Historical romance is my favorite romance genre to read. I find there is always something else going on in the story: secrets, suspense, secondary characters. And the HEA comes to fruition all within the confines of the rules of the day! Modern romance - YA, NA, or contemporary - doesn't usually appeal to me because it lacks the passionate journey and discovery of the H/h. I really like your Top 5 Reasons. And I'll just say the clothing....breeches!
Time-slip is a new word for me. Although the writing style isn't. Not something I'm usually interested in, unless the stories are connected in some way.
Congratulations on the success of your new release! I've always enjoyed a good Viking story, but I've never read about a Valkyrie. I'm looking forward to reading more of your "berserker."
I've already gone to see a few of the big blockbuster releases including: Captain America: Civil War X-Men: Apocalypse and others.... Batman vs Superman was fab!
There are quite a few others I'll be seeing. But these I will definitely be there on release weekend: Star Trek: Beyond Suicide Squad Jason Bourne Mechanic: Resurrection The Magnificent Seven (yes, I know this releases in September, not really summer)
What I love about rocky love stories is the journey! Especially when it is a story where the H/h have to start over again: Such as Dirk and Meg. What does the couple need to overcome to find their HEA. It's the heart and soul of the romance genre.
I absolutely loved INTO THE FURY and am on pins and needles waiting for INTO THE WHIRLWIND!
It's usually one of those days when we've been doing a good amount of yard and garden maintenance. I'm hot, sweaty and dirty and Hubs decides he needs something from the local big box hardware store. It never fails, we always run into someone he knows. He seems to know everyone in town! All I want to do is run and hide, but no, he introduces me; they talk, talk, talk. And they say women can talk forever - not so!