has
purposely avoided you in a public place? What did you do about it? Do tell!!! Thanks for reading, Lynne Visit Lynne's website
45 comments posted.
Re: Lynne Marshall | What's New, Plus a Giveaway!
Hello Lynne -- Funny how we feel that our own stories hold little interest for others. I live a rather staid existence -- still married to the same man, still living in the same house, still thrilled to spend most of my time with my family, still unbelievably fortunate not to have to work outside the home ... and the things which are new and different for me are foreign to so many -- stage acting, film sets, travel.... I vacillate between whether my sharing is viewed as boring or bragging (neither of which I care to do!), so I remain quiet. And, yes, I often do not approach others I know when out and about; but not because I don't care to speak with them. I have a rather freakish ability to remember people (locations, events, topics, wardrobe ... odd stuff) which others apparently do not share. So, to save them the embarrassment of not recollecting our past, I tend to follow their lead, and choose to respond rather than instigate. Oh, and let me assure you that I find your story (along with your stories) very compelling. So the next time I see you, I want to hear all about it! (Robyn Thomas 12:42pm July 2, 2014)
Loving your story boards. I'd love to see these as inside covers.
I avoid if I am not in the mood or in a rush. (Mary Preston 6:54am July 2, 2014)
Robyn - Very interesting take on the subject. Thank you for your encouragement. I've discovered that people aren't really interested in my writing, especially if they're not into my genre, so I do not talk about it - at all - unless I'm with fellow writers. They understand! :) Or, and of course on Facebook - because that's the point, right? (Lynne Marshall 9:18am July 2, 2014)
Mary - I'm with you! (Lynne Marshall 9:18am July 2, 2014)
I will say hello if I am near someone and continue with my own business. (Leona Olson 10:12am July 2, 2014)
Like Robyn, "I live a rather staid existence -- still married to the same man, still living in the same house, still thrilled to spend most of my time with my family, still unbelievably fortunate not to have to work outside the home." That being said, I DO avoid certain people in the grocery stores. Inevitably, though, I turn a corner and almost run them over with my cart, LOL. That'll teach me! (Elaine Seymour 10:28am July 2, 2014)
When I'm in a store, if I happen to spot someone I know, I'll usually go out of my way to avoid them, due to the fact that I don't go out often, and have a million other things to do while I'm out. I have a limited amount of time while I'm out, and usually hate getting tied up talking with someone, when I could be finishing up my errands - especially in town. If someone happens to stop me to talk, I'll humor them, so to speak, but I try to keep the conversation as short as possible, so that I can get back to what I was doing. My Husband is starting to be the same way I am!! I love reading books having to do with Doctors, and the medical profession in general, so I'm looking forward to reading your series!! The cover is well-done, and I'm thrilled that you didn't cut off the heads of the people on the cover, as so many Authors have started to do, which to me is a turn-off!! Congratulations on your series!! I'm sure it will do well!! (Peggy Roberson 12:03pm July 2, 2014)
i do advoid people in the supermarkets most of the time (Denise Smith 12:05pm July 2, 2014)
I know what you mean. I have done this too many times to count. I even avoided my so called best friend by pretending to talk with someone else. She was with my, thought he was, boyfriend and they were kissing. Another time I avoided my boss only so I would not have to hear her want to talk about work. I usually go with someone now so that it is easier to do the ignoring and get away with it. Best of Luck with the new series, looking forward to reading them. (Tina Ullrich 12:29pm July 2, 2014)
Leona - that sounds sensible. Elaine - Too funny, what that saying about Karma? Peggy - I know - if we chat at the market our frozen food will melt. I'm thrilled you like my book cover, and I'll pass the word about not cutting off heads on book covers. (Lynne Marshall 4:38pm July 2, 2014)
Denise - it's your prerogative, you know? Tina - What? That's horrible. Good idea about going with someone to make avoiding people easier. L. Lam - Thank you for reading the blog. (Lynne Marshall 4:41pm July 2, 2014)
I will admit to avoiding someone once or twice... they did not know I was there... just did not wish to talk to them at the time... I have also in the past had a best friend that I saw actually look through me once in public as if I was not even there calling out to her and waving... well that was the end of that friendship. (Colleen Conklin 7:09pm July 2, 2014)
Happy 4th of July - Independence Day - most definitely. And your birthday, too, Elaine? I know what you mean about just being another year older. The shine of birthdays really wears off after a while. LOL (Lynne Marshall 7:14pm July 2, 2014)
Colleen - I get not stopping the concentration while shopping to chat with an acquaintance, but a best friend ignoring you? That hurts for sure, and without knowing the whole story, I suspect you made the right decision. (Lynne Marshall 7:16pm July 2, 2014)
I've never avoided someone, but I do have a friend that always shares too much. It's not what she shares, though, it's that each story gets told 3 times in the same conversation. (Jen Barnard 3:41am July 3, 2014)
Oh wow, I have certainly done that....I know people who go on and on and on and on.....happened just the other night, as a matter of fact, when I was with two other ladies and we wound up getting "caught" by an EXTREMELY talkative lady - LOL - and my mom and I have a former neighbor who would have no problem at all giving you a minute-by-minute description of her day. Fortunately, my mom would interject and ask her to get to the point! :-)
And I think that I HAVE been avoided by others, who feel the same way - who just don't feel like stopping to chat... (Felicia Ciaudelli 7:53am July 3, 2014)
I have avoided people. Not usually because I don't want to talk to them, it's more because I didn't have the time to. (Sue Galuska 8:48am July 3, 2014)
Hi Jen - I often forget who I've told something to and might repeat it, but not in the same conversation. Hopefully, anyway. Can you gently remind her that she just told you the same story? (Lynne Marshall 10:44am July 3, 2014)
Hi Felicia! No one needs a minute-by-minute description of someone else's life - it impinges on our own lives too much. Good for your mom for being direct. (Lynne Marshall 10:46am July 3, 2014)
Sue - I'm with you, I'll be shopping with a purpose and plans for what I need to do later, and I simply don't want to throw myself off track. But there are times I'm so glad to see someone I haven't seen in awhile that I absolutely must stop what I'm doing and check in with them. Sometimes, I think my mood is the deciding factor. As a writer, some days I realize I haven't talked to anyone and I worry I'll forget how to be human if I don't interact, you know? Other days, I really need to complete my shopping task and get back to the job. (Lynne Marshall 10:49am July 3, 2014)
I try not to get in a big conversation with a friend or an acquaintance while shopping. Usually, I'm in a hurry and simply say hello, it's good to see you. I smile and keep moving on. (Anna Speed 1:06pm July 3, 2014)
Hi Anna - sounds like your plan works really well. It's probably better to acknowledge someone briefly than dodge them. Maybe just a friendly wave from across the store can suffice, too. (Lynne Marshall 1:50pm July 3, 2014)
Happy July 4th I like reading your books (Joy Isley 1:55pm July 3, 2014)
Hi Joy! Thank you so much, and happy 4th to you, too. (Lynne Marshall 4:55pm July 3, 2014)
It does sound very interesting and I do love the cover and the story board idea is great. (Denise Austin 5:26pm July 3, 2014)
Hi Denise - I am so glad you love the cover and find the book premise interesting. I loved creating the small town and got to write three books about it! (Lynne Marshall 6:36pm July 3, 2014)
I generally dodge people unless I just have lots of free time. The series sounds great! Can't wait to read them. (Kathy Church 9:12pm July 3, 2014)
I moved so there isn't much chance of running into anyone I know. I have a terrible memory for names, faces I recognize but I don't speak to anyone unless they speak first. (Pat Freely 10:05pm July 3, 2014)
I know I've probably ducked someone in my small town but the time that comes my mind first is my mother ducking behind me to avoid the parent of one of her students. (Laura Gullickson 10:13pm July 3, 2014)
i say hi if i know the person (Ann Unger 11:12pm July 3, 2014)
Hi Kathy - yeah, I think that's the reason most people might skip chit-chat - we are all on schedules! Thanks - I hope you enjoy the series. (Lynne Marshall 11:56pm July 3, 2014)
Pat - I'm like you - good with faces, but it gets sketchy when it comes to names. I wish I were better at remembering them. I hope you enjoy your new home. (Lynne Marshall 11:58pm July 3, 2014)
Oh, Laura - you've made me laugh. I bet there are more than a few teachers who've dodged parents of students in public places.
Ann - Saying "hi" is always nice, it's just when it opens to a long conversation that makes people maybe not say hi in the first place. You never know which way things will go, you know? Thanks for commenting. (Lynne Marshall 12:00pm July 4, 2014)
I'll admit I've ducked into a different aisle to avoid certain people. The cover does look great and the SE line is my favorite. (Susan Falkler 1:49pm July 4, 2014)
Susan - so glad the Special Edition line is your favorite - it's a great Harlequin line! So, do you feel better now knowing you're not the only one ducking down aisles rather than making eye contact with acquaintances? Happy 4th (Lynne Marshall 3:02pm July 4, 2014)
I would love to give it a try. I would even review it if I win. And yes, I will admit that on occasion I have avoided someone in a market but usually because they don't want to speak to me anyway. (Jane Squires 3:26pm July 4, 2014)
I have avoided people when I don't want to waste the time or energy to deal with them. They just drain me. (Kai Wong 3:51pm July 4, 2014)
I've avoided running in to people too. Sometimes is because I ran out of the house without a shower because I needed to run a quick errand. Other times it's because I didn't feel like I had anything to offer. I'm unmarried, have no kids and have been unemployed. Some people only want to keep score and I don't want to play that game.
Happy 4th everybody! (Crystal Blackburn 6:24pm July 4, 2014)
I will speak to that person and then go on with my business. Thanks for this giveaway! (Connie Saunders 7:47am July 5, 2014)
Yes, I have avoided someone I knew in the grocery store, at least once. I have a dear friend. She is a warm, sincere, wonderful person....who doesn't know when to quit talking. One day while running errands (and running behind) I spotted her down an aisle headed my way. I knew if I spoke it would be 20 minutes (at least) before I would be able to get away so I did the only thing I could think of. I hid behind the beer display until she passed. Feel guilty? Absolutely. But, sometimes you have to choose your battles. My ears won that day. (Debbie Kelly 8:53am July 5, 2014)
Hi Jane - Thanks for being willing to read my book (and review it - that's always appreciated by authors)
Kai - I hope you don't feel drained the next time you shop!
Crystal - I understand that sometimes we step out of the house not looking our best, and just our luck we run into someone we know. I avoid in those circumstances, too. Hugs and hopes for things to look up for you!
Connie - YOu sound like a level-headed lady. Thanks for commenting.
Debbie - ha! hiding behind the beer display. I'm going to try that sometime!
Thanks everyone for reading my blog and commenting. Have a good weekend! (Lynne Marshall 1:13pm July 5, 2014)
I avoided someone in the grocery store. My friend didn't tell that knowing her sister was having a baby was a secrer- -if it was a secret, then why did she tell me. I knew her sister's brother-in-law. Congratulated him. oops. saw the look of surprise and quick recovery. My friend's sister let her have it and then she of course was mad at me--again, she never told me it was a secret. saw her sister in the grocery store and went the other way--didn't want a confrontation. The bro-in-law was always nice to me. (Denise Holcomb 6:54pm July 5, 2014)
I have avoided a couple of friends while out shopping when I didn't have time for a long conversation. (Carol Woodruff 7:27pm July 5, 2014)
Denise and Carol - thanks for fessing up about avoiding, and/or the reason it may be a good idea to avoid someone at the grocery store. Have a great weekend (Lynne Marshall 8:20pm July 5, 2014)
I'm sorry to say that I am very guilty of this. I will often see a couple of particular friends and hope they didn't see me first. If I can get away I have quickly jogged around a corner and then taken the long way around or gone to another area until I think they are gone from the area I want to go to. My reason is that these particular few are always complaining about one thing or another. I get that we all have problems at some point and time but not ALL of the time. I am not one who bends my friends' ears when I have a problem so I don't understand why others don't follow. I would not have to duck and hide if they would. (Angelina Daniels-Shaw 1:40pm May 1, 2015)
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