Joy Nash | A Letter From Rhys, hero of SILVER SILENCE
October 27, 2009
To the Once and Future Readers of my tale, I left Avalon as a lad of fourteen winters. It was not my choice. The sacred isle was my soul-home. It was there I learned
the magic of the Goddess. The white mists cast by Cyric, my grandfather, hid my
clan from its enemies. To my mind, there was no reason a Druid should venture
into the outside world. Cyric knew differently. My grandfather's visions showed him a time when the
Light would fade from Britain, when war and chaos would threaten the survival of
our people. Only on Avalon, hidden in the teachings of The Lady, could the Light
survive long enough, grow strong enough, to influence that grim future. But we were too few on Avalon. We needed children touched by Druid magic, to be
trained as Keepers of the Light. It was my duty and my burden to search for
those children. I vowed to bring them to Avalon, whatever the cost. And so began my exile. I was little more than a child myself, carrying no more
than the clothes on my back and a harp made by my own hands. Frightened almost
beyond my wits. Terrified by every shadow on the road. The first winter storm
nearly killed me. I'd wanted it to kill me. And then came spring. And Breena. She was a small child when I first saw her. Round and grubby, always smiling.
When I looked at her in just the right way, the white Light sang about her head
and shoulders. A happy child, well loved by her parents, who were far too
trusting in offering a bed to a homeless Celt bard--even one so young as I. For
I'd recognized, at first sight, Breena's rare magic. She belonged to Avalon. I
would take her there. Eleven years passed before I succeeded. Eleven long years during which I was a
frequent guest in Breena's home. Her family welcomed me, never dreaming I was a
viper in their midst. By the time she grew to womanhood, she was deeply embedded
in my heart. I did not dare reveal my feelings. Her brother was my friend-he
knew Breena, in her innocence, fancied herself in love with me. That she spun
happily-ever-after fantasies in her dreams. She was so young--in years and in experience. A child. I was a man grown,
hardened by duty and eternal wandering. Avalon, populated by the Druids I'd
plucked from every corner of Britain, was no longer my home. At last, Breena
came to dwell on the sacred isle. She learned to master her magic. I was sure
she would take a Druid mate. I was even more certain that man would not be me. I
remain a wanderer. I will ever be. And then Myrddin arrived, crashing into my time and my life on a tide of
arrogance and forbidden deep magic. The wily old Druid snatched Breena from the
very shadow of Avalon, and plunged her into a future of war and chaos...and a
deadly Silver Silence. I followed. ~Rhys One lucky reader who leave a comment through October 31st will win
autographed copies of
The Grail King and Deep Magic, books 1 & 2 in
the Druids of Avalon trilogy. And
if you don’t...check out more chances to win at Good luck to
45 comments posted.
Re: Joy Nash | A Letter From Rhys, hero of SILVER SILENCE
Joy Nash: Thank you for your teaser. As a fan of Celtic mythology and history, I've just got to check out your works. (Mary Anne Landers 12:53pm October 27, 2009)
Wow! Quite taken by this writing! Thank you for the opportunity to read more! (Joanne Reynolds 7:32am October 27, 2009)
I read A Little Light Magic and absolutely fell in love with you writing. Can't wait to read your other books. (Kara Conrad 8:29am October 27, 2009)
A marvelous continuation of your brilliantly crafted saga. Thanks for the teaser; it surely whets my appetite for more!! (Susan Driskill 11:59am October 27, 2009)
Wow! That is all I can say! Thanks for the glimps! I look forward to reading more;-) (Jeanette Huston 2:19pm October 27, 2009)
I agree with Jeanette...WOW! I can't wait to read more. (Patsy Hagen 2:37pm October 27, 2009)
Thank you for a glimpse of your book, I can't wait to see what else lies between the book's cover. I love Avalon and all it's magic! (Lisa Glidewell 2:54pm October 27, 2009)
Happy Haalloooowwweeennnn! Thanks! Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 5:28pm October 27, 2009)
This was a great teaser. I can't wait to read the series.
Thanks! Tracey D (Tracey Dent 6:52pm October 27, 2009)
This excerpt was wonderful. I love books about magic, Avalon would be a great place to visit, can't wait. (Theresa Buckholtz 7:12pm October 27, 2009)
What a beautiful cover, and thank you for a great post. I would love to read your books!
Happy Hallowe'en! (Freda Mans-Labianca 7:21pm October 27, 2009)
Fantastic! What a lure to want to read more! Can't wait to check out this series. Thanks! (Dodie Rumbolt-NIcholls 7:55pm October 27, 2009)
I hear Avalon & immediately I want more. So, very well done. I have my fingers crossed. (Mary Preston 8:00pm October 27, 2009)
Wonderful, I want to read more. Thank you Joy Nash, for all amazing books that you write. (Barbara Ryan 8:09pm October 27, 2009)
Hi Joy! Oh, this story sounds sooo good!! I have Deep Magic, but I am missing the first one--I must remedy this immediately! *L* Congratulations on another great book hon!! (Maithe Ortiz 8:48pm October 27, 2009)
Thanks for the teaser! I need to read this.
[email protected] (Lisa Garrett 8:53pm October 27, 2009)
Sounds like interesting reads and would probably be something I would pass on to my daughter as she is starting to enjoy novels more and more (Susan Kramer 9:07pm October 27, 2009)
I have read your other books and look forward to this one (Elizabeth Parzino 9:21pm October 27, 2009)
Oh!!! I haven't had the opportunity to read your books yet, but saw you on the cover of last months romance magazine and added your books to my wishlist on Goodreads. Thank you for the chance to win some of your books!!!
Keeping fingers crossed, Mitzi (Mitzi Hinkey 9:32pm October 27, 2009)
The book sound wonderful (Rachel Morse 9:42pm October 27, 2009)
Have enjoyed your books. SILVER SILENCE sounds like it will be another great one. Can't wait to read it. (Patricia Barraclough 11:55pm October 27, 2009)
You're such a tease! Thanks! (Sue Ahn 12:01pm October 28, 2009)
I think I've read Deep Magic but I cant find it on my bookcase. I am looking forward to reading Silver Silence as soon as I can. (Sarah Ulfers 4:36am October 28, 2009)
Hi Joy, Love these Druid stories. Excited to read about Rhys and Breena. Best of wishes on the new release Carol L. (Carol Luciano 7:56am October 28, 2009)
Wow! I'm really not sure what to say other than that...WOW! I can't wait to read this and keeping my fingers crossed to win! (Dawn Detkowski 9:35am October 28, 2009)
I've read A Little Lite Magic and of course the Immortals and really hope to win these, your writing keeps me interested to the very end. (Elizabeth Parzino 1:23pm October 28, 2009)
The teaser sounds very good. It makes me want to keep reading. (Pam Scott 1:40pm October 28, 2009)
This teaser is making me anticipate this book oh soo much. I'm gonna have to beat the hubs to get this book! (Rachel Flesher 4:47pm October 28, 2009)
Loved the teaser, now I need more!!! :D (Colleen Conklin 5:50pm October 28, 2009)
I love anything to do with history and your teaser was sounds very good. I definitely need to read more of your work. (Stephanie Nordkap 9:29pm October 28, 2009)
Oh, wow. Now I desperately want to read this! (Ashley v 10:38pm October 28, 2009)
Wow, hat a teaser that is, I can't wait to read it! (Barbara Hanson 6:18am October 29, 2009)
Thanks for all your flattering comments!
Avalon is such a mystical place, even today. A few years ago, I was in Glastonbury England, in the Chalice Well garden at the base of the Tor (Avalon). In the middle of a hot (over 90 degrees) summer day, we had a sudden hail storm! I sat under an old tree with my kids and watched the hail rain down. So surreal - gave me shivers!
Good luck to all commenters in my contest - the winner of The Grail King and Deep Magic will be announced on Sunday Nov 1. Happy Halloween! (Joy Nash 12:33pm October 29, 2009)
Thank you for the hours of enjoyment and the wonderful characters that you create. I can't wait to read more from you (Doni Miller 1:10pm October 29, 2009)
I'm new with your works. Can't wait to go dive into your world! (Mariska Hadienns 5:58am October 30, 2009)
Sounds like the perfect book to curl up and get lost in! Thanks for the teaser. (Janel Gradowski 6:23pm October 30, 2009)
Wow! Druids, Arthurian Britain and a love story what a teaser! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Thanks for writing such interesting books. (Norma Storms 11:23am October 31, 2009)
I've been a fan of "The Matter of Britain" for years and years and years and... well, as long as I have been able to read the Arthurian cycle has always fascinated me. I especially love it when an author puts her own spin on the legends. I mean, who's to say? (Deborah Anderson 4:08pm October 31, 2009)
I can't wait to read Silver Silence. Sounds like another great curl up and read story. (L Green 6:20pm October 31, 2009)
Joy Silver Silence looks awesome - ty for the teaser :)! It's on my wishlist. (Pamela Sinclair 6:49pm October 31, 2009)
Oh wow, that sounded fantastic! (Jacqueline Lam 7:03pm October 31, 2009)
Hi Hoy i cnat wait to read this full series (Beverly Gordon 8:54pm October 31, 2009)
This sounds brill, thank you for the teaser and happy harvest! (Heather Maldonado 12:18pm November 1, 2009)
i really love your books and i look forward to your next one! (Sabrina Gibau 12:42pm November 1, 2009)
Hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween! I had just over 100 trick or treaters at my house, believe it or not, that was the smallest number in 10 years :D
Now for the lucky winner - drum roll - Elizabeth Parzino! She wins autographed copies of The Grail King and Deep Magic. Congrats, Elizabeth! Please email me offline at [email protected] with your snail mail address to claim your prize.
Happy autumn to all!!!
Joy (Joy Nash 9:05am November 3, 2009)
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