A man at war with himself In all her years as deputy sheriff, Shelby Kincaid never met a man as stubborn as Dakota Carson. Practically eaten by a grizzly bear and still that man insists on returning, alone, to his isolated cabin in the Tetons. Shelby's not even sure why it ruffles her-but she suspects it has a lot to do with the instant, powerful connection she feels with Dakota. If only he'd let down his guard with her.... Ten years as a navy SEAL took its toll on Dakota's body, his mind and his heart. Since being released, he's endured months of painful physical therapy...and brutal nightmares. Dakota wants nothing more than to hide from the world, so why does Shelby's gentle presence suddenly make him question his seclusion? But when Shelby's life is threatened, Dakota knows his warrior spirit won't hide any longer. He just hopes it's not too late....
Author Note
Having been in the US Navy and having had Marine Corps friends in combat, I have seen what war does to a person. PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder, came into our reality in the 1980's. Before that, it was simply known as "battle fatigue" or the "thousand yard stare." Whatever it was called then, now or in the future, the wounds our men and women in the military sustain by being in combat, is real. While they may never be wounded by a bullet, the terror, trauma and horror of their experiences, wounds their psyche and soul.
And the truth be known, dysfunctional families where parents dole out anger and abuse in any form or format, create PTSD in their child or children. War isn't always over in a foreign country. War can be found within a family, sadly. And it's something that needs to be addressed because so many people suffer from it. Police, firefighters and EMT/paramedics also can suffer from it as well. So, PTSD is a global phenomena and a very, very deep emotional wound that can take decades, even a lifetime, to heal, if ever.
In THE LONER, I wanted to bring PTSD to the surface and how it can affect the hero, Dakota Carson. His symptoms, as you read the book, are not fiction. They are fact. Many who are stamped with PTSD, have them too, unfortunately. What is heartbreaking is that our men and women who are returning from combat, find little in the way of help upon their return stateside. More needs to be done for them. And their families need to be educated upon the symptoms of PTSD so that they can cope better with them, instead of being wounded by it as well. Civilians become ‘friendly fire‘ beneath the aura of insidious PTSD. A person who has PTSD may well feel like a ‘loner.' And this can be over come with help, love and understanding.
Shelby Kincaid, sheriff's deputy, is the only woman on the Teton County sheriff's department. Her father was past commander of it and she loves what she does to help people in need. Not only that, but Shelby has been taught how to track people and animals in the worst of conditions. When she meets Dakota Carson, she is drawn powerfully to this angry loner. The more he pushes her away, the more she is attracted to him. She's not dumb; she knows he has PTSD and finds out he spent ten years as a US Navy SEAL, fighting for his country. Shelby feels strongly that everyone owes Dakota, to help him instead of throwing him away, allowing him to live alone deep in the Tetons. Alone. Abandoned by his country.
Dakota wants nothing to do with civilization who ignores his plight. He survives on the edges of it with his SEAL training, asking for no hand outs and no help. But Shelby walks into his life, sunlight into his dark, depressed, haunted life, and Dakota can't help but respond. And when they realize they share a horribly tragic link from their mutual past, over a decade earlier, it begins to create a meaningful, powerful connection between them.
Once a SEAL, always a SEAL. Dakota's protective mechanisms respond to Shelby's sudden and unexpected crisis. Just when they have the courage to reach out to one another, their lives are ripped apart. Can Dakota overcome his PTSD, engage his SEAL driven knowledge and experience in order to save her? Or not? Strap in for one helluva ride.
I have first-hand knowledge about PTSD, and I feel for anyone who is going through it. It's great that you've written a book about it, and brought the disorder to the forefront. The story sounds like it'll be a great read, and I'm looking forward to reading it. (Peggy Roberson 9:10am June 22, 2013)
This sounds like an interesting book about a serious subject. I would love to read it! (Linda Brennan 11:02am June 22, 2013)
PTSD is a real and in this day and age it needs to be brought out in anyway it can be. Thank you from an aunt of a Army solder who survived being shot in Afghanistan. (Annetta Sweetko 9:54pm June 22, 2013)