Character Name: Meddy Chan
How would you describe your family or your childhood?
Bizarre. I basically had four mom figures, each one vying for power and attention.
What was your greatest talent?
Navigating a path to peace among my constantly bickering mother and aunts.
Significant other?
Nathan Chan, my luscious, long-suffering husband.
Biggest challenge in relationships?
Probably the meddling from my mother and aunts.
Where do you live?
Los Angeles.
Do you have any enemies?
Myself. Also the family of the guy I accidentally killed.
How do you feel about the place where you are now?
Is there something you are particularly attached to, or particularly repelled by, in this place? I feel happy and also annoyed at the same time because I live so close to my mom and aunts.
Do you have children, pets, both, or neither?
What do you do for a living?
Greatest disappointment?
Losing Nathan in college.
Greatest source of joy?
Finding Nathan again in my mid-twenties.
What do you do to entertain yourself or have fun?
Good question. I am driven by a mixture of caffeine and familial guilt so I don’t really know what I do for fun.
What is your greatest personal failing, in your view?
Not being able to be honest with my mother about my needs as a person.
What keeps you awake at night?
Same as the above.
What is the most pressing problem you have at the moment?
Trying to keep my mom and aunts from somehow landing themselves in prison.
Is there something that you need or want that you don’t have?
For yourself or for someone important to you? A stable, drama-free life.
Why don’t you have it? What is in the way?
Well, I accidentally killed a guy some time ago, and then my family got tangled up in mafia business, so things just seem to keep cropping up.
What should have been a family celebration of Chinese New Year descends into chaos when longtime foes crash the party in this hilariously entertaining novel by Jesse Q. Sutanto, bestselling author of Dial A for Aunties.
After an ultra-romantic honeymoon across Europe, Meddy Chan and her husband Nathan have landed in Jakarta to spend Chinese New Year with her entire extended family. Chinese New Year, already the biggest celebration of the Lunar calendar, gets even more festive when a former beau of Second Aunt’s shows up at the Chan residence bearing extravagant gifts—he’s determined to rekindle his romance with Second Aunt and the gifts are his way of announcing his courtship.
His grand gesture goes awry however, when it’s discovered that not all the gifts were meant for Second Aunt and the Chans—one particular gift was intended for a business rival to cement their alliance and included by accident. Of course the Aunties agree that it’s only right to return the gift—after all, anyone would forgive an honest mistake, right? But what should have been a simple retrieval turns disastrous and suddenly Meddy and the Aunties are helpless pawns in a decades-long war between Jakarta’s most powerful business factions. The fighting turns personal, however, when Nathan and the Aunties are endangered and it’s up to Meddy to come up with a plan to save them all. Determined to rescue her loved ones, Meddy embarks on an impossible mission—but with the Aunties by her side, nothing is truly impossible…
Romance | Mystery [Berkley, On Sale: March 26, 2024, Trade Paperback / e-Book, ISBN: 9780593546222 / eISBN: 9780593546239]
Jesse Q. Sutanto grew up shuttling back and forth between Indonesia, Singapore, and Oxford, and considers all three places her home. She has a Masters from Oxford University, but she has yet to figure out how to say that without sounding obnoxious. Jesse has forty-two first cousins and thirty aunties and uncles, many of whom live just down the road. When she's not writing, she's gaming with her husband (mostly FPS), or making a mess in the kitchen with her two daughters.
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