February 8th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Flora Presley

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46 comments posted.

Re: Justified (4:00pm December 24, 2015):

My favorite Christmas treat is a chopped hazelnut meringue cookie from Germany. As I'm usually the only one eating them and they are quite a bit of effort, I forgo them and do the traditional cut-out cookies including gingerbread men. It's amazing how sentimental people are about gingerbread men. Adults love them as much as kids!

Re: Easton's Everything (5:52pm November 19, 2015):

I like series, but I won't start one until I have all of them. I don't want to get frustrated waiting on a story line if I'm really caught up in it. If the series is written so that each novel is truly a stand alone, so much the better. It's great to be reintroduced to characters from previous novels, but there shouldn't be so much explaining needed that it's like rereading a previous one.

Re: Once Upon a Power Play (5:26pm November 19, 2015):

I'm not much of a sports fan, but I do appreciate the talent and dedication needed to be tops in their field. Because physical fitness is so important in sports, it does make the players better than average in the appeal department.

Re: Promise to Keep (8:24pm October 26, 2015):

I love Amish fiction because it integrates a sense of history in the here and now with deeply held religious beliefs.

Re: Ties That Bind (10:22pm September 20, 2015):

I'm not a writer, though I occasionally have to summit an article or information for a newsletter or bulletin. I try to make sure I include all the pertinent information and if possible a little humor.

Re: Reservations for Two (3:47pm September 12, 2015):

I love having food as a theme in a fictional book. Most events in people's lives revolve around eating so it really seems like food should also be a central part of a storyline. I can't imagine a personal celebratory or sad event where food didn't come into play.

Re: A Widow's Salvation (9:44pm September 11, 2015):

My creative outlets don't run to creative writing. I'm a "dabbler" in crafts and love hosting tea luncheons. As a hostess I find myself making lots of lists and focusing on a three-day schedule where I plan out housekeeping chores, foods that can be prepared ahead of time, etc.

Re: The Highwayman (9:42pm September 2, 2015):

So is this the tried and true technique or can I add my own variations? Remember what goes around comes around...

Re: A Ghostly Demise (9:11pm August 30, 2015):

Retirement for me will be volunteer work and traveling. Actually I'm already there, but I'm waiting on my hubby to join me so that we can take longer and better trips.

Re: The Thorn Bearer (9:08pm August 30, 2015):

Romance is worth the read because problems get solved, people end up happy and I'm able to take my mind off the half dozen repetitive chores and worries I fixate on and that ultimately are meaningless!

Re: Food Baby (8:55pm August 30, 2015):

I don't think I have any food quirks, but I've discovered a really tasty treat---Nutella on Bischoff cookies. That and a cup of tea will make you feel really special.

Re: A Remarkable Kindness (7:07pm August 27, 2015):

My favorite love story is a combination of the love-at-first-sight and the slowly falling into love with obstacles scenario. What I mean by that is the story where characters fall in love instantly because of an event (often in their childhood) and harbor fantasies about that person and eventually are able to get together after time, other relationships and a series of events bring them back together. I love the idea that someone loves that constantly regardless of time and life events.

Re: Little Pretty Things (9:45pm August 26, 2015):

I was definitely not in sports in high school. Even now getting on the elliptical is a major undertaking... I was in several clubs in school and in a German play.

Re: Lady Emily's Exotic Journey (7:43am August 21, 2015):

I don't know that I have a favorite Victorian adventure, but I would probably choose Egypt as the locale of where the adventure takes place. I know many Victorian era individuals explored parts of the Middle East and were fascinated by the pyramids (like we still are today).

Re: Island Dreams (6:11am August 16, 2015):

I don't know that I have a favorite island hideaway, but we visited Prince Edward Island in Canada several years ago and I really liked the attitude of the residents. They seemed to really appreciate their community.

Re: A Peach of a Pair (11:05am August 7, 2015):

I'm a tea drinker. I like to do it up special and make a pot of my favorite "Monk's Blend" and why stop at just a drink? Scones or some special cookies are a must as well!

Re: A Radical Arrangement (11:02am August 7, 2015):

I have several charities I give to regularly and champion the work they do: SALVATION ARMY because they regularly help their local communities. I saw firsthand how they helped during the deadly tornadoes here in AL in 2011. Ronald McDonald House because they help families with children in the children's hospitals. Members of my family have directly benefitted from them. USO because they really provide support for our military personnel. The lounges in airports are a big plus and SMILE TRAIN which provides cleft palate surgery for children around the world.

Re: Fudging the Books (5:06pm August 5, 2015):

I love to visit mountains and forests. I love the peace of the forest and the constant variety of landscape found in mountainous areas with the swells of the hills and the dips of the valleys.

Re: Do Not Forsake Me (11:36am July 31, 2015):

My husband and I have been married for 36 years and EVERYTHING keeps us together. We've shared so much of our lives---children, family, trips, homes, daily routines---there is literally almost nothing that doesn't bind us together. With time you really do understand that "the two shall become one".

Re: A Rancher of Her Own (11:32am July 31, 2015):

Reading romance is all about the happy ending. After reading the daily headlines and doing the dozens of daily and repetitive chores who doesn't need a little cheering up?

Re: The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts (11:24am July 31, 2015):

I always feel like my life is so ordinary, but I think that's what people actually want in their fiction. They want ordinary situations they could see themselves in and then analyze if and how they would respond. Would they give in to temptations or would they be the rock solid one that everyone depends on?

Re: Lone Rider (8:55am July 28, 2015):

My mom wasn't much for baking, but every Christmas my aunt would send us these amazing hazelnut spritz cookies from Germany. Some were plain and others had the ends dipped in chocolate. Still can't decide which I like best!

Re: Calamity Jayne and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Lawn Gnome (8:45am July 28, 2015):

I'm passionate about simply living...I am a breast cancer survivor and one of those people who truly believed it could never happen to me. I mean I had no "risk factors" (I put that in parenthesis because we tend to think it must be something we did to ourselves or we were just born into the wrong family), ate right and exercised pretty regularly. What I learned is that life is precious, I have wonderful caring and supportive friends and not to put off things you really want to do. You also want to tell people often and specifically that they are important to you and put it in writing. I now try to send at least three cards a week to people in my life.

Re: No Safe Harbor (9:34pm July 25, 2015):

No, I've never been to a handfasting. I have read about it in several historical romances and it seems an interesting custom. When you think about some of the short-lived marriages we are witnesses to handfasting seems a very practical custom.

Re: Deadly Dye and a Soy Chai (3:48pm July 21, 2015):

I want prompt, courteous service from my stylist. I hate when you have to wait around because they are busy with their personal business, chatting on their cellphone or gossiping with the other stylists and acting like you are there as an incidental.

Re: School's Out for Murder (3:45pm July 21, 2015):

Never tried out any excuses for not doing my homework. I was a good student who faithfully completed assignments and was bummed out when others got by without the extra work.

Re: As Waters Gone By (8:29am July 19, 2015):

No, I don't journal. I do think I'd like to start once I have my first grandchild. I think it might be worthwhile to detail family events that I remember and my impressions of people and places I've encountered.

Re: Hope Harbor (6:06pm July 12, 2015):

Having Rhett Butler walk out in GONE WITH THE WIND was earth shattering. I kept thinking, "surely they're going to get back together". That's probably why it remains one of those novels you never forget.

Re: Change Of Heart (6:01pm July 12, 2015):

I love Amish romances because they are faith based. Reading about and knowing people who are willing to stand out as Christians is so inspiring.

Re: The Rescued (5:57pm July 12, 2015):

It's definitely pie and I have too many favorites of that to settle on just one!

Re: 50 Ways to Ruin a Rake (8:25pm July 7, 2015):

This isn't a theoretical question for me---we just moved and I have personally sorted and touched EVERYTHING we own (and lots we no longer own). I have given away boxes of things to the Salvation Army and have held back about 8 boxes for our church yard sale next month. The most nostalgic thing I ran across was an engraved cigarette lighter. I was never a smoker, but this lighter had memories...

Re: The Ticket (10:28am June 27, 2015):

A book I read recently that stayed with me due to disturbing and/or intriguing content was PATTY JANE'S HOUSE OF CURL by Lorna Landvik.

Re: The Spring Bride (9:03am June 24, 2015):

I love romance for the "happy ending". Even though there are trials and tribulation to overcome, in the end there is a resolution and a happy ending. Even though we don't always think we will get the happy ending in real life we usually do. We just aren't always willing to go through the trials and tribulations that come before it. We have a tendency to bail and miss out.

Re: Justified (9:10pm June 20, 2015):

A favorite childhood memory I have is of visiting my grandparents for two weeks by myself. It was wonderful to have their undivided attention and not have to be with my brothers and sisters as well as Mom and Dad. We got the chance to appreciate each other as individuals without the filter of other family members.

Re: Collared For Murder (9:06pm June 18, 2015):

My dog, Spencer, loves to play with a ring toy we call the "circle toy". I make a circle shape with my hands and tell him to go get the circle toy and he goes around the house looking for wherever he left it. He usually forgets where it is and I call out rooms to him and he goes there to check for it. It's amazing how well he understands the directions you're giving him.

Re: Never Resist A Rake (10:31pm June 13, 2015):

My ideal romantic evening is going away somewhere out of town so that nothing from home can distract. A nice sightseeing excursion and then a great meal top if off.

Re: Five Brides (10:28pm June 13, 2015):

No, I would want to buy the dress of my life either entirely by myself or with my best friend. If I knew exactly what I wanted I would want to go by myself so as not to get distracted by another opinion. If I weren't 100% sure I'd want my best friend as a sounding board.

Re: Against the Tide (10:25pm June 13, 2015):

Haven't had the pleasure of meeting a Brodie yet. I tend to fall for the first one so....

Re: Daughter of Valor (10:23pm June 13, 2015):

My heroes are the seniors who have logged many a mile in their lifetime. I especially admire those in longterm marriages. Working together and holding a family together in these times is heroic.

Re: London Tides (10:20pm June 13, 2015):

I read fiction because I love the idea of choosing what is happening and therefore being able to have a happy ending.

Re: Love's Rescue (10:18pm June 13, 2015):

I just love a cowboy hero. To me a cowboy personifies the quiet type with a strong character and steadfast loyalty.

Re: Murder Freshly Baked (10:13pm June 13, 2015):

I like my cozy mystery to have a hero who is truly likeable and is just slightly "above average" so that I can relate! The gal who can eat and eat and never gain an ounce just makes me jealous...

Re: Greek Gods Bearing Gifts (6:36pm May 10, 2015):

Not much of a TV fan. I prefer reading and visualizing my own characters and backdrops. I do like HGTV and some cooking shows though and miss Design Star from HGTV. I always thought it was crazy to have someone try to design a room around something they found in a dollar store with a 3 hour time limit.

Re: Fortune's Horizon (4:20pm February 20, 2015):

Character is important in my hero---and he has to have a great speaking voice. I definitely want a masculine voice for my hero; not loud, but in the lower ranges.

Re: Make Me Up (4:15pm February 20, 2015):

Yes. Years ago I went to a luncheon where they had several hair stylists who chose three of us at random to "make-over". I ended up with an asymetrical cut and a red tint to my hair (could be washed out). Nothing I would have chosen for myself, but the cut was really cute and I loved it. I did ditch the red dye---it was too fake a red for my taste.

Re: Once a Wallflower, At Last His Love (4:30pm February 19, 2015):

I pretty much fall in love with all the heroes of the romances I read, but as they say you never forget your first love---Rhett Butler from Gone With the Wind. And for probably the only time I can recollect he was just as good on film as in the book!

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