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Susan Connell | Publicity Photos 101


Whisper the words "publicity photo" to a group of writers and most of them can be seen stifling a scream. Especially those writers who have been around awhile. The only time I can remember when most didn't mind getting a pub shot taken was during the Glamour Shots era. You remember that. Big "country singer" hair. Joan Crawford shoulder pads. Lots of bling. And professionally applied make up - as in, heavy on the war paint. Seriously, we all thought we turned out adequately glam in those photos - viewing them now though just makes us feel dated. (Not as in by George Clooney; more like who was the President back then!?) After that era pub shots began to look less formal and more friendly.

In any case, getting a new publicity shot taken is like getting an oil change, updating your software or shoveling snow. It's not fun. And you can put it off for only so long. Then you find yourself taking a look at what you have out there - out THERE in the public eye - and you know it's time for an update. Worse - you ask yourself, why you waited so long. (Truth be told, and I am sworn to secrecy about this, one writer friend swears she loves her pub photo (taken ten years + ago) and is never getting a new one done.

Another reason to opt for a new pub shot is to announce a new direction in your writing career. That's where I'm at because I've just released a new novel, SPARKS that isn't my usual category romance. SPARKS is my first e-book suspense (with a touch of romance). I'd like readers to know this one is different. Yes, there's still a hero and heroine with chemistry, but both of them have dual identities to maintain. Then there's the heroine's ditzy sister and her clueless dog, the sister's husband who reads like a brainless Tony Soprano, a creepy arsonist with a fetish for showgirls, lingerie and battery operated toys, and a fast talking police lieutenant who redefines "cool dude". So you see, it's not your average romance. Bottom line: I need a new publicity photo. For professional and personal reasons, as you can see from my past history, it's time for a change.pub1pub2pub3pub4 pub5

(1)Hair begs for a lasagna pan to scour. Bad perm. Should have considered a wig. Maybe a beret. Definitely Vaseline on the lens. (2) Sure it was the ultimate in glamour shots. Trouble was I couldn't sustain this look in real life. Not good to disappoint readers. (3) Not so bad - except for the t-shirt. Looks like I could be the one cleaning the seaweed off that beach right around sunrise. (4) Kind of like this one but... could I be hiding a black eye? A hangover? A massive eye infection? With questions like this who cares that I was in the south of France when this was taken? (5)Sunglasses and a hat = witness protection program. (Now there's an idea for another suspense!)

All I know for certain is that I need to get shot (at) again. I will consider all comments and suggestions. By the way, my middle grade (8-12 year olds) new girl at school e-book will be available in audio for the holiday season.


Private investigator Steve Hamilton returns to Atlantic City to stop an arsonist before he strikes. Steve also sees a chance to finally deal with his guilty conscience. Four years ago the same arsonist (Bobo Semenza) torched a business and in the process two men were killed. Steve believes he could have prevented those crimes if he hadn't let himself be distracted. This time he swears that's not going to happen.

Steve's only source of information on the arsonist and the businessman who hired him is the businessman's ditzy wife Zoe. Since Zoe believes in psychics Steve convinces her he's one. Standing in his way is Zoe's protective sister Erin Smith. Erin's not buying Steve's psychic consultant act - she doesn't believe in such things. She just wants her sister to get out of her miserable marriage while Steve needs Erin's sister to stay in it so he can gather the evidence and the information he needs for his case.

It doesn't take a psychic consultant for Steve to figure out there's more than meets the eye with casino office worker Erin Smith, but he's not about to let her distract him from his investigation. The only diversion he allows himself is watching a beautiful showgirl, Indigo Malone, dance at a local Atlantic City night club. And it's a good way to keep an eye on arsonist Bobo Semenza. Steve knows Bobo has a thing for Indigo Malone and a reputation for treating showgirls badly - very badly.

As the date for the next arson fire draws closer - this time an entire shopping mall - and with the seedy side of Atlantic City as a backdrop, the action ramps up when Steve discovers Erin Smith and Indigo Malone are one in the same person. And she goes missing. Can he save her before it's too late? Will he prevent another arson fire? And what about that guilty conscience that needs addressing?




34 comments posted.

Re: Susan Connell | Publicity Photos 101

OMG, I never considered publicity shots before. YUCK!! Wouldn't be my favorite thing to do either! Every year I have to get a new school photo done, and it most surely shows the progression of age. NOT something I enjoy!
(Marcia Berbeza 1:49am November 10, 2013)

Personal photos are bad enough, publicity shots would be terrifying. I am about the most non-photogenic person ever! Maybe I should try the hat and sunglasses trick :)
(Mary Lynn Hayes 7:42am November 10, 2013)

I am not one that takes a good picture so it would scare me to have that done. HA I have to say though, your white hair is beautiful! If I looked like you then I wouldn't mind it at all. I am looking forward to reading this book. Thanks again for a great giveaway!!
(Bonnie Capuano 9:08am November 10, 2013)

Haha. Funny thing is I'm a photographer. I'm the one usually
taking to photos. However, when the camera is pointed my
direction, good luck getting a decent shot.
(Karin Anderson 9:41am November 10, 2013)

I have avoided the camera for years, much to my family's dismay. But, it seems no mater what I do I am a wreck in photos! I thank you for the chance to win this book, it sounds like it will be a good read!
(Vennie Martinisi 9:53am November 10, 2013)

A big smile can go a long way in making a photo look good. You have a great smile -- shoe it off.
(Lin Berda 11:43am November 10, 2013)

Love the publicity photos. You can always figure out the time from the hairstyle.
(Pam Howell 12:13pm November 10, 2013)

The publicity photos are great. Enjoyed this unique post.
(Sharon Berger 12:16pm November 10, 2013)

If I was attractive as you, I wouldn't mind having my photo taken. As it is, I prefer to be the one taking the pictures.
(Anna Speed 3:09pm November 10, 2013)

Your photo's are very nice, mine are not at all that good!
looking forward to reading your books.
(Barbara Wells 3:14pm November 10, 2013)

What is it about women that we cringe when asked for our photo
taken? Just smile and let all the intelligence, confidence,
and beauty shine through.
(Jackie Merritt 4:26pm November 10, 2013)

I can't stand to get my photo taken. There always awful. Thanks for a chance to win your book.
(Linda Hall 4:59pm November 10, 2013)

It's nice to see how people change over time.
(Deb Pelletier 5:08pm November 10, 2013)

It's always fun to look at other people's photos of them, but never of yourself. I've never liked very many of my photos of me...even tho others think they're nice. I'd rather run than get in the group shot! Yours are nice!
(Linda Luinstra 5:52pm November 10, 2013)

I was at a recent book signing and a famous author who shall not be named was there. She gave her talk, read from her new release and then the signing began. When it was my turn, I had my friend take my picture...& the author went crazy. I apologized, mortified, and the picture turned out with the two of us, mouths wide open, horrified! Later, she said it was okay to take a long as it didn't go anywhere. Now, you would think a famous author, again, who-shall-not-be-named would be using to fan photos, but no.
(Susan Coster 6:22pm November 10, 2013)

I wish I had suggestions! I just smile and hope for the best ;-) Hmmm... Maybe bring someone with you who makes you laugh! It's always nice to see a genuine smile :-)
(Chelsea Brooks 6:25pm November 10, 2013)

you look lovely in your publicity photos, and you even rock
the glamour shot!
(Janette Oldham 6:58pm November 10, 2013)

I think your pub photos are all lovely! And I loved SPARKS and already have it on my kindle so don't include me in the drawing. Just wanted to pop in and say - Hey :o)
(Cindy Gerard 7:42pm November 10, 2013)

Wow, Congrats on your new book and I like all of your photos
too! You have a nice smile in your pictures too! Your new
book sounds fascinating and I would love to win and read it
this Fall. I am trying to lose weight so I would not like my
picture taken at this time but sometime in the future will
have some done. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE
(Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 8:01pm November 10, 2013)

I love all your pictures!! Maybe your next pub photo could be in Greece?!!
(Dianne Kinzenbaw 8:48pm November 10, 2013)

I have not read any of your books yet. But if I win one that would be nice
(Judy Ferguson 9:05pm November 10, 2013)

Your pictures are great! I treasure pictures because I know one day, that's
all I will have of some of my family, pictures and memories!
(Melanie Backus 10:00pm November 10, 2013)

I hate to take my picture. I had never thought about that aspect of publishing a book.
(Laura Gullickson 10:01pm November 10, 2013)

I have always hated my photos. Still do! Always will!
(Debby Creager 10:15pm November 10, 2013)

I don't let anyone take my photo. Am so not photogenic!
(Vicki Hancock 11:50pm November 10, 2013)

Your pictures look better than mine. My famous signature is my frizzy hair. My hair has never behave when it comes to picture-time. I envy your pictures that you looks so good in them.
(Kai Wong 12:44pm November 11, 2013)

I think that you take a great picture, and each picture looks better as time goes on. I, on the other hand am going in the other direction. That's one reason why I try to stay on the other side of the camera!! I do take good distance shots, though!! Your book sounds like an interesting read, and I'm looking forward to be entertained this Fall!! I need some extra spice for my tea!!
(Peggy Roberson 7:55am November 11, 2013)

Your photos are great!! I just wish I aged that well.
(Sue Farrell 11:46am November 11, 2013)

Me and the camera are not friends... I really dislike having my picture taken...
(Colleen Conklin 12:07pm November 11, 2013)

nice pics
(Patricia Lambert 3:18pm November 11, 2013)

Most of the people I know run or turn to the side when a
camera is in hand and they are the subject to be captured
unless it's a special occasion like a reunion.
(Alyson Widen 6:58pm November 11, 2013)

I do NOT photograph well, so this would be horrible for me.
Good luck!!
(Mary Preston 9:45pm November 11, 2013)

Love the progression of photos. While I think it's worth the
money to go to someone really good, the very best photo I
ever had of myself was taken in a flash by a passport
photographer who only took 2 shots, and the second best was
a newspaper photographer who wanted one to attach to a
column I was writing--again only 2 shots. I'm always camera
shy, so feel your pain--been there for sure! PS--I like the
recent ones better than your earlier pix.
(Janet Martin 9:23am November 12, 2013)

Thank you for the win. How do I send my e-mail address to Fiction so I can claim my winnings
(Judy Ferguson 12:50pm November 21, 2013)

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