Hullo! Here it is, January 2nd, the Christmas sales are over, the New Year’s
Day buffet has been reduced to a neat stack of leftovers, and BOND OF FIRE, the
Texas vampires’ trilogy volume 2, has finally hit the bookstores! Yes, Hélène
d’Agelet, the French secret agent and firestarter, just made it into the Texas
vampires trilogy.
Need I mention that she’s usually very well-groomed, as in very, very fond of
designer clothing? No? Yes, I thought you might have guessed that, since she’s
a French aristocrat. She enjoys a glass of good sherry but is willing to
explore Texas’s unique ways of drinking beer. She’s also very bookish and
prefers her flirtations take place in libraries, which isn’t where you’d expect
to find one of those rare lady vampires.
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