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Leonard Light
Tales From A Writer's Life

Learning Curves

Sometimes the accidental Great Adventure influences what we know of life. One of my adventures occurred in college. I was a Resident Assistant of a dormitory floor, with around twenty-six girls under my auspices. Most of them were younger than me by a year, and I saw my role as more of a listening ear than as a disciplinarian.

One night sometime after curfew, there was a knock on my door. The girls had brought back the Phoenix* and The Spellantics*—how could they sneak them into their rooms?

I'd been dimly aware that the girls were going to the concert, but I didn't know much about The Phoenix, nor The Spellantics. Yet as a die-hard fan of Stevie Nicks, Journey, and Bob Seger, I did realize the importance of the Great Adventure the girls were on. I was groggy from cold medicine, so I blithely said, "Let them in the fire exit, I guess," and went back to bed to nurse my cold.

The fire exit was one flight of stairs beneath our floor. (Restaurants have these doors, with signs that read Alarm Will Sound If Opened). The sound of the door opening, the fire alarm jangling, and then the metal door slamming to silence the alarm as the male visitor sprinted away hardly bothered anyone because these eruptions were so frequent. Since the door could be used all day as a regular exit, it clanged closed all the time anyway sans alarm.

But all was quiet after the girls left my room. I fell asleep—only to be awakened again early the next morning.

"Come see them!" the girls told me. "Come see Josh Fearsome of The Phoenix!"

I would have hated to admit that I didn't know what the man looked like (and do not know now, even after his passing), so I went with them to peer in a room. I saw a crumpled blanket over someone sleeping on the floor. (I assume that was Mr. Fearsome. It could have been a Spellantic. Or a groupie). The girls were giggling, having the best time, so I shook my head and went back to my room.

Some may wonder why I didn't write the girls up for this. To be honest, it never occurred to me, although no visitors were allowed in the rooms past curfew. I rarely wrote the girls up for anything. They were mischievous and fun, but so cute and loving that it was hard to get onto them for minor adventures. (This attitude was a precursor to my parenting skills, had I only but known it).

Besides, the RA's got into their share of shenanigans. A few of the male RA's jammed the lock on the door of some female basketball players so they couldn't get out. Those players were bigger than the male RA's, and when they finally got out of their room, they went looking for them! And I was no saint myself, sneaking one starry midnight into the top level of the stadium with friends, drinking beer and flipping the tops over the railing to the ground below to hear them land with a clink!

The girls were respectful of my position, though they played the typical jokes on me. I would leave my phone out in the hall, stretched long by its cord, when I went visiting their rooms. One afternoon my phone rang and I went shooting down the hall to answer it. I got the shaving-cream-in-the-ear trick, amidst great gales of giggles. (It was pretty funny; they got me fair and square). And as I was going up the back stairwell one night, there was one of my girls sneaking her Golden retriever up to her room. Busted, she looked at me with big eyes. I said, "I didn't see that," and kept walking.

Those who know me will bet I didn't last the night without slipping in to visit her golden baby. I'm sure I didn't last the hour. That was not the first of the furry friend's visits, and perhaps began my love affair with the Golden retriever. I have a rescue retriever now. Sticklers will say I should have written her up, but the dog eased her homesickness and other girls' as well. So I looked the other way.

By now perhaps you're thinking that I was a pretty crappy Resident Assistant, and no doubt that was the conclusion the school came to when they learned that there had been a Great Adventure on our floor. (I suppose keeping it secret that the Phoenix and the Spellantics had been there was too much to expect).

The university wanted heads to roll, and called my girls in to find out who had told them to use the fire exit?

Unbeknownst to students in the building, using that door all weekend long was a fire code violation, and not just against dorm rules. They dragged the girls in time after time to find out who had been the chief architect of the plan, but the girls never ratted on me. I was called in, and I said I didn't hear the fire alarm go off. (I'd had my TV on, my ears were clogged from my cold, and frankly, I wouldn't have noticed one alarm from all the others. I was numb to the sound after nearly two semesters).

But it became clear that the university was out to suspend the girls if they didn't tell who'd struck the Bright Idea. I puzzled what they were so worked up about, and began to understand that they were embarrassed that some of their students had smuggled in rock stars.

Not able to bear that my girls would be suspended for something I considered pointless, I resigned. The university seemed satisfied that someone had been tossed to the wolves, and I moved into a better dorm where my roommate never showed up, and kindly left a refrigerator. This meant my grandmother could stay with me for days at a stretch, and put her bottles of Scotch for her nighttime toddies in the fridge. I think this was the only time I ever saw hard liquor consumed inside a dormitory. Many of the girls visited me often, and there was never a time I regretted quitting. We partied together, and nothing felt different except that now I could be in on the fun.

Fast forward more than twenty years. My daughter was in high school and struggling with history. The teacher, who I can honestly say was probably the worst teacher in the school and was later fired, did one good thing: Assigned students who wanted extra credit to go listen to a famous Egyptologist at a local university. My uncle and one of my fathers had graduated from this university, and I'd never been there, so I took my freshman daughter and my nine-year-old son. We were spellbound by the stories that the Egyptologist told, but what sticks out in my memory is someone asking him how he knew that he wanted to spend his days digging in dusty ruins. He said, "I uncovered my first mummy, and when I looked into her eyes, I knew this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life."

Imagine knowing at once what you were born to do! Your passion revealed in the blink of an eye! I can imagine him in a hot dark tomb, staring into the eyes of a painted sarcophagus, recognizing his destiny. Mr. Fearsome has passed on to the rock band in the sky, but he probably grinned every once in a while when he remembered that he'd been in the company of some of the nicest, cutest girls on earth. I still smile about it, kind of proudly, something like an Egyptologist looking into the eyes of the past, maybe like Bruce Springsteen being born to run. And who knows? One day, these great adventures may even end up inside the pages of a really rocking book.

Good movie trips: THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON. We rented this movie and enjoyed it! It's long, so grab your popcorn. Then read the original story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, written in the 1920's. The movie doesn't really follow the book but it's fun to see where the idea originated. STAR TREK, even for us non-Trekkies, was good family viewing—and then for a trip down nostalgia lane (R- rated--older "kids" only), the fam rented ANIMAL HOUSE. Hard to believe the movie is now over thirty years old. John Belushi, in his first starring role, is a hoot when he imitates a zit.

Lovely books: PRAYER, by O. Hallesby for inspiration on learning to pray.

Excellent words: Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive—it's such an interesting world.—Lucy Maud Montgomery, Canadian author of ANNE OF GREEN GABLES

Comment any time during the month of July to be eligible for the drawing of three five-dollar Amazon e-certs, chosen by Fresh Fiction! Best of luck to all the students beginning a new year of college next month—discover a passion for learning! Until next time, Tina Leonard

*The names of the rockers and bands have been changed to protect the innocent. ;)

Tina Leonard has a publishing history of more than forty projects. With sales of over a million books, she is also a Bookscan and Waldenbooks bestselling author. Tina enjoys family, friends, researching projects, and a good glass of wine when she's not on deadline. She is looking forward to her November release, A COWBOY FROM CHRISTMAS PAST.




39 comments posted.

Re: Learning Curves

I honestly can't say if I ever knew what I really wanted to be. My daughter however was always struggling with maths and in grade 4 she had this amazing teacher who used fun methods to teach math and that's when my daughter decided she would be a teacher to help kids like her who have a harder time comprehending such subjects
(Diane Sadler 5:22pm July 1, 2009)

Are rockers or bands ever really innocent? Heh I wasnt sure if I would want to see The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button but I think I will look into it.
(Tabatha Basham 9:03pm July 2, 2009)

Your contest sounds interesting.
(Patsy Hagen 9:55pm July 2, 2009)


That really sounds like some adventure.
I almost don't know whether to believe it or not.

Makes my life seems drab and dismal !

(Carol Thompson 5:42am July 3, 2009)

Have you ever watched Felicity? Your story sounds a bit like that, with the show Greek thrown in as well. It seems like you had a great time in college, which is how it should be.
(Barbara Elness 12:13pm July 3, 2009)

Haven't seen THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON yet. We just watched VALKYRIE last evening & it was excellent. It makes you wonder how history would have been changed if Operation Valkyrie had actually succeeded.
(Cheryl Snyder 4:05pm July 3, 2009)

The story sounds good.
(Patsy Hagen 5:21pm July 3, 2009)

I still not sure who I am
(Patricia Kasner 9:40pm July 3, 2009)

Wow! What a story! And just the type of "happening"to bring the writer out in you! Love that you've shared that sense of "adventure" not only with your college kids, but your children too.
(Jean Merriott 3:36am July 4, 2009)

Sorry I missed out on the whole college dorm thing!
(LaRonda Atchison 6:45pm July 4, 2009)

I've been looking forward to seeing
Benjamin Button. :)
(Emily Lehmann 7:34pm July 4, 2009)

I don't think we ever get to find out who
we really are, unless we get to go listen
to the eulogy at our own funeral, like
Tom Sawyer.
(Mary McCoy 9:52am July 5, 2009)

Gosh, I'm heading off to college in a few weeks, and I'm kind of hoping I don't get to meet rock stars in the dorms! Sounds like fun, but I'm all into, you know, sleep!
(Ashley v 10:00am July 5, 2009)

Sounds like your college days were a fun time. Such good memories.....
(Ruby Davis 11:48am July 6, 2009)

It is nice to have such good memories.
(Cindy Madson 5:38pm July 6, 2009)

Love hearing about your college antics. Reminds me of the guard,Shultz, on TV show Hogan's Heroes when he says, "I see nothing. I see nothing."
(Alyson Widen 11:37am July 7, 2009)

Alyson W., you made me LOL when I read your post!!!
Hi, Cindy M!! They are good memories--those girls were awesome.
Ruby D.--I was lucky. My dad was patient with me in college, so I got to go to another college when I didn't enjoy the first one. It was ever so much better!
Ashley V--good luck in college! Have fun!
Mary M.--But the journey is fun, isn't it? :)
Emily L--I don't really like Brad Pitt, but the movie was pretty cool, I have to say!
LaRonda--it depends on the dorm, I think! I had some super-lousy roomies!! ;)
Jean M--those girls were a hoot! Always into something fun!
Patricia K--I'll never know who I am!! lol
Patsy H--thanks, dear!!
Cheryl S--I've been wondering about Valkyrie . . . hmmm. May have to spend a $ to rent. Thanks for the tip!
Barbara E--I have not watched Felicity--thanks for the suggestion!
Carol T--it's all true, lol. But no one's life is drab--we just take different journeys!
Tabatha B--I felt it best to change the rockers and bands names involved--I never really knew what happened that night on the floor!! Except that everybody seemed to have a great time! lol
Diane S--my daughter is tackling Research Statistics or something like that right now . . . eewwww. LOL!!
Thanks to everyone who has commented so far!
(Tina Leonard 1:32pm July 7, 2009)

i missed out on college and all givin up my young yrs to kids ,
(Tami Bates 4:46pm July 10, 2009)

I was always to timid to do anything exciting. Now I can see what I missed.
(Rosemary Krejsa 6:13pm July 12, 2009)

LOL I really enjoyed your post Tina. I didn't really do anything to daring and went to a local college/did classes online so missed the whole dorm thing.

Congrats on your upcoming Nov release!
(Pamela Sinclair 10:48am July 13, 2009)

My daughter spent one semester in a dorm but then she moved back home. She has completed two Associate Degrees and is returning this fall for her B.A. in Agriculture. But she is taking a lot of her classes online.
(Jane Squires 9:25pm July 13, 2009)

Never went to college myself. Sounds like your college days were a fun time. Such good memories.

Some good movies I've watched recently are: Benjamin Buttons, Valkyrie, Paradise Road and Narrow Margin. The last 2 films are rather old but excellent viewing anyway.
(Karen Haas 9:52am July 15, 2009)

We had great R.A.s in our dorm and I don't remember a curfew.
(Maureen Emmons 5:13pm July 15, 2009)

I haven't Been part of dorm life either but it sounds like a great part of the college experience!
(Audra Holtwick 4:02pm July 17, 2009)

Your contest sounds exciting.
(Gloria Walshver 3:34pm July 19, 2009)

I LOVE this post, T! Which dorm?
(April Massey 3:07am July 21, 2009)

Ha! April, I dare not tell! :)
(Tina Leonard 1:05pm July 21, 2009)

Brings me back to my fun and wild college days! I loved my RA in college.
(Kristen Harvey 3:05pm July 22, 2009)

LOL! Will you email it to me? I'll tell you which dorm I lived in.....
(April Massey 9:27am July 24, 2009)

I am looking forward to watching Benjamin Button tonight. I borrowed my moms dvd when she was here visiting last week.
(Linda Willette 2:39pm July 26, 2009)

I laughed when I read this! thanks!
(Laura Merrill 11:25pm July 26, 2009)

I've heard that rockers and bands aren't all that innocent to begin with but it was nice of you to change the names anyway. LOL
(Dawn Detkowski 12:45pm July 27, 2009)

Hahaha...Mr. Fearsome! :D I'm really curious to know who Mr. Fearsome really was...
(Sara Denluck 5:31am July 27, 2009)

sounds great !!
(Joeelle Jappissont 6:53am July 27, 2009)

Hi Tina!! So love your cowboys! So emotional reads! Beautiful on your daughter finding her career and sharing this beautiful post with us!
(Cathie Morton 12:34pm July 30, 2009)

Wow Awesome story! LOVED THE

(Val Pearson 1:29pm July 30, 2009)

I never experienced dorm living, but this was an enjoyable story.
(Kelli Rolvaag 6:52pm July 30, 2009)

I likewise never really experienced dorm living but your story makes it sound very interesting!
(Steve Ellis 11:41pm July 31, 2009)

I wish you had been MY R.A.!!!
(Joyce Bair 10:49pm August 2, 2009)

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