Heather Long | Harry Dresden Broke my CD Player
October 24, 2009
You know the adage; sometimes life is stranger than fiction? Well, I have a
little story to share that continues to support this idea. Since early
September, I have been working on a contract that takes me to downtown. The
drive from my house to my contract is roughly 50 minutes without traffic and
closer to an hour and fifteen and sometimes over 90 minutes in traffic. I pass
the time with books on CD or books on my iPod. Both are effective entertainment
and are helping me whittle down my TBR list (well not really, but I am enjoying
some great books this way.) So What Does Harry Dresden Have to Do With It? The first week and a half, I listened to Storm
Front on CD. It is read by James Marsters. I picked up this CD set
years ago at a Shore Leave convention when it was first released and I even have
Jim's autograph on the front. I love listening to James as Harry almost as much
as I love reading the books themselves. My daughter fell in love with the story
enough to want to read Jim's first book, which is a fun step up for us. Anyway,
I finished Storm Front
and promptly loaded up Fool
Moon, which is book two also
read by James . (By the way, if you've never listened to the audio versions,
you're really missing out. James does an amazing array of voices and his Chicago
accent is almost as delish as his Brit.) Three lines in, there's a pop, a fizz, a hiss and the CD player stops working.
Now, if you are at all familiar with the Harry Dresden books, you'll appreciate
the irony. Harry and technology do not get along. According to the service
department, my radio head is completely fried and I need a new unit in the dash
entirely. They will have to completely disassemble the removed player in order
to even retrieve the CD – if they can, because it looks like the CD player
crunched it. Sigh. So now I am in mourning for my Fool Moon CD and my CD
player. I blame Harry. I need to remember that my VW bug is a little too modern
for his wizard sensibilities. Do you have a story that is stranger than fiction? Heather V. Long
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25 comments posted.
Re: Heather Long | Harry Dresden Broke my CD Player
When my children were little, I was desperately searching for a book for them that I loved when I was a child! The book was called "Splish, Splash & Splush" about three little ducklings. A friend recommended that I try eBay, and I found it! I was the firstbidder at $5.00. Never thinking that anyone else would be interested, I didn't check the auction again until it was over, figuring I had the book. Nope! It had bid to over $20.00! I checked eBay for almost a year after that, but never saw another one listed. One day when the were a little older, but not too old for the book, I saw it for sale at a church auction! By the time I was able to get to the table it was on, it was gone! A few more years pass with the occassional checks on eBay, no luck. Now my kids are a bit old for the book, but I can't give up looking for it! Last year, while finally going through my attic, guess what I found? .... Yup! "Splish, Splash & Splush" My daughter read it and thought it was cute, my son didn't want to read it. So, now I have it put on a shelf with my other treasured books in hopes that someday I will have grandchildren to read my favorite childhood book to! All the years of searching and I had it all along! (Stefanie Finn 5:51pm October 24, 2009)
all I can say is just keep on writing and your fan will keep on reading (Jackie Jones 10:37pm October 24, 2009)
I'm a terrible story teller, so it is just as well I have no stories to tell! (Sue Ahn 11:09pm October 24, 2009)
I guess I lead a very dull life. I've never had an experience that was stranger than fiction. (Carol Woodruff 11:43pm October 24, 2009)
When our children were very young my husband used to take them for walks and tell them the latin names of plants (he is a nursery plant manager). Today our eldest daughter can remember the first one he taught her but no more, (she is now a primary teacher), our son cannot remember any, (he's a policeman) but our youngest at 16 can remember them all and is planning on being an egytologist as she can now remember data without any effort. Was it the training of her father giving her all these facts on trees? maybe! (Barbara Hanson 5:43am October 25, 2009)
Heather's experience takes me back to when cd players were first available in cars. Unfortunately, the disks bounced around when the car did, and many of my very favorite cd's were ruined. When I bought my next car, I had the cd player exchanged for a tape deck. All my children told me I was crazy, but hey, I'm happy with it :) (Louise Pledge 6:32am October 25, 2009)
Have only recently been updated with a CD player in my car, so don't have any horror stories yet, but am sure that I will have some in the future. (Joanne Reynolds 7:37am October 25, 2009)
Would love to listen to books when we are on trip but my husband can't listen & drive (Pat Wilson 8:47am October 25, 2009)
I don't have a story for you but I do love my audiobooks. I can't wait until I have a car with a CD player! Until then it is cassettes for me in the car. (Michelle K 9:21am October 25, 2009)
I've never listened to an audio book. I'm rarely alone in the car and I don't want my kids to hear what I like to read! (Lisa Freeman 11:33am October 25, 2009)
I've never experienced anything stranger than fiction personally, but I love reading other's accounts. This is a very funny one. I am currently reading my way through the Dresden books and this really is quite a coincidence. (Ellie Wright 1:28pm October 25, 2009)
You were a recommended read by Nora Roberts some years ago. I will get around to trying one of your stand alone books one day:) (Nancy Bristow 2:55pm October 25, 2009)
Would love to listen to books, reading is hard my stroke. Thanks! (Brenda Sarkkinen 4:54pm October 25, 2009)
Gotta love that Harry! My story: several years ago, we had a horrible storm go through the town. Lightning struck a tall tree on the far side of our neighbor's house - burned out the phone lines, etc. But what was weird was that a wind-up music box I had sitting on the dining room table, well away from anything electrical, started playing. And it was NOT wound up. (Vicky Burkholder 4:55pm October 25, 2009)
I love my audio books...but my Ipod just died so I'm back to using my old CD player on my nightstand....It's not so bad until you have to change a battery in the dark!!! (Mitzi Hinkey 4:56pm October 25, 2009)
I LOVE to listen to books when I am driving or knitting.
[email protected] (Lisa Garrett 5:32pm October 25, 2009)
I don't have the opportunity to listen to audio books & I don't have a strange story so aren't I a dull one? (Mary Preston 6:29pm October 25, 2009)
I would love to hear a audio book when I'M driving! (Ann Unger 7:22pm October 25, 2009)
My entire life, especially my marriage, is stranger than fiction but there isn't enough room on this page to write it all down. Maybe I should write a book! (Mary Lynn Hayes 8:15pm October 25, 2009)
The old adage is definitely true. How else would the Mythbusters make a living? lol All those myths usually are loosely based on actual events and some of them are quite unusual. (Deidre Durance 8:33pm October 25, 2009)
While we were on vacation a few years ago, our son was attacked by a bear behind our house. We go home 2 days later about 2 in the morning. About 4AM our 3 dogs went crazy barking and trying to get through the front door and the window in our bedroom. We could hear something banging around outside, knocking the furniture off. I got up and turned the porch light on. Was the bear back? No, a cow had gotten out of the neighbor's pasture and was stuck on the porch trying to get off. Short night. (Patricia Barraclough 9:36pm October 25, 2009)
I never am patient enough to listen to an audio book because they don't seem to speak fast enough for me so I won't have Harry's curse on that piece of technology at least! My sympathies for your troubles! (E Felder 11:20pm October 25, 2009)
I love audio books! They allow me to do things but listen to a great book at the same time. Poor Harry, he only lasted on season on T.V. So Sad!!!!! (Lisa Glidewell 11:01pm October 26, 2009)
I have only listened once to an audio book. I think it is time that I did, as on a long drive that is boring it would be a wonderful way to make the time go by while the characters come alive in the audio book. (Barbara Ryan 11:47pm October 26, 2009)
The last time I had a Harry Dresden book at home that I was reading, I was sitting in my usual comfy recliner and the phone rang, since we normally screen our calls I checked and it was my daughter's number I picked it up and there was no one on the other end. I didn't think much about it at the time since she has a 2 year old, but it happened again, and still there was no one on the line. I started to get concerned so I called her phone and it went directly to voice mail. I left a message about what had happened & asked for her to call me back. She did eventually call me back and the children hadn't been playing with her phone it had been turned off and on the charger the entire time. So was Harry's magic at work? She had been the last phone call we'd gotten legitimately on that phone. Hmm, curiouser and curiouser. (Norma Storms 11:39am October 31, 2009)
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