Cynthia Cooke | My Favorite ...The Avengers
May 18, 2012
How is it possible that I could have been so clueless about the earth's
mightiest heroes? I was. But not anymore. After 2 hours and 22 minutes in the
theater on Mother's Day watching these incredible hunky men fighting the good
fight across the big screen, I am determined to go back and watch every one of
their movies. But the big question I've been asking myself since the credits
rolled across the screen, which powerful, crime-fighting super-hero do I like
the best? How to decide when there are so many options to consider ! But I've
narrowed it down to the following: Best Butt: Captain America, hands down! I wish I could find that image from the beginning of the movie when Captain
America is punching the sandbags and they give us this incredible butt shot.
You'll just have to go see it in the movie for yourselves (across the big
screen!). Trust me, you won't be disappointed. But of course, Captain America is so much more than a fantastic sexy body! He's
the do-gooder on the show. A good soldier to the end, always following the
rules, always has your back. In fact, he's a lot like my hero, Kyle Montgomery,
in my latest release - Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies. They're both
drop dead gorgeous with a heart of gold. And they NEVER run away from a fight. Best Dreamy eyes : Stark —The Iron Man
What can we say? He's gorgeous. He's charismatic. He's uber wealthy. And
best of all he's not afraid to be the one to risk everything to save the world.
He's brave and courageous and wins us over with his "what the hell" attitude!
And he's brilliant, of course!! ;D Best Throw-Me-Over-Your-Shoulder and Take-Me-To-Your-Bed Right-This-Second:
Thor Please! Need I say more? And then most Vulnerable: Dr. Banner - The Hulk, of course. He had me at - I'm always angry. Love this guy.
One of the best scenes in the movies is when The Hulk starts throwing Loki
around like a rag doll! Brilliant.
And, of course, I know for a fact this moving wouldn't have rocked as well as it
had without huge Kudos to the Amazing Joss Whedon. If you haven't seen this
movie—run, don't walk. Though, I must confess, I've yet to see Iron man
or Thor, though you can bet they're on the top of my must-see movies now!! So, inquiring minds want to know! Which one of these guys would you want to see
as the hero in your next can't-put-down read? Tough choice, I know!! Cynthia Cooke DEADLY SECRETS, LOVING
LIES Excerpt — Kyle stared in disbelief at the odd, mushroom-shaped
structure rising up from the cracked, dry earth of the
Nevada desert. "There she is," the voice of Johnny Garino, his crew
chief and closest friend, buzzed in his earpiece. Genie stood on the roof of the strange house. Three
black SUVs were corralled on the ground far below her.
She looked incredible, breathtaking, silhouetted against
the brilliant blue sky. Kyle sucked in a breath as she
clipped a cable to her belt. "She's getting ready to fly!" Johnny called out, his
voice rising in pitch. "Hold on, baby. I'm almost there." Kyle pushed down
on the throttle urging the bird faster, even as he willed
Genie to turn and see him, to hold on until he could sweep
her away from the danger. And once he did, once he had her safe and secure in
his cockpit, then what? Then he'd try not to kill her himself. Connect with Cynthia at: Cynthia's Website — Twitter - Cynthiacooke5 Facebook
60 comments posted.
Re: Cynthia Cooke | My Favorite ...The Avengers
Tony Stark/Ironman, probably. He may have the sarcastic humor and devil-may- care attitude, but he is a man with many layers. And he's sexy and uber rich. ;) (Hyunjin Jeon 3:00am May 18, 2012)
tony starks/ captain america i have always loved them as a kid and i love them now as an adult the new movie was really good if you havent seen it yet (Denise Smith 7:56am May 18, 2012)
At a push Tony Stark again - I love his sarcasm. However I too like Captain America's butt although he is a bit of a 'by the book' kind of guy. And I have a soft spot for the Hulk, I loved the Loki bashing and when he thumps Thor after they finish a big fight with the baddies. So really any of the above would do! (Barbara Hanson 8:20am May 18, 2012)
I must admit, I never saw Stark/Ironman before this movie. Yes, he's very compelling. I love his humor and attitude. And even tho Gweneth's part was small, I loved their interaction with each other. I'm definitely going to go back and watch both Ironman movies!! ;D (Cynthia Cooke 9:01am May 18, 2012)
Can I suggest King Leonardos? Everything about that character does it for me. OTT sexy and brave and the bod's pretty good too. Love the excerpt, Cynthia! (Robyn Grady 9:17am May 18, 2012)
Thanks, Robyn!! Do I dare admit that I don't know who King Leonardos is? I tried google but got a cartoon. ;D (Cynthia Cooke 9:26am May 18, 2012)
Oh, I'm crazy about Thor and have been since I first read his comic book story back in the '60's. A lot of the Avengers characters were/are amazingly sympathetic ones. BTW, I think Robyn means Leonidas - Gerard Butler from 300 Spartans. Need I say more! (Janie McGaugh 9:56am May 18, 2012)
I agree with every one of your assessments, Cynthia! And I can't choose. Stark for his brilliance and humor, Rogers for his honor, Thor for his extreme beauty/hotness, Banner for his pain. And don't forget Hawkeye and the way he looks at the world!
Loved the excerpt, too, and did something I rarely do. I bought your book on the spot! :) (Natalie Damschroder 10:14am May 18, 2012)
So totally agree with your choices! I think this AVENGERS cast is amazing and I can't wait to go see the movie. Loved the excerpt! Congrats on the new release. Adding it to my TBR pile. (Caridad Pineiro 10:23am May 18, 2012)
Yay! Natalie you're my new best friend!!! LOL! And you, too, Caridad! But I've loved you for a long time. ;) They did such an excellent job on this movie. And it's been such a long time since there has been a good movie out. and Janie thanks for the Leonidas tip- I didn't see 300 but I LOVE Gerard Butler. I had a photo for Hawkeye, but I don't know him real well. Does he have a movie of his own? He sure is hott!! (Cynthia Cooke 10:30am May 18, 2012)
Awesome! looks like a great read (: I love action books like these (Rachael Whitzman 11:06am May 18, 2012)
Hawkeye didn't have a movie, and I don't think they're planning to have one. But he was in Thor. Black Widow was in Iron Man 2. (Natalie Damschroder 11:12am May 18, 2012)
I'll take Thor for 500, please. Or 1,000. Hell, I'd probably pay more... (Jennie Bentley 11:13am May 18, 2012)
Whoot! I LOVE this post because I am super hero crazy. Maybe it's because I have two little boys and we live super heroes. But I think it's really because I am madly in love with Thor and have seen his movie three times. Even my boys say "MOmmy you want to marry Thor!!" Ha ha!! Huge congrats on the release! (Jennifer Probst 11:24am May 18, 2012)
I loved the Avengers! And also totally agree with your take on each hero. There's no way I can pick just one! But I must say, there's something about Tony Stark I really like. :) Can't wait to read Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies! (Robin Bielman 11:28am May 18, 2012)
Congratulations on the release! I so want to see this film! But I loved Iron man, so I'm going with Tony Stark - I reckon he'd make a great romance hero. (Nina Croft 11:28am May 18, 2012)
Thanks Rachel and Jennifer!!! I wish these movies were out when MY kids were small. Instead I saw the Lion King 550 times. ;D Nina, you HAVE to see this movie. It wasn't high on my list, but then we went and I was floored. So much hunky hotness on one screen! LOL! Yep, Robin, I can't pick just one! And thanks, Natalie I want to know more about Black Widow's story. And Jennie . . . me, too! ::sigh:: (Cynthia Cooke 11:48am May 18, 2012)
captain america, oh i am dating myself lol (Debbi Shaw 12:00pm May 18, 2012)
This is my type of book. I would love to win it. (Anna Speed 12:02pm May 18, 2012)
Good luck, Anna!! (Cynthia Cooke 12:34pm May 18, 2012)
Going to see the movie this weekend. Sounds great!! (Pat Wilson 12:53pm May 18, 2012)
Captain America or Thor. I've seen the Captain America movie and liked it but haven't seen Thor yet. I saw part of the first Iron Man movie, but he wasn't that likeable a character. I would like to see the Avengers movie because I love action movies. (Michelle Fidler 12:57pm May 18, 2012)
Great post! Can I just have one of each? No? :( Well I guess I'll take Tony Stark. I can't resist a guy with that much attitude.
Have to add that I've read your new release--couldn't put it down once I picked it up! Fantastic job. (Tiffany Allee 1:00pm May 18, 2012)
Oh my, It has to be Captain America. He's hard to resist! (Joan OToole 1:32pm May 18, 2012)
Thank you TIFFANY!!! :D xoxo You've made my day!! (Cynthia Cooke 2:14pm May 18, 2012)
Pat and Michelle, you will Love it!! (Cynthia Cooke 2:15pm May 18, 2012)
Love superheroes... and what a great bunch they are! Very hard but I am leaning more towards Captain America! (Colleen Conklin 2:36pm May 18, 2012)
So far I've managed to miss the Avengers. I'm a Resident Evil fan. (Anne Jones 2:43pm May 18, 2012)
I like Tony Stark. He not all brawn but brainy too. (Kathleen Yohanna 3:29pm May 18, 2012)
I loved the movie and loved each of the heroes for different reasons. Could I pick one? No and I hope there is a sequel to this one. (Diane Sadler 3:51pm May 18, 2012)
Haven't seen the movie, I would much rather read your book. (Kathleen Bianchi 4:18pm May 18, 2012)
Book sounds good. Winning it sounds better. (Mary Hay 4:37pm May 18, 2012)
Tony Stark--beautiful, liquid eyes. (Lisa Elwood 4:37pm May 18, 2012)
How about take-charge, Thor? (Leanna Morris 4:47pm May 18, 2012)
Thanks Kathleen!!! I think Tony Stark is the clear winner here today! ;) But like several people said, they're all hot hunky heroes who are each fabulous in their own way. And I for one would be happy with any of them, well except the big green one with anger issues. LOL!! I, too, can not wait for the sequel! (Cynthia Cooke 4:51pm May 18, 2012)
Captain America (Susan King 5:41pm May 18, 2012)
I have never been good at making decisions. Can't I pick ALL of them? *sigh* Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 5:47pm May 18, 2012)
Tony Stark! Such a hottie!! (Stephanie Briggs 6:20pm May 18, 2012)
I must say I like Tony Stark because of his sarcastic humor and whatever attitude. He has a way of looking at things from different angles to come up with interesting solutions. (Jacqueline Wyllys 7:08pm May 18, 2012)
enjoy all of your books (Shelly Itkin 7:29pm May 18, 2012)
If I had to pick an Avenger for my own he'd be a Thor, Tony Stark, Hawkeye blend. Whew! (Am I weird?) (Don't answer that.) LOL.
Deadly Secrets Loving Lies hooked me from the beginning. Congrats on the release, Cynthia! (Shirin Dubbin 7:38pm May 18, 2012)
I have more TV heroes tham movies, so Mark Harmon of NCIS. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 7:40pm May 18, 2012)
Thor all the way!!! I can't wait to see this movie in 3D. My husband and I are going soon. YIPPEE!!!! (Bonnie Capuano 7:59pm May 18, 2012)
I'd pick Tony Stark because he has such a quick wit to go with his brains & those beautiful eyes. (r w 8:16pm May 18, 2012)
I'm uncertain, but Hugh in the robot fighting movie looked pretty good. (Alyson Widen 9:19pm May 18, 2012)
I have always had a thing for Tony Stark. Brilliant. Rich. Good looking. Self depricating. WOW! (Jennifer Beyer 9:56pm May 18, 2012)
Wowza! Yep. And NCIS, too!! :D (Cynthia Cooke 10:11pm May 18, 2012)
I would have to pick Iron Man, because I'm such a big Robert Downey Jr. fan!! I've been a fan of his since he was back in Ally McBeal, and when I find out that he's in a movie, or on a program, I do my darnest to try to clear my schedule to watch him!! I must say that the little excerpt you left for us, left me wanting for more. i have to get my hands on your book, so I can find out what happened!! Congratulations on your latest book. I'm sure it will do well!! (Peggy Roberson 10:45pm May 18, 2012)
Joss Whedon! He's my hero. Although, I could make a delicious case for Captain America or Iron Man. Robert Downey is in my town these days filming Iron Man 3. (Catherine Lee 10:49pm May 18, 2012)
I can't choose...but Capt America looks pretty special to me!! (Clydia DeFreese 11:16pm May 18, 2012)
Tony Stark is my hero. Smart, rich and good looking. What more can any girl wants. I also love David Banner. When he said that he is always angry, that flaw made me so loveable. (Kai Wong 11:23pm May 18, 2012)
When the Hulk tossed Loki around like a rag doll I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. :^) But I'm in love with Thor. (Heidi Durham 3:12am May 19, 2012)
Well, I haven't seen the film and I've only seen one or two of the go-before films. So bear with me when I make the point that looks are not everything and I want a man who not only acts fast in a dangerous situation, but is intelligent and worth talking to - or what would you have to say to each other? My choice would be the scientist Dr. Bruce Banner, for that reason. (David was not his name originally. When the comics were being filmed for TV, the producers decided Bruce sounded - not butch enough.) Sorry, not the other seemingly intelligent choice Iron Man - he is self-obsessed, from the one film I saw. That would be a short conversation. Good luck with the book which sounds very interesting! (Clare O'Beara 5:50am May 19, 2012)
IRON MAN/Tony Stark: the wit & charm are immeasurable. (Mary Preston 5:51am May 19, 2012)
I have seen all the movies building up the Avengers and thought Avengers was the best by far! What about Nick Fury? He may not be a superhero but he still has that bad boy attitude....I want me a bad boy who is a good boy... (Barrie MacLauchlin 5:08pm May 19, 2012)
Loved the Real Steel movie with sexy Hugh Jackman; such a good movie for the whole family! I've seen all of these movies except the Avengers which I've heard is really good. Love those superheroes and their wit also. Great blog, Cynthia....looking forward to reading your book! (Linda Luinstra 5:45pm May 19, 2012)
Tony Stark all the way .Congrats on your release.Hav a fantastic weekend (Wanda Flanagan 7:23pm May 19, 2012)
congrats and this looks like not so typical romance. looking for adventure and i'm gonna find it in this book. thanks for the chance Julie (Julie Barett 7:35pm May 19, 2012)
Hawkeye and Iron Man--- and you wonder why I consider movies like this a binus - your man will want to go for action, you for the eye candy :) (Carla Carlson 12:42pm May 21, 2012)
I look forward to reading your book "Deadly Secrets, Loving Lies". I hope I'm the lucky winner. (Karen Appleby 2:58pm May 22, 2012)
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