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Michele Summers | Sparks Fly in FIND MY WAY HOME

Find My Way Home
Michele Summers




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Harmony Homecomings #1

July 2014
On Sale: July 1, 2014
Featuring: Bertie Anderson; Keith Morgan
352 pages
ISBN: 1402293550
EAN: 9781402293559
Kindle: B00KHANB9A
Paperback / e-Book
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Also by Michele Summers:
Sweet Southern Trouble, May 2017
Sweet Southern Bad Boy, December 2016
Not So New in Town, July 2015
Find My Way Home, July 2014


Thank you for having me. I’m very excited to be here and so happy that today is release day for my debut novel FIND MY WAY HOME. A contemporary story about a small town Southern gal wanting more from life and thinking if she could only hit the road for the big city, she might find what she’s looking for. *cough, cough* Well, we all know that’s not necessarily true.

Bertie Anderson, wants to make it big as an interior designer. She’s three weeks away from reaching her goal when she’s given the challenge of redesigning the old Victorian in town she’s always dreamed about. But there’s a catch: if she finishes in three months, she’ll be rewarded with a big bonus. Big. Piece of cake, right? It would be if her client wasn’t bad boy Keith Morgan, retired tennis pro and single-dad-on-the-edge.

Keith has moved to Harmony, NC with a huge chip on his shoulder (along with a ton of guilt) to make a better life for himself and his ten-year old daughter. What he’s not prepared for is small town, Southern quirkiness, his aunt’s ultimatum to get married in three months, and his uncontrollable attraction to his maddening designer, Bertie.

The question most people ask me is: how do I manage to do it all? The answer: I’m a ridiculous, obnoxious, multi-tasker. (people who know me will back me up) Like my heroine Bertie, I have a constant need to be doing something…anything. It’s a terrible sickness. How many of you sit and watch TV without doing anything else? (Everyone is picturing a guy they know and love, chilling in front of the TV and drinking a beer.) TV watching allows me time to wash pots and pans, fold laundry or work on a design project. Not sure how I got this way except I come from a very large family (one of nine siblings) of Type A personalities where we all kept busy to avoid things we hated like: picking up sticks, cleaning the basement, sorting through attic boxes, pressure cleaning the house and unloading and putting away four baskets of groceries. We all knew, including our friends, to be scarce on Friday afternoons when my mother would return home with a station wagon full of groceries.

Bertie is always working on a different project like dog sitting, feeding her neighbor, waitressing or decorating for the town festival. She enjoys feeling useful (crazy youngin’!) and she has issues saying no. Where she finds time for her interior design business is a mystery. Except I know exactly…because I’m the same way. Her hunky client, Keith worries that she won’t devote the time and talent needed to renovate his home. He also worries about his unwanted attraction to her and if he can be a good father to his ten-year old daughter…but I digress.

The problem with being a chronic multi-tasker is you never learn to relax and smell the roses…literally. I have to force myself to stop and breathe and actually look at a beautiful sunset or feel the cool breeze or really listen to the story my child is telling me while I read a recipe, text a message, make a list, sweep the floor and toss another load of laundry in the washer. That’s manic! I’m not proud of this ability, because quite frankly, it’s exhausting. But I’m not alone here. Come on…show of hands. Yep, there’s a bunch of you multi-taskers reading this right now, while making a mental grocery list or thinking about checking your bank statement, or remembering you have books due back at the library. Am I right??? *nodding*

I converse with many people (mostly women, because let’s face it…men are anti-multi-task) who are on the same wild ride and manage to work, clean, write, pay bills and build a sea-worthy boat all before the sun sets and they have to start dinner. For me, it has become a way of life. Yes, I’m a writer and love to sit in front of my computer and create fun, fictitious worlds, but I’m also a designer like Bertie, personal chef to several clients, and mother to two great kids who are wonderfully self-sufficient, but still need me every now and then. So, like my energetic heroine, I create pockets of time early in the morning and late in the evening devoted to writing. And when I break and go for walks, I make myself stop…and smell the roses, gardenias, honeysuckle...and remember to breathe.

Thank you again for having me and I hope you enjoy FIND MY WAY HOME with its sparks and laughter.

Find out more at about Michele at her website or on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and Pinterest.




6 comments posted.

Re: Michele Summers | Sparks Fly in FIND MY WAY HOME

Wow! That was fun! Thank you so much for hosting me today.
Michele Summers
(Michele Summers 12:38pm July 1, 2014)

How can we get anything done if we don't multi-task? Great
post. :-)
(Glenda Martillotti 11:32pm July 1, 2014)

Because I'm on dial-up, I multi-task constantly!! While my
pages are loading, I'm usually reading a book, or doing my
knitting. If the pages take unusually long to load, I'll
wash a few dishes, or work on straightening out my desk, or
do something that takes a little more time. I can't just
sit and do nothing, because I consider it a waste of time!!
Even when we're driving in the car, I always have a book or
my knitting, or both with me, because any trip that we make
is going to be a long drive for us, since we live in the
country, and all of our trips consist of driving to the
city, which takes at least an hour one-way, usually 2. As
for your book, it sounds like the perfect kick-back book for
Summer, and the characters sound delightful!! The cover is
romantic, and makes you want to open the cover, just to read
the story inside!! Congratulations!!
(Peggy Roberson 11:20am July 2, 2014)

We are true kindred spirits! I can't sit still either and do
nothing. In my family, it was considered a sin to "waste"
time! Thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoy Find My Way
Home. ;-))))
(Michele Summers 9:31am July 3, 2014)

Thanks Glenda! And yep...multi-tasking is the only way.
(Michele Summers 9:32am July 3, 2014)

This sounds very good I can't wait to read it. Thanks
(Penney Wilfort 11:26am July 9, 2014)

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