Lynne Marshall | Hand Me That Gun, Please?
December 5, 2012
No this isn't a story about Christmas shopping gone horribly wrong. This blog is
about research and the writer. Never in my life did I expect to get up close and personal with a handgun until
COMFORT. But there came a point in the story when I realized my heroine,
Joy, needed to learn how to use a gun, so in the name of research... Off I went (uncomfortably) to my local gun shop (filled with guns and ammo and
other scary things) where I discovered they had a handgun gun safety class on
Friday nights. I was nervous about my first lesson and was sure I'd be out of
place with the group. To my surprise, there was diversity in age greater than
I'd expect in the class from young women and men to geezers and beyond. As the
evening went on I felt a bit like Grandma-with-a-Gun as we handled many
different types of guns and learned to shoot in front of each other. Turns out I
preferred the Smith & Wesson 38 two inch revolver for the size and feel, and
it suited my hand strength. Surprisingly, Joy in TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT,
preferred that same gun. (Who'd-a-thunk?) Most of the other students went with
the semi-automatic pistols. I knew next to nothing about guns before I signed up beyond the fact that guns
kill, and it's never a good idea to wield a gun, real or plastic, in public, or
anywhere for that matter. In order not to be a doofus, the big tips I learned from the gun safety class
were: Be familiar with your gun. Always point a gun in a safe direction. Assume
every gun is loaded and first check to make sure it isn't. Keep your finger off
the trigger until you are serious and ready to shoot. Know what your target is
and, again, be serious when you shoot. There was a whole lot more that I
learned, but for the purpose of this blog I'll stop with these most basic rules. As the class went on, I really dug the Isosceles shooting stance, named for
making a triangle with your body. With my feet shoulder width apart, knees
slightly bent, arms straight forward and locked in place holding my gun, (no
tea-cupping please) I felt powerful, especially for a woman my age. Don't tell
anyone, but I thought I looked cool, too. They also let us try the Weaver stance, which is the truly cool stance
for shooting, and what we all see on TV and in the movies. Turns out, I felt
more comfortable in the classic stance than the cool-looking Weaver anyway. If
you'd like more information on the shooting stances, and to also see Jack from
the TV show 24 holding his gun wrong, go here At first my nerves caused me to squeeze the gun and trigger too tightly, making
my hand tremble and my aim really lousy. Once I relaxed, learned to breathe and
hold my breath at the perfect moment, and readjusted my stance and quit
strangling my poor gun, I got the feel for how to handle and fire that gun, and
my aim became less of an embarrassment. That night we only practiced with laser shooting, but after the class my husband
took me several times for target practice in a nearby range. Shooting real
bullets was very different from laser beams, much noisier, and exciting.
My flower-power self is ashamed to admit that it was exciting, but it's true.
As I'd learned in the gun safety class, I aimed for the heart and head on the
target, and at ten feet out, I did fairly well after several rounds and target
changes. I'm still not comfortable with a gun. Unless the apocalypse occurs, I doubt I'll
ever aspire to be a good shot at a long distance or with a moving target, but
challenging myself with something completely different from my daily routine was
both fun and invigorating. Have you done something completely out of the ordinary lately?
Have you ever shot a gun? I'd like to give away an e-book copy of my award
winning single title book - ONE FOR THE ROAD to one
commenter today.
Lynne Marshall
writes contemporary romance for Harlequin Special Edition (THE MEDIC'S
HOMECOMING, 7/13), and Mills & Boon Medical Romance (MAKING THE
SURGEON SMILE, 6/13). She also writes bigger books for Wild Rose Press.
Her current release is - Too Close for Comfort - an over forty,
second-chance at romance story from WRP. For a short video trailer of TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT, go
68 comments posted.
Re: Lynne Marshall | Hand Me That Gun, Please?
sounds like a great story and i love the COVER, hop i'm lucky to win.....thanks (Kimberly Hoefs 12:30pm December 5, 2012)
Hey Lynne - great post! Yeah, I don't write about guns because I've never shot one off. That's on my list of "to do's" this coming year...I'll have to see if the hubby will come with me. Laser shots, huh? Very cool! (Christine Ashworth 7:13am December 5, 2012)
11 another great contest (Kent Cook 7:15am December 5, 2012)
Oh and P.S. - I LOVE that section of Too Close for Comfort! Joy's such a hoot learning how to handle a gun, and I can so see you in that part! (Christine Ashworth 7:15am December 5, 2012)
I've never shot a gun, I simply don't like them. Something out of the ordinary...I don't think so ... (Rose Mchallen 7:25am December 5, 2012)
Hi Lynne ... Love the cover for One for the Road !! makes me want to be there !! Thanks for the opportunity to win this book, very nice prize !!! Looks like fun reading !!! have a great day.. Rosemary Foley [email protected] (Rosemary Foley 7:27am December 5, 2012)
I've only fired a gun once and scared me silly. Hope to never do it again. (Susan Falkler 8:32am December 5, 2012)
Lynne, great post. I've read and loved your book, but had to comment! I can just see you at the gun range. Here in Texas just about everyone has fired a gun at one time or another. Personally, I like the Glock. It's small enough to fit a woman's hand and not too heavy. Good luck with the's a great read. (Jerrie Alexander 8:54am December 5, 2012)
Yes, I have fired a gun many times. My husband and I often go to the range together for target practice. I compete with myself by trying to better my own score on the target. This is a hobby my husband and I can enjoy together. Lately I have done nothing extraordinary. When I was younger I was always willing to take on a dare. Now I live vicariously through my reading. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of "On The Road". (Beth Charette 8:58am December 5, 2012)
Never shot a gun. Your books are Great Reads. Hope I am fortunate to WIN this book as it sounds so exciting. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you and yours. : ) (Shirley Sego 9:03am December 5, 2012)
I grew up in the country, learning to shot a pistol and a rifle was a matter of life. My first time with a rifle I shot a pheasant (yes, it was dinner) and with a pistol I shot bottles and cans. I am a very good shot and an interesting tidbit - women tend to be a better shot, better aim, better patience. (Carla Carlson 9:25am December 5, 2012)
Hi Lynne - the things I've done for a gun! I've done research too, when I wrote about a modern day sheriff and I enlisted the aid of our local RWA cop. She was kind enough to show me her Glock and explain. Then I went to my friend's hubby for info. He has an extensive gun collection and he showed me a thing or two. I must admit I'm a little queasy around guns, but one day, I do plan to be brave like you and take a lesson or two. My hubby goes to shooting ranges occasionally, but I've never joined him. It's on my LIST of things to do! (Charlene Sands 9:37am December 5, 2012)
Hi, Lynne - Great post. I've also done a lot of research on gun. At a workshop in Dallas some years ago a man had one of the old Navy Colts. Those things are long. I couldn't hold it up long enough to shoot.
I got my CHL a few years ago but need to take the Gun Safety class. One can never learn too much. Growing up in Texas, my family has always had guns around, mainly rifles, but then my husband got interested in pistol competition and he added several semi-automatic pistols. Are you going for you CHL next?
One for the road sounds like a great read! (Linda LaRoque 10:01am December 5, 2012)
I love to read a variety of books and this sounds like one I would be interested in. (Maria Pucko 10:10am December 5, 2012)
Good morning everyone! I live on the west coast, so pardon my being tardy to the blog. first off I wanted to say that I wrote this blog before the tragic events of last weekend took place. Guns are always a touchy subject, but I wanted to talk about author research.
So- hello to Kimberly, Kent, Rose, Rosemary, susan, Shirley and Maria. I am so glad you stopped by, read the blog and sent your comments. I'm thrilled so many of you are interested in reading my last big book - One for the Road. I am mostly a category author, but I love to stretch my wings every now and then, and I also like to read about characters over forty. My motto: It's never too late to fall in love! Good luck on the drawing today. (Lynne Marshall 10:15am December 5, 2012)
Hi Christine! I would definitely take the class again sometime, and it is really important to keep up target practice. I'll be honest and say that i'd also like to learn how to shoot a crossbow. I don't think about killing with these items, I would only want to learn how to aim better and hit inanimate targets. but if anything happens like in the Hunger Games, or The Walking Dead - I want to be ready! LOL (Lynne Marshall 10:19am December 5, 2012)
Hi Jerrie! Thanks so much for reading Too Close for Comfort. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. For those who may not know - TCFC is currently on sale for 99cents at Amazon and B&N. One for the Road is a very different story, and I loved writing it, too.
I love how you Texas ladies aren't afraid of guns. I never, ever wanted to handle one until I needed to do research. Then, I admit, I really enjoyed the experience. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. (Lynne Marshall 10:23am December 5, 2012)
My ex-husband owned a gun shop in the basement of our house, so I'm used to guns, ammo, knives, hunting items, et al. I prefer the .357 magnum. Do I own a gun now? Heavens, no. But I know what you mean about doing things in the name of research. I've been working on my romantic suspense trilogy involving terrorist groups. If the CIA ever checks my search history on my laptop, I'm in big trouble. Great post, Lynne, as always! (Vonnie Davis 10:25am December 5, 2012)
Hi Beth! I think it's great that you and your husband enjoy target practice together. My husband definitely enjoyed taking me for target practice, too. I agree, though, that at some point in life, taking a dare isn't always wise. I don't know about you, but my body seems to get sore a whole lot easier these days! Thanks for your comment. (Lynne Marshall 10:25am December 5, 2012)
Hi Carla! Thank you for your special insight. I totally understand how useful guns are to many people. I cannot fathom holding a rifle. Oh, and LOL, I think I missed out on that special female aim gene. Truth be told - I'm a lousy shot. ! Thanks so much for commenting. (Lynne Marshall 10:27am December 5, 2012)
Hi Charlene - thanks for making me laugh this morning. Isn't it great to have experts available through our local chapter. You've got to get to the shooting range, lady! Especially with all those gorgeous cowboys you write about for the Desire line at Harlequn. :) (Lynne Marshall 10:29am December 5, 2012)
Hi Linda! Wow, good for you. I had to chuckle at the image of you not being able to hold that old colt straight. Can you imagine trying to fire a musket??? Pardon my ignorance but is a CHL like the CCW (carrying concealed weapon permit) ? I don't have it, but you can in California. (Lynne Marshall 10:31am December 5, 2012)
Hi Vonnie! thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. LOL about your computer history. As a Medical Romance author for Harlequin, I've also googled some very odd websites. Let us know if you ever get picked up by homeland security, and we'll all be your character witnesses! LOL. hugs, and have a great holiday season. (Lynne Marshall 10:38am December 5, 2012)
What a fantastic story! I laughed out loud re: Jack Weaver holding his gun wrong. Who knew?? Happy Holidays! (Laura Lanemann 11:11am December 5, 2012)
Hi Lynne, Growing up rural, I grew up with guns. We shot birds, ground squirrels, predators and deer. And I took hunter's safety at the age of twelve just like my brothers, priding myself on scoring higher than both of them. I don't mind shooting .22 rifles and pistols but when it comes to shooting the shotgun and the game rifles, they're loud and have a kick I don't like.
I think every person should take a hunter's safety or gun safety class to show them how to handle a gun. Growing up the rifles and guns hung in the open on a rack in the stairway. My brothers and I could have picked up a gun any time we wanted but we knew you asked and didn't touch a gun unless told to. (Paty Jager 11:32am December 5, 2012)
My Mom is just home after meningitis and a long stay in the hospital. About all she can do is read or watch tv. I know her depression would be lifted by books. (Brianna Herrera 11:36am December 5, 2012)
Hey Laura - thanks for reading the blog. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Many actors hold their guns wrong, as it turns out. Oh, and that fancy single handed-turn gun sideways to shoot thing? What a waste of bullets! I'm such a novice about all things guns, but it was fun to roll up my sleeves and give the who experience a try, you know? (Lynne Marshall 11:56am December 5, 2012)
Hi, Lynne, Yes, the CHL is the Concealed Handgun License. (Linda LaRoque 11:59am December 5, 2012)
Hi Paty - what a great testament to the proper handling of guns. Respect for what they can do is paramount. Yay you on being the best aim of your siblings. I refer you to Carla's comment about women known to be better aims than men. I found that interesting, and you are another example of that. Thanks so much for reading and commenting today. :) (Lynne Marshall 11:59am December 5, 2012)
Brianna - I am so glad to know that your mother is on the mend. I know when I'm sick, I love to cozy up with a book (because I don't have to worry about infecting it with my illness) and take my mind of feeling lousy by inserting myself into another world. I hope your mother has a speedy recovery, and thank you for commenting. the lovely Fresh Fiction ladies will choose the winner today. Good luck! (Lynne Marshall 12:01pm December 5, 2012)
Linda - ah! So we were talking about the same thing - concealed weapon (or handgun in your case) Thanks for clarifying. (Lynne Marshall 12:02pm December 5, 2012)
Newly married and my bride has a love of books and reading whenever she has a chance. (Julio Herrera 12:54pm December 5, 2012)
I've never used a pistol, but my dad tried to teach me to shoot a rifle. The key word is TRIED and as you can guess, I couldn't shoot my way out of a paper bag. I just don't feel comfortable using guns of any type. (Anna Speed 12:56pm December 5, 2012)
Yes I have. Mine stays locked in the safe. Hope I never need it in a hurry as that combo gives me fits every time.This sounds like a great book. Thank you for the opportunity. (Holly Vanderhule 12:59pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Julio - congratulations on your new marriage. How sweet of you to look after your new bride.
good luck on the drawing today! (Lynne Marshall 1:13pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Anna - I'm with you, I'm far from comfortable using a gun. I can just see this little girl holding a rifle and trying to make sense of it.
Thanks for commenting! (Lynne Marshall 1:14pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Holly - good to know you keep your gun in a safe place, but I also hope, if you ever need it, that you'll be able to access that combo!
thanks for commenting and good luck on the drawing. (Lynne Marshall 1:15pm December 5, 2012)
My first husband taught me to shoot a gun, telling me to never to pull a gun unless I'm prepared to use it. To me that was a very important lesson I never had to use!! (Joyce Bruner 1:51pm December 5, 2012)
Well, I shot BB guns at targets with supervision at Boy Scout Camp. We took turns and had to lay on belly, squint while looking through a tiny opening (site) and hold breath hoping for the best. Most of us hit the target after a bit of practice. I haven't tried anything new lately, but am reading about new things to do. (Alyson Widen 2:21pm December 5, 2012)
As a shooting enthusiast, I truly believe gun education is so important, knowing the power and consequence of properly handling a firearm. Glad you went to the class and enjoyed it! My husband and I shoot shotgun Five Stand every Sunday at our local gun club (and every Wednesday during Daylight Savings!), I'm an expert shot with the AR rifle, and my pistol of choice is the 9mm Sig. I've got TCFC in my TBR queue and looking forward to your new one! (Melissa Fox 2:43pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Joyce - that is exactly right, and it was one of the very first rules in the handgun safety class. I'm also glad you never had to use that gun!
Thanks for commenting. (Lynne Marshall 2:50pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Alyson. My brother had a BB gun, and he obviously needed some supervision because he used to make me hold fifty-cent pieces and he'd shoot at them!!!! I was never so happy when my parents took that BB gun away from him. Talk about a gun in the wrong hands... (Lynne Marshall 2:51pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Melissa Fox, Wow, I love your story. I agree with everything you say about learning to shoot guns. I'll never be in your caliber, but I have great respect for you and your husband. So glad to know I'm in your TBR pile. I hope you'll enjoy the book when you read it.
Thanks for commenting. (Lynne Marshall 2:54pm December 5, 2012)
I learned to handle a gun in college when I was in ROTC and I was a pretty good shot, enough that I impressed the Sgt Major anyway. I haven't shot much since then but we do have guns in the house and I know I can hit the broad side of a barn, even though I might not be able to see it as well anymore. ;-) SOmething out of the ordinary? Hmm, not that I can think of, maybe I should remedy that situation! (Norma Storms 3:51pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Norma - I'd be happy to hit the broad side of a barn if the target was moving, too! Good for you about remedying your out of the ordinary situation!
Thanks so much for commenting, and good luck with the book drawing - maybe a roadtrip across the southwest with bunch of odd-ball musicians in an RV might be that "out of the ordinary" you've been looking for? :) (Lynne Marshall 4:21pm December 5, 2012)
Hey Lynne, what an interesting post. I am a big gun pacifist, but I believe that everyone should know how to handle a gun. The class you took sounds perfect. I think I'll look for one around where I live. (Maria Powers 4:33pm December 5, 2012)
I don't like shooting guns...too noisy for my ears!!! thanks for the giveaway. (Mary Hay 4:38pm December 5, 2012)
MARVELOUS STORY AND FANTASTIC GIVEAWAY LOVE TO WIN (Shelly Caggiano 5:29pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Maria P. - I also believe that it wouldn't hurt for people to handle a gun and learn gun safety. Target practice is also fun. I hope you find a class near you.
Thanks for commenting. (Lynne Marshall 6:49pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Mary Hay - that was what was cool about the gun safety class, we used laser shots. However, the real firing range was incredibly loud, and I was glad for those ear protectors!
thanks for commenting. good luck with the giveaway. (Lynne Marshall 6:51pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Shelly - I'm glad you enjoyed the blog.
Best wishes with the giveaway. (Lynne Marshall 6:51pm December 5, 2012)
Hey, Lynne! Grandma-with-a-Gun? Pfft! You can so hold your own with *any* age! I've never shot a gun before, but I am intrigued by it. Just to see what it would feel like to actually shoot. I'm pretty good with a water pistol. ;)
I already have TCFC and it's on my list of December reads! Congrats again on the release! (Robin Bielman 7:09pm December 5, 2012)
Hi Robin B. - thanks so much for stopping by, and especially for taking the time to put Too close for Comfort on your December read list! (Lynne Marshall 7:34pm December 5, 2012)
Both of my daughters were diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis while in high school. The only sport they could participate in was riflery, They went to a shooting range every Saturday and soon had their own target rifles in the house. In order to be around these guns in the house (locked up, of course) I took a gun safety course given by the range. I made similar discoveries and when we had a guest speaker (a Chief of Police from nearby) that if we wanted to protect ourselves in the best way we should get a shotgun. He said we had a better chance of hitting our target. Isn't it interesting how our feelings change when we have a weapon in our hands!?! (Sandra Spilecki 3:45pm December 6, 2012)
Hi, Lynne! My husband bought a gun years ago, and we have it locked up in the house, but within range if we ever need it. We went to the rifle range quite often, but I never became a really good shot, so I hope I never have to use one, even though I could hit a large target. (Cathy Phillips 4:19pm December 6, 2012)
Hi Sandra - wow, that is so interesting. Is the shotgun better because the sight is bigger? I don't have a clue, so I'm just guessing. Maybe I'll have to try a shotgun sometime, though I'd worry about kickback. thanks for your insight and thanks for reading the blog. (Lynne Marshall 5:31pm December 6, 2012)
Hi Cathy! I think just the sight of you holding the rifle could scare off the intruder, and your aim wouldn't be an issue. ? Or, maybe the intruder would be an extra-big guy? LOL. Pardon me for being silly. I hope you never, ever have to use that shotgun for anything, but I agree it's good to have just in case... Thanks for reading, commenting, and for keeping your gun locked up. (Lynne Marshall 5:34pm December 6, 2012)
Sounds like a great book. Would love to read (Diane Castiglione 6:03pm December 6, 2012)
Hi Dianne - thanks for checking out the blog! (Lynne Marshall 8:16pm December 6, 2012)
I have used a gun and rifle when I was in high school. I was training to compete in rifle competition. But don't let my parents know. To this day, they don't know that I had handled firearms. (Kai Wong 9:33pm December 6, 2012)
Hi Kai! I think that is so cute that your kept your rifle handling a secret from your parents. What would have happened if you won the competition? Would you not have told them? Thanks so much for reading the blog and commenting. (Lynne Marshall 10:26pm December 6, 2012)
I've never even held a gun, let along shot one. (Mary Preston 8:19am December 7, 2012)
I have never shot a gun and I am married to a Deputy - retired one now. He is also and has been an avid hunter. So my girls learned early on not to touch his guns and have a healthy respect for them. Please enter me - hope I'm on time. (Jane Squires 10:54am December 7, 2012)
Hi Mary - I used to be like you. Never held a gun and had no interest. they scared me. then I had to do research.
Thanks for reading the blog. (Lynne Marshall 11:36am December 7, 2012)
Hi Jane - Funny you should say that, because I am married to a police officer, too. I never had the slightest interest in handling his gun (pardon the horrible pun, plus it isn't true because I married the man! LOL) until I needed to.
My kids also had a healthy respect for guns, and that's something we need to impart to more kids, I think.
thanks for reading and commenting. I honestly don't know how long they keep these one-day contest running. ?) (Lynne Marshall 11:39am December 7, 2012)
Phew, the blog title got my information for sure - LOL - talk about a cool story! (Felicia Ciaudelli 1:20pm December 7, 2012)
Hi Felicia - I'm glad I got your attention! :)
Thanks for commenting. (Lynne Marshall 6:35pm December 7, 2012)
I have never fired a gun, in Ireland they are not legal unless you have permission from two landowners to use a shotgun on their lands and the police approve you. But I have tried laser shooting yes. I expect the bullets would be more exciting because you would feel the recoil and smell the combusion. To do exciting things here, we tend to go skydiving or windsurfing. (Clare O'Beara 9:11am December 10, 2012)
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