Elisabeth Staab | Ancient Vampires Make for Awesome Angst
June 12, 2014
I’ve loved all my characters. I’ve loved getting to know them and torturing
them, getting to watch them fall in love, and seeing them tested by all the
roadblocks in between. I love characters when they have huge flaws, because I
love people when they have huge flaws. None of us are perfect, and
fiction to me is like life with the volume cranked up. I think the two things I love most about writing vampires are the bond
characters create when they share blood, and the extended lifespan. The latter,
because so much of what shapes a story and the push-pull between two imperfect
souls falling in love has to do with the lifetime of baggage they bring to the
table. The older the vampire, the more the baggage, I figure. Or maybe it’s the bigger
the hero, the bigger the baggage? Lee, my hero in HUNTER BY
NIGHT, has been around for more than seven hundred years. That’s a helluva
lot of baggage. Fun baggage. I don’t mean fun like he makes balloon animals and tells witty jokes at cocktail
parties. But the kind of fun that allows for delicious tension between him and
his heroine? Oh, hell yes. She’s a human. He hates human. Why does he hate humans? Well, it goes back to
the great plague, and a time in history when humans used to come after vampires
with torches and pitchforks. To a deeply held pain, because for so many of us
anger and hate is really more about hurt. Seven-hundred years of hurt. Or, as I like to think of it, good angst. Sizzling, heart-wrenching, sexual-tension inducing angst. So Lee wants Alexia, but doesn’t want to want her because of everything
she represents. Alexia wants Lee, but thinks he’s an oppressive, alpha jerkface
who’s too attached to his gun. They’ve spent the entirety of the Chronicles of
Yavn series dancing around each other and denying their attraction. Conflicting
pasts, conflicting species, and an ongoing supernatural war have all come
between them. Can this romance be saved? Not without getting the jerkface alpha male to put down some of his
centuries-old baggage, certainly. Also not without getting the feisty human to
trust that the big alpha male isn’t actually quite such a jerkface after all. Once you set fire to all those centuries of baggage though, boy are there ever
fireworks. Comment below to win your own copy of HUNTER BY
NIGHT, and find Elisabeth on Web, Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.
19 comments posted.
Re: Elisabeth Staab | Ancient Vampires Make for Awesome Angst
Oh man I love this cover!! I can't wait to read this book! Thanks for the great giveaway!! (Bonnie Capuano 8:31am June 12, 2014)
omg! I look forward to reading ur book! (Sally Hayes 8:34am June 12, 2014)
I love the cover and I cannot wait until I get to read this :) (Amanda White 3:53pm June 12, 2014)
Have not read your books before... liking what I see! (Colleen Conklin 9:10pm June 12, 2014)
Thanks so much for having me on Fresh Fiction today and to everyone who stopped by! I hope you enjoy Hunter by Night! (Elisabeth Staab 10:20pm June 12, 2014)
What a great giveaway. Liked learning more about Elisabeth and why she wrote this story. Can't wait to get my hands on this. (Angela Caldwell 10:28pm June 12, 2014)
Amazing cover! One way or another I am going to get this book! :-) (Glenda Martillotti 10:55pm June 12, 2014)
It's amazing how much baggage people come with especially once you get to know someone well. (Laura Gullickson 12:03pm June 13, 2014)
This sounds so good. I love how he's going to struggle for quite a while :). (Victoria Sloboda 3:43am June 13, 2014)
I must confess that I haven't read the other series that you alluded to in your posting, because this isn't my normal genre, but you made this book sound so interesting and alluring, that I would really love to give it a try!! The cover doesn't hurt, either!! I'm sure this is going to make for quite a Summer read, and I'll be looking forward to something like this book to shake up my reading list a bit!! (Peggy Roberson 8:26am June 13, 2014)
I'm looking forward to reading this book. Gotta say I love those eyes!! WOW what a cover!! (Bonnie Capuano 8:35am June 13, 2014)
Your new book sounds great, and love the cover. (Jen Frederick 2:35pm June 13, 2014)
"Sizzling, heart-wrenching, sexual-tension inducing angst" Okay, you hooked me with that one! I do love to torture myself with a good, angst-ridden story. (Debbie Kelly 3:16pm June 13, 2014)
love the cover i love to read this the story sounds really interesting (Denise Smith 4:59pm June 13, 2014)
I love tension in books. It really makes or brakes it for me sometimes. And yes Baggage can be a blast! Thanks for the chance to win. (Sally Hannoush 6:12pm June 13, 2014)
Love the cover! I am so glad the hunky 700 year old vampire isn't going to have it easy with the human... so totally sold on this book it isn't even funny! (Marcia Berbeza 7:32pm June 13, 2014)
I like my characters, especially the hero, to have a lot of baggage, too. (Janie McGaugh 8:57pm June 13, 2014)
There is a long history between humans and the creatures of the night. Somewhere along the way, we start to see humanity existing within these two races. So the question goes: Who is the monster here? Great way to have a great plot and romance. (Kai Wong 11:55pm June 13, 2014)
Love vampires and have added this book to my TBR list! (Bonnie H 10:30pm June 17, 2014)
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