February 6th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Holly Loch

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66 comments posted.

Re: A Gift for Guile (2:40am July 8, 2016):

Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy ;) Men who are animal lovers and love
kids :) Someone who is respectful, kind, generous, good
sense of humor...Best of luck to everyone

Re: Jordan's Return (3:57am June 10, 2016):

36 km north from where I live there is a resort village
called Cochin. My mom and her 8 siblings grew up there
and my 90+ year old Grandpa still lives there - without
no running water and no indoor toilet. It is the only
place in our Province which has a Lighthouse. Cochin has
an awesome beach for swimming or relaxing, rolling hills,
and surrounded by two lakes to get your boating and
fishing on ;)

Re: Mister O (2:25pm May 16, 2016):

Hmm, Romantic Comedy Novel? I'm sorry you have me stumped. However, "He's just not that into you" "Kate & Leopold" "The Wedding Singer" " 50 First Dates" "Blended" "Grumpy/Grumpier Old Men", and of course there are many more...

Re: Stop at Nothing (3:58am November 3, 2015):

Yes :)

Re: Promise to Keep (10:16pm October 24, 2015):

Hmm, I have to be honest I've never read any Amish Romance Novels. I pretty much love to read (almost) anything and Amish Romance Novel would be a new genre for me.

Re: First Season / Bride to Be (3:32am October 8, 2015):

First of all thank you for the chance to win your amazing book with the wonderful stories. Yes, I would definitely say that size does not matter

Re: Thunder On The Plains (2:51am October 8, 2015):

I find a new confidence in myself by living and learning. For all of those wonderful people who said they do not have confidence or they are working on it -- instead say I do have confidence and if something(s) don't go your way and believe you me they won't go your way at times -- just tell yourself I can improve, I can learn, I can do this next time, I can because I do have confidence. Best to one and all who have entered :)

Re: Dark Before the Rising Sun (2:08am October 8, 2015):

Laurie McBain, I have to admit I haven't read any of your books. However, I am a fan of Historical Romance Novels and if I win I will definitely become a 'new' lover of Laurie McBain's Historical Romance Novels ;)

Re: Nameless (1:57am October 8, 2015):

Personally, when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989.
However, I enjoy Medieval, Regency, Victorian, anything really :)

Re: Minotaur (5:20am October 3, 2015):

Watching TV, YouTube, Facebook, Goodreads, Fresh Fiction, Checking E-Mails, Catching up on E-Mails, Deleting people that no longer E-Mail, and of course Reading

Re: Smart, But Dead (4:45am October 3, 2015):

These are some things that make me weird and unique. Loud chewing, smacking, slurping, nose whistling annoys me. Yet, when I heard people burp or let one go I laugh. Fussy/Picky eater I don't like pork (especially deli meat ham), Cheese Cake, I'm not a huge fan of onions. I apologize to insects when I kill them, sometimes I'll apologize out loud when I throw drinks down the drain. I'd rather shop at Second Hand Stores then the latest, hippest, happening place. Similar to Bonnie Davis' response/answer I also believe in Magic(k), I do believe we live in a physical world and we live in a spiritual world as well. So, therefore, I do believe there are ghosts, spirits, angels, demons, faeires, etc. Another weird fact about me is I never enjoyed reading books until I was in Gr.9 or Gr.10 and to be honest I didn't read Romance Novels until 2 or 3 years ago. There are plenty of other things that make me weird and unique but we'll just leave it at that. :)

Re: Flames (2:23am September 26, 2015):

Faith, Family, Friends, and Me :D

Re: Sway (2:09am September 26, 2015):

Yes, I read New Adult and Yes I would love to read your book. By the way, thank you for sharing your story :)

Re: Woman of the Mists (11:38pm September 25, 2015):

Oh my goodness, thank you for this wonderful information
being part Native American (Plains Cree & Metis) this means
a lot to me

Re: Ties That Bind (3:15am September 20, 2015):

No, I'm not a writer. However, back in my much younger day's (teeny bopper that is) I wrote poems, short stories, and my thoughts :) Best of luck to all who have entered

Re: Sing for Me (2:47am September 20, 2015):

Oh my goodness Karen, what a beautiful story. Yes, I do have a family story that I feel should be in a book. Especially, my Grandmother's story she was raised in a Residential school, stuck to her faith, and stuck to her family.

Re: Reservations for Two (9:41pm September 11, 2015):

Food adds more flavour and spice to the story :)

Re: A Widow's Salvation (9:23pm September 11, 2015):

I commend you for doing all of this wonderful work and like someone stated their are a lot of errors in e-books but I have also found errors in regular books as well. First of all, find out what interests you some people may like bead work while others may like crocheting, Second Meditate, Third go for a walk in nature...Best to all who entered

Re: From One Night to Wife (7:26am September 3, 2015):

Do we have to pick one Rachel?

There are many men who are heroes whether they are blood related or not. The men in our lives whether it be our significant other or the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) saving the lives of school children (and yes this did happen where I live), to your very own daddy :)

My Grandfather who is in his 90's, who lives a rather simple life by the creek, he still traps (I know not for the faint of heart), has a wood burning stove for heat, and has an Outhouse

My dad because he's my dad and he'll always be my hero

My Uncle Keith who taught me how to drive

My 3 nephews and all of my male relatives they are my Heroes and I love all of them

I also have to consider the following to be heroes as well: St. Pierre Toussaint, St. Martin de Porres, and Servant of God Augustine Tolton, Fr. Emil Kapaun, Fr. Thomas Byles

Thank you very much Rachel and Best of luck to all who have entered

Re: The Highlander's Bride (6:58am September 3, 2015):

My favorite thing is Love that gradually builds up and not Love at first sight

Re: The Highwayman (6:49am September 3, 2015):

Oh my goodness, Kerrigan I absolutely love how you described the protagonist in your book. He sounds hot and handsome, the woman sounds beautiful and lovely, and the book sounds amazing. Historical Romance is my favorite. Best of luck to all who have entered

Re: The Great Estate (4:45am August 13, 2015):

Read :) Go for walks :) Read :) Do some outdoor projects :) Read :) Spend time with family & friends :) Read :) Catch up on some 'popular' TV series :) Read :) And did I mention Read ;) Best of luck to all who have entered

Re: Merger of the Heart (4:21am August 13, 2015):

OK - OK, I'll admit I'm still a picky eater. The one food I cannot stand are onions although they do add flavour to fried potatoes and other meals. Sorry, cantaloupe and grape fruit I'm not a fan of you either. Ham, Yech! it reminds me of eating someone's flesh. I'm not too sure if being allergic to food makes one a 'picky eater' What I do to my fussy nieces and nephews is I let them help me prepare a meal. Be creative :)

Re: The Wiregrass (4:06am August 13, 2015):

Surroundings, Childhood Memories, Music

Re: Hot Point (3:53am August 11, 2015):

Why The Matrix of course :) I also enjoyed The Bourne series. Best of luck to all who have entered

Re: A Rancher of Her Own (5:05am July 30, 2015):

Congratulations on the book Barbara and Best of luck to all who entered. The reason I enjoy reading Romance Novels is because I can escape to a different place whether its a different city, state, or in my case Province or Territories, Country, and even time/setting. I can go back to the 1980's all the way back to Regency times. I love the conflict of the protagonist (hero and heroine), how they work together and make it all work out together in the end. I love Happily Ever After and I love that Love Conquers All. Thank you for the chance :)

Re: To Mate an Assassin (3:49am July 30, 2015):

Family, Friends, Support, Love, Situations & Obstacles (both good and bad), From what I believe in (faith & magic. Yes, I do believe in magic), From who I am (Canadian, Scottish, Native American), Quotes, Books, Movies, Music, Hopes, Dreams, and Failing too. Even people who've I met only once in my life have been an inspiration to me

Re: The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts (1:56am July 30, 2015):

That I'm a beautiful woman who wears glasses ;) But, seriously, I'm a Book Worm, I treat people with respect yet I don't let people walk all over me, I'm an ambivert, and the list goes on...

Re: Naked (5:51am July 22, 2015):

Mmm, Honey Cake sounds delicious. Thank you for the recipe and the chance to win

Re: As Waters Gone By (9:24pm July 18, 2015):

I know I should. After all, I have 2 or 3 blank journals

Re: Once Upon a Heist (6:33pm July 18, 2015):

I love Adventure, Fantasy, and Magic that is why I love reading fairy tales :D

Re: The Ticket (4:30am June 29, 2015):

The Glass Castle by: Jeannette Walls & The Lovely Bones by: Alice Sebold

Re: Night of the Highland Dragon (11:03pm June 4, 2015):

Any mythical Scottish/Gaelic creature like a Doonie or

Re: Passionately Yours (2:06am May 30, 2015):

Hellion of High Street series is on my next 'read this next' list

Re: Against the Tide (1:55am May 30, 2015):

I totally agree with Nancy Ludvik's answer :)

Re: At the Spy's Pleasure (1:39am May 30, 2015):

Most definitely yes and yes ;)

Re: Vessel (1:34am May 30, 2015):

Acceptance. Bravery. Courage. Honesty. Perseverance. Family. Friends. Love.

Re: Cottonmouth and The End (1:44am May 11, 2015):

First of all thank you for the chance to win, Secondly thank you for waking up my brain cells with that thought provoking question. I would have to say that the unexpected, the unknown, the unrelenting gives a person an imagination and it also helps us deal with the 'monsters' and frightening things in our lives whether its being lost, or dealing with an overbearing boss. All in all to answer you question what frightens me in good ways when I read -- it brings me closer together with other people. Best of luck to all who entered

Re: The Thorn Bearer (3:59am May 10, 2015):

Happy Mother's Day to you and to all you wonderful Mother's out there. I absolutely love reading Historical books/novels. I enjoy every detail. I'm a bit ashamed to say this but I have never read any Historical Novels about the War. Best of luck to all who entered

Re: The Art of Losing Yourself (11:22pm April 24, 2015):

Maryann Skaritka & Marissa Yip-Young - I really like what
you posted and although it is meant to answer the author's
question and to win a prize I agree and I'm grateful you
posted this.

Re: Nobody's Goddess (11:14pm April 24, 2015):

Hmm, sounds interesting

Re: The Wood's Edge (11:10pm April 24, 2015):

Thank you so much for the chance to win this beautiful
gift. My loved ones, my faith, helping someone out,
listening to some good music, dancing, reading a good book
and life that is what inspires my passion. Best of luck to
everyone who enters

Re: The Woman of La Mancha (2:22am April 2, 2015):

Good ole fashion paper, post it notes, scrap paper, or whatever is at hand even the back of an envelope. I also use word pad and E-Mail to E-Mail :) Best of luck to all who have entered and Happy Easter weekend

Re: The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook (4:51am March 31, 2015):

My dad's jam-jam's, My mom's jumbo raisin cookies, and my chocolate chip cookies :)

Re: SWAT Secret Admirer (4:47am March 31, 2015):

Well, Elizabeth I had to go to your website to check out all the books in The Lawmen series and I've marked them on my Wish List. Thank you for the chance and Good luck to all who have entered. Happy Easter to you and to everyone

Re: Siren's Call (2:21am March 20, 2015):

Yes, I love Mermaids I find them very lovely and at the same time a bit frightening as well.

Re: His Majesty's Secret Passion (3:38am March 19, 2015):

Back in my younger days I used to write 'serious' and 'funny' poetry and short stories (especially for friends). I sometimes write down thoughts or if I had a significant dream. Right now, for the Lenten Season I'm reading "The case for the Real Jesus" by: Lee Strobel, The Word Among us Daily Meditations, and finally "Dracula: by: Bram Stoker. Best of luck to all the entrants :)

Re: One Step Too Far (4:02am March 18, 2015):

Yes, I want to know Emily's secret

Re: The Snow Globe (3:40am March 11, 2015):

Yes, please :) Best of luck to all who entered

Re: Seducing the Princess (3:57am December 18, 2014):

Merry Christmas & Seasons Greetings to one and all. I enjoy reading about women and men with backbones. I don't like reading books where you don't know who in the world the author is talking about and when they use "He" or "She" too much. Who is "He?" Is he the main character or the butler that you just talked about a few sentences ago?

Re: Make Me, Take Me (3:23am December 18, 2014):

I cannot live without Love, Family, & Books :)
Cheers and Merry Christmas. Best of luck to everyone

Re: Love Redesigned (3:05am December 18, 2014):

Thank you for the opportunity and best of luck to all who have entered. Most, if not all books both non-fiction, fiction, Romantic, Horror, Intriguing, Boring have all been set in a different Country :)

Re: Wind in the Wires (2:15am December 16, 2014):

I'd love to read the rest of the story :) Best to all who entered

Re: It's A Vampire Christmas (4:46pm December 13, 2014):

Sounds like an interesting read. I've never read anything Vampire related nor have I read any of your books. Best to all who entered

Re: Once Upon a Grind (7:43pm December 6, 2014):

I love Fairy Tales :) One of my favorite fairy tales is Snow White

Re: Waking Up Joy (1:21pm December 6, 2014):

I love your story/testimony Tina. I remember sneaking one of my mom's Romance Novel when I was 12 years old called, "Gentle Savage" by: Kathleen Drymon. As a matter of fact I still have that book. Then I started reading my Auntie's stockpile of V.C. Andrews books. However, like one of the commenters stated I'm not just addicted to reading Romance Novels I'm addicted to reading period. Best to all who have entered

Re: Jesus Daily (3:01am December 5, 2014):

My deepest desire is that Our Lord will reveal Himself to my loved ones.

Yes, I am willing to say "yes" to God no matter what He asks. However, even if we do say "no" God still loves us. Remember, God allows free will and God does not want slaves.

Best to all who entered.

Re: Madeleine?s Christmas Wish (4:20am October 30, 2014):

A Historical Romantic story with the Christmas holiday season in the mix Wow. Best to all who have entered

Re: Promise to Cherish (3:38am October 26, 2014):

Wow! Thank you for taking the time to share your family story with us. I enjoy reading Historical Romance Novels but I have to admit Elizabeth, I've never read any Romance Novels about Amish. Best to all who have entered :)

Re: Seek and Hide (4:47pm October 24, 2014):

"Hide and Seek" sounds like a really interesting and thought-provoking book :)

Did you know that P.L. Travers author of Mary Poppins hated Disney's version of Mary Poppins?

Well, I'd love the opportunity to win and good luck to all the entries

Re: Her Best Shot (3:46am October 3, 2014):

Phin :)

Re: Reforming the Rock Star (2:19am October 1, 2014):

Awesome story Christine and I'm glad that you and your ex-husband had a good laugh :D Hmm, I'm not too sure if I ever wanted to reinvent myself or not. I grew up with strong woman (mom, grandmother's, Aunty's and 2 older sisters)I was never pressured into something I didn't want to do nor was I pressured into being something I didn't want to be. I know my weakness, strengths, passions, and I have my own story. Yes, I have made mistakes in my life and I still love to learn more isn't that what it's all about...As for the woman who say's she cannot stop smoking, YES you can. I smoked 2 packs (that's 50 cigarettes a day) and I quit. Don't use your age or your stubbornness as a reason for not quitting those are just excuses you can quit -- grab a good book instead of that disgusting cigarette don't let a li'l thing like a cigarette control you. YOU, yes You have control not that cigarette so butt it out dammit and grab a book instead :)

Re: Always a Rogue, Forever Her Love (12:55pm September 18, 2014):

Ooh, Historical, Romance, Set in the Regency Era. Ahh. Love a chance to win and best to all who have entered :)

Re: The Lady's Disgrace (5:51pm September 12, 2014):

Pick me I'm Scottish :) Just kidding but would love a chance to win your book. Best to one and all who entered :)

Re: Once Upon a Bride (5:28pm September 12, 2014):

Helen, your true story is quite inspirational and motivational. Thank you for this contest. :) Best to all those who have entered and if you have a project you haven't finished time to finish it no matter how small or big it is :)

Re: Across the Line (4:34am August 14, 2014):

A book about Hockey? Romance? Hell to the yeah :)Either one and best of luck to all who enter

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