D. D. Warren has seen a lot of ugliness as a homicide
detective with the Boston P.D., but the level of violence
in an apparent murder/suicide attempt that left the members
of a seemingly happy, middle-class family dead and the
father in a coma would shake the
Boston medical examiner Maura Isles is attending a medical
conference in Wyoming when she runs into a barely
remembered but charming college classmate. Feeling trapped
in her current relationship and tired of always being
cautious and responsible, she impulsively agrees to go on a
ski trip with Doug, his 13
Lilly Hawkins is a shooter for TV station KJAY in
Bakersfield, California. After filming video at a murder
scene, she's sure she got a great scoop, but when she gets
back to the station, the tape is blank. However, the two
thugs who come to her home seem convinced
Charlie Howard is a mystery writer who also happens to be a
part-time -- but very good -- thief. He's hoping to make some
money in a more honest way when he visits Las Vegas with
his agent and friend, Victoria Newbury, but when he sees
Victoria succumb to the
Three seemingly unrelated deaths -- the apparent murder-
suicide of Vince Madrigal, a PI with several celebrity
clients, and his young lover, Trendi Talbot, and the
drowning of wealthy widow Catherine "Tink" Engleford --
have a disturbing connection for Detective Nan Vining.
Vince had recently been seeing Vining's mother, Patsy, who Read more...
In Katie MacAlister's Unleashed, a
fish and wildlife officer's trip to a local animal shelter
to capture a large wild cat that has wandered in becomes
much more than she bargained for. The cat is actually a
handsome vampire/shapeshifter, who involves
Olivia "Livvie" Grace leads a quiet life on the fringes of
society after a scandal five years ago destroyed her
marriage and led to great personal tragedy. Although she
fears that someone will recognize her and possibly destroy
the life she has so painfully rebuilt, the real burden is
Emma Lane, a young mother, tragically loses her husband and
son in a car accident. But she is positive that she saw
someone take her boy, still alive, as she lay injured in
the wreckage. Friends and family have almost convinced her
it was a hallucination until she gets a
After being informed he has only a few months to live due
to a fatal illness, Stephen Kenyon decides to escape his
obligations as the Duke of Ashburton and really experience
life in the little time he has left. When he saves a boy
from drowning, the grateful family takes
Charlie discovered the healing power of yoga after a
devastating breakup, which led her to drop out of her
outwardly glamorous, high-stress Wall Street job and start
a yoga studio with a couple of friends. While outwardly she
seems to have it all together, she still hasn't quite Read more...
Edwin (Eddie) Drood is a member of the Drood family, an
ancient clan with the job of protecting humanity from
supernatural threats (and sometimes even from itself). They
work in secret, using amazing gadgetry, advanced intellect
and skills honed over thousands of years. Eddie and his
family fear little in
Mary Magruder Katz is a criminal defense attorney in Miami --
self-employed after leaving her ex-fiancé's firm. There
seems to be no trouble getting work, however. In short
order, Mary finds herself handling three cases, all of them
high-stakes for the defendants, as well as Mary: Judge Read more...
Karena Hallingdahl Jorge has not heard from her twin
brother, Charles, for 20 years. Inseparable as children,
they were driven apart by Charles's bipolar disorder and
the "djinn" as Karena thinks of it, which would take him
over. Medications kept the worst of the disease at bay, but
Anne Marshall is a court reporter attending law school at
night. Although Professor Elliott Spence is not one of her
favorite teachers, Anne and the members of her study group
are stunned to find out he has been killed in a hit and
run. They are even more shocked when
Lady Julia Raines's marriage to Lord Banford was a
nightmare of physical and emotional abuse. When she
accidentally killed him trying to save her own life, some
of Banford's friends and his father believed it was cold-
blooded murder. Only by faking her death and living in the Read more...
Brian Kurtz is more than just an "angry young man." He's
prone to fits of violent, uncontrolled rage. Under a
professional's care, Kurtz is on an experimental medication
used to treat PTSD, but instead of becoming calmer, the
anger seems to simmer constantly now, dangerously near the
As a U.S. Intelligence officer, Jordan Weiss has seen her
share of death and violence. However, the one death that
has always haunted her is the drowning of her college
boyfriend, Jared Short, at Cambridge years before.
Devastated by the sudden loss, Jordan left England and has
never returned
October "Toby" Daye is a changeling -- part human, part fae.
She can move through both worlds yet isn't completely at
home in either. Being half Daoine Sidhe does provide her
with a unique gift, however: the ability to access memories
from the blood of the recently deceased. This talent Read more...
As a U.S. Intelligence officer, Jordan Weiss has seen her
share of death and violence. However, the one death that
has always haunted her is the drowning of her college
boyfriend, Jared Short, at Cambridge years before.
Devastated by the sudden loss, Jordan left England and has
never returned
John Taylor works as a private investigator in the
Nightside: an in-between world hidden in London, where it's
always 3 a.m. and few things are as they seem. Surprises --
usually unpleasant -- lurk around every corner. Humans and
nonhumans come here to indulge in their wildest fantasies
Lenore Howard
Born in Decatur, Illinois, Lenore has loved reading since first she wondered what green eggs and ham would taste like. After getting her B.A. in English, she worked as an administrative assistant at a local community college before moving to Chicago a few years ago to find a job where she could work with words. She is now a freelance proofreader and copy editor in educational publishing and has what she considers a dream job: getting paid to read!
Lenore started her reviewing career about 10 years ago at the request of friends from the Old Book Barn, who published a newsletter of romance reviews. She began with regencies (no one else wanted to do them), but has since reviewed contemporary and historical romances, mysteries, and women’s fiction. Having worked with Tanzey Cutter on the OBB Gazette, Lenore was happy to join her in the world of online reviewing at Fresh Fiction. Besides reading, Lenore enjoys writing, eating good chocolate (not that there’s any other kind), and collecting all things cat-related.