I often think how lucky I’ve been in my writing career. My first book, DEVIL’S
CHILD, was published in 1983 using my real name of Margaret
Bingley. It wasn’t the first book I’d written, that was BETRAYAL –
which was published later under a pseudonym so that people didn’t think it was a
horror story - and has recently been republished as an e-book, this time using my
real name again. My publisher, Piatkus Books, put me in touch with a brilliant
agent early on, Maggie Noach, who sadly died far too young several years ago. She
was always a huge support to me, and I am still with her agency. DEVIL’S
CHILD was later published in America, as many of my paranormal books, and I
thoroughly enjoyed writing every one.
At that time I was typing on a large manual typewriter, using a white paste to
cover up mistakes, and every re-write was a massive undertaking. Proof reading
was so arduous it almost put me off writing and re-writing sections was very hard
work! Three of these books were ‘Book of the Month’ in the Book Club magazine,
which was almost the only way that you could get publicity for books in those
days. When Piatkus felt that horror novels were going out of fashion I switched
to writing for Scholastic Books, who published crime novels for young teenagers.
I wrote two for them. Today’s teenagers would find them incredibly juvenile and
boring, which shows how times have changed. I also wrote my short horror story
THE RING for a Scholastic anthology, and it’s often used for storytelling
competitions in America even now.
After BETRAYAL was published I wasn’t sure what I wanted to write,
but just as I’d decided that perhaps my writing days were over along came Virgin
Books with their plans for the Black Lace imprint, erotic novels for women
written by women. My agent suggested that I tried to write one of the four launch
books. I was very fortunate to have my attempt, CASSANDRA’S
CONFLICT, accepted and it was reprinted numerous times during 1998 and crept into
the bottom of the Sunday Times best seller list. The critics all hated it, and one
female reviewer said she could tell I was really a man! It was successfully reissued
in 2008. By this time I was using a computer and the whole process was much easier.
After a time I switched publishers, and pseudonyms, and began writing erotica for
Little Brown as Marina Anderson, and that’s what I’m still doing more than fifteen
years after my relationship with them began.
So since 1983 I’ve been fortunate enough to have over thirty novels published. I
can’t imagine not writing, but one day either I’ll decide I want to stop, or no one
will want my books any more. Whatever happens I will have had a very happy career and
seen incredible changes with the advent of the internet, the arrival of e-books and
my beloved computer. I don’t think I could type one page on a manual typewriter these
Marina Anderson is the pseudonym of British author Margaret Bingley, whose
novels have been published all over the world. Margaret uses this pseudonym for her
series of erotica novels. She also publishes erotica for women under the pseudonym
Fredrica Alleyn.
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Are you ready for a weekend away at the Hotel of Seduction?
Grace has won the man of her dreams - and her fantasies. Brooding, sensual, wealthy
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As they explore the delights on offer, Grace realises this is a test: if she fails,
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