In honor of the debut of her new mystery series, "BUZZ OFF:
A Queen Bee Mystery," I’m thrilled to have as my guest this month author Hannah
Reed (aka Deb Baker!) She has graciously agreed to answer a few
questions about her writing career and the cozy mystery market!
Sharon: At what age did you know that you wanted to be a writer?
Hannah/Deb: I’m a late bloomer and didn’t know what I
wanted to be when I grew up until my 40s, when I took a creative writing class
and things just clicked. I saw my first mystery in print the year I turned
Sharon: How did you get interested in writing "cozy" mysteries?
Hannah/Deb: Actually, I didn’t know I was writing a cozy with MURDER PASSES
THE BUCK, which was published under my real name, Deb
Baker. The publishing industry decided that for me. At first I thought the
term meant high tea and hats with plumes. My story was more about beer and ball
caps. But once I understood the definition (no on-stage sex and violence), my
stories fit right in as cozies.
Sharon: What inspired the "bee" theme of your series?
Hannah/Deb: I’ve always been passionate about the natural world, so when
my brilliant agent suggested a bee theme, I couldn’t resist exploring. One
fascinating trip to the local bee association’s apiary and I was hooked.
Sharon: What appealed to you about the genre of cozy mysteries as
opposed to hardcore mysteries or suspense stories?
Hannah/Deb: I love the relationships between the characters and how
those dynamics propel the plot and action. Cozy characters seem so much more
genuine and have greater depth. And I don’t usually like unpleasant surprises
that come with hardcore mysteries. That said, I still have my share of favorite
authors in all the subgenres.
Sharon: Your main character is a beekeeper-in-training - where did you
gather your inspiration for these characters?
Hannah/Deb: I’ve been lucky. My characters walk onto the page very close
to fully formed. I don’t question them. All I can say is that nothing I could
make up would be half as interesting and entertaining as some of the real
characters in my life.
Sharon: With more and more series coming out in the cozy genre, do you
see the competition for readership becoming more fierce?
Hannah/Deb: I’m excited that the genre is finally getting the respect it
deserves. We aren’t a jealous and competitive group of writers; in fact, we
support each other. And cozy readers are veracious readers. We can’t keep up
with the demand!
Sharon: The cover art on your books is just gorgeous - very eye-
catching! Who does the artwork for each book, and are you consulted as to how
it will look?
Hannah/Deb: Berkley Prime Crime has been very good to me, and they have
the best covers. Before the cover art meeting, the design team asks me for
suggestions. I’m not particularly creative when it comes to cover design, so I
usually give them a few objects I’d like to see and they take it from there.
Cover design is by Judith Lagerman and the cover illustration is by
Trish Cramblet. I just had a sneak peek at the cover for MIND YOUR
OWN BEESWAX, coming in May. They outdid themselves this time!
Sharon: Who are some of your favorite authors? Who inspires you?
Hannah/Deb: There are so many! Three that instantly come to mind:
Robert B.
Parker for his mastery of dialogue, Janet
Evanovich for making humor respectable and giving us the Plum family, M. C.
Beaton for creating such an unlikeable, yet lovable, character in Agatha
Sharon: What do you have coming up in the future?
Hannah/Deb: MIND YOUR OWN BEESWAXz, book two in the Queen
Bee series, will be released on May 3rd. I’m working on book three. And I have
an idea for a new series, but I’m too superstitious to reveal it just yet.
Sharon: What advise would you have for anyone wanting to break into
the "cozy mystery" genre?
Hannah/Deb: Look at what the specific publisher wants, read lots of
cozies, and offer a unique idea and a fresh voice. Of course, that’s sounds
much easier than it really is, but with perseverance and practice, the effort
will pay off.
My thanks to Hannah/Deb for stopping by the Cozy Corner this month. For
more information on the Queen Bee Mystery series, check out
Happy Reading, ya’ll!
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