Pam Webber | Thinking Backwards
August 10, 2015
Memories are fascinating things, what we remember, what we don’t, and why.
As a nurse
practitioner, I know the selection and saving of one memory over another is
arbitrary. Like Watson, IBM’s artificial intelligence computer that played
Jeopardy, the healthy human brain does not forget anything, ever. All
memories stay tucked neatly in our gray matter.
So what is it that makes us remember some things and not others? Simply, it
is the
significance we assign to each memory, either consciously or unconsciously.
memories or bad, if something is important to the fabric of our lives, we
significance to it and visit it often, again consciously or unconsciously,
building a
well-worn path through our grey matter to that particular memory.
Memories can be practical, such as knowing which aisle the peanut butter is
in at the
grocery store, or remembering the different rings on our cell phones. They
can also be
very powerful, in that they can influence the type of work we do, who we
marry, where
we live, and how many children we have.
Memories also have the ability to promote physical sensations. We blush when
remembering our first kiss, smile with contentment when recalling cookies
baking in our
grandmother’s kitchen, and we sway at the memory of the outgoing tide
shifting the sand
under our feet. We also get goose bumps at the thought of our first horror
something so scary that its memory produces a life long fear of things that
go bump in
the night.
While writing THE
WIREGRASS, I did a lot of thinking backwards, recalling memories of the
Deep South—
the sights, sounds, tastes, people, places, and things that I loved, liked,
feared, or avoided. The rich details of these memories lent realism to a
story that is
largely fiction. I wanted the reader to taste the sweetness of divinity,
feel the
thumping vibrations of a helicopter passing overhead, and tremble with fear
when in the
presence of someone inherently evil. The only way to project this type of
realism is
to have lived it and assigned significance to the details of the memory.
Like it or not, we need our memories. They help define who we are and how we
see and
interact in the world. Sometimes they are hard to live with, but for an
author, they
are as important as the pen.
What memories influence your writing the most? Leave a comment below for
a chance to
win a signed copy of THE WIREGRASS.
Pam Webber is a nationally certified nurse practitioner and award-
university-level nursing educator. She has published numerous articles and
four editions of a nursing textbook.
Pam resides in Virginia’s Northern Shenandoah Valley with her husband.
is her first novel.
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Nettie has spent every summer of her life in the Southern Wiregrass town
of Crystal
Springs, Alabama. This year, she hopes the small town’s relaxed pace will
give her a
break from the unrelenting physical and emotional changes of puberty. But a
encounter with Mitchell, a seductively handsome yet secretive young man,
turns Nettie’s
summer plans and her heart upside down.
As their relationship grows, Nettie realizes Mitchell is harboring a dark
and dangerous
secret—one that, when revealed, rocks the core of the sleepy little town and
has Nettie
and those she loves running for their lives.
31 comments posted.
Re: Pam Webber | Thinking Backwards
My writing is most influenced by the memories of having moved every 2 years as a child. I was always "the new kid" at school and the terror of walking into a new school and classroom as a shy girl will never leave me. The feelings always make their way into my writing. (Marianne Bohr 2:42pm August 9, 2015)
My writing is heavily influenced by my memories of being bullied back in elementary school. It's something that will stay with me forever and has had a great impact on my life. I'm now going to school to become a teacher and I vow to never let any of my students treat their peers that way. (Heidi Ingalls 2:42am August 10, 2015)
My writing is influed by having to stand up for myself when I was growing up, because no one else would stand up for me. (Deb Philippon 10:01am August 10, 2015)
My writing is influenced by the way I was raised. My Parents, as well as my Grandmother, and other relatives had a big influence on me. After reading the Autobiography of Helen Keller when I was a very young girl, changed my life in many ways, and I patterned my life after her, since she became my hero. Along the way, many people influenced me, and with life experiences, it helped shape my writing. After reading the synopsis of your book, as well as your posting, I know that your book is too important for me to pass up. Congratulations on your book, and I've put it on my TBR list. I'm looking forward to reading it!! (Peggy Roberson 12:32pm August 10, 2015)
My writing is influenced by my family and when and where I grew up. I think about that locale and time everyday. (Sharon Berger 1:01pm August 10, 2015)
My writing is influenced by the speed with which I can type. My handwriting has suffered due to a mild stroke so I have to type if I want anyone to read it. (Mary Hay 2:24pm August 10, 2015)
Surroundings (Marissa Yip-Young 2:24pm August 10, 2015)
Childhood memories (Virginia Clayton 2:58pm August 10, 2015)
I prefer writing about happier memories. I do not like re-living the unhappy ones, though, sometimes it is necessary. I enjoy writing about my family -usually about all the holiday get-togethers we have. Most of my family memories are rather funny, which I like to reminisce about. I also enjoy writing about nature. (Alice Hunter 3:26pm August 10, 2015)
I have been trying to write about family because I do genealogy. (Leona Olson 7:24pm August 10, 2015)
I think your family and the people you surround yourself with infuence you as much as childhood memories. (Maria Smith 12:37pm August 11, 2015)
i can't write but your memories do leave a lasting impact on daily life (Debbi Shaw 5:29am August 11, 2015)
My memories of growing up in a small town stay with me. The people there, swimming in the creek, high school events, etc... (Lisa Garrett 10:42am August 11, 2015)
My memories of growing up out in the country and my school years , along with my family . (Joan Thrasher 12:23pm August 11, 2015)
Nature and travels Beautiful cover Hope I win (Virginia Clayton 3:04pm August 11, 2015)
I don't write. I read a lot. (Pam Howell 10:15am August 12, 2015)
Thinking about writing does me in. I'll stick to reading what others write. (MaryEllen Hanneman 4:33pm August 12, 2015)
My writing is influenced by everything that I have experienced so far, be it good or not. (Christine Schultz 7:16pm August 12, 2015)
childhood memories (Debbi Shaw 10:28pm August 12, 2015)
Nature, mostly. My surroundings often spark what poetry I write. (Cynthia Powers 1:24am August 13, 2015)
I did not have a happy childhood and spent most of my time alone. I loved reading and imagining that the places and families in the books were really the places I belonged and my families. Now my writing takes me to the places I wished for as a child. (LaCinda Jameson 3:57am August 13, 2015)
Surroundings, Childhood Memories, Music (Holly Loch 4:06am August 13, 2015)
Keep a journal. (Virginia Clayton 8:39am August 13, 2015)
interesting story.. (Pat Boutin 11:44am August 13, 2015)
I prefer to write about happy memories, both past and present. (Anna Speed 12:44pm August 13, 2015)
Would love to read your book. (Charline Bonham 6:32pm August 13, 2015)
I am not a writer but a reader. (Denise Austin 6:53pm August 13, 2015)
I'm not a writer just in my journal, but love to read and this books sounds really good! (Carole Fiore 7:23pm August 13, 2015)
I have tried writing little thing down that happen and I give up. I am awful at even writing letters. (Sharon Sommer 9:05pm August 13, 2015)
Great memories of fun with family and friends! Love the cover of your book, and look forward to checking it out. (HiDee Ekstrom 9:19pm August 13, 2015)
Romantic memories! (Diane Pollock 11:27pm August 13, 2015)
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