February 16th, 2025
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Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

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A Stray Pup, A Second Chance, and a Killer on the Loose�Wagtail�s About to Get Wild!

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A Hacker, an Undercover Mission, and a Love Worth Fighting For.

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A Duke by any other name would smell as� dastardly?
� delightful?

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Shaken, Stirred, and Unexpectedly in Love�Can They Mix Business with Pleasure?

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As London's high society watches their every move, can these two brilliant minds find the formula for true love?

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Chocolate, Second Chances, and a Love Too Sweet to Let Go.

Excerpt of No Quarter by Lindsay McKenna


Shadow Team
Blue Turtle Publishing
August 2023
On Sale: August 18, 2023
ISBN: B0C6J7676R
EAN: 2940160841038
Kindle: B0C6J7676R
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Romance Military, Romance Suspense

Also by Lindsay McKenna:

Countermeasure, December 2024
Shadow Target, August 2024
No Turning Back, May 2024
Hostile Territory, March 2024
Unforgettable, December 2023
No Quarter, August 2023
A Cowboy to Trust, April 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Texas Protector, April 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Collateral Damage, April 2023
A Hero's Honor, April 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Taming the Rancher, April 2023
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Last Stand, February 2023
The Will to Love, June 2022
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Wounded Heart, May 2022
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Silver Creek Bodyguard, April 2022
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Strength Under Fire, October 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
A Soldier's Mission, July 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Courage Under Fire, March 2021
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Silver Creek Fire, November 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Wind River Undercover, April 2020
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Wind River Protector, August 2019
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Marrying My Cowboy, April 2019
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Home to Wind River, December 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Wind River Lawman, September 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Lone Rider, April 2018
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Boxcar Christmas, January 2018
Wrangler's Challenge, November 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Christmas with My Cowboy, October 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Trapped, July 2017
Dream of Me, June 2017
Wind River Cowboy, April 2017
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Never Enough, March 2017
Snowflake's Gift, February 2017
Wind River Rancher, January 2017
Paperback / e-Book
Secrets, December 2016
Wind River Wrangler, November 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Unbound Pursuit, October 2016
Hold On, August 2016
Secret Dream, August 2016
Blind Sided, May 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Out Rider, May 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Cowboy Justice, April 2016
Saved by a SEAL, February 2016
Ranchers and Cowboys Collection, February 2016
Night Hawk, January 2016
Paperback / e-Book
Broken Dreams, January 2016
Forged in Fire, December 2015
Tangled Pursuit, November 2015
Nowhere to Hide, October 2015
Last Chance, July 2015
Course of Action: Crossfire, June 2015
Paperback / e-Book
Running Fire, May 2015
Paperback / e-Book
On Fire, March 2015
Taking Fire, March 2015
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Zone of Fire, February 2015
Wolf Haven, December 2014
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Coming Home For Christmas, November 2014
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A Measure of Love, September 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Heart of the Eagle, September 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Course Of Action: The Rescue, September 2014
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Solitaire, September 2014
Never Surrender, July 2014
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Breaking Point, May 2014
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Wilderness Passion, April 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Touch the Heavens, April 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Too Near the Fire, April 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Texas Wildcat, April 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Point of Departure, April 2014
e-Book (reprint)
My Only One, April 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Degree of Risk, March 2014
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Risk Taker, February 2014
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
King of Swords, February 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Brave Heart, February 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Sun Woman, February 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Lord of Shadowhawk, February 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Love Me Before Dawn, January 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Heart of the Tiger, January 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Come Gentle the Dawn, January 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Chase the Clouds, January 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Captive of Fate, January 2014
e-Book (reprint)
Down Range, December 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Course of Action, November 2013
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
A Chance Encounter, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
A Proposal for Christmas, September 2013
Hardcover / e-Book
High Country Rebel, September 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Torrid Nights, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
When Tomorrow Comes, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Night Flight, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Untamed Desire, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
On Wings of Passion, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Hostage Heart, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Danger Close, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
Beginning With You, September 2013
e-Book (reprint)
The Loner, July 2013
Paperback / e-Book
Beyond Valor, February 2013
Paperback / e-Book
The Defender, November 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Wrangler, July 2012
Paperback / e-Book
His Duty to Protect, February 2012
Paperback / e-Book
The Last Cowboy, November 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Deadly Silence, June 2011
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Operation Forbidden, March 2011
Paperback / e-Book
Deadly Identity, December 2010
Paperback / e-Book
Guardian, June 2010
The Adversary, May 2010
Reunion, April 2010
Mass Market Paperback
His Woman In Command, March 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Shadows From The Past, December 2009
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
The Seeker, August 2009
Mass Market Paperback / e-Book
Dangerous Prey, December 2008
Mass Market Paperback
Mission: Christmas, November 2008
Mass Market Paperback
Come Gentle The Dawn, June 2008
Paperback (reprint)
The Quest, February 2008
Snowbound, January 2008
Heart Of The Storm, December 2007
Dark Truth, July 2007
Mass Market Paperback
White Wolf, June 2007
Paperback (reprint)
Heart of the Eagle, June 2007
Paperback (reprint)
Her Healing Touch, June 2007
Paperback (reprint)
Commando, June 2007
Paperback (reprint)
Beyond the Limit, December 2006
Unforgiven, October 2006
Hangar 13, September 2006
Morgan's Mercenaries: Heart of the Jaguar, May 2006
Paperback / e-Book (reprint)
Morgan's Mercenaries: Man of Passion, March 2006
Paperback (reprint)
Morgan's Mercenaries: Heart of Stone, March 2006
Paperback (reprint)
Morgan's Mercenaries: Heart of the Warrior, March 2006
Paperback (reprint)
Silent Witness, December 2005
Wild Woman, April 2005
Snowy Nights, November 2003
Trade Size

Excerpt of No Quarter by Lindsay McKenna

       Lauren was swept up in the joy, laughter and playfulness of the fifteen or so children. They were all barefoot, red mud splattered all over their short twig-like legs and calloused bare feet as they tugged and pulled at her hand.  First, she stopped and gave each of them a piece of candy, delighting in their eyes shining back with thanks.  And then, the two oldest boys, probably ten and twelve, grabbed her hands, tugging her forward, pointing excitedly toward the edge of the village.

         &nb sp;    Where were they going?   What did they want to show her?   Lauren saw a number of women by their huts.  They smiled and waved to her.  It felt good to be welcomed and Lauren pulled her hand free from one boy and waved back.  She turned her attention back to the children, and saw that they were leading her behind a large family-sized hut.  There was a path there that led into the jungle.  It had to be the other feeder line.  The one they had not walked today. 

         &nb sp;   Several children raced ahead, their hair flying, calling out to her in their Quechua language that Lauren couldn’t understand.  They went up a steep slope, everyone sliding and slipping in the red mud.  The children laughed.  Three of the girls got behind Lauren, pushing on her butt to help her up the steep hill.  The boys tugged even harder on her hands, helping her to make the ascent.  At the top, they were all looking very excited.  The trio of girls who stood on the flat path, gestured for Lauren to hurry forward.  She nodded and grinned.  These kids were up to something, their excitement infectious.
         &nbs p;  Lauren noticed that the woody vines that normally didn’t allow anyone to walk through the jungle were non-existent in this area.  She could see into the dark jungle full of trees, most of the ground free of bushes.  Wondering if the villagers had removed the ground cover over time, Lauren realized that one could move quite easily across this litter-free jungle floor.  Because not much sunlight could reach the ground of the jungle, few plants grew there. Instead, the earth was covered with decaying leaves, much like the hill they would put up the sniper hide on tomorrow morning.

         &nb sp;    The children became very enthused, their little voices reaching high pitches as they called to her.  They rounded a slight curve.  There, on the path, was several blooming orchids that had been blown out of overhanging trees last night by the gusty winds from the thunderstorms that had rolled through the area.  One little girl knelt, gesturing for Lauren to stop and come look at them.
         &nbs p;  “Ohhhh,” Lauren said, smiling as she halted, kneeling down, “these are beautiful!” and she scooped one orchid in bloom up into her hands.  The children surrounded her, wriggling like happy puppies, their faces alight and beaming.  Lauren looked at the huge white orchid with its long, leathery, oval leaves.  She saw a lot of roots still gripping onto what looked like bark and moss from where it had lived on a branch of a tree above them.  Looking up, because the children were pointing that way, she saw several more of the same type of orchid still clinging onto the tree by the path.
         &nbs p;  One child took her hand and pushed it toward her.  Another kept pointing at her nose, trying to tell Lauren to smell the flower she held. 

         &nb sp;   “Okay,” she told them, laughing, “I get it.”  And she lifted the huge white orchid with its purple lip up to her nose.  The fragrance reminded Lauren of a heavy vanilla scent.  Closing her eyes, she sighed, inhaling the scent deep into her lungs.
         &nbs p;  Suddenly, Lauren felt the grip of man’s hand on her shoulder, fingers digging in, holding her right where she was. 

         &nb sp;   The children all gasped.  Some cried out.  They scattered away from Lauren
         &nbs p;  Dropping the orchid, Lauren jerked her head up.  Her heart plunged.  The Russian drug running leader, Tamryn Volkov had his pistol pointed at her temple, grinning down at her.
         &nbs p;  “So,” he whispered triumphantly, “we meet again, eh?  Stand up!”
         &nbs p;  The children ran screaming back down the path toward the village.

         &nb sp;    A second man appeared out of the dark jungle, short brown hair, as tall as Alex, with his dark blue eyes narrowed on her.  He quickly removed the pistol from her belt and frisked her roughly for any other weapons.
         &nbs p;  “Hurry, Morozov!”  Volkov snapped.  He jerked a look over his shoulder.  “Those brats will alert everyone.”
         &nbs p;  Lauren gasped, her heart pounding in her breast.  How?  How did they find her?   She felt Volkov’s hand dig painfully into her shoulder.  “Scream and you die,” he snarled.
         &nbs p;  Morozov pulled out a pair of plastic flex cuffs, quickly binding her hands in front of her.  Next, he took out a dirty green rag and pushed it into her mouth, tying its corners behind her head.  “Let’s go,” he snapped, gripping her arm, jerking her forward.
         &nbs p;  No!  God, no!  Lauren wasn’t going down easily.  The instant Volkov lowered his pistol, she whirled on her left boot, her right leg arcing up, catching him in the chest, flinging him backward off his feet.  He grunted.  The pistol flew out of his hand.
         &nbs p;  She head Morozov curse and swung around.  He lunged at her.  She snapped her booted foot upward, slamming it into his chest.  He let out a loud, “oofff,” and staggered backward, falling.

         &nb sp;   Now!  Lauren turned, racing, slipping and sliding down the trail, heading back toward the village.  Her nostrils flared as they drank in huge draughts of air.  The mud slowed her.  She heard pounding boots coming up behind her, catching up with her.  No!  No!  One of them tackled her from behind.  She  slammed into the ground, striking her head on an exposed root.  It was the last thing she remembered.

Excerpt from No Quarter by Lindsay McKenna
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