Tasha Alexander | Giving Thanks
November 24, 2011
I've been on road for the past few weeks, traveling from New York to Phoenix,
Houston to Miami. Book tours are like no other part of being a writer. Generally
speaking, novelists spend their time at home, noses buried in research
notebooks, laptops threatening to become physically attached to them, rarely
speaking except to the food delivery guy, with whom they have a love/hate
relationship. Love because he brings food. Hate because he can't remove the
subsequent empty boxes that grow to fort-like heights as deadlines approach. There are lots of wonderful things about writing. You can work in pajamas. You
don't have to dig your car out of snow drifts to get to the office on time after
a blizzard. You get to tell stories that turn out exactly how you want them to.
But it's isolating work. Sure, sometimes you talk plot points through with your
editor, spouse, or friend. But for the most part, you work in your head. And then your new book comes out and everything changes. You head out on tour.
Yes there are early flights (I admit that I could have used a few more hours of
sleep when the car picked me up in Houston at 4am), lines at airports, and you
miss your family. But you get to meet readers, and there's nothing better than that. We've hit
that time of year when we all think about the things for which we're thankful,
and I couldn't be more grateful for the people who, year after year, read the
books I write. I'm honored to meet so many of them when I'm on tour. Like the
woman who drove from Pennsylvania to New York City to see me. The woman who
reorganized a trip from San Francisco to Arizona so she could come to the event
in Scottsdale. The mother and daughter whom I met last year in Phoenix—they
laughed when I accidentally wrote “Happy Birthday” in one of their books and
came back this year. Now we have an annual Un-Birthday tradition. Writers can't exist without readers. You keep us in pajamas and pizza boxes and
ensure that we don't live too much in our own heads. And for this, I thank you.
I hope you know how much you matter. Happy Thanksgiving! Tasha Alexander
attended the University of Notre Dame, where she signed on as an English major
(with a concentration in Medieval Studies) in order to have a legitimate excuse
for spending all her time reading. Her work has been nominated for numerous
awards and has been translated into more than a dozen languages. She and her
husband, novelist Andrew Grant, divide their time between Chicago and the UK. Tell us what you're giving thanks and one will win A CRIMSON WARNING
30 comments posted.
Re: Tasha Alexander | Giving Thanks
I give thanks for my family, friends and my one true love. (Mary Preston 2:09am November 24, 2011)
I'd like to thank you and all the other writers who keep me so well content with interesting books. Unfortunately, I live in Canada and the only U.S. city I found close enough to drive to, while I still had a car, was Detroit. Once I drove to Hamilton, Ont. with a paralyzed lower right arm and hand to meet one of my favorite authors. Luckily the highway was fairly clear of traffic and I made it safely there and back--though I had to ask someone to open my bottle of Coke for me. I've enjoyed all your books so far and look forward to this one. P.S. We had Thanksgiving over 6 weeks ago. (Sigrun Schulz 3:20am November 24, 2011)
I am so thankful for my special husband and all of our friends. Blessings, Marjorie (Marjorie Carmony 6:53am November 24, 2011)
Thankful for health and family (Mary Smith 9:18am November 24, 2011)
I am thankful for a loving family, friends and good health. (Anna Speed 9:53am November 24, 2011)
Thanks for the giveaway! I am most thankful for my loving husband, my 3 wonderful children, my cat Monty and, of course, books! (Laura Henderson 10:39am November 24, 2011)
I'm thankful for my family, my health, and time to enjoy my books and my animals. (Sue Farrell 10:44am November 24, 2011)
I'm thankful for my family and my mom's cooking which I won't get until Christmas. (Pam Howell 10:45am November 24, 2011)
I am thankful for family, friends and a hubby who likes to cook for all of us. (Roseann Moss 11:06am November 24, 2011)
I'm thankful to have a roof over my head, and that I get to spend a quiet Thanksgiving in the country, with the person who matters the most in my life - my Husband. We're too far away to get together with family, and this will be a cozy day for us. We'll take some turkey scraps and feed them to the semi-wild mama cat and her two babies who adopted us. They'll be waiting outside of our doorwall later on this afternoon to be fed. This should be a nice treat for them and the babies need their strength to grow. I'm also thankful that we somehow have the means to feed the other wildlife this time of the year. After trying to get back on our feet from losing our house and belongings a couple of years ago, it's been hard, but somehow God is seeing us through. This is the day to truly give thanks for what I now have. Thank you for giving me the chance to reflect, and for the giveaway. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Someone as thoughtful as you will do well with your book. The cover is very unique and well done. Can't wait to read it. (Peggy Roberson 11:26am November 24, 2011)
I am thankful for my family, my 2 cats, good health, a warm home and great books! Happy Thanksgiving! (Cheryl Lynne 12:11pm November 24, 2011)
Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday! xoxo (Tasha Alexander 12:17pm November 24, 2011)
I'm grateful every single day (Catherine Myers 12:56pm November 24, 2011)
I'm grateful to have so many online friends, my dogs, a roof over my head, good health, great weather (I live in Florida), good books that take me on trips far away and experience thrills I'd never experience otherwise.... and so much more... (Linda Townsend 1:20pm November 24, 2011)
I am thankful for good health, family, and friends. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Love that this is a holiday that we can all celebrate and be thankful. (Shirley Younger 1:24pm November 24, 2011)
I'm Thankful for my family and for living in the USA. (Diane Sallans 2:01pm November 24, 2011)
I am thankful for what is left of my family, and my friends. Also for the wonderful book authors that writed us books so we can excape the real world for a while. (Gail Hurt 2:04pm November 24, 2011)
I AM THANKFUL FOR MY HUSBAND, KITTIES...MY LIFE! (Silvana Moscato 3:29pm November 24, 2011)
For my friends and family and furbabies. My mom is 89 and doing wonderful, a husband of 42 years and two wonderful grown daughters! (Jeanne Sheats 3:58pm November 24, 2011)
I am thankful for my husband and a year of good health. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! (Lynn Wittner 7:49pm November 24, 2011)
I am thankful for God and all the blessings that he gave me including my wonderful family and friends. (Cindy Olp 8:16pm November 24, 2011)
I am thankful that my family and friends are well. (Mary C 8:56pm November 24, 2011)
I'm thankful for my family, good health, and freedom of worship. (Sheila True 9:37pm November 24, 2011)
Sounds intriguing. I'm very thankful for my two beautiful daughters and my wonderful husband. (Molly Wilsbacher 11:17pm November 24, 2011)
I am thankful for my family. (Kara Lepard 1:24pm November 25, 2011)
I'm thankful that I was able to share Thanksgiving with friends, wasn't able to spend it with family so it was wonderful to not be alone and find a group of loving and caring friends! (Shauna George 1:26pm November 25, 2011)
I am thankful and grateful to have three healthy, loving grown children, my friends, a warm home, and to be able to have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. I'm appreciative for so many good authors to keep bringing such wonderful stories for us to read and cuddle up with during the freezing cold winter months! (Linda Luinstra 3:30pm November 25, 2011)
I am thankful for family, furry and otherwise! (Tara Smith 4:16pm November 25, 2011)
I'm thankful for a lot of shelves holding my collection of books. And for family and friends who support and love me and I love them back. (Alyson Widen 4:20pm November 26, 2011)
I'm most thankful for my Husband and my 2 Boys, even when things are hard they know how to make me smile =D (Emily Tardy 5:20am November 27, 2011)
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