Lost Alphars #1
Samhain Publishing
August 2015
On Sale: July 28, 2015
Featuring: Cymbeline Kendall; Kerrick Masterson
ISBN: 1619225867 EAN: 9781619225862 Kindle: B00WYTF5VY e-Book
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Romance Paranormal
Love is her enemy…until his beast sets her free. The Lost Alphars Series, Book 1 Cymbeline Kendall’s life is quiet, solitary—until a letter
appears in her P.O. box. Then she becomes an Incendiary, a
human chosen at birth to be trained to strike like lightning
to take out the most dangerous of the Werekind, then fade
back into the shadows. She is a weapon only to be used by the leader of North
American shifters. But when she learns the Alphar was
unseated three years ago, she sets out to find who’s been
pulling her trigger. Kerrick Masterson has borne the burden of leadership for
only a short time, yet he already feels the Alphar power
tempting his soul toward the insanity that destroyed his
predecessor. He has no time for the woman who breaks into
his compound claiming to be his Incendiary, but his beast
insists he make the time—for his mate. In one searing, soul-consuming breath, everything Cymbeline
was taught to believe is ripped away. Yet the mystery of
who’s been sending her orders remains…and finding the answer
could lead to all-out war. Warning: Contains an assassin who doesn’t tolerate those who
hurt the weak, and a shifter leader determined to unlock his
new mate’s repressed emotions—even if that puts his balls at
risk. Explicit sex, violence, and references to abuse that
could be rough on sensitive readers.
No awards found for this book. Lost Alphars
15 comments posted.
Re: To Mate an Assassin
Would love to read and review this. Thanks for the great chance. (Sherry Cockerham 12:50pm July 30, 2015)
Family, Friends, Support, Love, Situations & Obstacles (both good and bad), From what I believe in (faith & magic. Yes, I do believe in magic), From who I am (Canadian, Scottish, Native American), Quotes, Books, Movies, Music, Hopes, Dreams, and Failing too. Even people who've I met only once in my life have been an inspiration to me (Holly Loch 3:49am July 30, 2015)
Family (Marissa Yip-Young 6:02am July 30, 2015)
I get inspired by the world around me in general. From the moment I wake up and start my day, I get amazed by something. Be it watching the birds out the window, or seeing something on line, or reading something in a book, or an article in a magazine, or even a passing conversation. Little things inspire me. Because I volunteer to teach a knitting and crochet class, I need to stay on my toes, so to speak, so my eyes, as well as my thoughts are always open to fresh ideas and thoughts. I do a lot of reading, be it regular books, as well as books related to my craft. I also think a lot, to come up with ideas for class. I'm looking forward to reading your latest book. Congratulations on your book, and I'm sure that it will do well!! (Peggy Roberson 11:44am July 30, 2015)
Understanding the little ones, grandchildren whose lives are precious. (Sharon Berger 2:39pm July 30, 2015)
Love understanding and children. (Patricia Burleson 3:55pm July 30, 2015)
The natural world, horses and my grandchildren inspire me. (Irene Menge 6:02pm July 30, 2015)
Everything about life inspires me . I never get bored like some say they do . I try and do enjoy every day. I love to watch people and animals ,both are very interesting . I read a lot at night and do giveaways and contest . Thank you for this giveaway . (Joan Thrasher 3:24pm July 31, 2015)
I tend to be inspired by history, mythology, and fairy tales. Combine that with the things I'm interested in real life, and I've got several stories started! Now to finish one (eventually, ha). (Rebecca Dee 7:30pm July 31, 2015)
It can be anything. Some show that I seen on tv. An article that I read. Just life. (Cynthia Cook 10:38pm July 31, 2015)
My inspirations - almost anything - but primarily music - some songs just make things click - the same with certain books or movies - :-) (Felicia Ciaudelli 1:53pm August 1, 2015)
My family and the love they share. (Sharon Sommer 8:52pm August 1, 2015)
My two wonderful grandchildren. My grand daughter is autistic and amazing! (Denise Austin 1:31pm August 2, 2015)
Colors. Finding just the right color to finish a quilt or the color that reminds me of a place, person, or time. I' ve been looking for this weird 30s green for a couple of years now. (Laura Gullickson 4:09pm August 2, 2015)
I adore So You Think You Can Dance!! It is a favorite of mine. I also love Outlander and Poldark! Project Runway and Top Chef are also favorites of mine. I'm an elementary school librarian in the inner city, so I sell books to reluctant readers. And sometimes...sometimes my kids come back and thank me. Then I put them to work in the library! (insert evil cackle here) Actually, our state requires high school kids to do 60 hours of community service before graduating, so the ones that come back to me often choose to do their community service in their old library. (Marcia Berbeza 11:46pm August 2, 2015)
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