I’m Marlene Perez and I’m here to give you a little hint of my new book, I’M WITH THE BANNED, the second book in my teen vampire trilogy with Entangled Teen. I love a good title challenge!

I is for intense. Tansy and Vaughn have always been friends, but there’s some intense relationship stuff Tansy has to figure out when Vaughn disappears for a month.
M is for Mariotti. Tansy’s Granny Mariotti is a librarian-witch you don’t want to mess with. She’ll find you the perfect book and put a spell on you.
W is for werewolves. Tansy and her friends have to figure out who is killing werewolves before a vampire-werewolf war breaks out.
I is for intimidating.
T is for Tansy. The main character in I’m with the Banned is Tansy, a high school senior and the newly crowned queen of the vampires. She’s got a lot on her plate: a new boyfriend, a new title, and a new enemy. Or maybe it’s an old enemy.
H is for Hecate, Tansy’s new and unusual pet. Hecate smells like burned marshmallows and brimstone.
T is for Travis, the lead singer of The Drainers and the vampire everyone wants or wants to stake.
H is for heavy, as in heavy is the head that wears the crown.
E is for evil, as in an evil band of vampires who change their look, name, and sound, but are the same old evil at heart.
B is for the Old Crones Book Club; Tansy’s granny’s book club/coven.
A is for attractive. Vaughn’s new friends are attractive, Tansy knows, but she suspects at least a few of them howl at the moon.
N is for night because vampires do their worst when the sun has set.
N is for never because Tansy will never give up on her best friend Skyler.
E is for the Executioner, also known as Vanessa Mariotti, also known as Tansy’s very estranged mother.
D is for drumstick, Tansy’s weapon of choice
Afterlife #2
I never wanted to be a vampire queen.
But on the bright (if not sunny) side of the debacle, I’ve got a super-hot new boyfriend. And he just might be the perfect guy.
Well, if the perfect guy ghosts you for a month and then comes back to school with a new look, a pack of friends, and a secret. But we have bigger problems.
The Drainers are back. They’re singing a different song, but have they really changed?
Even worse, werewolves’ hearts are being ripped from their bodies—which is putting the people I love in danger. I need to figure out who is behind the murders before there’s an all-out vampire werewolf war.
No one is going to mess with my friends, even the ones who like to get wild and howl at the moon.
Sometimes, all a girl can do is grab her tiara and start kicking some supernatural ass...
Young Adult Fantasy [Entangled Teen, On Sale: October 5, 2021, Paperback / e-Book, ISBN: 9781649370099 / eISBN: 9781649370105]
MARLENE PEREZ is the author of many books, including the Dead Is series, The Comeback, Love in the Corner Pocket, and Unexpected Development, an ALA Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers. She lives in Orange County, California.
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