Cursed with prophetic visions and desperate to atone for a death she could
have prevented, Gianna York swears she will never again ignore the chance to
save a life. When she is hired by Landen Elmsworth to serve as companion to his
sister, Gia repeatedly sees the image of her employer's lifeless corpse floating
in Misty Lake. As subsequent visions reveal more details, Gia soon realizes her
best chance to save this difficult man is by becoming his wife.
At first, Landen Elmsworth believes the fetching Miss York might be right for a
meaningless dalliance, but he grossly underestimates her capacity for cunning
and soon finds himself bound until death to a woman he may never be able to
trust. Yet in the dark of their bedroom they discover an undeniable passion--and
a capacity to forge their own destiny . . .
What is your name? Do you have a nickname?
My name is Gianna York Elmsworth. People close to me call me Gia.
Who is your best friend? What kinds of things do you do when you’re together?
I’m very close with my sister-in-law, Alice, but my best friend is Madeline
Merrick. As sole survivors to separate tragedies, Maddie and I share a special
bond. No one else truly understands the extent of what we’ve lost—and gained—in
the wake of our traumas, and we’re fortunate to have found each other. Maddie
resides in another town, but we see each other as often as we can. When we’re
together, we spend much of our time in private, sharing the trials and triumphs
of using our secret abilities to help others. We also share our fears of
discovery and the destruction of the lives we’ve fought so hard to rebuild.
If you have a family, how do you get along with them? If you don’t, are there
people in your life that you consider family? How do you get along with them?
My parents and I are estranged. I survived an accident that killed my two
brothers, and after that, my parents could barely tolerate my presence. I doubt
I will ever see them again, but their absence from my life pains me less every
day, as I’ve come to accept their decision to erase me from their lives. My
husband’s family is my family now, and I love them to pieces.
Do you have a birthmark? Scars? Where is it/are they? How did you get
While the accident left no physical scars on my body, guilt and grief have
indelibly marked me. As has the mysterious ability I acquired in the aftermath.
When you’re angry, what do you do? Where do you go? How do you deal with your
When I’m angry I walk. Hard and fast. It doesn’t matter where, though I prefer
the park or the woods—somewhere I can let my feet pound out my anger. By the
time I return home, I feel calmer and more rational than I did when I’d stormed out.
If you had to make me a meal right now, without going to the store, what
would you find in your refrigerator to feed us?
I have a huge sweet tooth, so I would fix us dessert. Strawberry shortcake!
What’s the one thing you’re afraid of losing?
I am terrified of losing control over my former addiction to opiates.
What makes you laugh out loud?
My husband’s attempts to be patient with our Aunt Clara are comical. The
domineering old woman has no qualms about speaking her mind, especially to
Landen. Their exchanges often leave him spitting, sputtering, or speechless,
and I find these rare reactions from him highly amusing.
Has anyone broken your heart? Who was s/he?
My parents broke my heart. With each dreaded glimpse at me after the accident,
I could see what they were thinking. It should have been you.
What’s the one thing you want out of life that you don’t think you can have?
Why can’t you have it?
I’ll never have peace. My prophetic visions can strike at any time, and there’s
no telling what I might see or how these glimpses into the future might affect
those around me. The enormous responsibility of knowing what’s to come is a
burden I’ll struggle to carry for the rest of my days. While I’ll never truly be
at peace, Landen’s unconditional love and support help me rest easier.
Thank you so much for having me here! I’ve enjoyed this opportunity to
introduce Gia to readers!
A three-time RWA Golden Heart nominee, Thomasine Rappold writes historical
romance and historical romance with paranormal elements. She lives with her
husband in a small town in upstate New York that inspired her current series.
When she's not spinning tales of passion and angst, she enjoys spending time
with her family, fishing on one of the nearby lakes, and basking on the beach in
Cape Cod. Thomasine is a member of Romance Writers of America and the Capital
Region Romance Writers.
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