Jamie Fortney
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58 comments posted.
Re: Huckleberry Summer (11:31pm June 28, 2014):
I don't know about the potty training but I do know I made the driving training particularly difficult on my poor parents. I've been looking forward to the next book in this series. Thanks for writing it and offering a giveaway.
Re: Mischief By Moonlight (9:46pm June 26, 2014):
I love a hero with strong loyalty and a good sense of humor and I love a heroine who can stand up for herself. In a guilty way, I also love for both of them to have a healthy sense of jealousy - it just makes everything more fun.
Re: The Troublemaker Next Door (3:05pm June 12, 2014):
90k words in 2 weeks is so darn impressive. I've been wanting to read this book since I first heard of it a few weeks ago. Thank you so much for writing it and sharing this blog and giveaway with us.
Re: Dating, Dining, and Desperation (4:11am March 16, 2014):
I really like the idea of small towns and the sense of community, but I think if I were to live in one I'd miss my favorite parts about urban life too much.
Re: Once In A Lifetime (10:32am February 18, 2014):
I've been looking forward to this book. Thanks for having a giveaway!
Re: Lord of Swords (8:36pm February 17, 2014):
Wow I had no idea so many celebrations were happening. I'll have to give my dog some extra love the 20th.
Re: The MacGregor's Lady (1:52pm February 8, 2014):
All heroes sound American in my head because not even my internal voice can do a decent accent. I agree about kilts - they're something about a man in one that is just hot.
Re: What The Groom Wants (1:50pm February 8, 2014):
I think maybe side by side or, the always awkward, ménage is the only thing you missed. I love the illustrations with the Squidges. They're both adorable and dirty.
Re: Poison Town (8:14am January 25, 2014):
I love thrillers and I can't wait to read your book. (Particularly because I'm from Ohio.)
Re: The Splendour Falls (8:12am January 25, 2014):
I've always dreamed about living outside the U.S. for a few years. I studied abroad in college and it was one of the best experiences, I hope I can live abroad for longer some day.
Re: The Magic Between Us (1:20am January 9, 2014):
There's all this debate these days among readers about physical books vs. ebooks. Regardless of anyone's opinion as an adult, whatever format gets a child to read is the perfect format for a book. Growing up I loved watching Reading Rainbow, and now it's an app for young children. It's amazing the way the world changes but at the end of the day reading is still reading - and that's awesome.
Re: Paws For Murder (3:50am January 2, 2014):
Thanks for writing a new mystery. And by the way, I love that Earl song too.
Re: If Wishes Were Earls (2:13pm December 31, 2013):
I really love when the heroine has a bunch of over protective brothers because it takes one heck of a man to be willing to face them. Thanks for the blog, I am so excited to read this (and it finally came out today!) Happy New Year!
Re: Thrown (12:28pm December 16, 2013):
I love books about horses but I'm terrified of actual horses. Is that weird? Oh well. Thanks for writing this blog, it was fun to read.
Re: The Sweetest Hallelujah (11:26pm October 22, 2013):
I love your writing background, it sounds like a lot of work, but a lot of fun as well. I'm glad you were finally able to write both types of books you love.
Re: Lord of Swords (10:20pm October 12, 2013):
I'm actually not a huge art fan, but there are two paintings I really love. Starry Night by Van Gogh and Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory.
Re: Jude (6:52pm October 9, 2013):
I enjoy fiction that twists history and religion (to frankly make it more interesting.) I hadn't heard of this book but I'm curious now. Thanks for the blog post and the giveaway.
Re: The Good Wife (5:42pm September 3, 2013):
I think it's easy to be hurt when you love someone so much, but loving someone too much isn't possible. At the end of the day love is truly the best thing in the world. Thanks for the blog.
Re: What the Bride Wore (11:01pm August 29, 2013):
I recently discovered Kody Kepling who is a young adult author and I really like her books.
Re: The Arrangement (11:37am August 24, 2013):
I adore your books. Thanks for writing a blog and having a giveaway.
Re: Last Chance Reunion (5:45pm August 21, 2013):
My favorites of your list are 4 and 7. A couple who trusts each other and is willing to do anything for one another is so much fun to read. I just love the romantic suspense genre so much somedays.
Re: Three Days on Mimosa Lane (5:41pm August 20, 2013):
Growing up, my mom worked multiple jobs to raise me and my brother and she still made time for me whenever I needed her. She sacrificed a crazy amount for us and I'm so grateful to her.
Re: The Amish Seamstress (9:36am August 18, 2013):
I'm more of a loner than a social person myself, but socializing is good for your health. People with strong community and personal ties live longer and are typically happier. On the other hand, I always crave personal time so an Amish lifestyle may not be ideal. (I also crave the phone and internet and tv, but that's beside the point.)
Re: Taken by the Vampire King (9:44pm August 12, 2013):
I love the bad boy aspects and also the immortality angle of romance. So much fun to read.
Re: Winter in Full Bloom (7:21pm August 7, 2013):
Thanks for the giveaway. I enjoyed your blog.
Re: What the Bride Wore (3:51pm August 6, 2013):
Have a wonderful trip, it sounds like an awesome way to procrastinate writing lol.
Re: Reckless (9:22pm July 25, 2013):
My favorite action movie is definitely Taken... but I also have a soft spot for any of the James Bond movies. Even the bad ones are still awesome because it's 007.
Re: Rugged Hearts (11:52pm July 24, 2013):
I had an advisor at college that was always blunt and honest with me and we developed a great friendship over the years. She taught me so much about myself and just learning to be an adult. I've always been grateful for everything.
Re: Kissing My Old Life Au Revoir (10:52pm July 23, 2013):
One day I hope I might find your adventurous spirit and embrace it for myself. I have a difficult time with change. Travelling to a foreign land, finding new relatives and then moving there to fulfill a dream sounds amazing and terrifying. I definitely applaud your courage.
Re: An Open Heart (11:58am July 22, 2013):
As long as a book is listed under fiction I'm open-minded enough to easily accept any supernatural or miracle occurancs. I've heard good things about this book and plan on reading it soon.
Re: Magic Rises (5:10pm July 20, 2013):
This series has been on my "must read soon" list forever. I've always heard such wonderful things about it. Thanks for having this giveaway.
Re: Rancher to the Rescue (5:42am July 17, 2013):
He loves watching chick flicks.
Re: Merger to Marriage (8:45am July 14, 2013):
I enjoy tried and true storylines, but I like to see when a writer puts there own special twist on them. My very favorite Lucy moment is definitly the assembly line at the candy factory. There's a reason that show is such a classic, and it's because it's fabulous.
Re: Pieces Of The Heart (3:19pm July 11, 2013):
That is a really awesome quilt, I've never seen a pattern like that before. I would love to see it in the original colors. Thanks for writing this post and offering the giveaway.
Re: The Medic's Homecoming (3:32pm July 8, 2013):
I like zombie movies but I have a real soft spot for werewolf stories. My biggest hesitation with zombies is that the story rarely turns out well, which is of course why I loved Warm Bodies. The final scene in the movie where the girl stops to help the former-zombie open his umbrella has stayed with me for the months since I watched the film. I love this post and agree with everything you said about the movie and the state of personal communications in society today. Again, awesome movie.
Re: It Happened One Midnight (12:34pm July 3, 2013):
Why of course it will happen again. I'm a big fan of this series, thanks for writing it and offering this giveaway!
Re: Smoking Hot (12:48pm June 27, 2013):
I love the cover and I can't wait to read this book.
Re: Act Like You Love Me (5:13pm June 26, 2013):
I studied abroad in Europe in college and there was a guy I really liked. A group of friends and myself traveled to Austria one weekend. We were walking down the street and I turned around to flirt with my crush and ran straight into a sign. It was so awkward after that. Luckily, we're still friends years later, but romance was definitely not in the cards for us.
Re: Exposed (5:07pm June 26, 2013):
I love your books. Thanks for giving us a chance to win one.
Re: Luck of the Dragon (5:06pm June 26, 2013):
This looks good. Thanks for having a giveaway.
Re: All Out of Love (1:23pm June 25, 2013):
I love this blog post, it was fun. I got mostly B's which is Kristan Higgins. I really do enjoy her books. Thanks for posting this.
Re: Just Beyond the Garden Gate (5:37pm June 24, 2013):
My favorite first meeting to read is in Lisa Kleypas's Secrets of a Summer Night (the first book in the Wallflower series.) Westcliff (an uptight earl) meets Lillian while she's playing cricket in her underwear. They don't fall in love until the next book, but I loved their chemistry right from the start.
Re: One Night (1:33pm June 23, 2013):
I can't honestly think of one night that's changed my life. I'm seriously thinking I need to get out and live some more. On the other hand, staying in with a good book is too much fun. I liked the first book a lot and I'm really excited about this one.
Re: The Look of Love (3:49pm June 21, 2013):
I love this series. Thanks for having a giveaway.
Re: Widow Of Gettysburg (1:53pm June 20, 2013):
I understand the purpose and ideas behind books trailers but I try to avoid them as much as possible. One of my favorite things about books is that the way I see the setting and the characters in my head is unique to myself. A lot of times book trailers show actors as the characters and that's far less fun imo. Not to mention, a good book blurb is far more enticing to a reader than a trailer ever could be.
Re: Grounded (1:48pm June 20, 2013):
Somehow I have never heard of this series, I'm definitley going to have to add it to my list of books to check out.
Re: If The Shoe Fits (1:45pm June 20, 2013):
My favorite music tends to be soundtracks from musicals so if I were to create a soundtrack I would have to include a fun upbeat number from something like Rent or Grease.
Re: One Night With A Rake (1:38pm June 20, 2013):
Your dogs are so cute. My dog is named Peaches. She's 10 years old now and was a Christmas gift for me when she was a puppy. She was the best present I ever got, she's my constant companion and still likes to follow me everywhere I go.
Re: The Lady Mercy Danforthe Flirts With Scandal (1:35pm June 20, 2013):
I also haven't read your books, but this one sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Thanks for the giveaway.
Re: Rescuing Dawn (7:18am June 18, 2013):
My mom is also my best friend and she supports me with everything and anything.
Re: Dark Innocence (12:55pm June 17, 2013):
My favorite heroine is easily Elizabeth Bennet. It's hardly an original answer, but it's the truth.
Re: Opposing Forces (8:15am June 14, 2013):
My favorite reunion story is Jane Austen's Persuasion. Everytime Anne and Wentworth finally get back together it makes my heart go pitter-patter. I love that book.
Re: One Day in Apple Grove (9:18am June 13, 2013):
I've never been but I would totally go if one of my favorite authors was in my area.
Re: Billion Dollar Cowboy (9:16am June 13, 2013):
Carolyn did the right thing AND was bamboozled by sexy eyes... but we've all been there, what's a girl to do?
Re: The Fireman's Homecoming (7:58pm June 12, 2013):
Reading and cross stitching are my favorite comfort hobbies.
Re: Summer at Mustang Ridge (5:14pm June 11, 2013):
The only family tradition I can think of is making Grahamcracker Pudding, which is basically baking layered grahamcrackers and pudding together in a cassarol like dish and the chilling it. It's quite tasty and we only make it for Christmas.
Re: Flirting with Disaster (4:16am June 10, 2013):
I think a fatal flaw of a hero is when he is so self centered he can't even see the needs of others nor does he care when he hurts them.
Re: Lord of the Hunt (2:09pm June 7, 2013):
I love sequel characters because if there's an awesome secondary character it's so easy to root for them to find love and be the hero of their own story.