You would think that a romance writer would have the whole dating/relationship
thing fine-tuned to a perfect pitch. And maybe many of them do. As for me, I
live under a dating curse.
Take, for instance, the day I met Elias (name changed to protect the bastard).
After I finished a public speaking engagement, he approached me. His dark
business suit lent him poise and polish, but a hint of shyness lurked beneath
his fetching blue eyes. We started to talk, and within a few minutes, he asked
me out for coffee. I had to take a moment to compose myself--I couldn't believe
that a guy this cute would ask out someone like me. I muttered something
incoherent which vaguely sounded like yes.
So on the day of our scheduled date, I put on something bold and flirtatious,
and arrived at the coffee shop about 5 minutes late (you know, to make a
dramatic entrance). Not only did he miss my dramatic entrance, but I ended up
having to wait for him another 20 minutes. I really didn't hold it against
him...traffic in Miami can get brutal. It was when he arrived that things took
a turn for the worse.
I stepped up to the counter to order my coffee. Now if you don't know me, you
may not know that I prefer to go dutch on a date, especially a first one. I like
to keep things on an equal footing, so I would never have let him pay. But Mr.
Cutie didn‘t even offerto pay for my drink. Call me old-fashioned, but
I would have really liked that. I mean, what kind of man won't even spring for
a $3 cup of coffee? Strike One.
So we sit down and start chatting. He was amiable enough, with a really
interesting life. Did I say life? I meant wife! Yes, he was
married, as I discovered when he pulled out his cell phone and began to show me
pictures of their wedding. Strike Two.
Now at this point, I should have just gotten up and walked out. But I was
utterly bewildered by this individual. As he droned on about the last vacation
they took together, I thought to myself: Either this man is absolutely clueless,
or I misunderstood his invitation to ask me out.
The answer, I regret to say, is neither. He had absolutely every intention to
ask me sell me insurance. That's right, ladies and gentlemen. I
was a mark. As he laid out the brochures on the table, I began to fantasize
about how good it would feel to swing the toe of my shoe into his behind. But he
wasn't worth it. Those were my good pumps.
Is it any wonder that I prefer the men in romance novels? Take, for instance,
LAIRD. A London physician who's just inherited a crumbling Scottish
estate, Conall MacEwan realizes that he is out of his element. The new
apprentice he's acquired with the estate, Shona Slayter, is wild and
defiant—but she knows everything there is to know about running farms. So
he decides to trust her to make his estate solvent again. All Shona wants is
freedom from her forced imprisonment, and the masterful new laird has just
extended her indentures. But the only way she can gain her freedom is to
elevate herself from the laird's apprentice to his wife. It falls to Shona to
show Conall that the best place for her is not in the fields, but in his
bed—that is, if she can keep from losing her heart to him. Now that's a
great first encounter—one that turns into HEA.
Another example of a great hero is in Eloisa James's WHEN BEAUTY TAMED THE
BEAST. Talk about a memorable first date. And guess what? I am willing to
share an autographed copy of this book (along with a signed copy of LESSONS IN LOVING A LAIRD,
an earthenware mug, a pack of Starbucks coffee, and an obscene amount of
chocolate kisses) with one lucky winner. To enter, leave your email
address on my website.
As bad a date as mine turned out to be, I take some solace in that others have
had as bad or worse. So let's vent our mutual frustrations. What was your worst
date like?
Michelle Marcos is the
award-winning author of five novels for St. Martin's Press. Her latest romance,
LAIRD, is the second book in the highly popular Highland Knaves series,
following SECRETS TO
SEDUCING A SCOT (a finalist for the upcoming 2012 Booksellers Best Award).
Michelle loves hearing from readers, and you can reach her on her website at
My worst date? I don't think I've had one. I prefer to get to know men as friends in a social atmosphere - so we already have some common interest and I can see how lots of people interact with him. On the very rare occasions that I've fancied taking a further step, I know if it doesn't work out we can still be friends. That's how I met my husband. I've never understood how some people, male or female, choose to visit singles bars like workers standing at a hiring fair. Why would you want to date someone you know nothing about? (Clare O'Beara 7:07am June 27, 2012)
oh my. Thank goodness it was all so very long ago that I've forgotten the details of those awful dating experiences before I met the man I'd marry a few months later. I was terrible at choosing dates! I am so very lucky that I married a man as honorable and solid now as he was then - I look at my sisters and think - it could have been me. I wish you all the best, honestly and truely, and hope that some wonderful unclaimed treasure rises to meet you. (Beth Fuller 6:43pm June 27, 2012)
I was in college & living off campus. I invited a guy over for a home cooked meal. I made roast beef, twice baked potatoes & not sure what else, but how often do you eat like that in college? After dinner, he said he was going to a party in his dorm, didn't invite me & showed up downtown with another girl later on. I just couldn't believe it! (Sharlene Wegner 6:44pm June 27, 2012)
We were to meet at a park and go for a walk and maybe a drink afterwards. This was an online "meeting", and a real one at the park. He saw what I looked like, suggested we go for the drink right away, wanted to meet at the place, and he left. He left, didn't meet me at the place, never answered my call to find out what happened. I knew very quickly that his idea of me didn't match up with rethe real me. (Debra Simning-Chapman 8:08pm June 27, 2012)
Some guy got fresh way too fast and I sent him on his way and lost his number. (Alyson Widen 8:51pm June 27, 2012)
I grew up in a very strict household, so I wasn't allowed to date much. There was one time, though, where I was out with my friends, and we were going out for the evening. There was one person who wanted to tag along with us - the reason being that he was infatuated with me. I'm the type of person that doesn't like to hurt another person, so I didn't have the heart to say no. It was a miserable night for me, because I had to entertain him, as well as try to have a good time with the rest of my friends in the time allotted. Needless to say, I didn't have as good a time as I could have had. I wish I could go into more detail, but you never know who reads these entries!! lol I would love to read your book!! Mr. Right will turn up when you least expect it. Just be patient. I know you've heard that before and it's easier said than done, but it will happen. Have fun in the meantime, and relax!! (Peggy Roberson 9:23pm June 27, 2012)
Had to chuckle through your post! (G. Bisbjerg 1:51am June 28, 2012)
I decided to use a baseball term to help me in dating. Quite simply said, "3 strikes, and you're out"!!!! This one is a doozie. Hang onto your hat, we're going on a ride!!
I met "C" at a friend's Christmas party. There was what I thought was an interesting guy, he came over to talk, and at the end of the party he asked for my number. So I willingly exchanged numbers with this man, since I had met him at my friend's house trusting that she knew him well enough to invite him to her house.
When he called and said he'd be interested in doing whatever I wanted, I chose tennis at the park. He agreed, saying that it sounded like fun, so off I went to meet him at the park, arriving with my tennis racquet swinging. Imagine my surprise when we arrive at the courts and they were all in use! I asked him, "Didn't you reserve a court?" No, he had not. Strike 1.
I told him I knew of another park not too far from where we were, and for him to follow me. So we arrive at the second park, but they did not have tennis courts there, so we decided to go for a walk. Not five minutes had passed in our walk, that a park ranger pickup truck moved right behind us, informing that the park was closing in 15 minutes. I remember that I laughed, thinking.....this is just getting really funny. Strike two.
So then C says, "Let's go have a drink" and I said I would prefer getting a frozen yogurt, and he proceeded to tell me how much he did not like frozen yogurt but that it was all right, and that he thought in a mall narby they had a frozen yogurt shop. This time I drove my car, and he was in the passenger seat. We arrive at the mall he directed me to and I must have droven through it twice, and there was no frozen yogurt shop anywhere. At that point I should have categorized it as a Third Strike, yet I really wanted something to come out well from this and I said I knew where there was a frozen yogurt shop, so off we w (Gisselle Oreilles 9:18pm June 28, 2012)
Just to finish my story, it went fro funny to just bad, as this man proceeded to ask me as I was taking a spoonful of yogurt, why I hadn't had any children yet, since I was over 35, and even had the gall to make nasty comments about my car, asking me if I owned my home!!!!! I just couldn't wait to get away from him, but I had to drive him back to his car.......and that was the beginning of the end!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Gisselle Oreilles 9:23pm June 28, 2012)
A first date I had with a guy was just so wrong! He seemed so friendly, smiling and outgoing which impressed first. He took me to a movie and then proceeded to SING out loud with the characters in the movie. I was shocked, horrified and totally embarrassed! I could not wait to get out of there and safely home and got rid of that dude in a hurry! (Connie Fischer 11:06am June 29, 2012)