In the prior work of the series, All That Bleeds, readers
learned about the Etherlin, a place created for and by the
powerful muses who influence their aspirants and the deceit
beneath the beauty of the land. In it, the ventala Merrick
courted muse Alissa North and helped her escape
As a gift to his favorite archangels, The Old Man created
the four archesses, who then fell to Earth. The archangels
have been waiting generations to find their archesses, but
other factions were not pleased with The Old Man's gift,
and want the archesses for their own, either just Read more...
In the second of The Lost AngelsM series, MESSENGER'S
exceeds the excellent world-weaving found in the first and
makes readers want to know what's next.
In this work, anthropologist Juliette Anderson finds
herself pulled in so many directions that she has no idea
Because of illness and fragility, Tavia Fairchild has lived
a sheltered life. However, her inner strength has still
allowed her to have a career that places her in contact
with people of influence and the manipulative power-games
they play. Still, seeing a man attempt to kill someone
right in
Sharon Shinn's fantasies are always fantastic because they
are so richly developed and intricately detailed. In the
creation of this modern-day shifter tale, Shinn draws upon
the same skills that make her other works so wonderful. Not
only is THE SHAPE OF DESIRE an intimate look at a Read more...
In the sequel to Jane Bites Back, vampire Jane is prepping
for her wedding. However, her future mother in law is a
vampire hunter and will stop at nothing to make sure the
wedding doesn't take place. In addition, Jane constantly
fears the return of Charlotte Bronte's hovering
Because she's down in the dumps for just getting fired from
her job, Genevieve Luzon's best friend purchases her a
night with a pleasure companion. Some parts of the evening
are steamy, but others are just literally frustrating.
After this encounter, Gen becomes an "undercover shopper"
of sorts
Glory thought juggling her paranormal suitors, being
possessed by a demon, and taking care of a fledgling
vampire had been difficult, but when she comes home to find
the demon who formerly possessed her body is pregnant and
blaming Glory's romp with a long-time friend, the situation
Laurell K. Hamilton helped invent the foundations of urban
fantasy, and her beyond-genre style has often landed her in
hot water with her fans who often want her to sway her noir-
investigation-paranormal-erotica-action-fantasy into one
realm or the other. However, where Hamilton reigns supreme
The unlikely hero of adventure novels, Archimedes Fox won't
let anything get in the way of his adventure hunting, and
real life version is the same way because truth is truly
stranger than fiction. He needs a valuable treasure from the
strong mercenary captain of the Lady Corsair
Because she was once a sex-thrall who had to earn her way
out, Fatin doesn't want to force anyone into that life.
However, she needs to buy her sister's freedom, so she
captures a beautifully rugged warrior from a Viking world
with the thought of enslaving him
NIGHTSHIFT is a short anthology containing three stories
about shifters in love and lust. The first, Kate Douglas's
Dream Catcher is so much more than about a man who
wants his dreams to come true when they start to include a
sexy, sweet smelling, and brilliant woman
Jonas Phoenix's buddy Wade didn't realize what he was doing
when he opened his family up to Jonas, particularly when he
met Wade's sister, Deanna. Jonas has never been able to
forget her, but she doesn't want to be another notch on his
bedpost. Now, he
Ana Cordona has tried so hard: she's strong, independent,
and willful but all of those great qualities that make her
an Alpha cannot help the few females left of her family and
pack survive against the strong, deceitful male pack that
wants to absorb them. However, when fate seems
ALL THAT BLEEDS is a magnificent work whose world building
is top notch. Alissa, the muse heiress of the House of
North, has always had to be controlled and in control. With
her mother gone and her father fading, she has only broken
the carefully constructed rules of her life
Editor Violet Blue has selected many different approaches to
erotica in this slim anthology. "Neighborly Relations" by
Dorianne is alternately sexy and amusing, while Amelia
Thornton's "Dolly" may simultaneously disturb and fascinate,
as the narrator demonstrates even big girls can have
Tiffany Angus's "All's Fair" demonstrates
The premise of WHERE THERE'S SMOKE is just fantastic.
angels whose job it is is to give one last chance to redeem
oneself. Now, imagine that sexy cowboy angel Chance Bellew's
next mission is a wannabe-demon who's "looking for a soul to
steal." That's
The character and situation-crafting in this book are just
excellent. Natalie's powers are going wonky, and so are
Nigel's. After being tortured for eons, Nigel and his men
don't ever want to go back to Hell, but when Nigel starts
being forced to draw people even
Isabel Cooper's LESSONS AFTER DARK is just fantastic. Yes,
it takes place at an academy for magically gifted children,
but it bears more similarity to works by Mercedes Lackey
than ones by J.K. Rowling. Olivia Brightmore has pulled
herself from a murky past to become Englefield School's Read more...
Rachel Delaney needs some action. After feeling down on
herself for far too long, since before the divorce, she
wants some no-strings, no emotions, fantasy intimacy, and
she finds it, in spades. It is fascinating, helping her
increase her confidence in her own sexuality and allowing
her to explore
Vicky Gilpin
Dr. Vicky Gilpin teaches Composition,
Literature, and other courses at Cerro
Gordo High School, Millikin University,
and Richland Community College. She
recently took the course Vampires in
Literature and Film through Harvard
University Extension School and teaches
an English 101 course with the theme of
vampires. When she's not teaching,
reading, writing, and taking courses,
she spends time with her husband and
their six animals.