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Neighborly Secrets. Deadly Desires.

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A summer of friendship, forgiveness, and fresh starts.

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Can a desire for revenge lead to redemption? Free!

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Danger, wealth, revenge, power, and fear were all a part of his life.

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How can they stay rivals when they're falling in love?

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Wedding season includes searching for a missing bride�and a killer . . .


121 - 140 of 223 ( prev | next )

Women of the Dunes
by Sarah Maine
"A fabulous historical novel!"
Posted July 24, 2018

The first book I read by Sarah Maine was THE HOUSE BETWEEN TIDES and I was blown away by the wonderful story and the atmospheric setting. I was eager to find out if WOMEN OF THE DUNES Read more...

Dead Girls
by Graeme Cameron
"A police detective with memory problems is after a serial killer..."
Posted July 19, 2018

Police Detective Alisha "Ali" Green was brutally attacked two months ago. The killer left her almost dead and her partner dead. Since then has she had a memory problem, even simple things are hard to remember. She can't even be sure that her memory is always right. And, the Read more...

The Dante Chamber
by Matthew Pearl
"A historical mystery with beloved authors solving crimes!"
Posted July 18, 2018

It's been several years since I read THE DANTE CLUB, but I still remember how engrossed I was with the book, even though the details of the book is a bit hazy. Nevertheless, reading THE DANTE Read more...

The Shimmer
by Carsten Stroud
"A time-bending thriller!"
Posted July 18, 2018

You know what I like? Books about time travel. So, when I read the description of this book about a serial killer that can move through time, I knew I had to read it. THE SHIMMER starts off strong with Sergeant Jack Redding Read more...

Island of the Mad
by Laurie R. King
"Mary and Sherlock travel to Venice to find a missing woman..."
Posted July 17, 2018

I have to admit that having Mary Russell's old friend Veronica Beaconsfield making an appearance in this book brought back a lot of fond memories from the earlier books. Yeah, I got nostalgic and all remembering Mary and Veronica's school days not to mention the religious sect "The Read more...

Spinning Silver
by Naomi Novik
"Once upon a time there was a girl..."
Posted July 17, 2018

Once upon a time, I read a book called UPROOTED and I found it to be a fabulous novel. So, I was thrilled to get the chance to read SPINNING SILVER, a new novel by Naomi Novik. Now this novel is a stand-alone fantasy novel that in some ways Read more...

The Woman in the Woods
by John Connolly
"Charlie Parker has to stop a ruthless killer who leaves a trail of dead bodies after him..."
Posted July 12, 2018

Someday must I take time off from my busy reading schedule to re- read the Charlie Parker series. It's such a fabulous series and I envy those that have yet read a single book and will discover just how great the Read more...

April in Paris, 1921
by Tessa Lunney
"A deliciously decadent start to a new mystery series!"
Posted July 12, 2018

What a deliciously decadent story! As a big fan of historical fiction set in the 1920s, was I instantly intrigued by the story of APRIL IN PARIS, 1921 by Tessa Lunney, and I was thrilled to discover how wonderful the book was right Read more...

A Gathering of Secrets
by Linda Castillo
"Kate Burkholder has to solve the brutal murder of a young Amish man..."
Posted July 12, 2018

I read SWORN TO SILENCE , the first book in the Kate Burkholder series some years ago and loved it. After reading it, I did get several of the books in the series and planned Read more...

Smoke and Iron
by Rachel Caine
"A delightful and thrilling new installment in The Great Library series!"
Posted July 6, 2018

What would be like if the Great Library of Alexandria had never burned down? Would all the amazing knowledge that was stored there and now is gone have enriched the world? Just imagine what a different world we could live in today. That is what Rachel Caine has done with Read more...

Rough Justice
by Kelley Armstrong
"An excellent novella featuring Armstrong's beloved Cainsville characters!"
Posted June 29, 2018

I was surprised and delighted to see ROUGH JUSTICE, a new novella in the Cainsville series, which I thought had ended with Rituals. Getting a new, although short, story about Olivia Taylor-Jones and Gabriel is Read more...

Stay Hidden
by Paul Doiron
"A thrilling crime novel set on a remote island..."
Posted June 29, 2018

STAY HIDDEN is the ninth book in the Mike Bowditch series and I was thrilled once again step into Mike's world. Now, I have only read two books previously in this series, but I enjoy Read more...

Ain't She a Peach
by Molly Harper
"Everything you want in a Southern rom-com!"
Posted June 28, 2018

Sometimes I dare to leave my safe place of crime and thriller novels and venture into the world of feel-good and romance. I actually do it gladly if the book's setting is in the American South. I just love small town stories, where everyone knows everyone and they Read more...

Salt Lane
by William Shaw
"Salt Lane is a great first book in a new series!"
Posted June 26, 2018

SALT LANE is the first book in the Alexandra Cupidi series. However, Alexandra first showed up in the book THE BIRDWATCHER, which I haven't read (yet). I read a lot of crime novels and I was curious Read more...

Bimini Twist
by Linda Greenlaw
"Jane Bunker searches for a missing student who never got home after a meeting a friend..."
Posted June 26, 2018

I'm always on the lookout for a good mystery series and I've had my eyes set on trying out this series for some time. What's not to like? A small-town mystery with a female deputy sheriff who also works part-time as an insurance investigator. As Read more...

Lighthouse Beach
by Shelley Noble
"Will Lighthouse Beach be the salvation for four lost women?"
Posted June 21, 2018

Lillo Gray never thought that instead of attending the wedding of an old friend, she is instead driving the bride, and two of the bride's friends home to Lighthouse Beach, in a borrowed VW van. Then again, discovering the husband-to-be in a delicate situation is a very Read more...

Night Fall
by Simon R. Green
"When two worlds collide, mayhem is guaranteed..."
Posted June 21, 2018

I might have faced reading this book with a bit of trepidation. I have only read one book before in the  Secret Histories series (MOONBREAKER) and no books from the Nightside series and Ghost Finders series. However, I did not need to Read more...

Jar of Hearts
by Jennifer Hillier
"She's kept a dark secret all these years..."
Posted June 16, 2018

JAR OF HEARTS is a compelling thrilling that starts off with a bang! Right from the very start, do we know that Georgina "Geo" Shaw is guilty of knowing what happened to her best friend, Angela Wong, who disappeared fourteen years ago? The blame Read more...

The Endless Beach
by Jenny Colgan
"It's time once again to return to Scottish Island of Mure.."
Posted June 4, 2018

Reading a Jenny Colgan book always fills me with contentment. I know the story will draw me in and the dialogue will be both funny and serious and I will love the characters. I just know it. And, I was not wrong this time either. In THE ENDLESS BEACH are Read more...

The Way of Beauty
by Camille Di Maio
"Historical fiction with three love stories: a mother, a daughter and Penn Station"
Posted May 27, 2018

What truly enchanted me when it came to THE WAY OF BEAUTY was Penn Station. Oh, how I wished it was still standing in all its glory. Alas, it had to give way for progress. Luckily, there are still images and like this book, imaginative stories that make Penn Station Read more...

Magdalena Johansson


My name is Magdalena and I love to read crime, mystery, thriller, horror, women's fiction, literary fiction, history, sci-fi, fantasy, historical, biographical, non-fiction and graphic novels. My book blog is A Bookaholic Swede (http://bookaholicswede.blogspot.se)

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March 28, 2016

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