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March Into Romance: New Releases to Fall in Love With!

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Kennedy Ryan | Off His Rocker

My Soul to Keep
Kennedy Ryan



Barnes & Noble

Soul Series #1

November 2015
On Sale: November 13, 2015
Featuring: Rhyson; Kai
361 pages
ISBN: 1519135459
EAN: 9781519135452
Kindle: B017ZXWV2Y
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Also by Kennedy Ryan:
Can't Get Enough, May 2025
Reel, November 2024
Until I'm Yours, May 2024
This Could Be Us, March 2024


There are several books I re-read annually. Seeing that I write contemporary love stories, you might be surprised by a few of them. I love historical romance, and always return to Candice Proctor’s NIGHT IN EDEN, Madeline Hunter’s STEALING HEAVEN, Meagan McKinney’s THE GROUND SHE WALKS UPON. Honorable mentions are Adele Ashworth, Connie Brockway and Penelope Williamson. All get re-read every year. For someone who only writes in the now, love from the past gets me every time. There is actually one contemporary story I find myself returning to year after year.

HOW TO KILL A ROCK STAR by Tiffanie DeBartolo.

Have you read it? Do you love it? ‘Cause how could you not?

There are so many things to love about this. DeBartolo’s lyrical satire. Her near-reverent commentary on the transformative power of music. Her masterful storytelling, with an epic romance at the creamy center. So many things to love, but none of them are my favorite thing about HOW TO KILL A ROCK STAR.

No, that would be Paul Hudson, the anti-rock star who, defying all odds, makes my all-time favorite hero list.

He is, in many ways, exactly what you expect from a rock star. Undeniably gifted. Passionate. Slightly unbalanced. A manwhore. And he is, in other ways, antithetical to every rock star who has stolen your heart between the start and the end of other rock star romances.

When we meet him, he works at the Gap - folding. He wears wildly colored, mismatched thrift store cast offs. He is not “leanly muscled”, but is skinny and pale though attractive in his way. He is a hypochondriac who believes his pancreas will kill him in the end. He resists the industry machine that would make him a household name, and chooses death, of a sort, over the fame his towering talent could easily garner him.

See? Told ya.

And DeBartolo’s middle finger to our ideas of what the rock star hero should be? She actually casts the taller-than-Paul, more-handsome-than-Paul, tanner-than- Paul teen heartthrob who should, by all rights be our hero, as the guy who wants, but doesn’t get the girl. No, our heroine Eliza only has eyes…and heart…for Paul. And I get it because though he is not physically what you’d expect and is eccentric and more-than-slightly neurotic, his passion for music and for his Eliza overtake every scene. He is compelling and show-stealing. He is simultaneously lost and absolutely sure.

I never set out to write a “rock star romance”. I just started thinking about these two musicians who stumble into a deep friendship and then torpedo into a white hot, once-in-a-lifetime love. And before I knew it, my hero was a rock star. But maybe subconsciously taking a page from DeBartolo’s book, I had no interest in fashioning Rhyson Gray, my hero, from typical rock star cloth. His journey starts as a piano prodigy, early disillusioned with fame. As a child he sees it for what it is and isn’t, and shuns it when given the choice. But he is driven to perform and returns to the world stage on his own terms as an adult.

When Rhys meets Kai, a half-Korean Georgia peach transplanted to Los Angeles pursuing her dreams, he recognizes a drive and talent that matches his own at every turn. But she’s also someone who has no interest in the “typical” rock star. Who isn’t phazed by all the things he could give her or the opportunities that could come with being “his girl”. She needs a friend, so they are friends… until they can’t be just that anymore.

Rhys is not nearly as eccentric as Paul Hudson, but he has little quirks. Things that take him a little deeper and make him a little different from what you’d expect. I thought I’d share this scene with Rhyson out in plain sight, but in disguise just feet away from his fans, trying to convince Kai that they can be friends. Reluctant friends who turn each other on with every breath, but friends, nonetheless!

Read the Excerpt


What books do you re-read every year? Leave a comment below for a chance to win a ecopy of MY SOUL TO KEEP.

About Kennedy Ryan

I just can't write about myself in third person for one more bio! I'm a wife, a mom, a writer, an advocate for families living with autism. That's me in a nutshell. Crack the nut, and you'll find a Southern girl gone Southern California who loves pizza and Diet Coke, and wishes she got to watch a lot more television. You can usually catch me up too late, on social media too much, or FINALLY putting a dent in my ever-growing To Be Read list!

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It seems the things worth keeping are often the hardest to hold...


I had two things in life that mattered. My mother and my music. Mama was taken from me too soon, and now music is all I have left. It’s the thing that’s pushed me right out of backwoods Georgia into Los Angeles, where the line between fantasy and reality shimmers and blurs. I’m finally making my way, making my mark. I can’t afford to fall for one of music's brightest stars. Not now. Music is all I have left, and I’m holding on tight with both hands. I won’t let go, not even for Rhyson Gray.


I had one thing in my life that mattered – music. The only constant, it’s taken me to heights most people only dream about; a gift dropped in my lap at birth. I thought it was enough. I thought it was everything until I met Kai. Now she’s all I think about, like a song I can't get out of my head. If I have to chase her, if I have to give up everything - I will. And once she's mine, I won't let go.




7 comments posted.

Re: Kennedy Ryan | Off His Rocker

Not many maybe a classic book.
(Marissa Yip-Young 2:05pm November 17, 2015)

that looks like great read and i would love to reaeed it for you
(Desiree Reilly 7:56pm November 17, 2015)

The October Country by Ray Bradbury is my go-to book around
the Halloween season.
(Richard Brandt 4:57pm November 18, 2015)

Susan Mallery's THE SHEIK'S SECRET BRIDE. Every year for several years now....
(Elaine Seymour 7:56pm November 18, 2015)

The Harry Potter books.
(Pam Howell 9:48am November 19, 2015)

I usually do not reread books, but some classic Christmas stories are a great second read.
(Susan Patterson 11:54am November 19, 2015)

I don't normally re-read books, mainly because there are so many other new
books that I want to read too! But The Great Gatsby is one that I find myself
coming back to often.
(Lily Shah 2:17pm November 19, 2015)

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