Molly McAdams | Prankalicious Romance ~ Comment TO Win
December 24, 2013
So, if you've read FROM
ASHES, then you know the whys of Connor's weird mood in the beginning
not—eh, well, you find out later in NEEDING HER, I guess ;) But
ever since I wrote his character in FROM ASHES, I've known he
would get his own story. He had to! I loved him! With how things ended though, I
knew it couldn't just start off all rainbows and puppies for him. He was hurt,
and he needed his time to be hurt. Bring in Maci: she's his best friends' little sister, and the girl next door. It
is everything cliché, and everything perfect for these two characters. I knew
Maci would help him out of his funk, I just needed a way that fit them.
Since they would have grown up together, they would've had to go through that
phase where I'm sure Connor couldn't stand the little gangly girl who always
followed him around, and he would have no doubt picked on her. I didn't have
brothers, but I had cousins my age who were boys, and pranks between their
friends and me were always happening. I don't know, to me it just seemed
perfect. A good prank will usually piss off the person being pranked at first, but it
always makes for great stories and even better revenge later. With Connor's
intensity and Maci's fiery attitude, I knew this prank war would start a tension
neither would be able to ignore for long. NEEDING HER
available now in e-Book
Maci Price has spent her adult life hiding relationships from her four older
brothers. But the convenience of a no-strings-attached hook-up becomes less
appealing when the guy's only concern is himself. Set on finding Maci a man that
will take care of her, her friend begins pushing the idea of Maci's neighbor -
her brothers' best friend, Connor. Connor Green has known what he wanted
to do with his life since he was young. Other than becoming a detective, not
much else mattered until an unsuspecting girl came back to town and shook up his
world. But she belonged to someone else and he's spent months trying to find
himself again after losing her. When Maci starts up old pranks to get
Connor out of his brooding state, an all-out war ensues that leads to a night
neither can forget but are forced to ignore. Together they're electric.
Apart they're safe. And soon they'll find they're exactly what the other needs. About Molly
Molly McAdams grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state
of Texas with her husband and furry daughter. Her hobbies include hiking,
snowboarding, traveling and long walks on the beach...which roughly translates
to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. When she's not
at work, she can be found hiding out in her bedroom surrounded by her laptop,
cell, Kindle and fighting over the TV remote. She has a weakness for
crude-humored movies, fried pickles and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter
during a thunderstorm...or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That
way she can pretend they aren't really happening. What is the best prank YOU'VE ever pulled? One commenter will get a copy
(e-book) of NEEDING HER
22 comments posted.
Re: Molly McAdams | Prankalicious Romance ~ Comment TO Win
Back when I was a teenager, I was walking with a girlfriend, when she wanted to walk past a friends' house. We were talking with that friend (male), and she had a crush on his buddy. Nobody else was home, and they tried to drag us in the house!! I was so horrified, that to get back at him, I sent him a tube of liquid rubber in the mail, with a note in the box. To this day, he doesn't know who sent it to him, and it's been decades!! He used to be quite the ladies' man in his teens, by the way!! As for your book, I don't own an e-reader, which puts me at a disadvantage, and am on dial-up, which means anything to download takes hours!! Your book does sound good, though!! Have a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!! (Peggy Roberson 9:00am December 24, 2013)
Never really pulled pranks... I was good at creating scary tales that my friends thought were real though... (Colleen Conklin 12:39pm December 24, 2013)
I have never been a prankster. That's why I love reading about them! (Denise Austin 12:44pm December 24, 2013)
Never pulled any pranks. I was too afraid of getting in trouble. (Marlene Thorne 3:06pm December 24, 2013)
None of pranks came through. I couldn't keep a straight face. (Kai Wong 4:08pm December 24, 2013)
Wow, Congrats on your new book: NEEDING HER. I like the book cover too! I cannot remember pulling pranks on others when I was in school but I remember being bullied and teased and some pranks were done to me. I did not want to get into trouble doing bad pranks to others. Happy Holidays and I would love to win and read your new book this Christmas. Thank You very much. Cecilia CECE (Cecilia Dunbar Hernandez 4:18pm December 24, 2013)
During HS when a friend was driving I would reach over and honk the horn when passing a cute guy. I'd duck down in the passenger seat and she'd be left looking at the guy as he looked to see who honked. LOL It worked many times. (Marcy Shuler 5:02pm December 24, 2013)
I don't remember pulling any pranks, never got out much to do anything. (Wilma Frana 5:08pm December 24, 2013)
i have never pulled a prank before never had a reason to I guess i always thought i would get into trouble and never wanted anyone to do that to me either (Denise Smith 5:18pm December 24, 2013)
Thank you for the chance! Who are your favorite authors to read? (Vickie Schultz 5:39pm December 24, 2013)
A lot of pranks can be mean. So, not a big fan of them. (Mary Preston 4:58am December 25, 2013)
Not a prankster... but my husband is one. He thinks he's funny... (May Pau 9:36am December 25, 2013)
I can't remember pulling any pranks.
Merry Christmas! (Anna Speed 12:31pm December 25, 2013)
I'm not much of a prankster... Merry Christmas! (Linda Townsend 1:11pm December 25, 2013)
Not a prankster. Thanks for a chance to win your book. Happy Holidays ! (Linda Hall 4:38pm December 25, 2013)
Not really. Jokes, yes, pranks...not so much. (Michelle Schafer 7:15pm December 25, 2013)
I am not a prankster. Your book sounds very interesting. Thanks for the giveaway! (Bonnie H 8:16pm December 26, 2013)
There was this one teacher in high school who ran the detention class, and he apparently had problems dealing with the two adopted Vietnamese girls in our class. One of them had braces because she suffered from polio in her early years, and this cruel teacher loved to "bump" her crutches and make her stumble and sometimes fall. He was very sneaky about it so he didn't get caught by the other teachers, but we kids spotted it quickly, so we took our own action... I got eight members of the football team to help me get him to stop. Every time we caught him messing with her, we picked up and moved the teacher's VW Bug to a different spot in the parking lot so he had to search for it. Then we left a note on his desk saying every time he messed with Sarah, we were going to mess with him. After moving the car about a dozen times, he quit messing with Sarah. Yes, it was a prank, but it was for a good reason. (Donna Holmberg 10:57pm December 27, 2013)
A prank is only funny when no one is truly physically or mentally abuse. Some times love will find a way!I'd love to read your book-no joke! (Dawn Raymer 1:52pm December 28, 2013)
My older sister has always been terrified of mice. One night she had her best friend over to spend the night and they had been especially obnoxious to me. We'd had a slight rodent problem in the past, so I crafted some mice out of panty hose and placed them strategically in the hallway, knowing they wouldn't turn on the lights when they went for snacks. They trekked down the hallway, saw my creations (4 or 5 of them with little glittery eyes) and went bonkers. They ran screaming back the way they'd come, into my mom's bathroom, leapt upon her toilet and dislodged it from the wall. I, in the meantime, removed my little pets and hid them away, while they tried to explain to my mom why they were in screaming hysterics. HEE HEE. Oh sweet revenge. (Michelle Willms 12:39pm December 29, 2013)
When I was in high school, the boys football team grabed me and dragged me thru the boys locker room. It was home coming week so I decided to make them a treat. Well, come game time the majority of them were too busy arguing with the "Porcelain God" to play. Exlax Brownies are good for some BAD Boys.... (Tina Ullrich 5:44pm December 29, 2013)
What can i say im still young and done a lot of naugthy pranks. ;). The latest one was on the last day of school for the holidays me and my friends threw an egg, GLITTER, mayonaise (because he hated it with a passion) and feathers at him. Then took a quick picture and ran off before we got a detention by the teachers coming our way!! Might have been mean but the guy deserved it.. Total douche bag and a big racist!! (Hamna Choudhry 8:36pm January 1, 2014)
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