A soft thud in the night. A creak in the hallway outside your bedroom. A lonely
road cutting through a dark forest. All of these can cause fear. However, fear
need not be felt in these creepy, eerie locations. One can experience fear when
going in for a job interview, on the first day of college, or even writing your
first novel. We fear the unknown. What made the thud upstairs? The creak in the
hall–just the house settling or something else? What if the car stalled on the
road? You wonder if you can present yourself professionally to the prospective
employer or if you'll make friends on the new campus. Writing is no different.
It's a scary process. I'm not even referring to writer's block, but it, too, can
be an unsettling experience.
I remember somebody turning the word fear into an acronym. False Evidence
Against Reality. Basically, what that means, is what happens is usually
totally different than what was originally imagined. I've experienced this
countless times in my life, usually when asking a woman to dinner. Okay, my fear
about their rejection usually held true, but never in the ways I imagined it.
There are many aspects of fear in writing. I wonder if what I write will sound
stupid or even comprehensible. Will I be able to finish the manuscript? I have a
story I'm working on at present that I just can't get through. I want so much
for it to be a decent story, but I'm afraid I can't make it so. Then, after I've
polished it up and edited the stuffing out of it, I fear I won't find a
publisher or an agent. I've pitched my stories to several at different writers'
conferences and afterward I fear their rejection. In 2009, my fears dissolved
when two of my stories were accepted. However, a bigger fear loomed. No, I'm not
talking about the dreaded red ink from the editor (although that turned out to
be a bear to deal with). I'm speaking of marketing. See, I've never been good at
sales. I worked radio advertising for a couple of years and hated every minute
of it. I feared rejection. I dreaded walking into businesses and the owners
sending me right back out again a couple of minutes later. Sales are tough. So
are marketing and promotion which are a pre-sale type of operation.
Fortunately, I've made contacts with various people at these writers'
conferences who have been invaluable to me and have shown me my fears (like
usual) were unfounded. Actually, I've come to enjoy the promotion. Building a
website, joining groups of writers on various other sites, blogging, conducting
interviews with authors and media. Distributing business cards, bookmarks, and
promotion postcards. Sure, I've been frustrated when I run into apathetic people
(and yes, I'm still rejected), but for the most part the last year and a half
promoting my eBook, NIGHT SHADOWS, has
been an eye opening
experience, but a enjoyable one. I look forward to continuing the fun with Beta,
due out July 15.
You'll find loads of fear in NIGHT SHADOWS. Lots
of spooky fun,
too. I've found the writing, editing, and the promotion of the book full of
anxiety, a little fear, but, for the most part, great fun. If you're planning on
writing your own story one day, do a little planning and strategizing before you
start the process. That way, you won't be so afraid.
Stephen L. Brayton
5 comments posted.
I like the acronym. I'll be mulling that over for a while. I love to read thrillers and suspense. I'll have to take a look at your book.
(Maria Munoz 11:23am March 6, 2011)
I enjoyed reading your blog, and I'm sure I'll enjoy reading your book as well. Being a person that was in sales for part of their life as well, I think that if you don't have confidence in yourself first, it will become a hindrance. Everyone has a sense of fear in their life, but if they let that fear overcome their confidence, it won't allow them to advance to the goals that they should achieve. You sound like a wonderful, engaging person, and I'm sure that with time you'll overcome the fear with each book you write, and become the person that is truly inside of you.
(Peggy Roberson 12:26pm March 6, 2011)
I wonder if the reason that people like horror and thrillers is to forget about the real fears in our lives. I remember hearing that the two greatest fears (as in things people hate to do) are public speaking and small talk (as in cocktail chatter).
(Carol Drummond 2:13pm March 6, 2011)
Acronyms are new words to me, but I've seen them used in catchy phrases like at seminars. Fear stops many form doing what they think they can't possibly do, but if they look at it from other angles, the scene gets less scary.
(Alyson Widen 12:13pm March 8, 2011)