Nicolette Day | My Addiction to Romance
February 26, 2014
My name is Nicolette
Day, and I'm addicted to romance. As far back as I can remember, I have been a lover of books. Instead of watching
cartoons on Saturday mornings, my mother would read me J.R. Tolkein, and Shel
Silverstein. Robert Frost and Edgar Allen Poe. Living in a house with three
other siblings, I loved the escape it gave me. I loved traveling to other worlds
without ever having to leave my bedroom. But there came a moment that I wanted
something more between the pages of my stories. I wanted romance! And finally I read my first book boyfriend, in the form of a Christopher Pike YA
thriller. And that book boyfriend broke my heart. In true Christopher Pike
fashion, the fictional boy I'd fallen for ended up being the killer. But I
forgave, and moved on to the next book. Vampire or human, hobbit or wherewolf, I
adored them all. I adored falling in love over and over again as the characters
I read did. The heart break, the butterflies, the kisses, and even the dirty
talkers. They all have a special place in my heart and give me something I crave
as a reader. Eventually, I figured out it's not only what I liked to read. It's what I liked
to write. That addictive feeling that we get when we pick up a book that grabs
us, pulls us in, and doesn't let go until the last page? Yeah. I wanted to
create that. I wanted to be a part of that. Love is an adventure. It's hilarious
and it's heartbreaking and it's wonderful and painful all at the same time. And
I'm addicted to reading about it. I'm addicted to creating it. Yes. My name is Nicolette
Day, and I am addicted to romance.
When one touch isn't enough, why resist? Road trips are supposed to be fun. Or, at least, full of hot sex. For
photographer Lilly Grayson, the fifteen-hour drive to her friend's wedding with
Nate Jennings will be neither. Not that Nate isn't sexy—the man is
six-foot-three-inches of mouth-watering Marine. But Lilly's been there, done
that...and he walked away. Now it's time for a little payback. The kind that'll
make a man desperate for a taste of what he can't have. And Nate wants a taste—so badly that he can barely keep his hands on the
wheel. But the scars and ghosts of his last tour still haunt him. He can't
give into temptation, not this time. Lilly deserves a whole man—one who
can love her the way she deserves to be loved, even if she doesn't believe it
can happen. And that can't be Nate. Not when he's leaving again in two weeks,
and this time, he's not sure he'll return... What are you addicted to? One commenter will win a copy of TEMPTED BY THE SOLDIER
29 comments posted.
Re: Nicolette Day | My Addiction to Romance
Books in many genres including romance, ice cold diet coke and chocolate. (Anne Muller 12:27pm February 26, 2014)
I am addicted to reading. When I was growing up in the midwest,going to the library was a special treat. I was a voracious reader & could easily finish 1-2 books daily. In 4th grade, I read "Gone With The Wind" during Easter vacation, while eating little chocolate eggs from my basket.As an adult, I am an Amazon junkie, enjoying novels & e-books. (Rachel Kerrinski 1:42am February 26, 2014)
Books, definitely. Chocolate is another big one. ;-) (Karin Anderson 9:25am February 26, 2014)
I'm addicted to chocolate. And I am so glad to meet another Christopher Pike fan. I read all his books as a teenager. (Pam Howell 9:31am February 26, 2014)
i love romance books i am addicted to chocolate to it is a everyday thing for me (Denise Smith 9:39am February 26, 2014)
My addictions are chocolate and reading. Can't help them both!!!! (Bonnie Capuano 9:45am February 26, 2014)
I'm addicted to books and I like chocolate. (Wilma Frana 10:33am February 26, 2014)
Love books! And chocolate! (LeeAnne Hardin 10:37am February 26, 2014)
I've always wondered what it would be like to be a marine! (Richard Proctor 10:44am February 26, 2014)
I am addicted to reading! I love chocolate to, especially if it has almonds or cashews in it! (Maria Proctor 11:04am February 26, 2014)
Definitely Romance novels, peanut M&Ms, Lindt chocolates, etc. :) (Colleen Conklin 11:46am February 26, 2014)
If you're referring to which genre of books, my choice is all over the map!! It depends on what mood I'm in. If I feel content at the time, I'll cozy up with a good Romance. Sometimes it's even a memoir, and lately those have been a book written by a layperson about their personal life - not a famous persons' biography, although I read some of those, too!! Some days I'm in the mood for a good mystery, or even a Historical non-fiction book about anything from one of the wars to the Presidents. So you see, it all depends on my mood. My other addiction is jellybeans (a certain brand) to eat while I read. When it's cold out, I love my French Vanilla Cappuccinos or Hot Chocolate, or Mocha Coffee when I can find it. Otherwise I always have an Iced Tea or glass of Coke handy!! (Peggy Roberson 12:08pm February 26, 2014)
how are the covers selected for the book do you give them an idea and they have you pick or do you illustrate your own or take your own always wanted to know this (Necta Nelson 12:33pm February 26, 2014)
I'm addicted to reading and the internet. (Sue Farrell 12:36pm February 26, 2014)
Would love to read this book. Love all genres. (Tina Lechuga 1:02pm February 26, 2014)
I'm addicted to chocolate and reading. Especially at the same time. Thanks for a chance to win. (Linda Hall 3:02pm February 26, 2014)
Reading, computer and food in that order! (Denise Austin 4:34pm February 26, 2014)
online sweepstakes (Kent Cook 5:05pm February 26, 2014)
I'm addicted to romance books (I'm always reading every day). I love chocolate like everyone else, but try to limit myself to buying some only once every couple of weeks. When I do, I can't stay away from it! Also, getting on the computer which is for an hour or two almost daily. Thanks for the chance to win your book...hope the guy on the cover comes along with the win! lol (Linda Luinstra 7:00pm February 26, 2014)
I am addicted to sweets and books. (Melanie Backus 7:19pm February 26, 2014)
I'm addicted to reading. I always have at least one book in progress. I'm also a collector of crafting stuff. (Laura Gullickson 9:16pm February 26, 2014)
Internet surfing, and reading in general. (G. Bisbjerg 10:15pm February 26, 2014)
reading, chips, sit-coms, sweepstakes and freebies on the internet..... (Barbara Studer 10:16am February 27, 2014)
Books & chocolate will do it. (Mary Preston 8:00pm February 27, 2014)
I am addicted to reading romance novels. Thanks for the giveaway. (Kathleen Beale 9:20pm February 27, 2014)
I'm addicted to potato chips and fries and books. (Kai Wong 10:36pm February 27, 2014)
Um yes please. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the gracious giveaway! (Kalynn Dresser 4:19pm March 1, 2014)
I am addicted to reading. If you could see my house and the stacks of books I have "to read", you would know. (Linda Harrison 7:56pm March 3, 2014)
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