Years and years ago, when I still played with Barbies, Saturday nights were a
magical time. They were all about steak dinners with the family around the
candlelit table and my dad smoking his cigar in the backyard afterward.
Saturday nights were also when IN SEARCH OF... aired on TV, and I
remember watching it, enthralled, and oftentimes, scared to death when
Leonard Nimoy told us about things like The Loch Ness Monster and
Of course, I was young, and I freaked out at everything. So when a certain
episode about vampires aired, it left an indelible impression that’s stayed
with me until this day.
Long claws, sharp teeth, a woman in bed with a gnarly shadow creeping over
her…. I was hooked, and it’s no surprise that I’m writing about vampires now
for Ace Books.
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1 comment posted.
Definetly a must-read! Really gets you hooked in with all the dark and witty humor. Very surprising ending;hoping for a following mabe? Anne Rice would be proud. Was wondering if the book had anything to do with the band Midnight Reign???
(Elizabeth Anderson 9:05pm March 9, 2008)