Rachel Collings
Features & Posts
21 comments posted.
Re: Greek Gods Bearing Gifts (1:07pm May 7, 2015):
Recently I have been watching The Royals, and The Mysteries of Laura. Oh! And Forever.
Re: 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (1:03pm May 7, 2015):
Happy Birthday! I can't wait to read this one!
Re: The Cozy Cookbook (1:24pm April 16, 2015):
I tend to enjoy baking more than anything. My go to recipe is a chocolate cake from the depression era called poor man's cake. 2 1/2 cups flour 2 cups sugar 3/4 cup baking cocoa 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp cinnamon 2 tsp baking soda 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp vanilla 2 Tbsp white vinegar 2 cups cold water
Mix all ingredients until smooth. Pour into greased and floured pan(s). Bake at 350° for 30-35 minutes or until cake tests done.
It is a delicious and super moist cake.
Re: Wicked Stitch (1:14pm April 16, 2015):
My grandparents do what is known as "rendezvous" in which they dress up as early settlers and live that lifestyle for a few weeks. There are other settlers and native americans. There are people selling their wares. Its great fun. On the weekends they are open to the public. You can wader around amoungst canvas four walled tents, teepees, cooking fires, and people dressed in breeches and loin cloths. We try to visit everytime my gradparents are attending. Its amazing.
Re: SWAT Secret Admirer (7:20pm April 2, 2015):
I want to see what trying out for swat brings to the story.
Re: The Millionaire's Unexpected Proposal (7:09pm April 2, 2015):
Im sure i have made some, but i have blocked them out.
Re: Gods of Chaos (7:03pm April 2, 2015):
Love is chaotic and complicated, but when it is true love you dont even notice the chaos.
Re: Lady Of The Eternal City (10:47am March 26, 2015):
I love the history of ancient Rome. They had so much b influence over the world. I have never read an Empress of Rome novel, but would love to.
Re: His Majesty's Secret Passion (11:28am March 20, 2015):
I am reading Michelle Moran's Nefertiti, then I will move on to 52 Reasons to Hate my Father by Jessica Brody.
Re: The Perilous Journey of the Not-So-Innocuous Girl (11:26am March 20, 2015):
I would wear a dress in a steampunk novel, but it would have to have some fun gadgets. :)
Re: Siren's Call (11:24am March 20, 2015):
I love mermaids! My best friend and I are trying to grow our hair out to mermaid length (long enough to cover your breasts when pulled forward) and we have looked into mermaid school (yes they exist). There is something about the power of mermaids and how feminine that power is that is so appealing!
Re: Andrea and the 5-Day Challenge (11:20am March 20, 2015):
I always feel socially awkward and the more nervous i become the less of a filter i have. Then i embarrass myself. It is a vicious cycle.
Re: Ask Me Nicely (12:30pm March 5, 2015):
I believe in true love and soul mates, but i think it depends on the couple whether or not it is insta-love. My hubby and i knew eachother for 6 months before dating, but everything after that happened quickly (engagement, pregnancy)It all depends on the people involved.
Re: Assault And Pepper (12:14pm March 5, 2015):
My favorite cozy spot is my recliner. With a blanket, a book, and a big cup of tea.
Re: Once a Wallflower, At Last His Love (11:54am February 11, 2015):
The last hero i fell in love with was my husband. He is a fireman and dedicated father. No book bboyfriend (or other man) could ever compare.
Re: Once Upon a Grind (10:43am December 10, 2014):
Beauty and the beast. I wanted the library. :)
Re: The Gentleman Jewel Thief (10:32am December 10, 2014):
Merry Christmas!
Re: My Highland Spy (9:10pm September 9, 2014):
I would love to travel more and Scotland is the top of my list. However until my children are a little older the only way i can travel is through.books like yours.
Re: The Language Of Silence (3:31pm May 8, 2014):
Would love to read any of your books under either name
Re: What The Groom Wants (10:36am May 6, 2014):
Writing just for fun has its good points and bad points. Writing for fun and for yourself is great because you can truly be yourself, laugh, have fun with it and explore new angles. On the other hand, not having a deadline would be extremely hard to deal with after always having one for so long. I feel that this blog post holds all the answers. It was obviously fun to write and it gives your fans a deadline for entry.
Re: The Memory Garden (10:24am May 6, 2014):
I love to garden and have found that each plot and planter holds a different meaning and aspiration. Ive also learned that each garden can teach us something about ourselves and about life.