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Abbie Roads | What a Nightmare

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Race the Darkness
Abbie Roads




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If he loses, she dies

Fatal Dreams #1

October 2016
On Sale: October 4, 2016
Featuring: Xander Stone; Isleen Walker
352 pages
ISBN: 1492639176
EAN: 9781492639176
Kindle: B01D5BUY92
Paperback / e-Book
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Also by Abbie Roads:
Capturing Fate, January 2021
Never Let Me Fall, November 2018
Saving Mercy, April 2017
Hunt the Dawn, December 2016


I woke to the familiar shadows of gray and black blanketing our room, but for some inexplicable reason I felt afraid. Almost like I’d just had a nightmare.

I faced the edge of the bed, my husband spooning me, his arm around my waist, his head behind mine on the pillow. There was something off about his breathing. It wasn’t the calm, slow breathing of someone asleep. No. It was the kind of breathing that came from great exertion. Or fear.

When my husband spoke it was more breath than sound and meant only for me to hear. “Someone’s in here.”

My heart exploded. My body tensed. His arm tightened around me, telling me with his action that we should lie there unmoving, pretending to be asleep, and hope the intruder wouldn’t bother with us.

My gaze ping ponged around the room, searching for the man. At first I didn’t see anyone. Then I spotted him. He crawled on his hands and knees along the side of the bed toward me.

I thought I had known fear.

I hadn’t known fear until I knew he was going to kill me. Kill us.

Then I woke up.

Yep. That was one of my dreams. I had that nightmare many years ago. It was one of those stick-to-your ribs bad dreams that I’ll never forget.

My nightmares started when I was three years old. I don’t remember any specific bad dreams from that far back, but I do remember waking up absolutely terrified. So petrified that I couldn’t move my arms or legs, and worse, I couldn’t scream. I would lay in my bed opening my mouth trying to force sound out of it, but couldn’t. That feeling of helplessness is what I remember most.

And then there were the times I would wander out of my bedroom during the night. Once at 3:00 A.M my parents found me walking around saying I needed to go outside to get my hairbrush. They thought I must be sleepwalking too. They took me to the doctor.

The diagnosis: Night Terrors.

The solution: Limit my TV watching. I was absolutely not allowed to watch anything scary. So I didn’t.

Looking back, I think that helped somewhat. I don’t remember having nightmares until my teen years. When I was sixteen, I had a vivid dream of my ex-boyfriend stabbing me to death. I died in that dream. When I woke in my room, I was super confused. It took me a moment to realize I wasn’t dead, but had just had a nightmare.

Currently, I have a couple nightmares every week. My husband has to wake me up because I’m moaning in my sleep. Moaning in my sleep means I’m actually screaming in the dream.

There’s no real reason for me to have bad dreams all the time. I don’t have a traumatic past. Not like the clients I work with—I’m a mental health counselor.

What are my nightmares about? Anything scary. They are never the same. In my dreams I’ve eaten cookies poisoned by human flesh. I’ve experienced the terror of having a hundred snakes crawling on the bed with me. I’ve watched helplessly as loved ones have died. I’ve planned how to escape a pack of wolves chasing me or tried to hide from the grizzly bears that broke into my house. Seriously, anything that could possibly terrify me—I’ve lived through it a bunch of times in my dreams.

The funny thing is…

I’m not scared of the nightmares. I’ve always just viewed them as a part of who I am. A part of how I’m wired. Possibly even a gift. I’ve used them as inspiration in my writing. Pieces and parts of them end up in some of the scariest scenes I write.

There’s a scene at the end RACE THE DARKNESS that was inspired by a dream. In my dream it was nearly dawn and the birds were already singing their morning songs, but I was running toward the river to escape a man pursuing me. He shot me just as I reached the water’s edge. I fell into the river and all the lovely birdsong muted as I went under the water.

This isn’t what happened to Isleen in the book, but it gave me the insight to take that scene a bit deeper.

Is it any wonder that all the heroines in the Fatal Dreams Series have special nightmares?


What is your worst nightmare, tell us and one reader will win a copy of RACE THE DARKNESS!

About Abbie Roads

Abbie Roads

Abbie Roads, the author of the Fatal Dreams series, is a mental health counselor by day and a writer by night. She lives in Marion, Ohio.

Fatal Dreams



Fatal Dreams #1

Race the

If he loses, she dies

Cursed with a terrible gift...

Criminal investigator Xander Stone doesn't have to question you-he can hear your thoughts. Scarred by lightning, burdened with a power that gives him no peace, Xander struggles to maintain his sanity against the voice that haunts him day and night-the voice of a woman begging him to save her.

A gift that threatens to engulf them

Isleen Walker has long since given up hope of escape from the nightmare of captivity and torture that is draining her life, her mind, and her soul. Except...there is the man in her feverish dreams, the strangely beautiful man who beckons her to freedom and wholeness. And when he comes, if he comes, it will take all their combined fury and faith to overcome a madman bent on fulfilling a deadly prophecy.

Romance Suspense | Romance Paranormal [Sourcebooks Casablanca, On Sale: October 4, 2016, Paperback / e-Book, ISBN: 9781492639176 / eISBN: 9781492639183]




25 comments posted.

Re: Abbie Roads | What a Nightmare

my worst nightmare is anything happening to those I love.
(Darci Paice 6:48pm October 12, 2016)

Hi Darci!

I know! Those are the absolute worst of the worst! Those are also the
ones that when I wake up I am SO GRATEFUL that it was just a dream!
(Abbie Roads 8:42pm October 12, 2016)

My worst nightmare would be being kidnapped, beaten and
then killed.
(Ria Arnold 9:23pm October 12, 2016)

In today's world, so many things can happen in a blink of an
eye. My worst nightmare would be not to be able to take care
of or provide for myself.
(Cynthia Netherton 9:34pm October 12, 2016)

I have this dream every few months. The location changes but I am always
running from something. Not sure if human or animal but something is
chasing me. I always wake up feeling terrified, sweating, panting and
freaked the heck out....
(Sandra McMahon 9:39pm October 12, 2016)

Ria--That sounds horrible. I've been there--in my dreams.
(Abbie Roads 9:59pm October 12, 2016)

Cynthia--I know. Today's world seems so scarier than ever! But I'm with
you--not being able to take care of myself or provide for my basic
needs--the helplessness of that is just awful!
(Abbie Roads 10:00pm October 12, 2016)

Sandra--I used to have that being-chased dream all the time. I've been
chased by men, women, bears, wolves, tigers, snakes... In my
nightmares snakes are super fast! Yikes!
(Abbie Roads 10:03pm October 12, 2016)

Something seriously bad happening to my son. I had severe
anxiety when he was little and I would have panic attacks when
I would take home out. A simple trip to the playground was a
huge ordeal. He's almost 12 now and I still have a hard time
letting him go places without me, but I'm working through it
and this summer he went to Boy Scout Camp for 7 days without
me & we both survived LOL.
(Michelle VanDaley 2:03am October 13, 2016)

My worst nightmare is to lose those that I care about.
(Tanja Dancy 5:20am October 13, 2016)

Being raped again.
(Bonnie James 5:40am October 13, 2016)

Michelle--It's so hard to not be scared to death that something will
happen to your child. Especially when something 'did' happen to your
child. But what a victory that he went to camp for 7 days without you!
(Abbie Roads 8:41am October 13, 2016)

Tanja--I completely agree. I've even had nightmares abut something
happening to my dogs!
(Abbie Roads 8:42am October 13, 2016)

Bonnie-- It takes courage to put that out there. And you did. You are a
(Abbie Roads 8:45am October 13, 2016)

My worst nightmare is to become extremely ill.
(Sharon Berger 2:01pm October 13, 2016)

I think my worst nightmare would be having something happening to a loved one and not being able to prevent it or stop it.
(Robin McKay 6:02pm October 13, 2016)

Sharon--I totally agree. It's hard not take our health for granted when its
just been something that's always there.
(Abbie Roads 9:45pm October 13, 2016)

Robin--I agree. I totally agree!
(Abbie Roads 9:46pm October 13, 2016)

being burned alived
(Jennifer Beck 11:47am October 14, 2016)

Jennifer--Oh... That one is awful.
(Abbie Roads 10:08pm October 14, 2016)

I've lived through mine when I was 17 and someone broke into our house and tried
to rape me. When I woke with his hand on my mouth I had a moment of panic
before my fight kicked in and I fought him and made enough noise to wake my
parents and then he ran. But that was 28 years ago and I've work though it.
(Valerie Miller 10:26pm October 15, 2016)

My worst nightmare is dying alone.
(Kathleen Gardiner 1:12am October 17, 2016)

My worst nightmare is having cancer.
(Anna Speed 12:01pm October 17, 2016)

being a car accident
(Ann Unger 6:36pm October 17, 2016)

My worst nightmare is losing someone I love.
(Bonnie H 10:17am October 25, 2016)

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