Comments50 comments posted.
I think that I would like to be my cat, Sunshine. She brings such joy to so many.
I would like to be myself aged 20 - 25, meeting my husband at a similar age. We didn't know each other then and we keep saying that if we'd met as youngsters we could have done so much more together before maturity issues (mortagages, family, health etc) came along. Are we romantic or what?
I'd like to be me, just a younger me. I'd dread being anyone else.
I like being me however certain days I would like to do-over - like my wedding day which was on a tight budget. I would like to do it again (with my husband) but at any cost - no expence spared.
I would like to just remain me with all my little strange
Joe Mangaiello's wife or girlfriend. He is so hot.
i would love this book
I love your question - but I'm still trying to figure out an answer. So for now, I'd wish just to be me because that's hard enough. I LOVE New Zealand - was there many years ago - for 7 weeks and loved every minute. I would love to win your book and wish you every luck with it!
I. too. love Hugh Jackman and Judith McNaught is one of my favorite authors. Perhaps I would love being you. Keep writing!
I'd love being Nora Roberts maybe I could take away enough from one days experience to benefit my own life.
For one day, I'd love to be my sister's dog--adored and pampered unconditionally.
I think I'd just be me.
Question: Who you'd like to be for a day?
Being a grandmother is wonderful...I would never want to go back in time...this life of mine is too wonderful!!!!!
Ooh - that's a tough question! I think I'd like to still be
I'd like to be my daughter's French Bulldog. He really has a great life! Everyone loves him. He gets tons of attention. He never wants for anything. And, he is the world's best snugger!
I think I'd like to change genders and be a man for a day---maybe a sports star or even a politician.
My husband and i have been together almost 36 years and I will be 50 in less then a month...I don't think i want to be anyone else.
I have lived a great life and I'm almost 65. If I could have
I WOULD LIKE TO BE elizabeth taylor back in the day
Hmmm, I am not sure I would care to step into anyone else's shoes for a day... maybe see what our pampered dog's day is like...
I would like to be Queen Elizabeth for a day. I have always admired her so much
By the way, I have been diligently gathering clues in hopes of correctly solving
Mary, the mother of Jesus. In one of the day's that he was teaching in the 3yr period before his death.
I wouldn't want to change a thing about my husband or my wonderful family (including my dog Mandy), but I'd like to be independently wealthy for a day. Go to the spa and have people wait on me and my loved ones for a change, lol.
That's a tough question. It would be fun to be a movie star celebrity for a day and experience on-the-set movie-making. However, I think I'd much rather be myself at a younger age (back in my early 20's). One day probably wouldn't seem long enough.
Hi Bronwen
I'd like to be a younger me with all the knowledge and experience I have now!
That's easy I would be my 14 year old daughter. Seems we are in such a rush to grow up then once we do we wish we would have enjoyed those years a little more...
I wonder what it was like to deal with Christmas gear in the
This is a really tough question to answer. I guess I am going to follow the lead of others and say me but with more confidence energy.
Bronwen, I was laughing at your question. When I don't feel like being me after a hard day, I would asked my cat if she and I can switch places just for a day (yeah, I'm thinking Freaky Friday). I would be able to explore places where I can't go unless I'm the same size of my cat. See things from her point of view.
To be anyone for a day...I would love to be Angelina Jolie
If I could be anyone for a day it would be...me! I don't want to walk a mile in anyone else's shoes and I don't want their stinky feet in mine. HAHAHA!
I'm a great-grandmother, and I wouldn't want to change anything.
I love art.The other day I watched a film about artist Emile Norman . I love his work and would like learn more about him.
I think I would have liked to be Mother Theresa, for a day, to do what I could to help the children of the world.
Hi everyone - wow what wonderful answers. I love that you are all so happy and confident within yourselves. I wonder if that's a trait common to avid readers!
There are so many answers that I could put down, and the romantic would be nice, but I am the practical one first. I would have to answer a High Court Judge. The reason for that is because I have issues in my life that need straightening out. My Father was put in a nursing home by my Sister, and my Father wants me to get him out so he can live with me. It's a mess that I don't think I can do without going through the courts. Anyway, if I was a Judge, I could take care of it. After that was done, I could start taking care of things to make this Country great again!! Things have gotten out of control. I would love to read your book. Congratulations on your award.
I would like to be Judge Judy for a day. I'm not very out spoken and there are a few things I'd like to get off my chest.
What would I like to be? A successful gardener. My green thumb seems to be some other oolor. I try hard, spend a lot of time at it, as well as cash, but my plants tend to fold up and die.
I would like to be Queen Elizabeth - but just for a day, to
I think if I could be someone else for a day I would be an infant in my family. They are treated with infinate patience, adored beyond reason, cuddled and snuggled and passed from person to person. The only thing I would change is I would be totally aware and be able to retain the memory of having all of that love directed at me. Then I could live my whole life never doubting I am loved and loveable. I wish we could all carry that with us every day.
I'm a great-grandmother,and I just love it. I would love to win your book,thank you for a chance.
I'd like to be myself, but Personal Secretary to HRM Queen Elizabeth. We'd sit down with cups of tea and I'd ask her to tell me about her life experiences. Then I'd somehow get her to give me permission to write a Bio using all this exclusive information!
Kate Middleton... but only for a day because I wouldn't want her life permanently!
that would be my 13 year old daughter who seems to want to grow up faster
I wouldn't want to be anyone but myself. The grass always looks greener on the other side, but rarely is.
I would like to be an interviewer like Charlie Rose or someone who asks the hard questions and then watches how long it takes to avoid answering the ones everyone wants to know.
I would like to be a truly healthy person.
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