Debbie Herbert | Top 5 Reasons to Love Mermaids
March 19, 2015
Debbie Herbert
writes about a clan of shape-shifting mermaids who live deep in an Alabama bayou
and will do anything to protect their secrets. The Dark Seas series is
published by Harlequin Nocturne. SIREN'S
SECRET features a mermaid who accidentally stumbles upon a serial killer
dumping a body at sea one night. SIREN'S
TREASURE is The Hunt for Red October meets Mermaids when a mermaid
is captured for finding an unusual treasure off the coast of Tybee Island,
Georgia. The last book in the series, available on preorder, is SIREN'S
CALL which features a siren that enchants every man she meets – except one.
It’s based on a Choctaw legend of the Okwa Naholo, or White People of the Sea.
Top Five Reasons to Love Mermaids (and read about them)1. Let’s get the obvious out of the way. ☺ You get to play in the ocean, swim
with the dolphins and frolic on remote tropical islands. C’mon, who wouldn’t
love that! 2. You could explore sunken vessels and pick up gold, antique coins as if they
were as common as marbles. Treasure of all sorts await you. 3. There’s a fun list that’s reprinted on many beach T-shirts: Reasons to be a Mermaid: No pants. No periods. Perfect hair. You can lure men to their deaths. Free clam bra.
4. Your lovely voice could make a man fall in love with you. Any man. Right
there for easy picking. The third book of my mermaid trilogy features a siren
who has the ability to charm a man by the sound of her voice. At first it’s fun,
but over the years it has unintended consequences. Are you out of your mind, you
may ask? Think about it. No woman wants you for a friend – the men get obsessive
over you – and you get a reputation as THAT girl in town. Turns out, life isn’t
a piece of salmon cake after all. 5. And the top reason for loving mermaids is a serious one . . . I love mermaids
because the archetype of a powerful, beautiful, feminine being is one I can
connect with, or at least yearn to possess some of their strength and alluring
qualities. GiveawayDo you love mermaids? Share the mermaid love and tell me why. And if mermaids
aren’t your thing, what’s your favorite female paranormal creature? I’m also
very much intrigued by witches and fairies! I’m giving away three Kindle copies
TREASURE and two autographed print versions (USA only) to commenters. Good
luck! Be sure and sign up for my newsletter for book news future goodies at my website. About SIREN'S SECRETShe was irresistible to every man…except one Lily Borsage is the ultimate siren: gorgeous, aloof and irresistible to all the
men in Bayou La Siryna. All of them, that is, until Nashoba Bowman comes back to
town. The Native American kid whose innocent first kiss Lily remembers fondly is
now all grown-up, hot as an Alabama summer—and immune to Lily's charms. What
self-respecting mermaid could resist finding out more? But Nash has a dark history that puts any woman he loves in grave danger, and a
heritage of power he isn't ready to accept. And Lily has a secret that no mortal
man can ever know. When a mysterious enemy starts menacing Lily, they will both
have to risk everything—and embrace their deepest destinies—if they want to survive. About Debbie HerbertDebbie Herbert writes paranormal romance novels reflecting her belief that love,
like magic, casts its own spell of enchantment. She’s always been fascinated by
magic, romance and gothic stories. Married and living in Alabama, she roots for
the Crimson Tide football team. Her oldest son, like many of her characters, has
autism. Her youngest son is in the U.S. Army. Unlike the mermaid characters in
Siren’s Secret, she loves cats and has two spoiled feline companions. When not
working on her upcoming book, Siren’s Treasure, Debbie enjoys recumbent
bicycling and motorcycle riding with her husband. A past Maggie finalist in both
Young Adult & Paranormal Romance, she’s a member of the Georgia Romance Writers
of America. Debbie has a degree in English (Berry College, GA) and a master’s in
Library Studies (University of Alabama).
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62 comments posted.
Re: Debbie Herbert | Top 5 Reasons to Love Mermaids
"a piece of salmon cake" HA! Looking forward to this book. Loved the first 2 in the series! (Wendy Beck 10:58am March 19, 2015)
Thanks, Wendy! So glad you enjoyed them. (Debbie Herbert 11:00am March 19, 2015)
Looking forward to the next book. (Joseph McGarry 11:04am March 19, 2015)
I enjoyed reading your posting, and actually got a kick out of it!! This isn't my normal genre - in fact, I've never read a book about mermaids before. I have read a couple of books about witches, though. One book about Sookie, which I got a kick out of, and the other book about Oz, by Gregory Maguire, which I enjoyed as well. He made me a fan of the series. Anyway, I would love to read a book about mermaids, and since I've seen other books out there on the subject, your books called out to me (no pun intended). I love your spunk and your spirit. I also love your sense of humor, and know that I'll love your book!! The cover is beautiful and so sensual!! Congratulations on your book, and I put it on my TBR list. I'm sure it's going to make for a wonderful read this Spring!! (Peggy Roberson 11:21am March 19, 2015)
Thanks so much Peggy!Harlequin did a marvelous job with the covers for this series. Gregory Maguire is a fabulous author, I enjoy his books as well. Glad my books "called" to you and good luck in the contest! (Debbie Herbert 11:24am March 19, 2015)
Thanks for stopping in, Joseph! (Debbie Herbert 11:27am March 19, 2015)
I do love mermaids, but I have not read too many romances with them in it. I will have to look for them. Thanks for sharing! (Colleen Conklin 12:45pm March 19, 2015)
Thanks, Colleen! And best of luck in the contest. (Debbie Herbert 12:50pm March 19, 2015)
As a kid, I spent lots of time doodling mermaids on everything. I loved the idea of a magical female creature. (G. Bisbjerg 1:56pm March 19, 2015)
That's cool G. Bisjerg. Children seem fascinated by them - guess I never outgrew my love. :) (Debbie Herbert 2:23pm March 19, 2015)
I have read a couple of mermaid stories. Your post reminded me of the movie, Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid with Ann Blyth and William Powell in 1948. I was 10 at the time but remember the movie. (Leona Olson 6:27pm March 19, 2015)
I've heard of that movie, Leona, but have never seen it. Will have to one day! Thanks for stopping by. (Debbie Herbert 7:31pm March 19, 2015)
I've long been fascinated by chimeras and the mermaid is not the least of them. Do they have cool blood or hot blood? Do they lay eggs or carry a child in the womb? Yep, plenty to contemplate about mermaids. (Susan Voss 9:03pm March 19, 2015)
I would love to read your book about Mermaids, I have never read a book about them. I think it would be cool. Thank you for allowing me to enter this contest. I do hope I win so I get a chance to read your book. GOOD LUCK to all who enters this contest. (Renae Kelly 9:22pm March 19, 2015)
I forgot to share the Mermaid love...I think Mermaids are very fascinating. I would love to be one myself. They are beautiful, they always get to swim in the ocean, and they always have this beautiful long hair. What a life it would be if I could actually be a real Mermaid myself! (Renae Kelly 9:25pm March 19, 2015)
I've always liked mermaids (since I read The Little Mermaid fairy tale), but I'd want to be one that would have legs when on land! (Janie McGaugh 10:18pm March 19, 2015)
I agree there's a lot of interesting questions about their biology Susan. Good luck in the contest! (Debbie Herbert 11:07pm March 19, 2015)
I've always fantasized about swimming with dolphins Kelly! We can dream. :) Best of luck in winning a book! (Debbie Herbert 11:09pm March 19, 2015)
Hi Janie! The mermaids in books are able to come and go to the sea whenever they wish, yet keep their land legs. Perfect, huh? The best of all worlds. Thanks so much for stopping by! (Debbie Herbert 11:12pm March 19, 2015)
Yes, I love Mermaids I find them very lovely and at the same time a bit frightening as well. (Holly Loch 2:21am March 20, 2015)
I agree, Holly. My mermaids aren't the Disney version! Thanks for commenting. (Debbie Herbert 10:28am March 20, 2015)
What I like of mermaid stories tends to be along the lines of blurring boundaries and coming together despite the odds. I mean, consider Ariel and her desire to be with Eric. She left her people for love. And Allen ( with Madison from "Splash" - remember that movie?). He left his people for love. It's overcoming obstacles, you know? Just how far would a body go for love? That's what we all want to figure out.
And, of course, there is that clam bra. Nobody can rock a clam quite like a mermaid can. (Rebecca Dee 10:48am March 20, 2015)
I love mermaids! My best friend and I are trying to grow our hair out to mermaid length (long enough to cover your breasts when pulled forward) and we have looked into mermaid school (yes they exist). There is something about the power of mermaids and how feminine that power is that is so appealing! (Rachel Collings 11:24am March 20, 2015)
I'l love to win a print copy of the book! (Amber Kuehn 1:51pm March 20, 2015)
I do remember Splash! Great movie. And I agree on the clam bra, Rebecca. Good luck! (Debbie Herbert 4:51pm March 20, 2015)
I want to go to mermaid school too Rachel. :) Good luck Amber and L Lam and Rachel in the contest! (Debbie Herbert 4:52pm March 20, 2015)
YES, I LOVE MERMAIDS!!! I have always been fascinated with them since I started swimming at the age of 5 in the swimming pools. I used to spend hours in the water and always wanted to be a fantastic Mermaid too! Congratulations on your new book: SIREN'S CALL. I would love to win and read your new book soon. I love the book cover too! Thank You very much. Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 7:05pm March 20, 2015)
So nice to meet a fellow mermaid lover Cecilia and best of luck in the contest! (Debbie Herbert 9:12pm March 20, 2015)
I love mermaids...because well.... they are beautiful and I love the ocean. :) Fairies rock too! :) (Sabrina(Mippy) Templin 10:04pm March 20, 2015)
I love fairies too, Sabrina! Thanks for stopping by Elaine! (Debbie Herbert 11:42pm March 20, 2015)
Mermaids are my favorite mythical creatures. If I can have a tail like theirs and be able to swim in the ocean all my life, my dream will be complete! (Daiane Chen 9:20am March 21, 2015)
It would be a dream come true. Thanks, Daiane! (Debbie Herbert 7:45pm March 21, 2015)
What's not to love about mermaids? I've always been fascinated by the possibility. I love underwater archaeology. A mermaid could go onsite without fear. (Marcia Berbeza 12:31pm March 22, 2015)
I've loved mermaids since watching the original little mermaid story before Disney took it over, I love the water and used to pretend I was one as a little girl. (Melissa Ogletree 12:32pm March 22, 2015)
I enjoy reading any book about paranormal creatures and can't say that any are a particular favorite. But I've never read one about mermaids so that would be different...maybe they could be a favorite? Looks to be interesting and fun read. (Glenda Hefty 12:54pm March 22, 2015)
I confess, I have never read anything about mermaids, though the thought of being able to frolic with dolphins is very enticing! Paranormal I like, as well as fairies, witches, vampires, along that line. (Kathy Walsh 1:01am March 22, 2015)
I love any books with romance, add something different, a beautiful mermaid, bit of suspense, and I can't wait to read. I've always wished/dreamed to swim like a mermaid, so to enter comp for chance to read is great. Though must admit I will be reading your books anyway as am intrigued. (Tiana Cameron 6:09am March 22, 2015)
wpuld love to win (Susan Gannon 8:02am March 22, 2015)
Have not read a book with a mermaid in it. Sure sounds different. You are a new author to me, hope I win. (Judy Ferguson 10:56am March 22, 2015)
I love mermaids, Ariel is my favorite. (Catherine Maguire 11:14am March 22, 2015)
Hi Marcia, I have a friend who has worked as underwater archaeologist and is now a fabulous writer - Linsey Hall. Thanks for coming by! (Debbie Herbert 11:48am March 22, 2015)
Hi Melissa, I used to dream of being a mermaid too. I think water is a feminine element and mermaids represent feminine power - no wonder little girls are attracted by these fabulous creatures! Thanks for saying hello. (Debbie Herbert 11:50am March 22, 2015)
Hi Glenda, Glad you are willing to give mermaids a read - I hope you find they add a unique paranormal world! (Debbie Herbert 11:51am March 22, 2015)
Hi Kathy, Here's hoping you'll find a whole new breed of paranormal worlds! I so appreciate you saying hello. (Debbie Herbert 11:52am March 22, 2015)
this looks like a great read (Sherri Giambra 11:54am March 22, 2015)
Thanks so much, Tiana - you made my day! It was sun writing about strong feminine characters and their path to love fraught with suspense and danger. I hope you enjoy! (Debbie Herbert 11:54am March 22, 2015)
Good luck Judy, Sherrie, Catherine and Susan and thanks for stopping by! (Debbie Herbert 11:55am March 22, 2015)
I hope to get a chance to read your book (Jean Benedict 12:42pm March 22, 2015)
Love mermaids and loved your excerpt. Great to hear it has a connection to an Indian legend. Will be reading all your books. (Sharon Extine 12:50pm March 22, 2015)
Love the cover and the concept of this book. :-) (J.C. McKenzie 1:54pm March 22, 2015)
I'm so thrilled you took the time to read an excerpt Sharon! I love Native American mythology - I find them full of wisdom and creativity. (Debbie Herbert 1:56pm March 22, 2015)
Thanks for popping in Jean and J.C.! (Debbie Herbert 1:57pm March 22, 2015)
Most of my mermaid experience has been comics, cartoons, and movies like Splash. I think that being a mermaid would be intriguing since there is so much of the underwater world that man has yet to explore. It seems like a wonderous world to live in. I would still like to be able to shift into human form to walk on land. Your books sound wonderful and I can't wait to read them. Thank you for the chance to win! (Meredith Hillenbrand 5:54pm March 22, 2015)
I haven't read your books yet and now I can't wait to get my hands on one of your books. (Jamie Steadman 6:09pm March 22, 2015)
This sound really good. I haven't read any of your books yet but I will be looking into them. (Melissa Crisp 6:52pm March 22, 2015)
This does sound totally awesome. I have not had a chance to read any of your books. I will hopefully win, so I can add you to my collection of books & authors. Thank you. Cindy (Cindy Davenport 6:57pm March 22, 2015)
Many thanks Meredith, Jamie, Melissa and Cindy! Best of luck in the contest. (Debbie Herbert 6:59pm March 22, 2015)
I LOVE mermaids! They're just so majestic and beautiful, and living underwater would be so cool!! I can remember always wishing I was a mermaid as a kid, and I watched The Little Mermaid so many times it broke the tape!! (Nicole Potter 9:25pm March 22, 2015)
I have never even heard of a mermaid romance book before. The only mermaid love story I know is The Little Mermaid from Disney! Would love a chance to read your book. (Jayne Townsley 9:39pm March 22, 2015)
I love mermaids because they can find all those sunken treasure. They can breathe air and water. What better way to enjoy water and land. (Kai Wong 12:26pm March 23, 2015)
Thanks Nicole, Jayne and Kai! Best of luck, Debbie (Debbie Herbert 1:46pm March 23, 2015)
Mermaids are fascinating creatures. Living in the water and swimming with the dolphins would be so much fun. (Bonnie H 9:55pm March 24, 2015)
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