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Jennifer Vido | Jen's Jewels Interview: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION by Nancy Naigle

The Law of Attraction
Nancy Naigle



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May 2024
On Sale: May 14, 2024
ISBN: 8987711595
EAN: 9798987711590
Kindle: B0D26FBFBK
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Also by Nancy Naigle:
Christmas in Chestnut Ridge, October 2024
The Law of Attraction, May 2024
And Then There Was You, July 2023
The Wedding Ranch, December 2022

In the latest Jen’s Jewels column, prepare to be captivated by an exclusive interview with bestselling author Nancy Naigle, as she unveils the heartwarming and unexpected inspiration behind her latest novel, THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Join us as Nancy shares the delightful real-life brunch that sparked a story about love blooming from divorce, the challenges faced by her dynamic protagonists Whitney and Carina, and the hilarious chaos of viral social media fame. With insights into her writing process, personal anecdotes, and a sneak peek at what’s next, this is an interview brimming with charm and inspiration that you won’t want to miss!


Jennifer Vido: What inspired you to write a story centered around divorcees finding love again, and the unexpected consequences that follow?

Nancy Naigle: Well, funny you should ask.  Like most of my novels, they are inspired from some little something or other that has happened to me, or I’ve overheard, or that grabbed my attention. In the case of THE LAW OF ATTRACTION it was something I experienced. I was divorced, and having brunch with a gentleman I’d met at a book signing. We both lived in the same small town and he happened to be recently divorced too. In general conversation he asked who my divorce attorney was. When I told him the law firm I used, he started laughing and shared that his ex-wife had used the same one. Well, as it turned out his wife used the sister-in-law to the gal who had escorted me through the difficult process. I made a sassy comment about how maybe I should send them a thank-you note else he and I might not be enjoying that lovely brunch together that day…and my Writer Girl wheels started turning.   Truth is, you just never know what is going to be the next little thing that turns into a fun story.


Jen: How are sisters-in-law Whitney and Carina balancing their newfound fame, the demands of managing their clients' romantic escapades, and the expectations of their law firm?

Nancy: I love Whitney and Carina. They are savvy business women, and top notch in their field so no matter what I threw at them I expected them to handle it with grace, and I hope you’ll agree that they did. I did feel bad for them though, because in the case of a viral video on social media…can you just imagine all of that mess unraveling around you and no way to stop it? Social media can be a nice way to stay in touch with old friends, but boy can it have some disastrous collateral damage if you’re not careful. What ever happened to that saying, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all?” I kind of think we need to start spreading that around again!


Jen: What are Whitney’s and Matthew's initial impressions of each other?

Nancy: Since neither were looking for love, it wasn’t the first thing on their minds. In the middle of the pouring rain in a sweeping moment the initial impressions took a hot minute to even settle in their brains. Of course, Matthew was covered in paint and looking pretty much like a homeless rat even though he was quite heroic so Whitney’s impression of him landed quite differently when she later was officially introduced to him, all cleaned up and lookin’ handsome, and they put two and two together on that first meet. That being said, his first impression of her was pretty much unshakeable.


Jen: Carina's struggle to balance her career and marriage adds an exciting layer to the story. How did you approach portraying this theme, and what message do you hope readers take away from it?

Nancy: Let me first say that Carina is extra special to me. She’s Puerto Rican and she is modeled after a dear friend of mine, Marie, who is beautiful, smart and sassy. Boy, I wish I had her quick comebacks and unwaivering strength!! That being said, it’s no secret that divorce lawyers see the difficult side of relationships. They witness the good, bad and ugly and Carina has made a very intentional effort to keep her personal life out of her work. But she’s also got that this statistical, factual side that has her always sort of crunching numbers and letting the data speak the truth and she knows better than anyone the points of failure in many marriages. But even when we’re educated and armed with information, life happens and it’s a juggle. I loved that she was able to take feedback and pivot when she was sliding into some bad habits. That story line wasn’t in the original outline, it surprised me, but delighted me too, because we should never be afraid to take a step back and course correct when we get a little off track.


Jen: Who is your favorite character in the novel and why?

Nancy: I adore Matthew. He is my favorite hero that I’ve written to this date. I’m such a romantic at heart. I really became smitten with the softer sides of Matthew. The way he honored his father’s memory, shared special memories, and went out of his way to delight Whitney and make her a part of his world just really grabbed me.


Jen: How can readers connect with you or stay updated on your future releases?

Nancy: My website is the first place to go! It has everything from my newsletter (please subscribe!) books, movie updates, video clips, freebies and my event calendar which stays pretty full. I love meeting readers face-to-face and getting to chat about books, the cities we’re meeting up in and build upon those friendships. I am also on all the social media sites.


Jen: What books are currently on your "to be read" stack?

Nancy:  OHH! My favorite to share!

I’m currently reading

·       Savannah Carlisle’s - The Library of Second Chances. I love this book so much!

  • The unpublished manuscript from a gal named Kate Hopkins who I think is one to watch out for.
  • And a pre-release Christmas book by Pepper Basham that I can’t wait to read! I love, love, love Christmas books.


Jen: Lastly, thank you for taking time to chat about THE LAW OF ATTRACTION. Before we go, is there anything else you'd like to share with our readers?

Nancy:  If you’ve never read me, and what just a little taste of something fun. Read The Secret Ingredient and then watch the Hallmark version on Saturday May 25 8a/7c  or

Friday June 21 1/12c.I think you’ll really enjoy them both. And then I hope you can’t wait to fill up your TBR stack with some of my books. You’ve got 45 to choose from and a free downloadable checklist right there on my website. xoxoxo


The Law of Attraction

From the USA Today bestselling author of The Shell Collector comes a delightful romance, perfect for fans of Debbie Macomber, Susan Mallery, and Viola Shipman.

Whitney Winters and her sister-in-law Carina are thrust into the limelight when it hits the national news that a number of their former clients have fallen in love after their respective divorces. The rumor goes wild all over social media, and requests for their services skyrocket, raising the eyebrows of the firm’s partners.

To keep their jobs, Whitney and Carina must juggle their newfound fame and their clients’ misadventures in love while attempting to preserve the law firm’s reputation.

But their efforts aren’t without distractions. Whitney begins to fall for charming artist Matthew McMahon, her complete opposite. Meanwhile, Carina wonders if all the time she’s putting into her career is shortchanging her marriage.

Will the sisters-in-law get more than they can handle? Especially when happily-ever-afters aren’t really in their job descriptions…

A swoony romantic jaunt that's as feel-good as your momma's apple pie. If you enjoyed the TV movies based on Nancy's books and are searching for more heartwarming romance, look no further!


Romance Contemporary [Harpeth Road Press, On Sale: May 14, 2024, e-Book, ISBN: 9798987711590 / eISBN: 9798987711590]

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About Nancy Naigle

Nancy Naigle

USA Today bestselling author NANCY NAIGLE whips up small-town love stories with a whole lot of heart. Several of Nancy’s novels have been made into Hallmark movies, and most recently The Shell Collector was adapted as the first Fox original movie to stream on Fox Nation. A native of Virginia Beach, Nancy now calls the Blue Ridge Mountains home.

Adams Grove | The Granny Series | Boot Creek


About Jennifer Vido

Jennifer Vido

Jennifer Vido writes sweet romances set in the Lowcountry filled with southern charm and hospitality. In between chapters, she interviews authors for her bi-weekly Jen’s Jewels column on FreshFiction.com. Most mornings, she teaches an arthritis-friendly water exercise class for seniors before heading to the office to serve as the executive director of a legal non-profit. A New Jersey native, she currently lives in Maryland with her husband and two rescue dogs and is the proud parent of two sons who miss her home-cooked meals. To learn more, please visit her website.

Gull Island





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