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Carla Laurenano | The Character in the Mirror


I have a confession to make. Andrea Sullivan, the heroine of FIVE DAYS IN SKYE, is me.

No, I didn't go to Scotland and fall in love with a celebrity chef. I don't own a pair of fabulous lipstick-red Louboutin pumps. And I don't have (many) deep, dark secrets that affect the way I live my life. But like her, I've experienced the ups-and-downs of being a woman in business. After ten years of working in sales and marketing, I've done my fair share of solo traveling. I've conducted business in places that run the gamut from hotel bar to Las Vegas nightclub. I've been propositioned by strangers. I've had men think, fueled by too many cocktails at a client dinner, that they had some sort of right to "escort" me back to my room.

So, when I concocted Andrea's backstory—a business deal gone bad because of a grabby client, leaving her desperate for a way to redeem herself—I had plenty of experience from which to draw.

Except I write inspirational fiction.

It's not that Christians don't hold these kinds of jobs or deal with these kinds of issues. I just don't see it represented very often in the books for the inspirational market. There are lots of ranch owners, college students, and artists. Social workers, teachers, and doctors. People with interesting vocations and interesting stories. Yet, at the time I started thinking about the storyline for Five Days in Skye, I hadn't found a protagonist who reflected my experience of what it was like to climb the corporate ladder.

Andrea knows what it's like to walk that tightrope between maintaining your dignity and offending a client. The insecurity inherent in being a woman alone, doing what is often considered to be a "man's job." Being called "sweetheart" when your male colleagues are called "sir."

I wanted to write a tough woman who knew what she wanted and wasn't willing to let anyone get in her way. I wanted to reconcile the not-so-pretty realities of the business world with the message that readers expect in Christian fiction. And I wanted to give her a kernel of hope and vulnerability beneath her cynicism, the deep-down belief that someone might come along and prove her view of the world wrong. In doing so, I think I came up with a character who is real, flawed, and relatable.

If you squint a little and turn the book sideways, maybe she's even a little bit like me.

Except I would really like to own the contents of Andrea's closet. Especially those shoes.

About Carla

Carla Laureano has held many job titles—professional marketer, small business consultant, and martial arts instructor—but writer is by far her favorite. She currently lives in Denver with her patient husband and two rambunctious sons, who know only that Mom's work involves lots of coffee and talking to imaginary people.

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One commenter will win sone Scottish shortbread plus a mug copy of FIVE DAYS IN SKYE.




46 comments posted.

Re: Carla Laurenano | The Character in the Mirror

Does your religion ever conflict with your career?
(Diane Pollock 12:01pm June 2, 2013)

Diane- Not so much now, because I work for myself as a writer. But years ago, yes. It was not unusual for clients to want to go to strip clubs after the trade show floor closed, which was just something I wasn't comfortable doing. I was fortunate to have a boss who supported my decisions, but yes, there was that tension between making a client happy and sticking to my own beliefs.
(Carla Laureano 12:26pm June 2, 2013)

I love that you stick to your beliefs regardless as you have to get up each day and only you know what is acceptable for you to feel good about who you are. Kids struggle with that always stepping up for what they want and getting themselves into situations where they don't feel they have the power to walk away. I think it is great for a writer to be strong regardless
(Darci Paice 12:45pm June 2, 2013)

Beautiful cover!
(Kathy Sullivan 12:50pm June 2, 2013)

ooh, the book sounds great! I love when there's part of the author in one of the characters - because then the author really gives a vivid description of them!
(Joanne Schultz 1:21pm June 2, 2013)

Yes, my religion used to conflict with my career when I was
working in the past. It seems like there are too many
negative clowns working with others and always gossiping and
putting people down instead of helping and being a
teamplayer. Workers need to learn about being more Christian
and always treat others like you want to be treated; Nice!!!
Uplifting others is such a blessing from GOD but few people
truly know how to do that at a JOB!!! I love the pretty
cover of your book: FIVE DAYS IN SKYE. Thanks for the great
Christian book and I would love to be blessed enough to win
it and read it too. Thank You very much. God Bless You with
success always. Cecilia CECE
(Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 1:27pm June 2, 2013)

would love the opportunity to enter for this.
(Mal Kaplan 1:49pm June 2, 2013)

Andrea sounds like a real person. Anyone is business, as an owner or employee, know the ups and downs.
Appreciate the giveaway.
(Leona Olson 2:04pm June 2, 2013)

Your book sounds like a wonderful read. I love strong
(G. Bisbjerg 2:29pm June 2, 2013)

I read a lot of Scottish Historicals, but haven't read many
contmporaries set there. I think I'd like Andrea and would be
rooting for her success and HEA.
(Diane Sallans 3:23pm June 2, 2013)

I love hearing all your thoughts! What happens when you hold those
beliefs but DON'T stand up for them, and let people assume what they
want? My celebrity chef, James, knows all too well...which makes him a
fun foil for Andrea.

Good luck in the drawing, everyone!
(Carla Laureano 3:24pm June 2, 2013)

Your book sounds great. Would love to read it. I too have read a number of Scottish Historicals, but never run across a modern Scottish story.
(Carol Woodruff 4:16pm June 2, 2013)

I have been reading inspirational romance stories a lot lately. It probably has to do with me talking to God since I have been dealing with a lot more personal and work-related stress. I love it when the story touches what I'm going through currently. It is kind of a sign from God to help me with my crisis. Thanks for writing those stories.
(Kai Wong 4:17pm June 2, 2013)

I've always wanted to go to Scotland.
(Theresa Norris 4:55pm June 2, 2013)

Thank you for the chance to win. The book seems to have some humor to it. It helps when I read more serious stories verses some way out there ones.
(Sally Hannoush 5:50pm June 2, 2013)

I'd like to read this book. It's interesting how you say your
heroine is you but placed in different circumstances. I like
knowing how authors come up with their characters.
(Jennifer L. 5:51pm June 2, 2013)

I want to go to Scotland one of these days.And the isle of
Skye sounds beautiful. But anyhow book sounds good .
(Raeline Peterson 6:43pm June 2, 2013)

I am fascinated by the role religion - presence, lack of - plays in societies other than the US - I visited Japan for several weeks and immediately noticed the difference, and how difficult it was to ask about mores without having that common JudeoChristian frame of reference. Even if one is not churched or a believer in something, one can still respect the work of religious charitable organizations.
(Beth Fuller 7:42pm June 2, 2013)

i love the sound of this book
(Debbi Shaw 7:44pm June 2, 2013)

This sounds like an interesting read - realistic qualities with relatable characters.
(QuenKne M 9:16pm June 2, 2013)

Being a woman and trying to earn a living in a man's world is no easy task today. You look at them as a way of getting a job done, and they look at you as a piece of meat or notch on their belt!! Sometimes you do luck out, though. I feel for you, and I'm glad that you are able to write. Your book sounds great, and I'm anxious to read it. I think the cover is breathtaking, too!!
(Peggy Roberson 9:31pm June 2, 2013)

Would love to win, thank you! Very nice book cover by the way!
(Lazydrag0n Puff 10:20pm June 2, 2013)

Yes, it does seem that the people who get ahead are the ones that don't have to follow the rules of their conscience. I could make more money if I didn't feel the need to help some of my customers or give them a discount. Thanks for the book and your insight into the workplace.
(Kathleen Yohanna 11:24pm June 2, 2013)

To climb in the business world & still hold true to your
ideals - I'm sure it can be done.
(Mary Preston 11:36pm June 2, 2013)

i love when writers will put themselves in the charector that
are in the book. i know myself the good and bad things that
can happen when owning your own business also. so i think i
would really enjoy this
(Denise Smith 11:58pm June 2, 2013)

Love the cover and really can't wait to read this book! It sounds wonderful!
(Bonnie Capuano 8:05am June 3, 2013)

A most fascinating novel and locale which sounds captivating
and special.
(Sharon Berger 10:17am June 3, 2013)

Yup... I can relate to wanting to be a character! :)
(May Pau 10:27am June 3, 2013)

I love this premise. It sounds like a good book.
(Penny Mettert 10:30am June 3, 2013)

Our family enjoys reading many diverse books.
(Brianna Herrera 11:29am June 3, 2013)

Sounds great! Can't wait! :)
(Jada Smith 3:01pm June 3, 2013)

My favorite books are written by Christian authors and yours sounds like a great read.
(Sheila True 4:11pm June 3, 2013)

My Scotish family name is Salter. We have green eyes, reddish hair and fair skin. What better book could there be for me.
(Marguerite Beal 5:28pm June 3, 2013)

Sounds like a great book. I have very diversified taste in
books and read everything from very racy to very tame.
Definitely an author and a book I want to check into.
(LaRonda Atchison 6:03pm June 3, 2013)

You know what they say about a man who knows his way around the kitchen. He is very good in other areas of the house. ;)
(Deb Pelletier 7:08pm June 3, 2013)

I want to win!
(Christine Cushing 7:19pm June 3, 2013)

sound like a great summer read
(Debbi Shaw 7:27pm June 3, 2013)

like looks great
(Kent Cook 7:45pm June 3, 2013)

Sounds like a wonderful book :)
(Aimee Robison 7:49pm June 3, 2013)

sounds like a great read and i love the cover!!
(Jennifer Beck 8:25pm June 3, 2013)

I feel your pain, even without being religious, I find myself put into many positions where I am uncomfortable due to my personal beliefs and morals. My manager frequently asks me to tell tales to my suppliers to get them to deliver. I'd like to think that my relationship with my suppliers, built on mutual trust and respect is enough to get them to perform to the best of their ability every time.
Good luck and happy writing!
(Tracie Travis 9:08pm June 3, 2013)

It's interesting to me how authors manufacture their characters. This book really sounds like a book I'd love to read.
(Christine Schultz 10:36pm June 3, 2013)

love to win, sounds like a good read, i love to try new authors all the time...thanks
(Kimberly Hoefs 11:55pm June 3, 2013)

(Shelley Summers 2:13am June 4, 2013)

A reader needs to identify with fictional characters in order to enjoy the story, and when writers draw on their own experiences, beliefs and emotions, they usually create believable characters with at least some traits that appeal to readers. While we aren't all the same, many of us share characteristics and the ability to recognize our friends and relatives, or ourselves enhances the reading experience.
(Janet Martin 4:11pm June 4, 2013)

Sounds like a great book! Can't wait to read :)
(Lisa Medeiros 9:40am June 5, 2013)

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