Ugh, I have nothing nice to say about Olivia, at all; and it’s not because I
want Brody with Kamryn. Don’t believe me? Let’s dive in and get to know Olivia,
and then you can decide for yourself. Olivia loves money and power. She grew up
in a country club home and looks down on anyone who hasn’t—including her
husband, Brody. She loves that her parents hate him and are constantly telling
him he’s not good enough/doesn’t make enough to support Olivia. Well, when you
buy another luxury car to match the other new one you have … it’s kind of hard
to make enough money to support those kind of habits, and she knows it. Olivia
has never worked a day in her life, and whatever Brody is able to save up, she
is ready to blow on any and everything she can get her hands on—but it isn’t
just because she loves having the newest things. This is like therapy to her.
No. Really. Therapy.
After devastation struck their small home years ago, this is what Olivia needs
to do in order to feel some kind of peace. It makes her feel important to Brody,
it makes her feel as if she’s taking care of him since she can’t take care of
anyone else. It kills her that she feels like she’s not enough, and she feels
trapped inside a body where emotions run wild. The screaming, the throwing
things, the sobbing, and the psychotic form of seducing her husband isn’t really
her. It’s product of suffering through what happened all those years ago. Or
it’s just the best acting she’s ever done.
Because Olivia really isn’t that unstable person. She’s confident in
herself and her daddy’s money, and she knows that Brody is one step from leaving
her—not that she would mind exactly … she would just miss the high she gets from
feeling like she is controlling someone. So she does what she feels like she has
to; she becomes emotionally and mentally unstable to ensure that her husband
will never leave her, even when she’s never home half the time anyway. She’s at
her parents’ house, most of the time … the rest of those days she’s gone ...
well, that isn’t something you deserve to know—according to her.
When Brody starts spending more time with his family, she knows she needs to
kick it up a few notches since those people are always trying to get him to
leave her. She calls him constantly, she has more episodes than usual, and she
knows she has him right where she wants him. Brody really is pathetic, and it’s
one of the fun topics between her girlfriends and her. It isn’t until after
Brody tells her he wants a divorce that she realizes all her ploys to keep him
didn’t work—and not long after, she finds him with the cupcake girl. A girl she
knows has a secret, one Olivia’s ready to go public with. Olivia knows she can’t
get Brody back, but she can do everything in her power to make sure he won’t
forget her for the rest of his life—it’s the least he deserves for leaving her
and making her look like a fool.
Molly’s Daily Question: Do you still think Olivia is the victim in this
Enter here to win a gift basket of some of Molly's previous
books, a cupcake charm necklace--since cupcakes kind of play a major role in SHARING YOU AND they're
delicious--and some deluxe cupcake mix to make some confections of your own,
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