Ginger Garrett | Climbing Out of the Trash Can
May 27, 2013
I researched the novel on Jezebel's life, REIGN, for two years. Then
I had to throw the first draft in the trash. When I threw that in the trash,
after two years of research and writing, I thought I was getting a fresh start.
This next attempt to tell her story, I thought, would be so much better. I was
wrong. That draft ended up in the trash, as did the next. Three times I started
fresh, and three times I had to admit that the final product stank. I had not
yet figured out why the story was so hard to write, and I needed a faithful
friend and editor to point out my blind spot. So why does bad writing happen to good writers? (If I may be so bold to include
myself!) There are perhaps a thousand reasons, but I ultimately what I know is
this: writers need community. We need other people to show us our blind spots
and push us past our comfort zones. A great editor can do this, but I can never
assume that I will be assigned a great editor. For me, a critique group has
become a major saving grace, an insurance policy against my own foibles. I see this same principle at work in every area of my life. Whenever I want to
achieve something, I need to ask others to join me on the journey. I've asked
for help in decorating my home, committing to an exercise class, organizing my
paperwork, and planning a menu. A wise man once said, "If you could do it by
yourself, you already would have." That's so true. We need community to do life
well. When I see others who apply this principle to their challenges, I see
people who are wise enough to know that they don't have all the answers. I see
people who are about to climb over mountains that seemed too high, too fierce,
to even consider approaching in the past. And I see writers who won't be
throwing the same book in the trash over and over. What do you do with challenges? One commenter will win REIGHN
25 comments posted.
Re: Ginger Garrett | Climbing Out of the Trash Can
It depends on the challenge sometimes it is a slow climb with a loved one, other times it is an adventure for the girls to take on as a journey. (Darci Paice 2:16am May 27, 2013)
When challenged I tend to plow ahead. I'm stubborn & like to see things through to the end. (Mary Preston 4:58am May 27, 2013)
I'm dying to know: what turned out to be your blind spot? I always thought Jezebel got a bad press. She wouldn't get a second glance in a modern city. The times were very strict and she stood out. Challenges? Think for a couple of days how best to approach them, consult my husband for advice, research if needed. Then go for it. (Clare O'Beara 7:27am May 27, 2013)
When I have a challenge ahead of me, first I take a look at what it is that I have to do in its' entirety. Next I proceed slowly, and pick up the pace, if things are going well. If I hit any snags, especially if they throw me for a loop, I'll walk away for a bit, then come back to it. That way I don't get aggravated about the problem, and I'm usually better at solving whatever it is that's bothering me. It's better than plowing through the problem, not doing your best, or being aggravated because you're stuck and just spinning your wheels. I feel for you with what you went through writing your book!! The cover is a knockout, and I'm sure the story is going to be just as good!! I can't wait to read it!! (Peggy Roberson 9:08am May 27, 2013)
I usually dig in and face challenges head on. (Sue Farrell 10:03am May 27, 2013)
Strong will power, I guess... in most cases it works! (May Pau 10:07am May 27, 2013)
I've learned I'm a strong woman and face all challenges head on. No putting it off! (Bonnie Capuano 10:29am May 27, 2013)
Challenges make me stronger. I deal with them and triumph. Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer and dealt with it and succeeded in overcoming this dreaded disease. (Sharon Berger 11:22am May 27, 2013)
If there is much challenge I usually don't do it. Enjoyed your blog. (Sheila True 1:49pm May 27, 2013)
I try to deal with each challenge as they come; of course sometimes I'm successful and sometimes I am not. (Dwight Younger 3:44pm May 27, 2013)
I face them head on. No matter what the outcome is, I won't regret it because I know I did my best. (Lazydrag0n Puff 5:48pm May 27, 2013)
I try to deal with a challenge as it happens. Try not to get too overwhelmed and take it one step at a time. (Aimee Robison 6:19pm May 27, 2013)
Face them, sometimes with the help of a friend. (Jackie Robertson 6:33pm May 27, 2013)
It depends on the challenge. I also have to access if the challenge involve with my phobias. I do have a few phobias which involved height, close spaces, and spiders. If the challenge doesn't involve my phobias, I will be my best in completing the task at hand. (Kai Wong 7:26pm May 27, 2013)
Each challenge I take on and get it dome with. Succeed or fail I have tried. (Lisa Fitzgibbons 7:50pm May 27, 2013)
Yes, I love a good challenge and I truly agree that we need others input and help when we can get it to make it through our lives and be a success. Thank You for the fascinating book and contest and I would love to read it and win it too! Thanks, Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 9:30pm May 27, 2013)
I love a good challenge, I thrive on having something to strive for. I am so easily bored that I need to regularly shake things up with something new to achieve. Good luck and happy writing! (Tracie Travis 1:42am May 28, 2013)
I like your thoughts on the matter - and I love the quote about if you could do it on your own, you already would have done it. I am definitely going to take all you said to heart. And your book sounds totally intriguing - thanks for the chance to win a copy. Best of luck with it. (Nancy Reynolds 9:57am May 28, 2013)
it all depends on the challenge if it is a important one i go and strive my best to do it i always try to strive for things even with challenges no matter how hard or easy itis (Denise Smith 11:29am May 28, 2013)
I try to attack challenges head-on. I take them one day at a time and sometimes minute to minute until my task is complete. (Deidre Durance 12:23pm May 28, 2013)
Challenges make life interesting. When one doesn't come along, I create one. I don't always meet the challenge but I enjoy trying. (most of the time) (Kathleen Yohanna 2:15pm May 28, 2013)
I love different takes on women of the bible, beautiful cover! (Marcelle Cole 4:00pm May 28, 2013)
I face my challenges head on...It's what makes me stronger. (Bonnie Capuano 5:03pm May 28, 2013)
I try to face my challenges head on and do the best I can. (Bonnie H 11:01am May 29, 2013)
thanks for the giveaway! (Victoria Whitaker 7:07am May 30, 2013)
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